Set six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where the Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures because of their encounters with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics.
For those on the train. The train goes along at high speeds through the darkness past farmland, trees, and other trains... until it starts to slow down, and comes to a halt.
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>>97200He goes for a simple chokehold with his forelegs, mainly by pressuring his neck so that his air flow is cut off and achieve unconsciousness through hoof pressure, while his hindlegs sit right on the victim's own forelegs to avoid struggling, pinning him. That leaves his rump right on the assailant's exposed chest.
"Buenas noches, amigo."
>>97206She places a pillow over his face for good measure
>>97205>>97205Dark Star walks in to see a room with a number of fluffy red couches, empty shelves to carry alcohol, a bar, and on one of the couches, a pissed off looking white unicorn with a red mane - hair up in a bun. She is looking over at him, and looks kind of pissed. She looks kind of familiar
>>97208Looks like he isn't the only one. There is another in the forest
>>97204Good enough to wound him and leave him down on the ground
>>97209"Hey i remember you. your are that one mare."
What a faggot >>97210Probably
>>97211She looks angry, and responds in a thick mid-Equestrian accent
"Yes, you walked in on a prisoner interrogation. Now excuse me"
>>97212"Have you seen blue skies? im looking for her to tell her im sorry for saying she fucked silver and to tell her i puked in her bed."
>>97213Dark Star is to moral to cheat.
>>97215"Is that one of the officers here?" She says
>>97216"Yea she's the Blue nimbusian pegasus one."
[1d20+5 = 20]>>97214Aw dangit. Well, I'm going for it.Iron, after ensuring the pinned pony is unconscious, uses his strength to pick him up to throw him at the other assailant next turn.
As he does it, he makes sure it's an actual threat and not a simple bystander.
>>97217"I may have seen her around working here, but i haven't seen her tonight. She probably went outside for a walk or for a smoke break. That or she's in the bathroom"
>>97218Yes, he can definitely throw him
>>97219"I think she's with a unicorn. we had a fight now i cant find either one of them i'm worried."
>>97220>>97221Spark looks down the hallway once more to make sure no other threats have seen this brutal killing.
[1d20+5 = 21]>>97219Oh boy!
Iron aims at the other pony and chucks his possible companion right at it.
"Te veo, pibe!"
Side note: I thought Skies' smoking habits were a secret. >>97222She sighs
"I don't know where she is, I haven't seen her tonight. She'll turn up soon enough I am sure"
>>97223None in this car at the moment
>>97225>>97220"Well then... what now? They are looking for somepony, and I hope they misspoke about who it was. We need to get out of here before this becomes a major incident."
The 20s work in mysterious ways
I have to crash, but I should b availble tomorrow too
>>97225Dark star looks like he is going through a small patch of despair
"the unicorn i said she was fucking is probably with her. where do you think they are? why would she leave me? where is she? why does she hate me i love her so much. i hate myself for being alive."
>>97228She sighs
"I don't know. You will have to figure that all out on your own. If she was with a unicorn then I wouldn't be surprised if they went back to his place or a bar"
>>97229Dark Star in his drunkenness and despair collapses to the floor and starts crying.
>>97230She walks up to him, and asks
"Does somepony need to take you home?"
>>97232Iron cackles in pure adrenaline.
"Ahí voy~"
He has a big smile on his face, akin to a crazed lunatic like Skies usually does. He starts galloping straight to the other assailant to knock his or her lights out.
>>97232Dark Star crys even harder
"I Dont have a home anymore. fucking mayor gave it to ziggers"
>>97234She sighs
"You don't have to go home, but you can't stay here. And don't say the 'Z' word"
[1d20+5 = 16]>>97235Dark Star does a spot check on the room
>>97236No Skies to be sure. Then again, much of his vision is obscured by tears and the mare. There are no bottles of alcohol available
>>97237Let me deal with this *a bardic stallion wanders down a dirt path, whistling (somehow) during his wander*
*he is Parvell Stummenhoov and has never stayed anywhere long, he counts amoung his friends a lute, a chainmail jacket, and a rapier. for one can never trust these harsh lands*
>>97238"I wish i had died that night"
He's practically sobbing now
>>97240An old cowboy went riding out one dark and windy day...
>>97240Welcome to our crazy game. We are a bit separated on various quests right now, but I look forward to getting to know your character.
>>97241She leaves from beside him
>>97240The streets are illuminated by
electric street lamps demonic magic in the late night, with crowded buildings to either side
>>97245Dark Star puts one of his guns in his mouth
>>97246She comes and grabs away his hoof with telekinesis magic
"Celestia, do I need to take you to a ward?"
>>97245*Parvell leans against a building and begins to strum his lute*
"Be awake be brave and love yourself"
"Never let anyone take form you the beauty you're worth"
Don't wait, you're no book on a shelf"
"never question the reason, or the beauty of your birth"
>>97251A pony looks at him as she lopes on by
>>97252"Because you're a danger to yourself"
>>97254"Why do you care? No one else does."
>>97255She sighs again
"Sober up and Stallion-up. Put that gun away"
>>97257>>97255>>97254*he hears a commotion*
"hey fella what's wrong?" he says to a nearby poner with a gun
*he strums a small bit*