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Welcome to the Mongolian political horsewhispering forum, also known as /mlpol/. This thread is dedicated to helping out newfags coming to the site with integrating into the local culture. If you have a question about something, or need spoonfed on something, don't be afraid to ask me or any other Anon willing to help.

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1.- Read the policy page first: https://mlpol.net/policy.html

2.- When in doubt, lurk moar.

3.- Praise American, Praise Football.

4.- MODS = GODS.

5.- Anonfilly did nothing wrong.

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8.- Go away, Zald.

9.- Don't start shit.

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And finally...

12.- The right to bare ponies SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.
1468 replies and 826 files omitted.
>New video on us!
Fasces kicking the polacks to the curb had the effect of denying ammo to the video creator. Then Buttercup Dew took most of that slanderous hit piece. I'm sending Butter an email right away.
I love how having the same political views as most people 25 years ago makes us alt right LOL yesterday's regular guy is today's alt right extremist
The funniest part in this instance is that, when saying as such, he showed the page about Aryanne on the Know Your Meme page. Thing is, if you go there, this is written out in plain text under the "Origin" section:
>The first image of Aryanne[4] to be uploaded to MLP image hosting site Derpibooru was submitted on February 14th, 2014, created by the artist randy.
Mind you, the page hasn't been updated in over 4 years, so it's not like it was edited in the making of the video or something.
My guess is that the creator got this claim from Turkey Tom's video, of which he is clearly aware of, as he uses a clip from it.

Glim Glam's Wall of Infinite Spam, More Edges Than Bismuth Edition
Salutations, faggots. I have been in hibernation these last few months, but have once again entered my active cycle. I descend now from the heavens like a vengeful whirlwind, ready to tear down the pillars of this world and bring about the final violent close of our wretched Kali Yuga. Gaze upon my works, ye mighty, and despair. And by this I mean: I am about to take a gigantic steaming dump on yet another mediocre work of My Little Pony fanfiction written almost a decade ago.

>what is this?
You all know perfectly well what this is. For those of you that don't, I would prefer you remain eternally confused.

>why are you doing this?
Not even I know the answer to that anymore.

Previous Reviews:

by getmeouttahere
>>>/mlpol/366626 →

Neo-Equestrian Obstetrics
by Kassaz
>>>/mlpol/348497 →

I.D.: That Indestructible Something
by Chatoyance
>>>/mlpol/342944 →

Our Girl Scootaloo
By Cozy Mark IV
>>>/mlpol/331344 →

Rainmetall (included in the Our Girl Scootaloo thread, post # indicates start point)
By /mlpol/'s very own Mexican Anon
>>>/mlpol/338993 →

The Best Night Ever
By Capn_Chryssalid
>>>/mlpol/327793 →

Fallout: Equestria
By kkat
>>>/mlpol/284789 →

The Sun & The Rose
By soulpillar
>>>/mlpol/269307 →

Friendship is Optimal (included in the Past Sins thread, post # indicates start point)
By Iceman
>>>/mlpol/266598 →

Past Sins
By Pen Stroke
>>>/mlpol/248482 →

Would it Matter if I Was?
By GaPJaxie
>>>/mlpol/202151 →

The Original Silver Star Threads:
(these threads are pretty chaotic and I don't begin "reviewing" until midway through, but they're an entertaining read if you have the patience to comb through them)
>>>/mlpol/165646 →
>>>/mlpol/166716 →


Current Story:

Fallout Equestria: Project Horizons
by Somber

Also, thanks to whatever drawfag created the OP image; it's been one of my favorites for awhile now. At least I'm assuming it was one of our drawfags. It would be a pretty bizarre coincidence if some random derpi artist had drawn something that hyper-specific by pure chance.
17 replies and 13 files omitted.
373604 373737

Whoops, spoke too soon. It actually turns out that the beam gun doesn't work that well as a melee weapon, though I'm not sure why:

>I barely brought the beam thingy up in time to block the tip. There was a flash, a fizzle, and the metal spur continued on with no hesitation right into my flesh.
Not quite sure what's going on here; it sounds like the rebar actually went through the beam gun, as though it were incorporeal or something. Either that or she didn't fully block the attack, and the bar grazed her.

Anyway, the evil pony is about to run BJ through with a piece of rebar, when suddenly her mother shows up and makes an appropriately theatrical entrance. She blows a hole through his chest, and that's all they wrote of Generic Thug #2.

>I stared at his body as all those thoughts I’d stuffed into that mental closet started to tear down the door. My throat began to work as I stared at the draining holes in his head. I had to do something… something… scream… vomit… wet myself… curl up in a ball sucking my hoof till this was all over. Something!

>“I still don’t know what’s going on or how these… things… got in here,” she said as she checked her sidearm. “Somepony taught them the basics of how to use PipBucks. They went right for security ponies’ quarters. I’m just glad they didn’t get far.”
I'm still a little curious where she was all of this time. I'm guessing if the Overfilly was working with this Deus character, then she probably left Gin Rummy out of the loop deliberately. However, that still doesn't answer the question of why she wasn't in her quarters.

>Distracted by all the foals to slaughter. Damn it, if I’d just been faster I could have… done… done something!

Anywho, BJ and her mom yak back and forth for a bit, and we start to get a somewhat clearer picture of what probably happened. The Overfilly, being the paranoid little twat that she is, was worried about Rivets and the other Maintenance ponies leading a rebellion. So, she contacted some sketchy group of outsiders and hired them to take care of Rivets. They agreed to do this in exchange for this EC-1101 file that keeps coming up. However, it appears that for some unexplained reason the mercenary group decided to pull the ol' doublecross, and murder everypony in the stable.

BJ suggests that, since thanks to Midnight she now knows where to find the EC-1101 file, they should retrieve this file and see if they can use it to lure the mercenaries away. I have no idea how they intend to do this, and neither does BJ. However, it's as good a plan as any, so off they go.

They make it to the Atrium, but unfortunately the way is blocked by some kind of gigantic pony cyborg:

> A thing of pony and metal. Hydraulics braced the metal plates attached to its hide as it stepped forward. For all its mass, it seemed to trot almost effortlessly. Red eyes stared at where Lock had been blown to pieces. Two huge guns pointed over its shoulders, cannons built into its body.
Oh yeah, another security pony named Lock also got blown into bloody chunks.

