Set six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where the Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures because of their encounters with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics.
For those on the train. The train goes along at high speeds through the darkness past farmland, trees, and other trains... until it starts to slow down, and comes to a halt.
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>>97155Any signs that point me in the direction of Blue
>>97155Iron nods to himself.
(Well, if Cauldron has a pack, he is definitely not going to get it.)
He faces his assailant, brandishing his thick armor and tower shield, and walks defiantly towards him.
"Estás seguro que quieres intimidarme, compadre?"
Not an intimidation so no dice roll here. [1d20+1 = 12]>>97156I really thought his score would be higher
"Where is Lavender?"
>>97157No real signs, just the pathway to the lobby and outside the building (and the courtyard) and the pathway to deeper inside the building
>>97158She smiles and gently moves up and down on him in loving, but not intense way
"I know">>97159I don't recall him having all of that but.... fuck it, he has all of that. But this bandit
"Quieres morir?"
[1d20-1 = 0]>>97160"Lavender? I dunno, I'm just delivering drinks!" Brie says overloud, while cowering on the deck.
>>97160Could i do a listen check to see if i hear anything that would point me in the right direction?
>>97161Okay, this, he definitely fails
He points the gun at him
"Bullshit! Where is Lavender?"
[1d20+1 = 5]>>97163"You done and scared him. He can't think."
[1d20-1 = -19]>>97163"I'm sorry! I had a scheme, selling ponies buffalo testicles as aphrodesiacs! They're really popular with couples! I thought I could make some extra bits! I didn't mean any harm!"
[1d20+8 = 13]>>97160Oh whoops. Pretend I don't have it if it means you having a fair fight against him. I'll do the same.Iron smirks at the offender, his armor and shield poofing from existence without him noticing but his ego still remains. He keeps closing the distance like that SMG is a toy to him.
"Ja! Que me da risa tus palabras. ¿Pretendes matarme? Tus pequeñas bolitas de metal no podrían ni penetrar mi cuerpo, bastardo."
Now I'll roll to scare him until he reaches charging distance at least. >>97165"Who the fuck are you?"
>>97161At least he's looking at Spark now, and not down on the ground
>>97166He can't really hear much of anything. It's mostly silent
>>97167I don't know what you were trying, but you succeeded
>>97169Do i smell any lavender or alcohol on in the air?
>>97169Game was "look away, I'm just a humble train-worker"
ready knives
>>97169"I could ask you the same, but if you must know I was a student at the school for gifted unicorns at Canterlot before the war broke out. I'm just a passenger now on a train that is being held up by some crazy ponies that claim to be part of some resistance and somehow stopping this train helps anything to get back what was stolen from us? Are you seriously asking who I am in a time like this? Who the buck are you?"
Spark can buy only so much time...
[5d20 = 50]>>97168Iron got what he wanted
>>97170I don't think so...
>>97171Well, he's looking at Spark now, as Brie is not an obvious threat
>>97173"Uh... okay..."
>>97175So two hits, how much damage?
>>97175He takes the pathway deeper into the building
>>97177>>97176Hmmm... may need to up the damage die on pistol rounds
>>97174"We are looking to help" he says, looking at Spark again
>>97178There are a number of closed doors on either side, before there is a turn to the right
>>97179"And your help is to cause a major panic among potential recruits and supporters? Stop with the script and tell me what you are really doing."
[1d20-1 = -16]>>97175"HEY MISTER! Your boots that don't have laces are untied!" Brie says this, palming another pair of knives, but distracting for Sparks' sake.
[1d20+5 = 16]>>97179Listen check on the doors
>>97182"I'm not wearing shoes"
He looks down never the less
>>97183Two rooms make sounds
>>97181"We are looking for none other than Pinkie Pie"
>>97187He can't hear them well enough to identify their nature
[1d20+8 = 28]>>97177Holy shit that's some good luck dice wise. I'll pretend I'm at full health so as to not end this dream prematurely.Iron smirks as the four bullets barely penetrates his coat and definitely opening up his skin and lodging themselves around his chest area slightly. The pain is felt, but he fared worse with the tiger.
"Hah! Te dije, amigo mío. No hay chance que tu arma pueda incapacitarme."
Taking the initiative this time, he charges straight at the SMG wielding offender to deal with a powerful hoof strike right on his face.
Here's a chance to show this pony's traits with ranged weaponry. [1d20+5 = 19]>>97188He listens at those doors specifically
[2d20+8 = 18]
(latter is -4)
Double sneak attack
>>97189Holy shit. He not only knocks the bastard on the ground, but he knocks him into the air and onto his back
>>97190Good enough. He'd have to make a movement action forward first
>>97192Am I seeing a 15 7?
>>97191The first one has a sound that kind of drones on
>>97195He can't really hear anything at this one
>>97194She aids in the movement more, up and down [1d20+10 = 25]>>97193Iron smiles triumphantly at his hoofwork.
"Uyuyuy, vas a tener un viajectio por la zona de dolor, amigo."
He charges towards the prone pony to initiate a grapple against him.
>>97198>>97194And thus, they can hear knocking on the door to the lounge.
She whispers
"Let me handle this"
>>97197Pretty sure that succeeds
>>97192Roll damage for one knife-sneak attack
>>97200He nods, whispering back to her. "Just tell me what you need me to do and where."
>>97202"Stay silent as long as you can, and close your eyes"
>>97198No response
>>97203Those are two things Silver can most definitely do well. He does both before Dark Star enters.