Set six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where the Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures because of their encounters with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics.
For those on the train. The train goes along at high speeds through the darkness past farmland, trees, and other trains... until it starts to slow down, and comes to a halt.
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>>98765>>98766Spark tends to the changelings.
"I know you guys don't really understand me, but we should head back to the room now."
Stix ponts the way back to their car.
>>98768>>98769I think Brie put the changelings all the way back in his room
>>98770Darn. I thought they left that room, but stopped short of the one car with all the interrogation...
[1d20+4 = 6]>>98768Then he tries to stab the stallion that Onyx trampled in the eye
>>98772Not exactly a pristine performance. This prompts Snowflake and Forest Green to yell out at him
“Stop that!”
>>98773"Don't interrupt, I want to see what he's going to do next." Brie objects.
>>98774He abandons
that project, then goes forward through the vestibule, and tries to cross over to the car in front
>>98775Only after doing a certain something else... he picks up one of the guns
[1d20 = 3]>>98775He knocks on a closed door of the car in front of them
“I am with the police, Bader Ozren of the SSA.”
[1d20 = 14]>>98778And is promptly told to fuck off. He knocks again.
“Damn it, I am trying to help.”
>>98779After slightly more finagling with the pony inside, he is allowed to enter
[1d20 = 10]>>98780Brie rushess to get his hoof in the door
>>98781I’m going to say that succeeded
He hears a “who the fuck are you?”
>>98771Knocking on the door
>>98782Sparks ears shoot up. Can he tell which door this is coming from?
>>98783Coach, rear vestibule, left door
>>98784Sparks heart starts racing a bit. He looks around for cover for the firefight that will most likely go down soon.
[1d20+7 = 26]>>98782"There's no time, let me through."
>>98785A blue light lights up around the door. Ecivdently they are trying to unlock the door with telekinesis magic, although they don’t quite seem to be locating the lock
>>98787I guess that means no cover...
Spark begins to think of something he could do. If only he payed attention in those classes on useful magic.
[1d20 = 11]>>98786They must believe he is in party with Ozren, because they let him through. Assuming he actually comes inside, they
immediately lock the door behind him.
What he’s looking at is a long car with open shelves on both sides, with cabinets, safes, letters, walls with open slots. The whole room is dressed in wood and stainless steel. There are three ponies in this room besides Ozren and Brie. One is bear Ozren and Brie and is holding a shotgun. Another is at the far end and looking out of an open slit in what seems to be a partly open window. He aims another shotgun out of it. The middle one looks over at Brie and is between the two. All three wear blue uniforms that unambiguously place them as Postal employees.
>>98788Now, they try shooting at it
>>98789Spark takes aim for the door. How many shots are ripping through?
>>98790>>98791The door slowly swings open
>>98789... I've got nothing. I'll try and think of something tomorrow
>>98791>>98792Why can't I get those kind of rolls?
Spark takes one last look at Tipsy.
"If I don't make it though this, it's been a good run. Wish me luck."
Spark stands there, waiting for the first pony to step onto the train.
>>98793Brie's presence in the room would undoubtedly change the conversation as the ponies question whether he is a threat and why he is in a normally restricted area, but absent Brie's participation, the conversation between Ozren and the Postal employees would go something like this:
Ozren (to Brie):
What the hell are you doing here?Postal Employee (to Ozman):
I thought he was with you?I don't know who he is, but he did kill at least one partisan on the trainSo those are indeed partisans next to the train? That's about what I thoughtYes, they claim that they are from the Everfree Resistance" or something. They say they are searching for somepony.From Everfree? I doubt it. If they were familiar with this location they would have known better than to stop the train in this place, in the most lawless part of Equestria north of the Forbidden Jungles. Either that, or they must have been very confident in their security, or just plain desperate.So these are bandits?Indeed, we've been able to keep them from entering the car for 15 minutes now. The partisans have also been holding them back. I guess they don't want their "peaceful" search to be tainted by a robbery.What's stopping the train?I don't know. My best guess is that they made use of the light warning system. There are lights that will go red when the track ahead is busted and an electric circuit is broken. They warn the Train to stop and not go onto dangerous track. That, or maybe they placed an obstacle on the track to force the train to stop....