Anyway, it seems like the way back to Security (which is where I think they are trying to go, though don't quote me) is temporarily blocked by a miniboss. However, BJ has a plan.

Page break. The plan, it turns out, is for Blackjack to dress up like the mare she killed earlier, the not-raider who appeared to be leading the mercenary group. Then, she will sneak into that place where the thing is, the maneframe with the EC-1101 file on it, transfer the file to her PipBuck, and then run outside, hoping that the mercenaries will follow her. This seems like kind of a retarded plan, since unless I'm completely misunderstanding how the computer systems in this universe work, all she's really doing is making a copy of the file and then leaving the building; presumably the original file would still be present on the maneframe. But we'll put a pin in that for now.

Anywho, she puts on her disguise and heads back to the Atrium. All the enemies are wearing stolen PipBucks, which are capable of detecting hostiles, but for some reason they don't register BJ as an enemy. Even though the text points this issue out, it doesn't offer an explanation, so I guess we'll just put a pin in that too. More important, however, is that the big cyborg pony seems to be a little less easy to fool. It demands to know why BJ, or "Two Bits" as the pony she is disguising herself as was called, is up here instead of downstairs murdering everyone.

She manages to come up with a lame excuse about how she broke her gun, which for some reason everypony buys. However, things take an unexpected turn:

>With shocking speed it swatted the gun out of my mouth, and suddenly the only ponies laughing were the yellowed-eyed mangy ponies with their insane giggles. “Cunt doesn’t have her gun. Cunt is useless, then. Cunt should be fucked, huh, Cunt?”
Apparently, the cyborg is from Australia.

>I suddenly became very aware of one part of him that wasn’t mechanical. A part that I was fairly sure was going to be inside me in a few seconds.
What? The rapey cyborg doesn't even have a mechanical robot weener? What a ripoff. I want my money back.

>I became aware of a whimper and looked over at a prone white shape. The Overmare. One of the filthy, yellow-eyed ponies was pinning her down and raping her, her mouth and flanks bloody.
Well, color me impressed. Iirc kkat didn't get around to tossing foal rape scenes into his story until Chapter 3 or so, meanwhile Somber is getting right down to business. It's pretty clear who the Ultimate Edgelord is. But will Blackjack be able to top Littlepip in terms of sanctimonious moralizing? Will she prove as adept at completely and utterly raping the entire concept of physics? Will her group of friends be as bland and uninteresting? How will this story ultimately stack up against its predecessor? Stick around and find out.
Post-post-modern classic rape. A classic. What rousing speech will BJ Blaskowitz say to have the filly mare up and defeat the invaders?

>The idea was utterly alien to me, and I did all I could to tear my eyes away and hide my horror. Mares might occasionally force another mare against her will, a class A crime, but for a stallion to do that to a mare was… focus, Blackjack!
I haven't addressed this much, but there's a strong implication of a female-dominant pecking order in this stable. It's already been clarified that males are reserved for breeding stock and females do all of the important jobs, but it seems that the philosophy permeates deeper into their social order. In the original FoE the various stables were all sociology experiments, with each one designed to test out some theory of social organization to see which one worked best. As I recall, there was some kind of male-dominant stable; presumably this one is meant to be its counterpart.

Anyway, Blackjack manages to avoid >rape by promising to go upstairs and retrieve this mysterious file that everypony seems so gung-ho about. We are also introduced to a mysterious unicorn who appears to be working with the invaders. However, there is a twist: due to his cutie mark and Pip-Buck, he appears to be a male from this very stable. Presumably, he didn't find a lifetime of idle sex to be to his liking, and decided to join up with these rogues instead.

This unicorn offers to go along with Blackjack to retrieve the file, and in order to avoid blowing her cover she has little choice but to accept his help. They go off to wherever they're going, the security room I think, only to find that the entrance has been barricaded by Daisy and (I think) Marmalade.

It is here that Blackjack makes a tragic faux-pas. She accidentally uses Daisy's name, which strikes the unicorn male (whose name is U-21 if that matters) as unusual. He then recognizes Blackjack the security mare. In order to preserve her disguise, BJ is forced to clonk him unconscious.

>I ran up to the security level and heard the yelling and banging. There was a door that divided the Overmare’s office, armory, and some utility rooms from detention, briefing, and the gun range. The door itself had been forced open, but Daisy had barricaded it with a desk.
As an aside, I'm having a bit of difficulty extrapolating where all of these locations are meant to be in physical space from the author's descriptions. This may be one of those areas where it helps to have some knowledge of the Fallout games; I'm assuming the designs of the stables are similar to the designs of whatever the bomb-shelter places in the games were called.

Anyway, the unicorn guy is unconscious I think, and now BJ goes up to the blocked security door. A bunch of the raiders are in the process of trying to knock it down. She manages to wrangle a shotgun away from one of them, then blasts another in the face. The one she killed was one of the intelligent non-raider enemies, if that matters. I'm still a little foggy on what exactly is going on here, but I get the impression it's meant to be a little foggy.

>Time returned, moving as if in molasses. The Stable-Tec Assisted Targeting Spell slowly discharged, and I watched the cone of lead fan out in a narrow wedge of death. I watched his flesh pulverize and tear away around each pellet, his head deform, and blood and bone fly away behind him. The second shot repeated the devastation, and I watched in horrified fascination as his head detached completely and he dropped like a sack of meat.
Sacrebleu! Le edge!

Anywho, I think there were a total of three raiders, and she just killed one of them. The other two come at her, and she gets hit in the shoulder by a baseball bat with rusty nails driven through it. Great, so on top of everything else, now she's going to need a tetanus shot.

>The shotgun held five more shells, and I pumped them out as rapidly as I could, the buckshot peppering them with oozing wounds. It was nowhere near as effective as those first two shots, though; S.A.T.S.’s accuracy was truly terrifying. I was glad that none of these ponies seemed to have access to it or knew what it could do.
Ah, my old friend plot armor, how I've missed you.

Anywhooooooo, she pumps shotgun rounds into her two assailants, one of them goes down eventually, the other one attacks her, but she strangles her or hits her or something, and I guess that's the end of them. She then jumps the barricade (why the raiders trying to break through didn't just do that in the first place is never explained). At this point, due to her being in disguise, she is shot in the butt by Marmalade after she vaults in Vaults! That's what the bomb-shelter thingies in Fallout were called. One might expect Marmalade to have figured out that something was amiss when "Two Bit" suddenly began attacking her own cohorts, but we'll put a pin in that for now.

