Set six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where the Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures because of their encounters with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics.
For those on the train. The train goes along at high speeds through the darkness past farmland, trees, and other trains... until it starts to slow down, and comes to a halt.
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>>98604“The Blackhooves and the Changelings.”
>>98605“She has been under house arrest since the surrender.”
>>98606There are multiple options, including a secure car, placing several guards in one large room, and so forth. >>98607"Thats it. Now I'm PISSED!" Brie sets off toward the rear of the train, intent on resuming the search through the cars.
>>98607"I'm guessing she isn't her usual self then, or she would have already escaped. Still doesn't explain your hostile takeover. You should have located the location through espionage and then tactically assaulted the area you needed."
>>98608Spark looks surprised at the sudden outburst from Brie.
>>98608Only 2 rooms remain in Brie’s car, then several more past that
>>98609“Pray tell, what the actual fuck do you think we are doing here except using intel to try to rescue her when security is weakest?”
>>98609"No one harms the pink one!" Brie exclaims as he leaves for the rear compartments.
>>98609>>98608>>98600‘Ol midnight blue, still on his side, starts laughing loudly, almost maniacally
>>98610"Doing a sloppy job. You staled the train and then went car to car looking for her, causing a panic and giving the Blackhooves plenty of time to report the hostile action. They no doubt are on their way to recapture her once you succeed. Your operation wasted too much valuable time. Furthermore, why didn't you try to secure some potential help taking over the train from any loyalists to the Celestial crown from the passengers to buy yet more time? This is a joke of an operation."
>>>>98613He sighs
“Dumbass, there is literally no other way to do it. If we attacked the safe house, there would be far more security and a nearby police force. If we attacked the drop off point, there would be far more security and police. If you didn’t notice, it’s 2:00 AM in a rural area outside if the Everfree forest. The nearest Blackhooves garrison is many, many, many miles away, and we made sure to disable the radio first. And if you also didn’t notice, we were chatting peacefully with the passengers until you assholes showed up. Celestia, think about shit before you start critiquing.”
>>98614>>98609>>98600“As I said before, she’s not on this train”
Then why are you here?" Brie growls through gritted teeth.
>>98618This is Midnight Blue Brie is talking to
“To get to my destination in Bales. Why are you here?”
>>98616"I don't think you are in a position to be complaining here. You got defeated by civilians that got pissed off at your disruption. You failed your objective from what should have been a non-issue. Next time, bring a unicorn to teleport civilians out of harms way."
>>98620“They weren’t in’s harm’s way until YOU STARTED SHOOTING IN A CROWDED TRAIN CAR.”
>>98618The stallion answers for Midnight
“This is Black Ostend. He was going to Bales to work for the SSA there. We found him during the search.”
>>98619Brie walks back toward the bat-pone. "We have something in common." Brie says calmly. Then he grabs the tip and pulls open one of the bat-pones wing. "Maybe two things. One, we both know how easy it is for a bat-pony to be handicapped." he says, gesturing one of his knives along the fleshy part in between segments. "For two, and this is the one I'm assuming on, we don't like to be fucked with. You don't HAVE to make it to Bales of course, but
if you do, there's no telling if you'll fly again."
>>98581>>98625>>98624“Hahaha, what liberation movement are you a part of, youngling?”
>>98626They shot first and would have shot Brie if I didn't.
>>98626Oh whoops. Guess the group sorta overreacted all around with all the knockdowns and kills. Granted, they shouldn't be knocking on door like they're SS or the pony equivalent of it, especially if anyone has a weapon and something to hide.>>98627Tell that to the mare as Spark, not the GM.
>>98628Eh, it's clear they are not in the mood for such talk. They will just cycle through one uping me for each response I give.
>>98626Brie sticks his knife in the bat-pone's rear-left hoof. "Do I strike you as somepony who takes or gives orders? I don't give a fuck about resistance movements or factions or what the fuck ever. I'm just a pissed-off foal-sitter who has far more pleasant ponies to tend to then you. So the sooner you give me the information I need to get this train moving again, the better chance that you won't be maimed in the process."
