With Nuts of course.
Happy Holidays to everyone! Whether you celebrate Christmas, Yule, Hearths Warming, or some other degenerate (Kwanza) or (((unspoken))) tradition, I hope you have a safe and 'as happy as possible' holiday season as you no doubt maneuver in and out of the world of normies and others!
I have no idea if any crucial gaming will occur weekend, but its about to get funky-fresh on several fronts. We last left Torcuil trying to navigate through Krenshal for someone skilled and crazy enough to build a Robo-ponk. Trumpaladin and Tracy were getting their things together to hunt a Unicorn with Elway's blessing and direction. Thez is being a little bit emo (its the hormones) while Infernius continues being a dutiful and upstanding guy.
What will happen next, and in what order? Will the players defy GM's careful designs for the umpteenth time? You can bet on that!
1312 replies and 135 files omitted.
>>36713Did you get all those pics from Australia?
>>36713Fuck you opera browser. Here's the pics of sexy Byzantine horse armor
[4d20 = 31]>>36712"Whatthefuck?Whoareyou?You'renotsupposedtobebackhereGUARDS!Ohyou'reinforitnowwhoeveryouare."
A quartet of exceptionally well-armored gnomes rush you with words and force.
>>36717Fuck, lets see.
Torc stops the polymorph and tries to reason with them
"Listen, I'm not here to cause harm. I'm here to make a very large purpose, and I'm willing to pay lots for it."
Upon successful grapple from the group, who immediately bombard him with a deluge of "Lookathisguyhere""Thisguyhere?"YouKNOWit!""Yeahthisguyhere""Whataboutthisguyhere?""Hethoughthewasgoingtosneakhiswayinasagnome,probablyusingapolymorphspell""apolymorphspellyousay?""indeed,itcertainly,..."he trails off, for a gnome that is, before snffing Torcuil in the armpit area. "Newlygnomish,hedisplaycharacteristicsofagnomebutonewhoknowsnoknoledgeofhygeneorpersonalcareandiscertaintodevelopirritatedfingersydromeovertimewhichissomethingANYgnomewouldbebletovoid.NoImcallingitnowthisgnomeisaFRAUD!"
>>36721"Oh fuck everyone last one of you all, I'M HERE FOR BUISNESS!"
>>36722Why you so rude all the time? You'll get further if you are polite and civil
[4d20 = 26]>>36722They stop for a moment. Then they begin to laugh amongst themselves.
"Heyguyswhenwasthelasttimeosmeonewashereforsomereasonoranother""Hastherebeenatimewheresomeonewasnt'thereonsuperimportantbusiness?""NotthatIcanrecall.Isayweturnhimupside-downandshakeouthispockets.""Thatseemsthebestapproach.Onthreethen?" and then in unison "Onetwothree,HO"
[1d20 = 9]>>36726"Okay you little shits."
Torc teleports out of their grasp
Roll to try and do it before they shake him down.
"Listen, I don't want to harm you. I just want to buy something."
>>36727try speaking there language.
>>36727>that rollI resign to my shitty fate
>>36728Okay, here we go
"Okayyoulittleturds,listenhereandlistencloselycauseI'monlygonnasayitonce. Iamheretobuyafuckingrobot,IamwillingtoohelpyourtownandprovidealargefuckingpaymentinreturnIFYOUWOULDJUSTLETMETALKTOOYOU."
>>36731Now that's more like it!
Where are you getting money from though?
>>36732Torc can basically use anytype of seell and do anything if I can't find a meme for it, money can grow on a fucking tree for all he cares
>>36733I fucking swear autocorrect is messing with me, but it isn't fucking on
>>36733Just offer them your body. It's what you have with you anyways
>>36707>>36711>Armor/barding optionsCan Tracy develop an uber-slick, jet-black studded-leather, spiked motorcycle suit, that fits to her form?
I want something light-wight and mobile, that blends into the night and allows her easy breathing to do all of her tricks. Black would also bring out her mane. If combining leather with metal is an option, I'd adore that, because that's how you make a real suit of ghost-pony armor.
>>36731Torcuil makes this outburst while upside down.
The gnomes start shaking him vigorously, spilling out whatever not-tightly secured equipment, contents, or available property.
>>36740Also, pockets for pulling things out quickly would be nice too; would also be good for concealing things.
>>36741they better thank their gnome god infernuis didn't go.
>>36741"Well since that didn't work,
I guess I'll have to be big enough.
For both of us."
Pic related appears and releases a sonic screech,
hopefully stunning them
>>36740I thought that was what you have right now?
If you conceal a dagger with a Sleight of Hand check while in front of someone, can you make a Sneak Attack with it while observed?
>>36742Just ask Torcuil or Trumpaladin or someone who already has those things
>>36748>who already has those thingsIt's not much help if someone else is wearing it.
>>36746>>36747I could have sworn that is 100% what you have now. You can pull out weapons with the quick draw feat. It's my favorite feat
>>36749I mean ask to have theirs
>>36750Thats cuz the quiver Thez gave. The suit is still in the works
>>36744Gnomes are stunned. Not enough to drop or release Torcuil, but enough to stop them with carting him off for the moment.
>>36755Torc tries to teleport out of their grasp, probaly ~20 feet away
Tracy is in the force, working on her repeating bow-gauntlet.
She also make as Screaming Bolt.
After that, she feeds her birds, and goes up to the holodeck to practice finessing her chain and getting a handle of it's abilities.
>>36755"Ana will you sing me a song?"
>>36757"I know you don't want to kill her either... She'd make a great consort. I mean cohort."
>>36760He didn't actually say that in front of her, did he?
>>36761I hope he did, should be entertaining a shit to see how it plays out
>>36761I was going to say yes, he says that to her, but the way you ask that question implies that he really shouldn't say that