>I slumped as I heard the barricade being drawn back. The red bar wasn’t moving towards the door. Maybe she was waiting for help to arrive? It didn’t matter. In just a second, Daisy would--
Wait, it looks like BJ hasn't actually jumped the barricade yet. I'm not sure how she was shot from behind, then, but we'll put a pin in that as well. Nice to see this author's fight scenes are at least as coherent as kkat's.

ANYWHOWOWOWOW, while I have absolutely no idea where BJ is supposed to be in physical space at this point, it's clear enough at least that she's finished off the raiders and gotten past the barricade. She is now in...the security room? I think? Anyway, at this point she gets jumped by Daisy, who whacks her a few times with her security baton.

Blackjack announces that she is not Two Bit, but Blackjack, cleverly disguised as Two Bit. Daisy says "I know," and keeps wailing on her with the baton. It seems she's still pissed off about that whole thing from earlier. Eventually she stops, and BJ explains her convoluted plan to download the security file and then run, hoping that the raiders will chase after her instead of just downloading their own copy.

>“P-21? Are you here?” I asked as I pulled it on. I gave Marmalade a grateful smile.
>“That useless cock pony?” Daisy snorted.
>“You called?” P-21 said dryly as he stepped out of the door to Maintenance One.
Hey, I was just beginning to wonder what happened to that guy. Turns out he was in Maintenance One all along, which I'm assuming is Stable slang for the bathroom.

>There was an unmistakable smug look on his face at the shocked expression on Daisy’s face.
This sentence is bad and you should feel bad.

Anyway, fuck. The P-21 guy comes out of nowhere at a plot-convenient moment, and for some reason assumes that Blackjack has betrayed him, even though as far as I can tell she is more or less following their original plan.

>I looked at P-21. “The plan’s changed a little. You’re still getting out of here, but I’m going with you.”
Oh, I see. The plan's changed a little. Wait, what exactly was the plan originally again? Get a file, and then go outside, right? Is that...not what they're doing anymore?

Anyway, there's some pointless back and forth. P-21 doesn't want Blackjack to go outside with him, Daisy makes light of Blackjack's weight, Marmalade accuses Blackjack of harlotry, and ultimately it is decided that Blackjack will, in fact, be going outside with P-21. Well, I'm glad we got that all sorted out.

Anyway, there's some more pointless back and forth, as well as a poorly-executed joke about sodomy. Long story short, BJ gets that security-file thingy copied onto her PipBuck, finally. As an added bonus, P-21 copies a bunch of the Overmare's personal files as well, which I'm assuming are mostly porn. Also, I have no idea how or why P-21 is so adept at using the stable's computers, but we'll put a pin in that for now.

>Then he pushed one more button.
>The stable around me vanished as my E.F.S. went crazy! “Whoa whoa whoa! Hey, what’s going on!” Columns of numbers and diagrams and maps and -- what the hell was that supposed to be?! -- all flashed by one after the other. Then, as quickly as it began, it ended. A tiny cursor appeared.
>Permanent transfer completed.
>EC-1101 transferred.
>Warning: unknown encryption detected.
>Warning: biomedical peripheral insufficient.
>Warning: navigational data unavailable.
>Warning: Equestrianet data connection not available.
>Please commence manual transmission.
Yeah, I have absolutely no fucking idea what's going on anymore. I guess he tried to install Gentoo for her and it didn't work out so well. In any case, it looks like Blackjack is just as confused as I am:

>I opened my mouth to see if a smart pony might have an explanation for what just happened
Unless you have eyes on your tongue, you don't open your mouth to see. Moreover, the presence of an explanation is not something that can be detected by vision. This sentence is terrible and you should feel terrible.

Anywhoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, it looks like that robot-guy from earlier, Deus, got tired of waiting and started blowing shit up. They need to get moving if they want to avoid being kerploded and probably >raped, though not necessarily in that order. They go into the Overmare's office, because apparently that room is adjacent to the one they're currently in.

>Though it looked like somepony had pissed all over the Overmare’s huge ring-shaped desk, it was still intact, as was an old piece of paper taped behind it.
Okay, seriously: I remember this coming up in the other story a lot, but what exactly is the deal with raiders pissing and shitting on everything? It didn't make sense in kkat's story, and it doesn't make sense now. Although to be fair, I suppose if you really have to go, the Overmare's desk is probably as good a place as any.

Anywhizzle, the paper on the desk turns out to be a list the Overfilly made of her enemies. BJ observes that both her mother's name and her own name are on it. Then, she punches in a door code her mother gave her earlier, and the desk lifts up to reveal a hidden staircase. She and P-21 head down, and the desk moves back into place.

>The entry hatch to the stable, a massive cog-tooth-edged slab of metal, was rolled away to one side, and a long rough-rock-walled tunnel led up beyond. Bones lay crushed on the other side of the door, mashed by the entry of Deus and his raiders.
Ah yes, the ol' skeleton-lined entry tunnel. Pretty sure these were a standard feature of all Stable-Tec constructions.

Anyway, blah blah blah, she makes it to the outside. However, instead of leaving, she tells P-21 to go on ahead, and then goes back to the atrium. Apparently, the entry tunnel connects directly to the atrium, thus making the secret passage hidden under the desk kind of pointless. The layout of this place is still confusing as all fuck. In any event, she goes back inside, yells to get the cyberpony's attention, announces that she has the security file, and then runs outside. Cyberpony takes the bait as intended, and BJ is now running for her life.

The chapter ends here.

>Footnote: Level Up.
>New Perk: Rapid Reload - All your weapon reloads are 25% faster than normal.
Oh for fuck's sake, are we seriously doing this shit again?

Anyway, this seems like a good stopping point for now. When I return, I have some thoughts about the opening chapter of this story before we move on.
pic unrelated, I just thought it was funny
you gotta do what you gotta do.png

Hey all, sorry I've been neglecting this. Mostly this is due to my diverting more and more time to my own writing projects, coupled with good old fashioned procrastination/laziness. If it's any consolation, one of the projects I've been focusing on is the rewrite of that old Dale Gribble green from eons ago that anons will periodically ask about. I've begun posting it in its own thread.

Anyway, back to it. Before we move on to the next chapter, I'd actually like to briefly contrast what we've read so far with the original Fallout: Equestria story.

