Set six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where the Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures because of their encounters with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics.
For those on the train. The train goes along at high speeds through the darkness past farmland, trees, and other trains... until it starts to slow down, and comes to a halt.
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>>98922Silver just rolls his eyes at him. He's so cute when he gets like this. "Starry, I can name three perfectly good reasons as to why I am not homosexual."
>>98923"i can name a perfectly fine reason,you kissed me."
Scrunches harder
>>98923“You’re cute when you scrunch your face like that. Tell you what, if you are afraid of him touching you, I can sleep in the middle.”
Skies smiles
>>98926"Not a chance in tartarus"
He smiles back at her then hugs her harder
>>98924No stallion can.>>98925"I could not help myself." Silver's heart
and Sword can only take so much of the pony in front of him. "Silver Rain, Spectral Streak, White Light. Those are three reasons. Now, do not be so insecure about this. There is nothing wrong with two perfectly normal, adult stallions sleeping together in same bed."
>>98928>>98927“In some places, an unmarried adult male and female sleeping together in the same room is illegal, and certainly frowned upon.”
>>98929Silver lets out a quiet little chuckle. "Well, then I suppose all three of us are guilty."
>>98920“Simply do this... this... and this, and you have it reloaded.” As much detail as Iron’s mind can supply for a weapon he doesn’t even know the basics of supllies Cauldron’s physical explanation
>>98932Iron nods, interested in how it operates.
"Ah, what complex set of mechanisms this tool has. Do you know how to use it in case we need to counter their cheating tools?"
And thus, Silver and Star are kill.
>>98933"Oh course"
She slides the bolt back, and releases it dramatically
>>98934Iron smiles.
"Nice. You sure have a lot of knowledge of civilization."
>>98935"But of course. I was born in it. Molded by it. I did not see the jungle until I was already a mare."
>>98936Nice reference.Iron nods proudly.
"You have an astoundingly high will to boot."
He peeks at the bowl to see how it's going and takes a whiff of the potent potion.
"Are you taking more of the plants for any other risky jobs like these? I feel they would sell quite well with the mercenaries, aside from little old me."
>>98937Pretty sure Star doesn't want a possible sex scene between Silver and Skies right under his snout to the point where he risks his anal virginity if his previous post (>>98927) is anything to go by. >>98929"That's interesting."
Dark Star cuddles her tighter, she can feel his warmth warming her up
>>98939" head back to the bar."
>>98938"Heh, may as well."
Poner is cuddled. She needs that warmth
>>98941Iron chuckles.
"Do not worry about carrying capacity. I can handle some weight. Pack as many as you want."
>>98941Dark Star pets her then kisses her neck
>>98943"It's fine, just get going."
DS lessens his glare
>>98944"Starry, please..." His voice takes on a tone of desperation.
>>98946"dark star massages her wings
>>98947"What exactly are you trying to do?"
He looks suspicious.
>>98948In Silver's face, Star can almost see...fear? "I have been alone for 13 years, Star. I do not want to be alone anymore."
>>98948Her wings are closed and close to her side, but she lets them slide out a bit, and down a little
>>98949"what do you mean alone? i'll see you tomorrow."
>>98950Dark Star continues his massage
>>98951Could you say no to something like this, Dark Star?
>>98951"But I would still have to leave."
>>98953"its just for the night."
>>98954“Dark Star, why are you being so mean to him?”
>>98958"Who do you think you're talking to?"
>>98959Somepony who ought to be desensitized to it by now.
>>98961"Being mean just doesn't do it for me."
>>98967I have an interview tomorrow morning part-way across the state, so I can’t be up tonight. I am eager to continue Brie’s story, however.
>>98968Silver should probably just stop talking and lay down on the bed at their feet
>>98969And thus, Silver does so, using his clothes for blankets. It's still better than the floor.
Good luck with your interview tomorrow.