Set six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where the Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures because of their encounters with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics.
For those on the train. The train goes along at high speeds through the darkness past farmland, trees, and other trains... until it starts to slow down, and comes to a halt.
1874 replies and 67 files omitted.
>>97888You won’t even talk to us on discord, you fuck. You pulled out of the server
>>97891How come the Discord there is so toxic, like holy hell what do you speak in there? I'm at the other RP Discord and it's quite chill.
>>97893I promise you, this is a revenge plot. He’s done it before. Look at
>>97892 >>97893>>97894Dude Chill. im just inviting him to the Campaign i run.
I give up. Fuck it, I’m done
>>97896and if i did have a revenge plot it would just be to shoot silver then myself.
>>97896So no session for today.
Have a good night and be safe. I still want Cauldron to succeed
Is Silver’s player still there?
>>97901I honestly have no idea what I'm supposed to think about right now.
>>97880>>97877This is still bothering me. The smoking scene was originally planned as a very different scene with very different implications where the smoking was only a secondary feature. What we got a bastardized version that I felt locked to put in after dice rolls for the sleight of hand.
POOF using my magical GM powers of -the-universe-is-whatever-the-fuck-I-want-it-to-be she is not a smoker. If she smiled in one scene it is literally the only time ever and because she had an extremely stressful experience she wanted to calm down from. Just try to prove she’s a regular smoker. Oh wait, you can’t, because there is no fucking evidence anywhere at al in the rest of the narrative that she’s a smoker. Is that better?
>>97904That still doesn't explain the sentnece about her secret, although I suppose it implies that she is a kleptomaniac more than a smoker if the smoking isn't the secret.
That's not exactly a better characteristic than a smoker tbh.
>>97905And no, it doesn't imply she's a kleptomaniac, and if you inferred that, you're fucking wrong. Fuck off
>>97906>>97907Then what is the secret she hinted at when talking to Silver?
You don't have to answer if it has some sort of plot relevance tho.
>>97908Have you ever seen a pair of scissors that was mostly plastered with rounded ends and basically useless for cutting paper and thought “who was the one child so mentally deficienct as to cut themselves with basic scissors, and force so manny of the rest of us to have use these worthless pieces of shit?” Or in the alternative, have you ever watched a movie, and saw some joke omitted, some plot point changed, or some other part of the writing toned down, removed or changed for the worse of the whole literary project and wondered what tiny group of shrieking housewives or petualant children on twitter bitched and complained about sone detail they didn’t like, forcing the writers or producers to change the whole product into some less well written version that deviates from the writer’s actual vision? That is what you may consider it. A flawed section of writing that is such because sone mentally deficient, petulant child threw a temper tantrum because some detail didn’t perfectly align with their personal preferences, so now the whole plot and everyone has to suffer.
>>97909You don't really have to take away and add stuff because I don't like it. If you did, Skies would be a completely different character. If you want her to smoke, do so. It's not going to seriously impact the dynamic between Iron and Skies aside from a little comment about bad breath if you ever so choose to leave the smoke breath to be spotted by Iron.
I think I get why you're doing this: You want Iron and Skies to get along in the very long run as she's linked to two other PCs. Am I wrong to assume that?
>>97910I don’t care what happens in character, so long as characters make rational responses to situations based upon their inner motivations, and are allowed to be authentic to themselves. What drives me insane is this insescent out of character heckling. Jesus Christ.
>>97911I'll try to limit the heckling, but it's a side effect of not having anything to do, among other things that should have subsided by now. Pray that no other heckle-worthy things happen constantly. Now we wait for train day to be dealt with.
>>97912No, you should pray that I don’t ban you from the game and the thread for your constant shit
Maybe we can do something tonight. Maybe. Who’s here?
>>97917Silver’s had quite a long and eventful day today.
He found that the two insects he rescued the previous day, whom he seemed to want to take as surrogate foals, had been taken from him. He didn’t get to say goodbye...
But there was a bright spot to it. A shining bright spot. After years of crippling loneliness, he found a pony. A pony who made his heart flutter. Whom he could pour his love upon. Unfortunately, Dark Star did not feel the same way about SIlver, and rejected Silver’s advances. Poor Silver.
His interactions with Skies at least have gone better, despite leaving her angry twice. She still takes a sadistic pleasure in outmaneuver he him in arguments, and she still likes physical contact
but not on the snout.
He also was nearly killed by a lake ghoul, spent almost all of his remaining money, maybe got a mare pregnant, and affiliated as many me too and incidents in a day as many politicians do in half a lifetime.
Quite a day
>>97918Eeyup. Just a regular day in the life of Silver Sword.
>>97918It sure sounds like a busy day.
Don't forget his smokes got stolen as well.
>>97919Oh yes. Silver also tasted part of a pony’s soul. Turns out they are almost repulsively sweet at first, but then give you an incredible euphoria.
>>97920Also this
>>97921Are we essentially stuck until train time is over even for Silver and Star?
and that one bard that appeared out of nowhere? >>97922I would like to get more players here
Since we’re in limbo again...
Wanna talk about what you want out of the next day in the game?
Wanna talk about Equestria at war?
