ITT Roleplaying
Classic Tabletop D&D (3.5e mostly)
New players welcome, most especially our recent pony addition
Its always some level of nuts in this thread, and this moment does not disappoint.
All kinds of things have happened, the result of which is that with over a week passing in meat-space the party is still right where they left off at.
Tracy is venturing to the mountains with her floofy-faced, hutungous birbs in an oversided wagon, hoping to give them a chance to have a moment with their biological father.
Trump, for some reason, is quite butt-hurt by this. What? Its true,....
Thez is enjoying the first decent night's sleep in over a week, Infernius contemplates (((genocide))) (does it work in that context? I mean he's contemplating their genocide of course), and Torcuil learns that Death is a pretty cool chick with a morbid sense of humor in an absurd job that you wouldn't think is a job, but its literally a job. So yeah, next time he wants to hit her up, just blow ur brains out or something.
Last thread got to over 1800 posts <trumpet fanfare> but that shit is impossible on mobile and cumbersome at best otherwise so,....
1452 replies and 172 files omitted.
Does the spartan town have a library?
>>54648Can't get enough of those jumping horses.
>>54650Horses are majestic as fuck
[1d20+39 = 59]
Well if Tracy's faggot is going to just declare this sort of shit then so am I
Give a grand speech on the holiness of Football and Elway, using both charm domain powers and Eagle's splendor
Wait a minute.. Why am I practicing circus tricks at a port, when I could be helping out the negotiations and entertaining the Spartans?
Is what Tracy thinks, as she finishes landing a backflip.
Tracy speeds off towards Spartintar like a lil blue bolt, hoping to catch up with her husband.
>>54654What charm spell did you use?
>>54656It's the charm domain special power. A +4 charisma bonus for a minute
[1d20 = 7]>>54654Well i might aswell do stuff too.
>gives speech on the glory and righteousness of national socialism.
>>54660I dont know why i suspected i would succeed.
[1d20+4 = 8]Stop touching the bump limit dammit>>54660Torc gives a TED talk on the magic of memes
>>54659I want a Domain...
Think I'll take a feat like that in a couple levels. I think Madness Domain would be good for Tracy's Inflict Spells, since her Wis is so low.
>>54521I've been listening to this for an unhealthy amount of time now...
I need a pony song.
>>54671Never was a big fan of rock, but that’s just me.
I’m at chapter one on this song, (props to them making such a long song, that takes effort) but they lay on those drums like it’s a battle when they are explaining the peaceful times the empire had. Just seems out of place to me.
I liked those “ye olde” ballad parts though. I always enjoyed the old classical music to more modern music.
>>54673I find the classical/rock to be pretty interesting, never heard it before.
>>54671Thanks. That at least was able to gas the fucking moeblobs hopping around in my brain.
*revels in being the mouth piece of God, as he continues to preach pure Truth*
>>54683I outta fix the eyelashes on that pic sometime.
>>54680It's been that kind of day...
I made this shitty recolor, just because Infernius asked for it.
-Garfield! If you erase Monday from existence, Tuesday will just take its place!
-Then I'll erase everything, starting with you, Jon. Now come, show me what you're made of!!
>>54693But, then there would be no lasagna...
>>54694Garfield does things he sometimes regrets on Mondays.. >>54693I can relate to Garfield better than most other fictional characters
>>54695I have no idea how this works... sorry. Trying to, but it may take some time
>>54698I think that's what made his comic so popular.
>>54700*but still hasn't found the Paladin with the incredible hair*