The premise of this story is almost identical to kkat's: the protagonist is a misfit unicorn living in a Stable, who sucks at magic and doesn't like her job. She has a lesbian crush on another mare who lives in the Stable with her. One day, she decides to leave the Stable because reasons.

I have a couple of guesses as to why Somber chose to use this format. The first is that it seems to follow the structure of the actual Fallout games. From what I've seen, they pretty much all start out with the player character living in a vault, and then leaving for some reason or other. The second is that, to my understanding, this was the first actual FoE spinoff story written by someone other than kkat. In other words, it was basically a fanfic of a fanfic. As such, the author is trying to appeal to the audience of the original fic, and is likely to end up imitating it to some degree. In the same way that kkat's story was largely modeled after Fallout 3, I'm assuming large portions of this story will be modeled on kkat's FoE.

That said, I'm actually a little surprised by how much stronger this story is so far compared to its predecessor. One of my early gripes about FoE was that we never got much of a sense of what Littlepip's life was like in the Stable. There's very little depth to her character in the early chapters; all we really know is that she hates her job and has a crush on Velvet Remedy. As a setting, the Stable is also very poorly fleshed out.

When LP eventually returns to the stable, and ends up confronting her alcoholic mother and whatever the fuck else, most of the intended emotional punch is lost due to there having been absolutely no setup for any of this. LP's alcoholic mother does not even appear in the story until LP returns to the Stable to confront her. Also, we are never really given a sense of how life in the Stable actually compares with life in the Wasteland. This gives rise to a lot of confusion later on: for instance, it's not entirely clear how much Littlepip is actually supposed to know about the outside world and its history. For most of the story LP appears to be wandering around the ruins trying to figure out what happened to the world, yet at other points she seems weirdly knowledgeable about certain things. How much does she know about the war? About Equestria before the war? About the M6 and their various roles in government? We are never told, and it's not clear what we should assume. There are other questions too: Velvet Remedy's admiration of Fluttershy is a major part of her character, but it's never really clarified how she could reasonably know about Fluttershy. How much of the world's history were the Stable ponies aware of? Should Velvet have even known who Fluttershy was in the first place?

Somber hasn't really clarified any of that either, but he does do a much better job of establishing both Blackjack as a character, and Stable 99 as a setting.

When the story opens, BJ is a security pony who has lived her entire life inside this Stable. She seems to understand on some vague level that a major cataclysm took place at some point in the distant past, and the world outside is not safe. However, she doesn't seem to know the specifics; all she knows is that it's not safe to go out there. At this point, the outside world is not yet important; BJ's entire life so far has taken place in Stable 99, and all the events we witness revolve around that place and its inhabitants.

The author also does quite a bit more to paint us a picture of life inside this Stable. This place has its own internal rules and social structure, and the story's events turn around the assorted politics and conflicts that arise from that. Again: the outside world exists, and we have a sense it will be important, but it's not the focus yet.

It's clearly established that this Stable is rather badly run and has a lot of problems. The chain of command and organizational structure is strange. It's a female-dominated society; males are relegated purely to breeding roles and have no other jobs and no apparent social status. Each female has an assigned job, with assignments being determined by heredity rather than ability. The ponies still have cutie marks that designate special talents, but the talents don't seem to affect what role a pony will be assigned to. Thus, you have rather goofy situations like an obviously immature filly being made Overmare of the entire Stable. Procedure is clearly valued over function here. The setup actually reminds me a little of Futurama, where each person is assigned a career chip.

From reading the original FoE, we know that the Stables were social experiments engineered by the CMC, so presumably the wacky rules of this place are related to the parameters of an experiment. However, at this point in Project Horizons, we don't know this; all we know is that BJ lives in a place with weird, apparently dysfunctional rules.

BJ's character arc so far has revolved around her rivalry with Daisy, her obvious inadequacy at her assigned role, and her relationship with her mother. She seems torn between a sense of duty to the Stable, which seems to have been mostly ingrained into her, and a vague desire to forge her own path. This is set against the backdrop of a clearly dysfunctional, failing society. It's obvious something has to change, we're just not sure what yet.

There's one last thing from Ch 1 I'd like to call attention to before moving on. One piece of writing advice you will hear constantly is "show, don't tell." What this means is that you should convey mood and feeling through actions and dialogue, rather than relying on excessive description. In other words, instead of telling the reader that your character is feeling happy or sad or whatever, have them say or do something which shows how they are feeling.

With that in mind, I'd like to highlight the following short scene:

>I trotted past a row of gurgling pieces of equipment barely lit by wan yellow spark lamps. Knowing my luck, the yellow bar ahead of me was actually one or two floors above me. If I was lucky, I could get through this shift without any more disasters and, if I was really lucky, talk to Mom and not the head security mare about the rising tension. The former might be able to do something. The latter would have to crack down on Rivets, or, worse, tell the Overmare.

>Then I heard a faint sniff and soft sobs over the hum of the equipment. Looked like I’d found my pony. “Okay, come on out and let’s get you up to security. A quick shot and it’ll be all over.”

>The sniffling stopped, and then a tiny olive filly with teal eyes peeked out at me. My jaw dropped as I saw the pain and fear in her eyes. “Oh! Ah… you’re not… ahem…” I sat hard and rubbed my head. Could this night get any worse? “You’re not supposed to be down here. It’s dangerous and after curfew. Where’s your momma?”

>She just stared at me, and her eyes dropped to her hooves. “Recycled…” was all she blubbered. She touched her PipBuck and her ID flashed. ‘Scotch Tape, Maintenance Shift C’.

>Oh… I tried to think up some creative profanity but… eh… I got nothing. “Oh… well… ah…” What was I supposed to do? If this was Duct Tape’s kid, then she was supposed to be here. Should I say something about her mom? Give her a hug? Tell her she’s doing a good job? Tell her not to be a cryfilly? “Um… sorry about your mom. Don’t worry, I’m sure you’ll get the hang of it.” I grinned at her as she clenched her eyes closed, pulled a wrench from her barding, and nodded before trotting back between the massive round machines.

