Set six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where the Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures because of their encounters with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics.
The long train ride from Baltimare to Bales has been interrupted by a group of partisan fighters, claiming to be looking for none other than Pinkie Pie, who has been kept prisoner since the end of the war. They don't seem to have found their prize, but they do seem to have found a very pissed off Brie, Onyx, and Spark, as well as another Bat Pony, and both groups have been interrupted by a new set of intruders. In Baltimare, Silver, Dark Star, and Iron await a new and uncertain dawn.
1911 replies and 95 files omitted.
>>100175"What are you looking for?"
Pear asks
>>100176W0t? Why my side?Iron tries to the best of his ability to climb down this uneven and slightly steep terrain.
>>100177He looks back at Pear.
"I would believe the boss would be inside, overseeing whatever process may be down here. Who knows? Maybe he has found something of value and is currently fawning over it."
>>100178He can see in front of him, but not to his sides
"I would think he would fawn in a more well lit location"
At this point, the air becomes noticeably moist, and the cavern opens into something wider
>>100179"Maybe there is light at the end of this cavern."
Iron steps forth, slightly excited for what's coming.
>>100180Hmmm... I think this may need to wait until tomorrow to make sure it is done right
>>100181Sure thing.
Iron's giddiness needs to be charged.
Here’s a video that explains a small portion of my frustration with Naval Combat after the update:>>100188Oof. Here I thought land-based combat was complex
Things have been quiet on this Saturday.
>>100190Sometimes, there is a need for silence to reminisce.
>>100192You know what goes well with silence? Action.
Boop. >>100195I have robbed Silver of his snout with a boop.
Think you're up to the finale of Iron's somewhat wet dream?
>>100195Saw something happen in a game of EaW I've never seen happen before: Nova Griffonia never went to war with Virgilia.
>>100196And thus Iron is the victor in the Iron-Silver War
I’m not certain. I think there is a good chance I can do a segment tonight, but perhaps not immediately.
>>100197Don’t they
have to go to war and keep Nova Griffonia off for two months to gain independence?
>>100198Nope. Somehow, they never went to war, and they were both allowed to go down their focus trees as if they had won the civil war.
>>100198I can feel the hype!
Silver has been annexed, granting me pickles and light. Only drawback is that he keeps rubbing me and calling me Master for some reason. I'm younger than he is, how come
I am the Master?
Definitely non-canon. >>100200>>100200Your Silver engages in rubbing and other contact because he’s fairly tactile, and uses touching as a way of interacting with other equines. As for if he is calling you master... just as well, considering that he can get a little “aggressive” when he’s the master.
>>100199Okay... that’s probably a bug
>>100201Oh. My Silver didn't come with a manual, so I had no idea he did that. While I like having light and pickles, is there any way to lessen the amount of rubbing? He's rubbing my Cauldron a bit too much and I'm getting quite nervous that he'll try to... place himself as a 'master' to her, as you've stated.
>>100202Sadly, there’s not too much you can do in that regard
>>100204Drat. I think I'll have to buy the cone and some water sprayer if that's the case.
>>100205>>100205If he gets too aggressive, spritz him with water loaded into a spray bottle
>>100206I had tried it, but then he got so down. He wouldn't even stand up to greet me whenever I came back from destroying a bandit camp, even when I brought little balls of fish meat he seems to like. Seeing my Silver so depressed is so saddening.
>>100208I guess that it has to be done in order to preserve my Cauldron's ownership. I'll need to hug her after a while for how bad I'll feel. Maybe she'll like them.
>>100209If I feel bad for spraying my Silver with water, I'd definitely feel worse if I were to use a toy gun.
>>100207What even is this post supposed to mean?
>>100213>>99926Okay, so in the normal use of the English language the word “heel” refers either to the area below the ankle in the foot in human anatomy, or a command to a dog to to follow closely. However, looking it up, I was able to find that the term is used in professional wrestling to refer to a designated villain - a character designed to be hated by the audience. Maybe the post is saying Skies is an I likable character? But moreso, the “best” unlikable character? Searching through urban dictionary I found an entry that makes more sense: a heel as a person who “behaves poorly, especially towards a woman.” If this is the meaning used, it refers to Silver, as the post is made in response to Skies believing a statement made by Silver - intended to be a joke - as Silver mocking her values. Which of course happens pretty regularly for Silver, thus making him “best heel.”
>>100215The second definition sounds way better so we'll go with that.
>>100217Iron Makes a great Heel Tbh
>>100219I can absolutely see him as the designated villain in a professional wrestling match
>>100220Macho Pony:Iron Savge. Ooooooh Yeah
>>100220>>100221Do you smell what the Stone is cooking?
>>100223Uh... you seem to have placed your lower lips further down than usual, making your mouth open slightly as if to show you're hungry maybe?
>>100225Wait, now you've closed it. Hrm.
Maybe it means you need to wash your teeth? They are quite exposed to brushie time.