Set six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where the Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures because of their encounters with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics.
For those on the train. The train goes along at high speeds through the darkness past farmland, trees, and other trains... until it starts to slow down, and comes to a halt.
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>>98300*Poner is cuddled*
Pony is cold, but soft. A little teddy bear like
>>98301"Okay Junge Tiere, warst du schon einmal im Kampf?." Brie ask solemnly of the Lings.
>>98301Dark Star feels warmer than normal
He cuddles Her tighter
“... Nein”
>>98303Star may not have an Ursa Minor bear to cuddle. But he has Skies to place between his legs, and she serves nicely as a cuddle toy
>>98304"Bleib in diesem Raum. Dies wird wahrscheinlich unordentlich." He says, trying to adopt the stern face of the pony he's mimicking.
>>98305Wesley nods with an uneasy look on his face
Kerr nods, but more seriously, like he's trying to imitate the courage of soldier
>>98304i kinda want to make it to Day 6.Dark Star stares at Blue with a warm smile on his face
>>98306How much can Brie see of the next room through the window?
>>98307He can just go to sleep now
She looks back at him, and smiles warmly. She's definitely in a better mood than a few minutes ago
>>98304>>98303As Silver slowly goes to sleep, he tries to make himself seem as though he's not even there, to give the pair of ponies a little bit of privacy.
You know, the AI in EaW has a really bad habit of getting multiple wargoals on neighboring nations and declaring war on every single one. >>98309Dark Star lays his head on her shoulder and falls asleep
>>98310>>98311>>98310And thus, the ponies sleep
>>98312I'm looking for the size of the room, the amount of space around the 4 ponies and their hostage, the general appearance and possible rank of the 4 resistance members, what they're armed with, the works.
>>98313He’s looking down into a coach car, something like 55 feet length in total not counting the vestibules and bathrooms at the ends. It consists of couch-like red seats that face each other with a space between them, one pair on each side. Two of the partisans are in the coach closer to Brie’s current position. Both seem to be talking to passengers, of whom there are fully around 30 in this car, with postures varying from subdued to enthusiastic. Both have carbines. In a section toward the end of the car are two more partisans, standing to either side of a kneeling prisoner. The prisoner is an older stallion, a Midnight blue Bat pony with charcoal and black mane. He has a pissed off expression on his face (they are facing in Brie’s direction, more or less) and two legs are restrained. Near the prisoner is a lime green Unicorn mare with a tan cap and a beige uniform. She is unambiguously the ranking officer. She is taking to the prisoner, or trying to, anyways. The two guards of the prisoner have carbines and are more alert than the other two. There is some room to walk around, but it is hardly open, and the corridor down the center is at most three feet wide, perhaps more like two feet
>>98315Just getting (decaf) coffee
>>98314You can decide what you want to do.
>>98317Well... I didn't get much of an idea of where this whole situation turned, but I don't think I ever made it out of Brie's room. I look around first to see if there have left the car.
>>98317"Hmmm, lots of potentially collateral damage,... I could use that to my benefit."
>>98318We were just breaching the corridor outside the room when you last participated. You presumably went toward the rear cars, because Brie went toward the front, axed a pony in the dining car area, and is at an impasse that he hasn't figured out how to out-maneuver
or get killed trying >>98319Brie would make a good terrorist
None of the ponies in the car seem to have noticed Brie looking in. Or at least, none of the
Partisans have noticed Brie
>>98320"Okay, ich habe einen Plan. Es ist riskant, aber es ist unsere einzige Option." Brie says, handing his remaining bits and certificates to Kerr and Wesley. "Geh zurück ins Zimmer. Wenn ich nicht innerhalb einer Stunde zurück bin, versuchen Sie, den Zug zu verlassen, indem Sie die Passagen zwischen den Autos benutzen."
"Wesley Wenn dieses kleine gebogene Metallstück nach hinten gezogen wird, feuert die Waffe. Stellen Sie sicher, dass der Lauf auf Ihren Feind gerichtet ist, und achten Sie auf den Rückstoß."
I THINK it was Wesley who took the carbine, I could be wrong though.
They nod their heads
"Wir werden es tun"
>>98323Brie frogs a pair of daggers and waits for the Lings to depart.
>>98324Bat Ponies have historically been marginalized from society for a reason, after all
>>98325They change shape, and leave the vestibule going back
>>98326Brie adopts his most convincing military-esque posture and opens the door to enter the next room, a pair of daggers in hoof. Before any of the partisans can fully respond he belts out "Mare (ma'am)! I must speak with you at once!"
>>98327The lime green unicorn mare turns towards Brie from her captive, and looks at him with intense, wide eyes
“Did you find her?”
>>98318Spark will eventually see two little foals scampering his way, that have the Pegasus and bat pony forms Kerr and Wesley has before
>>98328Spark decides it best to follow them to keep them out of trouble.
>>98328"We found
a Lavender, but she doesn't match the pony we're looking for. We're holding her in the dining car." Brie says continuing forward toward the green unicorn.
[1d20+4 = 7]>>98330“Lavender? Are you talking about private Lavender? No, I am asking if you found Pinkie Pie.”
Brie should roll for Disguise
[1d20+9 = 20]
Modifier is +10 for cloak and -1 for charisma
>>98332>Pinkie PieYou've gotta be fukkin kidding me
>>98332Well, if she suspects Brie is a Changeling, it’s not because of his disguise. But she is unambiguously looking at him very funny
>>98335Huh, I must have missed that.
>>98334Is Brie close to the unicorn?
>>98336Hrs close to the other two but not to her
>>98336I mean, Brie wouldn't have stopped his approach, his intent WAS to close distance between the two of them
>>98338True, but they started about 40 or more feet away
[1d20+7 = 23]>>98337"Excuse me ma'am, I misspoke. I meant Pinkie Pie, private Lavender has her in custody. But yes, she doesn't match the Pinkie Pie we're looking for."
>>98340Yuss!Brie continues to advance toward the officer
[1d20+4 = 13]
Rolling opposed
>>98341>>98340She nods, partly assuaged, partly skeptical still
“Your voice sounds a little off, Corporal”
With Brie’s words, the two ponies nearer him stand up at attention towards Brie
>>98341Brie would have to walk past two of the guards, who move aside to let him pass
[1d20+7 = 8]>>98343"I hadn't realized there was a change, but I did get punched in the throat further down the corridor." Brie keeps on advancing.
How far is Brie from her?
>>98345At the very end of his range, but also flanked by two ponies immediately behind him.
“Who in Tartarus are you?”
She pulls out a pistol. They aim their weapons at Brie
>>98347Did I ever say she wasn’t?
Please be specific about his range
I mean, are we talking melee range?