One of my biggest gripes about FoE was the way kkat used over-the-top violence and tragedy to try and force emotion in his story. Horrific but implausible events were thrown in left and right for obvious shock value: a group of foals having a cutecenara party in the middle of a Steel Ranger invasion, then getting predictably massacred; a pack of raiders taking over Fluttershy's cottage and using it to stage caged death-matches between foals; a single colt somehow running down and overpowering a grown mare (who was wandering around a dangerous area alone and unarmed for some unexplained reason), then proceeding to rape her even while being shot at; the list goes on and on. The effect was usually the exact opposite of what was intended. I generally found that the parts of FoE that made me laugh the hardest were the parts that were supposed to make me cry.

While there is obviously some edgelord stuff in PH, and I suspect it's only going to get worse as the story goes on, it's worth pointing out that it's possible to convey that your setting is a harsh, nasty place to live without needing to throw sadism and rape and decapitation into every scene. The bit I quoted above does a nice job of conveying the ordinary day-to-day misery of life in this place, without hamming it up to the point where it becomes unintentionally comical.

Blackjack, who is not really cut out for her role as security mare in the first place, is trying to do her job by searching for the escaped stallion, presumably so he can then be killed and recycled. She follows a blip on her radar which she thinks is the stallion, only to discover it's a young filly. She chides her for being somewhere potentially dangerous, and asks where her mother is, which is a normal thing to do in that situation. The filly replies that her mother is dead, then identifies herself as the daughter of a character whose death was referenced earlier. BJ realizes that she has unintentionally reminded this filly of something painful, and feels bad about it, but there's not much else she can do except awkwardly apologize and let her get back to work.

It's a simple scene, only a brief interaction and a few lines of dialog, but it does a perfect job of conveying just how fucked up this place really is. The maintenance job this filly is doing is probably dangerous; it's established that her mother was killed performing a similar task (I believe she was technically killed by the explosion of a malfunctioning terminal). She's also grieving, and I'm sure she would just as soon not be alone in a dank basement performing dangerous maintenance work right now. However, she doesn't have much choice; that's just how things work around here. Her mother died, so now the filly has to take over her job; simple as.

That said, it's not a perfectly executed scene. For instance, this sentence is bad and you should feel bad:
>My jaw dropped as I saw the pain and fear in her eyes.

I would also probably cut this bit:
>What was I supposed to do? If this was Duct Tape’s kid, then she was supposed to be here. Should I say something about her mom? Give her a hug? Tell her she’s doing a good job? Tell her not to be a cryfilly?
It's not necessarily bad, but I think it's unnecessary. The significance of what's happening comes through well enough with just the bare-bones interactions and dialogue; we don't need to hear BJ's inner thoughts.

I would probably also tone down the sniffling and crying that the filly is doing. Again, the interactions and dialogue conveys the emotion in this scene quite well on its own. Anything else is just adding a layer of extra schmaltz that doesn't need to be there. It's like adding a sad violin track to a scene that's already sad enough on its own.

Writefag Support Circle: A Gathering of Based Gentlemen Who Smoke Pipes.
360978 369245
Thread number three. Last one is apparently at bump limit.

Previous thread: >>336928 →

I'm lazy so I'm just going to copypaste the OP text from the last one since it still applies. Important bits have been bolded for emphasis.

Basically all that is said in that OP applies to this one but I'll go through the 'rules' of this thread here as well.

So, the main point of this thread is to facilitate and enable Anons' writefagging; in a similar way pride facilitates and enables aids.;^P The Anons in this thread can be separated into two camps: Anons who wants help with their writing project(s) and Anons that feel inclined to help those aforementioned shrek-colored skinheads.

Crafting and beta-reading is what we do here, any critique of literature not made by a guy submitted for this thread should be incidental; it should be when you —as a beta-reader of fics posted ITT— make a comparison between the fic your reviewing and some other story for the sake of demonstrating your point, whatever it is.

This is NOT: A review thread for unsolicited rants about random media which does not fall into the mold for how to use a reference in this thread described in the above paragraph. Meaning if you're not using —like, let's pick something arbitrary— Naruto for a comparison in your critique of someone's writing itt, then don't bring it up. I understand that tangents can happen and if it's like a few exchanges with a pair of posters; then it's fine. However, don't make this a pattern and also move whatever off-thread-topic discussion to a more fitting board/thread. There's after all no problem with finding someone to converse with and share perspectives on a subject you care about but just take it to an appropriate thread. Sidenote: Nigel, these rules applies to you in a stricter fashion because I would not have to detail them with this much precision if it weren't for you.

Read this again, because it's important:

This is NOT: A review thread for unsolicited rants about random media which does not fall into the mold for how to use a reference in this thread described in the above paragraph. Meaning if you're not using —like, let's pick something arbitrary— Naruto for a comparison in your critique of someone's writing itt, then don't bring it up. I understand that tangents can happen and if it's like a few exchanges with a pair of posters; then it's fine. However, don't make this a pattern and also move whatever off-thread-topic discussion to a more fitting board/thread. There's after all no problem with finding someone to converse with and share perspectives on a subject you care about but just take it to an appropriate thread. Sidenote: Nigel, these rules applies to you in a stricter fashion because I would not have to detail them with this much precision if it weren't for you.

I hope that I haven't scared anybody off. This is still suppose to be a chill af thread. Funposting is very much allowed and encouraged. It really is more that some type of posting —like, things that are completely irrelevant to the thread— does not belong here. I know, rocket-science and a rule that is seldom seen and highly unique for this thread. Perhaps you could call it a... Novelty. (You) intelligent lurker, obviously get the subtext of this OP so you probably won't need to worry about any of this. I'd say if you're unsure if what you're about to post belongs in the thread, then post it anyway. The worst that can happen is that someone tells you to move it to another thread and you get a better insight of what post belongs in thread. If you consist on fish and chips, however, I'd suggest you think twice on what you're posting and perhaps even ask beforehand if your rant about lefties and Undertale belongs here.

If there are any questions on the OP, ask away?
396 replies and 229 files omitted.
Here's your capeshit goyslopxpony, retard.
Have a "what my fic is all about". It includes spoilers, but nobody reads it so there's no point in hiding them.
374310 374313

Are there any good works written on /mlpol/? I'd like to read them if so. I remember someone posting a story (It might have been a text file) on here where an anon had pony tulpas. I think he got roped into gang warfare or something. It was badly written but there was a lot of SOVL so I'd like to read it again if anyone has it and knows what I'm talking about.
As thanks I'll post the best HiE Adventure fic in existence (up to a certain point) https://www.fimfiction.net/story/163706/bad-mondays
374311 374313
>I remember someone posting a story (It might have been a text file) on here where an anon had pony tulpas
Lol that one was mine. It was my NaNoWriMo project from 2018, iirc. The title is Castles Made of Vapor.

