Set six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where the Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures because of their encounters with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics.
For those on the train. The train goes along at high speeds through the darkness past farmland, trees, and other trains... until it starts to slow down, and comes to a halt.
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>>97584"What?" She's stunned for a moment. Another moment passes, and she seems to relax a bit.
"Well, less of a vacation than a business opportunity... but this may prove interesting nevertheless."
>>97583The bugs understand enough to go forward at about the same speed as Brie, stand behind him, and not say anything
>>97585Soon enough
>>97586"What are you doing?" She asks
>>97587Iron smirks.
"Precisely. Now, follow me. The bandido gave me the directions to the place they stole it from."
With that, he goes along, making sure the SMGs and other valuables are carried.
>>97588She shrugs
"I'll try to get in some plant finding along the way"
>>97589And thus, Iron proceeds to follow the instructions of the bandito to reach the archeological site.
>>97587Are you waiting on me? Brie rushes into the mess-car "frantic" because he's "being herded/apprehended" by two "resistance guards"
"Who are you?? What do you want from me??"
>>97591"Who are
you?" he asks
>>97590This may take a while, the first section goes over a larger hill. At least the undergrowth is a bit thin here
>>97592Iron especially takes his time in order for Cauldron to forage for any good herbs for healing and other effects.
>>97592"My name is Lavender! What have I done? I don't know anything about the resistance, why are you after me?"
>>97594"Lavender? The fuck? The rookie pinkie earth pony?"
>>97587"I'm helping my new friend improve his life and find his people"
"I can help you too, would you like to be my friend?"
I flirt
[2d20+8 = 36]>>97595Seriously?
Okay fine, double attack (not sure if it counts as a sneak attack since he's facing Brie straight-on) so just modified 20s, the 2nd at -4
>>97596She giggles
"You mean the drunkard?"
>>97597Looks like a hit and a hit
>>97593Oh, she's looking around alright
>>97599Iron sneaks some glances at the zebra as she does her true hobby.
(I wonder if she likes the little detour.)
[2d4+2 = 4]>>97599The plus two is for the combined modifier for masterwork, its not +2 for each roll
>>97599*siddles up next to the white mare*
"now see no need to be hurtful, this here's my good friend and he's just trying to take the edge off with a little pick me up"
*extends my hoof*
"Names Parvel, and you miss...?"
>>97601Hmmmm... You aren't looking to take extra damage for surprise round?
>>97602"You can't go into these rooms, sir. And the name is Darla"
>>97600She really seems to enjoy these surroundings
>>97604If I can have extra damage for surprise, I'll take it. Do they count as sneaks?
>>97604This brings a big smile to the native.
"Have you found something interesting?"
He keeps track of how long until reaching the site.
>>97605Well... that's what it would be. An opponent is flatfooted if they are lower on the initiative in combat
+4 for mundane damage,....
>>97609Brie changes his appearance to mimic the dude just killded
"Leichter als ich dachte. Seien Sie vorsichtig, wenn jemand auf uns schießt, möchte ich, dass Sie zwei zurückfallen."
>>97604"aw don't worry darlin Darla, I'm just a simple bard trying to restore order and help my fellow pone"
*he smiles and winks*
>>97613She smiles back
"You do not open these doors"
Kerr tries to taste the stabbed guy... He gets nothing
>>97614"And why's that now? What ya'll doing in there anyhow, anything I could help you do or find?"
dude check discord
>>97615She moves back, and turns her body to him, while raising a rear leg
"Because this hotel is Blackhooves headquarters, if you weren't aware. Most of these rooms are restricted"
>>97614Brie grabs the knives from the newest corpse,
frogs them and slowly makes his way toward the front of the train.
>>97617The next couple cars are uneventful. Ponies seem to be in their rooms. However, a few of the doors seem to be cracked or broken
>>97619Brie continues, foregoing the urge to appeal to anyone in need of assistance.
"I'll use the PA, if we get there" he EEEE's to himself.
>>97620He finds something a bit different looking through the vestibule of the last car. It's a coach car of some sort, and more than a few ponies standing in it appear to be wearing the uniforms and leg bands
[1d20 = 13]>>97616"blackhooves? what's all that now darlin? and what's ya doin there, I'm not gonna hurt ya."
*he flashes a dashing smile*
>>97622"Oh don't play dumb. You can't be here"
>>97625Six in the car that can be seen. They seem to have a prisoner
[1d20 = 11]>>97624"Nah I dunno what these blackhooves are, maybe you should tell me all about it I might be intested to help"
*walks slowly around her*
>>97628She lets him take the walk around her, but not at all letting him escape her sight. Her turns her head to him. Smooth coat, long flowing red mane. Blood red
"Where have you been the last year?" She asks
[1d20+2 = 11]>>97626Can Brie determine which of the ponies killed was the ranking officer? (its an intelligence roll I assume)
Can he change appearance without being seen?
>>97630None of them were officer over all, and the ashen grey unicorn (the second one) was the highest ranked of those
>change appearence without being seenI mean, he can just step over two feet to the side and do it, so he isn't on the other side of the window
>>97631I'm not sure which one was the second one,... I would assume you mean the partisan, which is the one I interpreted as being ranking,....
>>97632The one wearing the uniform in the hallway outside of his room that he double tapped after cutting him down, and left a blood stain on the carpet
>>97633Oh, well then fuck the partisan, resuming HIS appearance (that was the Corporal yes?)
>>97634Correct, the same form he's been using for about 80% of this
[1d20 = 13]>>97629*his light brown mane falls over his white coat as he paces*
"Well see now darlin I like to travel, understand to see what I can see in the world but I don't like much to sit still and become part of any one bit so if something happens and it's fleeting or recent it escapes my notice. you on the other hand could not escape my notice, say the word and I am your servent"
*he makes a small bow before her*