Set six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where the Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures because of their encounters with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics.
For those on the train. The train goes along at high speeds through the darkness past farmland, trees, and other trains... until it starts to slow down, and comes to a halt.
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>>98404You're definitely going first.
>>98404Is he changing disguises?
Well, Brie absolutely won intiative, allowing him to act before the peaved pink probe partisan pony pulls her gun into position on the ground
>>98405Obviously, but the length of time it takes to activate/change his appearance is a very crucial element to how he proceeds
>>98407I think it would be a quick action, yes
>>98406If he has time to before grappling the pink pony, yes; he's changing his disguise into that of the pink pony.
Otherwise/afterward, he's grappling.
>>98409And done. Grapple the pink pony
What is Brie’s disguise bonus?
[1d20-1 = -15]>>98410Disguise items are listed as giving a +10 to disguise attempts, he has 0 ranks in disguise, and his charisma modifier is -1. Rolling to start grapple (basic attack roll that disregards opponents armor bonus). Since pink is prone she gets a -4 to AC, but so is Brie (who gets -4 to attack). So, rolling to grab pink against whatever her modified AC is.
>>98411>>98411Pony is grabbed like a child on stage with Joe Biden
>>98414Negative, that would probably be his last action for the round.
>>98415Was he going to completely grapple her or just grab her?
[1d20+4 = 13]>>98418Okay, there is no way she is beating that. Brie has her grappled, and she has no light weapon with which to attack him. The stallion across from her and Brie is able to get his gun, but cannot do much but remained ready in absolute confusion at... basically everything. The other two guards are not visible to Brie from this angle.
Bang BangBangPOWIgnore the dice roll >>98419I suppose the gunshots are loud enough for Spark to hear?
>>98420Yes. To the left of the train, far forward
>>98421Spark makes sure the changelings are safely hidden back in their room and drags the crystal bartender inside to keep them out of trouble. He then advances forward to see what kind of trouble the bat got into.
>>98422Well, Brie isn’t in his room, the two changelings still can’t speak the language (but also don’t attack Spark). He would find a dead body in the dining car... but no sign of Brie
yet >>98423"You best not have gotten us killed before we even got close to our destination Brie..."
Stix continues to move forward, but cautiously, hoping to avoid bullets aimed his way.
>>98424No sign of Brie yet in more sleeper cars. Gunshots continue, forward and to the left
>>98425Spark decides that since stealth is blown anyway, he might as well take out his pistol that was not confiscated last I recall as he steps closer and closer to the gunfire.
>>98426The gunfire is occurring outside of the Train
>>98427I don't know what happens to the divisions station at the border at the beginning of a two-front Great War - whether they are encircled and destroyed, pushed back with heavy losses, pushed back with few losses, or are redeployed to other fronts when those open up\r
>>98429I know that, what I mean is forward. Spark continues forward until he finds Brie or is stopped by more threats.
>>98433He definitely finds a scene of many ponies in the front most car - a coach car - with several partisans and passengers
>>98432I don't think I've ever seen that, save for one playthrough as the Holy Pony Empire, and one as the Dread league, and that was only after 3 Million+ casualties >>98434What else can I make of the scene? Any partisans taking notice of Spark, any with weapons?
>>98435Three on the ground between seats nearer the front, two standing further away looking outside and back, one on the round, one restless bat pony
>>98436I am debating what to do from here... I suppose the only thing a illusionist would likely do is stay back for a moment and decide the best distraction for the job.
>>98436Does Dark Star have any dreams?
>>98438I’m not sure what he would dream about
>>98437They already look
really distracted
>>98439Well then... I guess I will risk it all and sneak forward towards the bat.
>>98441So... who is he dreaming about lewding?
>>98442If I was in a situation where I was getting shot at, I would be on edge for attackers that start running up on me. There is a better chance of them not hearing me sneaking over the gun fire... at least I think so.
>>98439Would you have any idea of what Silver would dream about?
>>98445>>98443Wait. I know who
>>98444Enter the room and roll to sneak
[1d20 = 11]>>98446Gulp. Spark enters the room and hopes that this isn't the worst mistake he has made today.
>>98448More sounds of gunshots coming outside and to the left
He can’t percectly hide for obvious reasons, but he isn’t noticed on the first couple seats
What do you call a crystal horse with a halberd?
Late to sessions as usual
Spark is gone, Brie is gone, there are two unconscious ponies in his room and the hallway, and there are loud gunshots outside of the train, forward and on the left
>>98447You know she’s like, right there right?
[1d20 = 13]>>98450I'm guessing you want me to roll more to advance
or until I fail . I continue toward the bat pone.
>>98451Welcome back. You may have to save the day.
>>98453Use your booking nerd charm, Spark!