>badly written but there was a lot of SOVL
It needs a pretty heavy rewrite as I recall, there is a lot of shit wrong with it. I remember I did moderately touch it up a few months after it was initially written, but I would still like to do a full-blown rewrite. It's one of those projects that's on my back burner for a long time now. The plot was really goofy and implausible, but I feel like it was still one of my better ideas.

Anyway, I'm not sure where it is atm. The laptop I wrote it on went kaput a couple of years ago and I haven't gotten around to dumping the contents of the hard drive. However, the PDF or whatever I posted should be archived on this site somewhere. I will dig through the old threads and see if I can find it, if I locate it I'll post it here.

>Are there any good works written on /mlpol/?
I feel like there have been at least a few. "Hoarse Fucker" is certainly a classic, though I don't think I have the exact thread it appeared in handy. If you enjoyed my novel, I also wrote a long green that was pretty well received at the time:

I've actually been working on a rewrite/continuation of that particular story. I've been meaning to start posting it, and now is probably a good a time as any. Here is the thread: 374307
>>374307 →
Forgot the post quote arrows.
>"Hoarse Fucker"
Think this is the Hoarse Fucker thread >>151058 → ( https://mlpol.net/mlpol/archive/151058 )

Gale Dribble Lands in Equestria 2.0
374308 374311
Hello all. I've been intermittently working on a rewrite/continuation of an old green I was writing a long, long time ago, and I've decided that now is as good a time as any to start posting what I have. It was originally posted in May of 2018, in response to a prompt posted by another anon. The premise was a HiE scenario, in which Dale Gribble from King of the Hill was isekaied somehow into Equestria. It was fairly popular at the time, and I wound up writing quite a bit. I completed an entire story arc, and had a second arc that I planned on doing eventually. However, I kept putting it off, and well...time makes fools of us all. Eventually the thread 404'd and was forgotten.

I'm not sure how many people from that era are still around who would be interested in reading this, but every now and then I'll get asked about it, and I've been promising this rewrite for years now. A draft of the first few chapters was posted a few months ago in the writing thread, but I'm not sure how many people actually noticed.

In any case, I feel like it's better to give this story its own dedicated thread, as opposed to dumping massive amounts of text into the writing general. This will eventually end up on fimfiction, but since it originated on this site I feel like I would rather give you guys the first shot at reading it.

The current working title for this story is:
A Pocketful of Sand

Here is the archive of the original green:

While I feel like I've more or less got it hammered into a form fit for human consumption, this is still basically a work in progress. Comments/notes/criticism is appreciated. Also, as is the case with the rest of my threads, if my endless tripfagging and walls of text start getting annoying, feel free to tell me I'm a faggot, and I will stop posting, or move this to a more appropriate containment thread.

1: The Grassy Knoll

My head was pounding. There was a smell of wild grass and flowers. Dew was soaking into my jumpsuit. I opened my eyes and squinted into bright sunlight.


The last thing I could remember was the house I was fumigating. I had been tracking blatella germanica, the German cockroach, one of the most cunning creatures known to man. For hours our game of cat and roach had gone on, until finally I had the bastard cornered in the cellar. We faced off. I remember he'd waved his antennae in defiance, mocking me to the last. I admired his courage. I pulled the trigger of my spray wand and let him have it. Poison spewed forth, a thick miasma of toxic death, slowly filling up the basement. I could remember my head swimming, it had been getting harder to think straight. I'd turned to the side...I remembered seeing my reflection in a mirror...

My head throbbed again. The poison. That had to be it. I must have passed out from the fumes. It's happened before. Damn crafty roaches, always hiding in unventilated basements.

How did I get outside, though?

I sat up groggily. I was alone on a grassy knoll. Gentle hills rolling off in all directions, covered in wild grasses and flowers. There was no sign of the house, or of civilization of any kind. The sky was a deep blue, without the usual haze of pollution. This didn't look like any part of Arlen I'd ever seen.

I must be miles out in the country. Where am I? How did I get here?

I felt a chill run down my spine. What if it hadn't been an accident? What if that basement had been left unventilated on purpose? Whoever did this must have waited until I'd passed out, and then dragged me out to this meadow and left me for dead.

"The question is who," I said aloud. "And why?"

Was the roach behind it? No, that couldn't be. Blatella germanica was crafty to be sure, but not crafty enough to pull off something like this. Plus, there was the size difference. No, whoever did this had to be large enough and strong enough to carry a full-grown man. But what if the cockroach had an accomplice?

"Yes, it all makes sense..." I mused.

The roach's job had been to create a diversion. He would lure me down to the basement, where I would have no choice but to use poison. His partner would have sealed up the windows in advance. Then, when I'd passed out from the fumes--

I rose slowly to my feet, and took a closer look at my surroundings. The terrain was completely unfamiliar; as far as I could tell, I was in the middle of nowhere. I might have left Texas entirely. Somebody had wanted to get me out of the way, that much was certain, and they had gone to a lot of trouble to do it.

"So the real question is: who stands to gain from my disappearance?"

The Federal government was the obvious answer. Maybe a little too obvious. They had to know that I was getting close, but this was a bold move even for them. There had to be other parties involved.

I reached into the pocket of my jumpsuit, and frowned.

That's odd. Where are my smokes?

I felt in the other pockets. Nothing. I'd bought a whole carton the other day, and I knew for certain I'd had at least half a pack on me when I entered the house.

I felt my stomach tighten. The situation was even more dire than I'd thought. The Federal government, in collaboration with a roach and possibly other unknown parties, had conspired to maroon me in an unknown location without smokes. I could feel the early onset of panic: sweat breaking out on my forehead... heart palpitations... tunnel vision...

Calm down Gribble, you're trained for this...

I began to perform an ancient Indian breathing technique I'd learned from my friend John Redcorn. Deep breaths, in and out, in and out. In and out. Over and over again. John Redcorn said he used that technique on my wife all the time, and it always calmed her down. In and out. In and out. Slowly, steadily, I brought myself back from the precipice.

I stared out at the landscape once again. It was a warm, quiet afternoon. A light breeze carried the scent of wildflowers and far-off pine trees. It was a nice place here, quiet and tranquil. And yet, somewhere out there lurked a malevolent entity, an entity that had brought me to this place for some foul purpose, and deprived me of my smokes...