Wanna talk about Changelings or whatever story meta?
>>97924>>97923I'm rather fond of Cauldron and I want to help her out on making herself a professional botanist. I also want the simple desire to win money by doing strength based stuff. What we were doing back at the jungle is a nice direction to flow towards.
Aside from that, maybe we can delve a bit deeper on gang-related activities to increase money flow to fuel the current main objective like doing some sort of kidnapping, maybe, since he's specialized at non-lethal combat.
As for EaW, what would be the easiest country to start with for a newbie?
>>97924Story meta wise, who was supposed to be the BBEG we're supposed to face? Commies, changelings, a mix of the two? Were we meant to go full Black Hooves at the start after the job? Can changelings simply ingest love when being directly loved to without sucking the hosts' and if not, could there be a way to do that given enough trial and error research?
Would changelings submit easily to ponies for love to the point of low-key slavery if taught that that's how they're supposed to coexist with the other species? >>97924For the next day, I'm hoping I can actually finish this job for Blue. He's got two more potions worth of runs he can make with the money he has, so I'm hoping he can clear out the library in the amount of time they'll give him. Fingers (and hooves) crossed that Blue gives him a little bonus for clearing the library since it actually wasn't part of their agreement. That, and also since this entire deal with the catacombs has been a money sink if I've ever seen one.
After that, I have no idea. Maybe I'll have him join the Black Hooves, maybe I'll have him think on it while he looks around town for any jobs/different factions to join, maybe I'll have him decide to find what he can about where his children are.
>>97925New Mareland seems to be a good choice to start out with. They've got plenty of different paths to go down, and you've got a few years to prepare until Wingbardy finishes the "Demand New Mareland" Focus.
>>97927Any particular path I should follow to have a fun, easy experience?
>>97928Wingbardy will normally leave you alone, I've found, if you stay with Equestria, but you'll be trapped as a dominion for a while and you'll be stuck helping Equestria in the Great War. As a bonus, though, you gain access to a kickass Air Design company and an alternate Armor Design company, and some other neat bonuses. The Black Hooves offer the easiest of the Independence paths, I've found, with the MARESOC Communists close behind.
>>97924Got a meta question, even if it's not about the story. You said you don't want to explain how SMGs work for balance reasons, and it's sorta implied you don't want the PCs to be using them just yet. Will there come a point in the game when you'll be fine with one of us wielding an SMG?
>>97929Did you see how many dice you have to roll to use them, both to hit
and damage? That kind of damage could end any enemies' existence in a heartbeat.
Not sure if it would be so great against ghasts tho, unless the armor value is lowered to 15 or something.
>>97927Holy shit, he responded
>>97926This may sound kind of strange, but I didn’t precisely intend an antagonist so much as made the world, then you decide what to do with it, although some like Comte, Curwhinny, Abdul the Hegemony are kind of obvious villains
>changelingsNot hard to answer, but I feel like these are easy to find out in the world, at least for the not-iron characters
>>97929Well yes, an SMG is appropriate when there are a very large number of enemies that would be almost impossible with anything that isnt a fucking submachine gun, and having that much power would be kind of like a power fantasy.
Do you think it’s just a coincidence that of the three sub machines in the story, one came right before fighting communists on the docks, and the other two were positioned respectively at the front and rear entrances of the catacombs?
>>97931Alright, so if Silver found a way to get the Bits Gun fixed up, cleaned up, and got ammo for it, would you allow its use in clearing the catacombs?
>>97927I’m a little sad the catacombs quest turned into tediousness
It’s a damned Owen’s gun. It makes the AK47 look unreliable and unable to cope with harsh environments by comparison >>97931Dangit, this only fuels my want to be napped by them in order to get to know them better.
This might sound strange, but will there ever chance arise where I can have two mare love interests being followed at once? I kinda wanted to go with that sort of tribalist tradition of the alpha male or stallion could have more than one female as it's portrayed sometimes, but I can understand being a hard no because monogamy is something that's mostly respected. I'm asking in both a self-fulfillment way
and a way to have another NPC class that could be focused on magic attacks to add that firepower Ash had with Iron at most times. Not sure from what faction she could be though and I am fully expecting jealousy to arise and I'll have to juggle giving attention to two mares' problems and wants, but I think I can manage that.
I think, not sure. >>97936But the real answer is that women are okay with polygamy really only when the man is of high social standing. So basically Iron needs to really
be someone in order for women to find him that attractive. Or maybe he can just find
really low class women with low standards. Also they can't be super conservative either
>>97937Either become filthy rich or fish for poor ponies. That's a way to do it. However, it seems you're implying they'll sleep around with other ponies, right?
>>97933>tediousnessThere's just a
lot of enemies that even at our peak strength we would have problems with, and with little in the way of a promised reward or levelling prospects for doing so. I suppose some would call that tedious, but I can't say much either way as I have no idea how you were hoping we would do this. I really hope you'll allow it, because I see no other way we can finish this job without spending 4,000 Bits on potions. You make it sound like there's a dozen or more ghasts left, plus whatever lake ghasts are left, plus whatever else we haven't yet encountered.
>>97938You mean they would be unfaithful or something?