Set six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where the Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures because of their encounters with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics.
For those on the train. The train goes along at high speeds through the darkness past farmland, trees, and other trains... until it starts to slow down, and comes to a halt.
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>>97427"We got in a pretty bad fight earlier. i'm worried."
"Don't know, sorry to bother you."
Lather, rinse, knock on the next door.
[1d20+7 = 12]>>97429Onyx does his best to ignore the red mist growing in his vision, and the pain in his head, as he swings again
-3 for power attack
>>97430Suffice it to say, Brie isn’t learning much tonight
Wesley whispers
“Wonach suchen Sie?”
Next room
“I don’t have anything to be robbed of!”
>>97434Well... I think he hits. Barely, but he hits
>>97431"A fight you say?"
*the earth pony with no magic or other means of holding anything puts away his lute and pulls out a rapier and what resembles musical bow*
>>97435"Wer "Lavendel" ist"
Brie moves on to the next room.
>>97436Ave Victorium!
>>97437He is hit and knocked the fuck out... or killed. It wasn’t quite specified
>>97439Onyx snorts before moving along
“Wonach suchen Sie?”
In the next room, they can hear
“Who is it?”
>>97440Which direction? To the front of the train or the rear?
>>97441If there's a commotion going on in either direction he picks that one. If not he picks the rear
>>97443To the rear!
In the next car, he can see three ponies in uniform and armband near the end of the car. An ashen grey unicorn, a white Pegasus teenager carrying a carbine wearing a uniform, and a grey unicorn carrying a carbine who also looks young and has a legband. They seem to be checking rooms
>>97444"Please open the door. I wish to talk to you, no harm will come to you, but there are resistance ponies searching the train for you right now."
>>97436"To Victory!"
The Sad Edge hores stands up and extends his hoof for a hoof shake
"My Name is Dark Star."
>>97447Onyx decides he doesn't like these odds
"Any luck fellas?"
>>97441>>97444*follows behind giggling silently*
>>97448“Uh... uh... okay”
She opens the door. She is indeed a purplish color, albeit lighter. Her mane is kind of puffy
Also, it looks like sompepony to their side just said “any luck fellas?”
>>97451Okay, now I’m worried
>>97452Brie looks over to see Onyx. "Oh, its you. Don't mind the disguise, its me, Brie."
Brie turns to Lavender. "May we come in?"
>>97453Her eyes go wide
>>97450He says he’s Brie in a disguise
>>97453And the other two... who knows
>>97453Onyx looks confused, but decides he has no reason not to believe him
"Good to see a.... Well, I guess it isn't a familiar face"
>>97449woops I misread this one*hoofshakes*
"I am Parvel the Bard. I shall help you with your people"
>>97456“Just now, you said ‘don’t mind the disguise, it’s me, Brie’”
>>97458"Ah well yes, my name is Brie. I'm not with the resistance, this is a magical disguise. May we come in? I would hate for actual resistance to come along while we're talking."
>>97459“Oh... Kay?”
She looks terribly confused and afraid
“What’s going on?”
>>97460"I'm not sure, thats what I'm hoping to ask you about. They seem interested in finding you for some reason. I honestly don't know the first thing about the resistance, but they have stopped the train and are roving around with guns looking for you, and I'd rather like to get rid of them. I figure talking to you might help make that happen."
>>97461“WHAT! Ponies with guns are after me? What resistance?”
She is definitely concerned
>>97462Brie shrugs (are we inside the cabin yet?)
>>97457>>97458"I appreciate it very much. my Friend."
Dark Star looks rather embarrassed
He looks over at the Unicorn mare and he gives her 10 bits
"I Don't usually Cry like that,I'm Sorry Miss.i'm sorry for the intrusion"
You said there was no sign of blue in here right gm? But what about Silver does it look like he could have been here?" >>97463Yes. Yes they are.
>>97464No immediately obvious signs
She takes the bits
"I honestly can't say why. I don't know anything about the resistance, I just know that they're messing with my travel plans, and had the nerve to try and order me around."
>>97465Can i roll another spot check? since he's not blinded by tears and a mare isn't blocking most of his view.
>>97467I’m going to leave it at this
>>97466>>97455“Just...” She looks straight ahead. “How do you know they are after me?”
It should be noted that the two changelings don’t have great etiquette around ponies. They are making odd faces at her
>>97468"One of them said your name while they were searching our cabin further down the hallway."
>>97469Let me get to it
>>97470“They did?” She asks. She’s definitely worried
“What do they want?”
Um... what are you rolling for?
It’s “Dice 1d20” in the email field
Either write dice (number)d(number)+(number) on the email field or go for [(number)d(number)+(number)] on text field.
>>97471"I don't know, but I have an idea how to find out. Please don't freak out, this is magic; I'm not a changeling."
Brie duplicates her appearance with his cloak.
>>97475He definitely sees Dark Star
>>97468"Again, Sorry miss."
>>97472"Maybe she's in this other room i saw."
Dark Star heads back out into the hall
>>97477"No, I'm not a changeling. Mare, its just magic." Brie says rolling his eyes. "I think I've gotten all I need from you. Lock your door and if anyone knocks, don't answer."