>>98794The first one coming through the door is the same pony he pushed out the door early. He is holding, in this case, a bolt-action rifle. He hasn't noticed Spark
If my experience with EaW is anything to go by, then I imagine it won't be too much longer before the party hears about beginning of the Dark Crusade against the Arcturian Order. That'll be interesting.
>>98800There have actually been a number of different events I have wanted to have “newspaper headlines” for, but I never got the chance to implement them
>>98801Because none of the players have picked up a newspaper, I take it.
Might have to have Silver do that. >>98802Also, if it wasn’t abundantly obvious, this is not based on a single play through... making a lot of the world feel kind of ill defined.
>>98803I haven't really thought of it as ill-defined so far, it's just that I don't know much of what's going on. It would be a good idea to have Silver look in a newspaper. All he knows is happening is that New Mareland and Skyfall are in a war, and it's going badly for both of them.
Also, man, is it quiet today.
>>98804>>98804Yeah, that’s the only event I’ve been able to squeeze in thus far.
Also, the New Marekand campaign has changed radically over the course of the updates [1d20+5 = 19]>>98795"Freeze. Step back off this train and you won't have to die tonight."
Intimidation check. +3 Cha and +2 synergy bonus for 5+ ranks in bluff if I got that right.
I looked up any bonuses I could get because I really hope to survive this.
>>98807>>98809He doesn't seem intimidated
[1d20 = 15]>>98809Come on! Really?
>>98810"Why does nopony do the sensible thing when threatened by a gun?"
Stix fires.
>>98812I'm tired alright? I can't keep names straight.
>>98808I've seen Stalliongrad go either way ever since they reworked Historical Paths in the Brothers' Feud update. Nova Griffonia seems to favor either Highhall's military government or the Communist path. I noticed Brantbeak always stays fascist now, and Prywhen always goes isolationist. Aquelia mostly goes down the Republican path now, though I've seen them go down the PAT Moderates path once. I suppose now the tactic to dealing with Aquelia as New Mareland is to avoid war with them until they get into a war with the Empire.I'd ask if you had any ideas on what Silver would dream about, but I'm not sure how much longer tonight I'd be on to actually explore it. I'm fuckin' tired right now.
>>98813You've called Spark "Stix" enough lately that I'm thinkin' that should be his nickname.
>>98814Stix is my old character from the set of role playing threads by the name of Mixed Nuts and variants of that name in this board. It is a bit of a habit that when I am awake enough, I catch myself typing and I correct it. But I have not been very awake lately.
>>98815I remember seeing those when they were around and getting completely confused at why and how there'd be nothing but /vx/ posts on the homepage. Now I know why.
>>98814I thought Nova Griffonia goes Harmonist in the historical path. Anyways, I haven't played New MAreland as much since the Riverlands update, as Lake City has become a new favorite, as has Greneclyff and now also the Changeling Lands, besides the Oleanian Rike (Which has been affected even more by all of these updates). And the new tactic is to revive a much older tactic - kill Aquelia first.I actually don't know what Silver would dream about either. I feel like something about Star or Skies, possible the two little changelings, or maybe the catacombs
>>98817It used to be that way, but after Brothers' Feud it seems to be the second-rarest path to see them go down, now.Could be any number of things, those included. Could also be about his family or his lost nation, but those would be things I would probably type out on my own when I'm not fighting to keep my eyes open.
>>98818Whats the rarest?I would presume his stated intent to join the black hooves would create sone dream drama
>>98819Fascist. I've yet to see them willing go down that path.It would certainly result in a mental debate about things I can not reliably consider at the moment. Seriously, I'm tired. Think I'm gonna head to bed.
>>98814Ah, so that's why Iron's dream was not getting any sort of attention recently.
Serious question: Was it getting redundant for you?