Set six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where the Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures because of their encounters with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics.
For those on the train. The train goes along at high speeds through the darkness past farmland, trees, and other trains... until it starts to slow down, and comes to a halt.
1874 replies and 68 files omitted.
>>97941Eh, who knows. This is not an Islamic country, so no court is going to honor any kind of marriage agreement, and so Iron really wouldn't have brightline way of saying "You're mine, it's definitely okay that I have sex with other mares, but not definitely not okay that you have sex with other stallions, and I have this set of laws and social conventions that prove that my view on this is the correct one." You're not married, all sex out of wedlock is fornication and disapproved of by half of society, and any children born of this union are bastards who will, for example, not receive the benefit of automatically inheriting Iron's property when he dies. It's really a crap shoot as to how the women would react to the situation.
>>97942Hm. Unless I can find somewhere to arrange a double marriage, then it's going to be a rough ride. If I marry only one of the mares, the other will get jealous and feel left out, which could lead to disastrous consequences, apart from the disadvantages of being frowned upon. Dang. For now it seems I'll have to stick to one.
Only way to increase the mare count may be to hook up with a mare who is already secluded from society and doesn't care to get married but respect some other factor in order to gain loyalty and faithfullness.
>>97939Then don't play it
>>97943Why would them sleeping with other stallions be that big of a deal?
>>97944Mainly selfishness from my part, aside from possible STDs that may or may not exist in horseland, and ensure that the young is from Iron.
The idea of making children is quite an attractive offer to create more characters to replace Iron when he kicks the bucket, aside from having more companions to either deal damage or specialize in many things. Of course, I'm not expecting them to come out as dashing rouges, wizards or fighters from the moment they come out of the womb but the potential for greatnesss is quite massive.
Not to mention how wholesome raising a child is. Silver could actually ask many of Iron's questions about Changelings right now
>>97949I just don't know what you mean.Anyways, I'm fucking tired already. Think I'm gonna head to bed.
>>97949Well, I'm off to bed as well.
Here's hoping that train scene ends in a satisfactory and swift manner so we can move on with our own story paths.
and I want to cuddle the zeeb Okay, I have a plans for the train group both in the train and on arrival in the city. I have several possible events for the Baltimare group as well as one specifically for Iron (actually two). We can pick up the pace when people are actually here
>>97955I can RP for a lottle bit, but I'll have to wake up early tomorrow to do my driver's license. So you're implying we're actually on day 6?
>>97956Sadly technically no, but there should be no slow downs. You’re fine
>>97959Then it's definitely alright. Lemme reach my laptop when I get back home and have a little dinner.
>>97960Eh, I’m away from my laptop right mid. Let’s see if anyone else comes
>>97970And now she has no reason to ask>>97971I guess it does. Roll for luck
>>97973I'd say that's a bretty gud roll. Wonder what effects will have.
>>97973The river is of a reasonable width, but it does look like there is an area of shallow rocks and lower current
>>97975Iron smiles to himself.
He turns to Cauldron.
"There is a little shallow area to walk across over here."
How shallow are we talking about. Knee level? Elbow? Eh, I guess it doesn’t matter that much, it’s just a missed opportunity>>97976“Shall you go first?” She asks
Shallower in most areas
>>97977I'm guessing elbow level to be a bit cheeky.Iron smiles.
"How about you go on top of me and we both go across to reduce our chances of wetting our equipment? You can store the skin shredders the ponies used against me in your bags, right?"
>>97978“Hmmm... I don’t know if that would make you unstable or if would decrease your chances of being carried off by the current”
>>97979Iron hums for a bit, then tentatively steps into the shallower current to see if the water reaches his barrel.
>>97980It is not that deep. If it were, Iron would probably float away
>>97981Feeling confident that he's not going to wet the equipment, his head turns to Cauldron.
"Place the bags on my barrel. It seems it is not going to get wet. Be sure to put the skin shredders inside them."
>>97986It got
real quiet.
Too quiet.
I wonder what is happening.
>>97987I have honestly no idea. I was just taking a look every few hours to see if there was a new reply or something.
>>97988Well, we've got eachother at least.
>>97989Fuck, I know there's a song I could reference here, but I forget what song it is.
>>97988>>97988And thus Silver returns to his natural state: loneliness
>>97991>>97990Ah, there you are.
Glad to see you're doing well.
Okay, so I guess I can continue Iron’s adventure once I stop being lazy.
Silver can talk with or cuddle Skies, or otherwise move around