"Show yourself, you coward!!" I shouted, shaking my fist at the air.

"Uh...are you talking to me?"

I wheeled around at the sound of a young, feminine voice. I must still have been woozy from the poison, otherwise nobody could have gotten the drop on Dale Alvin Gribble. I looked around in confusion for the source of the voice, but could find no one. Was this some kind of telepathy? Were the government agents speaking directly into my mind?


The voice came again. This time I looked down. I noticed a tiny white horse standing in the grass, looking up at me with a confused expression.

She was the strangest-looking horse I'd ever seen. On all four legs she barely stood as high as my knee. Her coat was white, but her mane and tail were pink and purple, done up in flowing curls. For some reason, looking at her made me think of a marshmallow. A small white horn protruded from the center of her forehead, possibly of alien origin.

She stared up at me, her enormous green eyes curious but unafraid. I stared back. Several uncomfortable seconds passed.

"Uh, my name's Sweetie Belle," she said finally. "What's yours?"

So, the horse can speak English. Interesting...

The horse was an extraterrestrial; there was no doubt about that much. Could she have been involved in my abduction? Looking at her, it seemed unlikely. But if there's one thing I've learned from my years as a professional bounty hunter, it's that you should never turn your back on a talking horse. Suddenly, I realized that she'd just asked me a question.

"My name is--"

I cut myself off. Until I knew more about what was happening, I needed to keep my true identity a secret.

"Shackleford. Rusty."

The little horse raised a skeptical eyebrow.

"Shackleford? That's kind of a weird name."

She trotted a small circle around me, looking me up and down. Either she'd never seen an Earth man before, or she was looking for a place to implant a microchip. Or possibly a probe. Until I knew which it was, it was best to be on my guard.

"You don't look like a pony," she continued. "What are you exactly?"

So, she's a pony eh? Interesting...

"The pony is a subspecies of the equine," I mused out loud, stroking my chin. "Known for its diminuitve stature."

"Uh... yeah."

This exchange was followed by a long bit of awkward silence. I continued to stroke my chin and muse. A pony. I was pretty certain that ponies couldn't talk. At least... not on Earth. Could the same type of creature have evolved simultaneously on an alien world, and learned to speak English somehow?

The rabbit hole just keeps getting deeper and deeper...

Instinctively, I reached into my jumpsuit pocket, then remembered that my smokes were gone. I felt that twinge of anxiety creeping up on me again. If I didn't get some nicotine soon, this could go south fast...

I realized the pony was still watching me.

"Say, uh... Sweetie Belle, was it?"


"Do you know where I could buy some smokes around here?"

She wrinkled her nose in confusion.


"Yeah, you know, puff puff?" I held two fingers to my lips and pantomimed smoking a cigarette.

The horse stared blankly back at me.

"Cigarettes? Manitoba?"

I made the pantomime smoking gesture again. Sweetie Belle cocked her head to one side and raised an eyebrow.

"You're really weird," she said.

She glanced over her shoulder. For the first time, I noticed the outline of a few buildings in the distance. There must be some kind of civilization nearby.

"Somepony in town might know what you're talking about," Sweetie Belle continued. "Do you live near Ponyville?"

Now it was my turn to raise an eyebrow.


I couldn't say I'd ever heard of the place. I knew there was a petting zoo in McMaynerbury called Ponyland, but somehow I didn't think that's what she was talking about.

"Is that anywhere near Arlen?" I asked carefully.

"Arlen? Um, I'm not sure. I don't think I know where that is."

"Arlen, Texas?"

"Texas? Is that in Equestria?"


Slowly, it began to dawn on me that I might be even further from home than I'd first thought. Maybe even as far as Oklahoma.

"I think... I may be lost," I said, slowly and carefully.

Sweetie Belle's face brightened.

"Oh, well, that's okay! I didn't think you looked like you were from around here. I can show you the way to Ponyville, if you want."

I gave the little pony one last suspicious appraisal, and decided to trust her for the time being.

"Alright," I said.

"Come on," she continued. "We'll go back to my clubhouse first. My friends might know about... what was that thing you wanted again?"

"Smokes?" I asked hopefully.

"Yeah, that. Anyway, my friends might know where you could find some."

"Okey dokey."

The little pony turned and trotted off through the grass, and I fell into step behind her.

yeah I'm early but this board is slow
Who's going, what are we doing, who's bringing the jungle juice?

Marefair 2024 thread
8 replies and 1 files omitted.
374299 374306
Pure energy. Basically the good parts of chan posting
So euphoria-infused autism pertaining to pones and their effects on fellow horsefuckers? That sounds amazing.

What events or panels did you enjoy most?
374301 374306
this will be my first mare fair but not my first con, and I can honestly say out of the 10 or so conventions I've been to for various things I can't remember a favorite panel, but I have very fond memories of merch halls and room parties
374302 374306
Do you have any treasures you bought from said halls, Anon? For some reason plushies and custom artwork spring to mind.
Perhaps stickers
I've been going to pony conventions since canterlot gardens only showing in 2012, and several conventions [linux, manufacturing] before that.
The early pony conventions felt pretty much exactly like the linux conventions. a fair amount of IRL shitposting and autistic people that are not quite sure what to do. Quite a bit of drinking in the later hours of the day and general fun times talking about the gritty little things you like the most about [linux, ponies].
Then somewhere around 2015 or so, troons started fagging things up, mostly from the furry community. Pony conventions became horrible and kept out/kicked people from trying to have fun from the desire to stay healthy by not taking experimental gene therapy shots.
Topped with derpibooru banning free speech, and "pony conventions" slowly going more furry, this pissed off most of the core mare lovers

Mare Fair was born.

This is the best summary in two words
>Pure Energy
Sure there was some autism, but most of it was directed in a way that is like adding a little salt to a meal. It was like I was transported back to 2012 but without the "I'm here but I'm not quite sure what to do now" vibe. Everyone either knew what they wanted and how to get it, or they didn't know what they were doing but was hanging out with people who did. It was by far the highest energy pony convention I've ever been to. Maybe similar to having a very large extended family where more than 3/4 of everyone at the family reunion are people you want to be around.
The only down side is there is not enough time to hang out with everyone, regardless of how much you want to.

