Set six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where the Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures because of their encounters with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics.
For those on the train. The train goes along at high speeds through the darkness past farmland, trees, and other trains... until it starts to slow down, and comes to a halt.
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>>97369Onyx wakes up to a room that is empty besides him. It is very dark outside, must be after midnight. The train has stopped moving. There is a knocking on the door
“Open up”
>>97381The knocking doesn't help his hangover
"Go to bucking Tartarus"
>>97382“It’s the Everfree resistance and we are searching this train. Open up your door, we mean you no harm.”
>>97383Onyx's eyes shoot open
"Alright, one minute"
He tries to ignore the ass whipping he could get for helping changelings as he reaches for his halberd.
Once he is holding it in a position where it can't be seen from the open door, he opens it.
>>97384A pony comes through almost immediately, gazing to each side and holding a carbine. She has a plum purple coat, magnolia colored mane, and with no horn or wings must be an earth pony. She waves the carbine around, including briefly pointing it at onyx, and takes a good look at him
How crystally does he look? >>97385Medium, hangover isn't helping while the nap was.
>>97386She looks at him more intently
“Are you a crystal pony?”
>>97387Onyx doesn't look in the mood for this
"Are you purple?"
>>97380"Schlägt mich. Wenn Sie es verwenden könnten, würde ich vorschlagen, dass es wirksamer ist als die Wurfmesser, die ich Ihnen gab. Ganz gleich. Ich werde weiter nach Informationen suchen. Sie kennen den Bohrer."
She opens the door to the bathroom, while pointing her gun forward and in
>>97389“Welche Formulare sollten wir verwenden?” Kerr asks
>>97390Onyx looks out the door to see if anypony else is following
>>97391"Willst du mit mir kommen?"
>>97392None are immediately visible outside the door. Just her. Spark is missing
>>97393“Sollten wir?”
Kerr blinks
>>97394"Ich muss vielleicht noch mehr töten, bist du dabei? Ich würde es hassen, wenn du verletzt wirst."
[1d20+5 = 20]>>97394The purple poner suddenly feels the flat of Onyx's halberd across the back of her head.
-4 for nonleathal attack
>>97395“Ponys sind gefährlich, aber sie sehen aus wie Soldaten, die unsere Bienenstöcke zerstören wollen. Ich kann gehen, wenn Sie nicht glauben, dass wir Ihre Pläne durcheinander bringen.“
>>97396That escalated quickly...
Hit, roll damage
>>97398"Wenn Sie sich damit auskennen, habe ich kein Problem."
>>97396Yay! We can die together!
Brie leads the Lings out of the room and knocks on the next cabin door in the line.
>>97399Yep, she’s knocked right the fuck out. That’ll teach her
>>97400“Dann werde ich folgen” Kerr says.
Wesley follows. Not even Chrysalis would have sent that insect into combat, but Wesley evidently would rather be killed than be a coward.
When they get to the next door, they hear a voice back
“What do you want”
Female, young, a little irritated
>>97401"Hmmm, I expected more of a fight"
Onyx then heads out of the room and wanders around, seemingly not knowing what stealth is.
>>97401"Open the door. We're looking for a specific pony. You will not be harmed."
>>97403She sighs
“Ugh, fine”
She opens the door. 10 seconds later. She’s a lemon yellow Pegasus, and she looks like she has been sleeping
>>97402At the moment, and I mean,
the moment there is no pony in the hall. The lights are on
>>97404Onyx continues to wander around, hoping to find a familiar face
>>97405“No? My name is Mertle Berry”
>>97406After a few feet, he sees a pony come out of a room. This pony wears a legband with the Equestrian flag, and has a white bandana around his neck. He’s a black earth pony
“What are you doing?”
"Thank you, sorry to bother you" Brie steps away from the door and moves to the next one.
>>97410The changelings move forward to the door, and Kerr bumps his snout on the door as it closes
>>97408“Sir, we need you to go back to your cabin”
>>97238Any sign of silver?
>>97266"ye know that might be right. thanks i feel kinda better now."
Holy hell, they buffed the shit out of the Changelings in EaW. Used to be their attack would stall sometime after taking Shire if it was AI vs AI. Now, they're handedly beating the combined forces of Equestria, the Crystal Empire, Stalliongrad, and New Mareland.
>>97413Yeah, I’ve noticed. They used to lose in like 5 months every single time. Now, that is less common, and it isn’t uncommon for them to take literal years to lose the war.
>>97415He sighs
“Sir, it’s a measure for your safety.”
>>97411"Du hast gerade gegessen. Komm schon, wir suchen jetzt nach Informationen." Brie walks up and knocks on the next door in line.
[1d20+10 = 20]>>97416"For mine, or for yours?"
With this, Onyx swings the halberd down on this other horse
>>97412"Glad I could help brother. Do you need company on your adventures?"
*sad parasite noises*
The next door, when knocked on, is answered with
“Yes? What’s going on?”
>>97418Hit. Roll damage
>>97420"Please open the door. We're looking for a pony named Lavender."
>>97419"Sure, i was looking for my marefriend. She's a Blue Pegasus from nimbusia. I think she might be with a Silver unicorn."
[1d20+5 = 17]>>97421He’s hurt, but not out
“Oh you are going to get it!
>>97422“Oh, sure”
He opens it, and is startled to see Brie
“Are you EAF?”
Beige earth pony
>>97424*nudges the recently sad poner*
"Alright friend lets find her."
*he looks around to get his bearing*
>>97425"To be honest, no. But I want to know why they're looking for Lavender."
[1d6+3 = 4]>>97426He gets hit with the butt of the gun
>>97427It’s the lounge of a fancy hotel. How he got there, who knows. But he’s there
>>97428“Whonis Lavender? Did a passenger go missing? Is she a criminal?”