>>98581He looks up at Brie with lidded eyes, damned near seductively. He places up his forehoives as a reminder to Brie that he is and has been restrained
“And what do you want to know?”
>>98631Brie reaches down, grabs the knife stuck his rear hoof and sticks it in his other rear hoof. "I'm sorry, this would take forever if I were to play games with you and I
am on a timeframe. How about you tell me what
you think might be important, and I'll stop slowly killing you if I agree."
>>98633“Then what is your question?”
>>98635It wasn't directly meant to be about you, more like the tip that you're being 'restrained' somehow.>>98634What dice rolls in particular? I think move silently, hide and other sneak stuff but not much else that I can think of.
>>98634"My question?" Brie pulls the knife out and places it before the bat pony's eye. "When should I stop?"
>>98633>>98637“Missy, if you want to continue to play with me the way my brothers did with me when I was a foal, then give me a knife and we can have some fun. If you are working for Celestia then I have to wonder why you killed their Sargent in cold blood. I for one have been arrested and beaten for attending the wrong church, hired and then discharged after several weeks before my first paycheck, and have generally been shafted by these Celestia followers my whole life, so I’m not inclined to help them, or you if you’ve lost your damned mind and decided to join them. But I can tell you that I have been interrogated and have interrogated prisoners many times, and it generally helps to ask a question you need answers to, and only thereafter be angry for non-responsive questions. You should art asking now, because by the looks of your bleeding you don’t have very long. At any moment, the pony behind you could decide to shoot you while you are staring at my beautiful face, or the pony down the car, or the two armed ponies outside, or those bandits closing in.”
He has a long scar running down his face
[Read more] >>98638(Uhm,... Brie isn't bleeding, he's only taken two hits, a glancing strike and a buttstrike,... he's still at 16 hp,....)
>>98639Hmmm, he could take more then. I thought he was at 3 HP
>>98638"Bleeding? Me? Oh no, none of this (he gestures to himself) is mine, I've just been very busy. Sill, you make a valid point. I appreciate the admission though, I was about to stake your hooves down and tend to my foals for a moment. Oh THAT'S it!"
Brie looks around to the assembled ponies. "He wants to die, so he might try to force you to kill him. He appears suitably restrained at the moment though, so if he tries anything he should be able to be beaten down, but he should be done so at range in case he's skilled at unarmed combat, which his little tidbit suggests. I know what he's NOT prepared for though!" Brie exclaims, departing for the Lings' room.
>>98640He has 26 max. He took a 3hp blow and a 7hp blow, unless I'm missing something.
Are either Onyx or Spark still here?
>>98642I was thinking 16. I’ll take that into consideration and build a more challenging encounter next time
>>98643Sidestepping the body in the dining car, Brie presents himself at the Lings' (and his) door, knocking twice, and then once.
>>98644>more challenging encounterHe's only alive because of plot devices. By all reason he should have been swiss cheese already, 2-3x.
Don't expect me to play him that way though. ^_~
>>98645Its a ceasefire atm, and the shackled bat-pone is more edgy than Brie. He's still shackled, and Brie just left to acquire 'the means to interrogate him'.
>>98646Kerr answers
>>98645One if the partisans starts to walk out through the back
>>98648"Umm... where do you think you are going?"
I follow him, gun and glass right to my side.
>>98649He continues walking towards the back vestibule
>>98649"Mind the corpse, I usually clean up after myself."
>>98648"Herr Kerr! Bist du und herr Wesley hungrig?"
>>98650I continue to follow, gun ready incase he pulls something.
>>98649"This pony, he might know how to manage
physical pain, but I bet we can get him to talk." ^_~
>>98652He slips around out of sight towards the doors
>>98654>out of sightHow? I thought I was following. How do I lose line of sight on a train?