The icing on the cake is they managed to find a fantastic tiny horse rescue facility in Florida they dump loads of money on that directly helps horses. Nothing goes to administration or any other kind of BS, purely helping the horses.
There is an official visit to Fallen Oak horse rescue the Tuesday after Mare Fair. As I recall it is about a 2 hour drive from Mare Fair. Highly recommended.

There are a good portion of vendors at Mare Fair that are not at any other convention. Perhaps more than 1/2 even. Anon_The_Anon I know said he can't afford to go to any other conventions and was quite fun to hang around. That is just one of the many uber cool based artists.

Celestia Thread: Summer Solstice Edition
It's the longest day of the year.
Have you praised the Sun yet, Anon?
6 replies and 13 files omitted.
She's Princess Green Christmas, She's Princess Sun. She's Princess Heat Miser. She's Princess One-Hundred-And-One.
>Heat Index: 102°
>tfw people all over the country complaining about being cooked to death rn
this heatwave is fucking abysmal and anyone who says otherwise is a coping retard sitting in full-power AC, I will accept no arguments. Posting better princess in hopes that cool nights are coming soon.
berry ebil k.jpg
The heat is making me ANGERY

1 movie night thread image.png
2 anon mane six movie night.png
3 anon the movie.png
4 mlp movie vhs 1627842413342.jpg
/mlpol/ Movie Night 3 Revengeance
6640 350056 353040 357790
/MLPOL/ Movie Night

We like movie nights on Fridays. These movie nights are usually prefaced with a Pre-Stream event before we watch a movie or two, which is then normally followed by several episodes of Ponies.

Registering an account on the streaming sites we go to is not required.

The Pre-Stream for the Movie Night usually starts at 7:00pm EST.
https://cytu.be/r/FlappyPterodactyl is the normal room for the Pre-Stream.

The Movie Night proper usually starts at around 8:00pm or 8:30pm EST.
Location varies depending on various factors.

Last full Movie Night thread: >>34962
Previous improvised Movie Night thread: >>349623 →
643 replies and 934 files omitted.
John Elway
Hey all, here is tonight's schedule:

Merrie Melodies - Goofy Groceries
Wodehouse Playhouse - Anselm Gets his Chance

Maverick (1994)

Based Mel Gibson time travels to the old west so he can beat the Jews at poker

S1E11 - Call of the Cutie
G1 - Bright Lights parts 3 and 4

S2 eps 36 and 36 - Pendragon, Eye of the Storm
pool party 1595091597775.jpg
Thanks for calling ahead, Occult. Have a good night.

And thank you, too, Anon. Party Hard!
John Elway
I actually have some good news regarding Gus. I tried a downloader for ok.ru and couldn't get the link to save, but in a weird bit of serendipity I did come across a DVD that has Gus + three other Don Knotts movies. So, barring any unforeseen circumstances, we will most likely be watching Gus this week. We will probably do the rest of these as well at some point in the near future.
John Elway
Small addendum: when I made this post I'd forgotten that Freedom Day was this week. Thus the only appropriate movie to show is picrel.

Gus will be shown next week.
undergrads us canada both.jpg
Hot weather and happy tidings to you all!

Last week we had a great time starting off with a show called Undergrads, and we'll continue with that.
The thing is, in between the last week and this week was both Canada Day (July 1st) and the Fourth Of July (some time between July first and today). I figured that was enough reason for it to be a theme of the week. To my surprise, when I poked around, Undergrads is a joint Canada/US project!

Here's to a resurgence of people's patriotism!



Episode 03 - Virgins
Nitz is a virgin but thinks that Kimmy wants to have sex with him when she invites him to the clinic where she works.

Episode 04 - New Friends
Nitz's friends forget about his birthday so he decides to start hanging out with Jessie and her friends. At the same time at Tekerson Tech, Gimpy has lost command of his band of minions and must fight Number One for control.



The room is open and ready!
John Elway
Hey all, happy 5th of July. Here is tonight's movie schedule:

Merrie Melodies - Porky's Preview
Wodehouse Playhouse - Feet of Clay

Team A-mare-ica: World Police


S1e14: Fall Weather Friends
G1: Sweet Stuff and the Treasure Hunt, The Return of Tambelon pt. 1

S2 eps 38 and 39, The New Olympians, The Green

Happy Freedom Day, Everypony!
374264 374267 374273
Praise Football.
Praise America.
Fuck Brits
10 replies and 12 files omitted.
God bless America
Wholesome, but I feel like AJ ought to be paying a bit more attention to what AB is doing, she looks like she's about to blow her arm off.

File (hide): C55FC13FBE0E25DB5C4BABB4754BECD8-588402.mp4 (574.6 KB, Resolution:576x592 Length:00:00:10, Attainedchough_6ee907_9734536.mp4) [play once] [loop]

File (hide): BA12BED539767AD150359D0D96B29866-1590994.mp4 (1.5 MB, Resolution:640x360 Length:00:01:18, Fuck_you_England.mp4) [play once] [loop]

Debate Night
Hello /mlpol/, its your quiet neighbors /1ntr/ wondering if you would like to watch the debate with us again? It will be the same cytube as last time where we hosted anime night. Will bump the thread once the time comes.
119 replies and 180 files omitted.
>Oh yeah lol, he's been brain damaged for a year and a half minimum
>No we didn't feel it was necessary to tell the American people this until it was impossible to hide, why do you ask?
coping in every way possible about everything possible
I almost feel sorry for CNN (never thought I would say that). They legit tried their best to present the debate in an impartial manner, and now Democrats are blaming them for presenting their demented corpse of a president at face value.
I decided to watch the debate today with a friend in celebration of the 4th, and we agreed on a rule where we would drink every time Biden was slackjawed on camera, we'd drink. We had to stop at 50 and we lost count at 55 lmao

https://www.msn. com/en-us/news/other/trump-immunity-case-supreme-court-rules-ex-presidents-have-substantial-protection-from-prosecution/ar-BB1pdjOQ?ocid=BingNewsSerp
10 replies and 13 files omitted.
Looks like they're delaying the sentencing for last month's case too.
and moar

mix of biden and scotus decision stuff
All this "threat to democracy" talk is depressingly amusing. It's so obviously a veil to cover their visceral hatred of people who think remotely different from themselves. Democracy is really only good when people have some united principles, or just ANY moral principles, or else they'll just go by emotions and choose badly just to fuck up the "enemies".
Disgusting cretins.

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