Set six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where the Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures because of their encounters with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics.
For those on the train. The train goes along at high speeds through the darkness past farmland, trees, and other trains... until it starts to slow down, and comes to a halt.
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>>98150“Oh really? That’s pretty neat”
>>98150That is...most certainly not the answer Silver would have expected, if the confused look is anything to judge by.
>>98151"I Liked Pinkie, She was so nice. i wish she would have joined our side."
>>98152Dark Star looks at him Equally as confused."
>>98154"You know, those Magiciy types.Nerds."
>>98155"Sounds little like my, one egghead is too many for you? I can not think of any besides Princess Twilight."
[2d8 = 11]>>98159>>98160That’s just wrong. These are rifle rounds
>>98156Dark Star has a look of disgust at the mention of purple
"Twilight wasn't just a regular Egghead though.She was, A bit much."
>>98163Silver can share a little in his disdain for Twilight, at least as a princess. He lets out a massive yawn, a further reaffirmation of how late it's getting.
>>98161Silver quietly repeats the "Μπλε ουρανοί" he heard Blue speak earlier, his Severyanan accent working surprisingly half-decently with the Nimbusian language. He looks over to Blue. "I said that correctly, yes? Μπλε ουρανοί?"
[1d20+5 = 16]>>98160>>98162I'll pretend that the first roll was the damage die.Iron grunts in slight pain over the rifle shot. He decides that enough is enough and jumps towards the trio of bandits that want to take the idol away.
>>98165No. The second pair of rolls was the damage die.
Iron makes the leap and is right next to one of the ponies.
>>98164“Good enough”
>>98166He smiles, proud of himself. "For first Nimbusian words I have ever spoken, I will take it."
[1d20+6 = 7]>>98166r00d, but understandable, since the maroon pony didn't shoot to begin with.Iron decides to try this riflemares' reflexes with a strong, powerful hook to the side.
[2d20 = 31]>>98168It’s the damage die from the rifle round that hit himIron tests his own sense of balance, and fails, falling down.
They shoot again
>>98170“In a strange accent, yes”
>>98170"Skies' name in Nimbusian, yes. I got curious and asked what she is called in Nimbusia, like how in Severyana I am called 'Серебряный Меч'."
>>98171Silver chuckles slightly. "It would only be as odd as you trying to say my name in Cyrillic, I would imagine."
>>98171>>98175"When did you teach him Nimbusian?"
>>98176"I would not call it teaching Nimbusian, as such. It would be as if I said 'Привет!' and you said it right back to me."
[2d6 = 10][1d3+1 = 2]>>98174Yes, Iron can stand with a movement and attack with an attack round
A rock hits one of the two bandits
No, it’s the 11 damage. The 11 came from a proper 2d8 roll after I mistakenly rolled a 2d6, which is pistol round damage>>98176“Ha, I never did. He just asked me if my name was different in my native language and I said it’s the the same, just translated”
>>98175“I’m not going to try. For now”
[1d20+6 = 18]>>98178Oh, so that's why rocks are being thrown right now. No idea what the first set of dice are for, unless the riflemares just shot again.Taking this needed distraction after getting hit rather hard and deep by these damn metal balls in his sides, he stands up rather furious
in a non-barbaric way yet and decides to try his balance yet again with the same attack to the pony next to him.
>>98178"Hahahahah! Alright then, whatever you say, Skies." He yawns again, a couple sleepy tears forming in his eyes that he has to wipe away with a foreleg. " you think we can take this conversation back upstairs? I am tiiiiiiiired."
>>98178>>98177Dark Star seems to accept this answer as he nods
"Ponish is rather plain."
>>98178Been gone away for some time again. I'll try and look over what I missed from the train.
>>98181“It gets the job done, and that’s good enough”
>>98182He lives!
[1d3+12 = 14]>>98183Damage die inbound.
Iron strikes on the riflemare's side with great force this time instead of falling down like a doofus.
>>98181"Really? I always have thought of it as rather interesting language. So many rules that do not make sense and are broken constantly. It is very different from Cyrillic." He yawns again. "So, what about it, Star? Want to head back upstairs, continue this conversation in Skies' room?"
>>98186Huffing in slight pain, he scans the area where the next riflemare is.
Is he in close proximity or do I have to roll for jump again? >>98183"I Guess."
>>98185"I might be taking it for granted, Sure,i'll cuddle skies in her room."
He kisses Blue while keeping eye contact with silver.
>>98188Silver seems rather surprised by this forward action on Star's part, especially given how he reacted before when Silver kissed him. He's not complaining, if the set of bedroom eyes he's giving him is any consideration.
I am not sure which pony I would want to be... >>98188She is surprised by this
>>9818740 feet over, the other rifle mare holds her head
>>98193[bedroom eyes intensifies]
[1d20+8 = 17]>>98190Iron, locking eyes with the second target in a hazy fury, charges straight at him to deliver a swift punch right on the pony's snout.
I am not hitting mares, am I? >>98195Dark Star Breaks the kiss and puts his foreleg around blue's neck
"You are the love of my life,Blue Skies."
>>98197Star would likely be surprised to feel a pair of forelegs wrap around his neck from behind him in turn, as Silver trots up behind him and damn near gets on top of him for the embrace. "Aww, nothing for me, Dark Star?"
>>98197“So why are you so broody and passive aggressive tonight, Star?”
>>98196They were intended as males.
That’s a hit