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R: 0 / F: 1 / P: 1
The Rules Are The Rules
Welcome to /1ntr/

1. Standard rules apply (If you don't know, you better ask somebody)

2. Tasteful funposting welcomed (will get deleted otherwise)

3. this is an SFW board, spoiler lewds.

4. Generals somewhat welcomed if /1ntr/ related

5. Use tripcodes as Originally intended

6. Any thought can be a good contribution if well thought out.

R: 0 / F: 1 / P: 1
We .swf now
Due to recent requests about .swf support, our staff waved their magic wand and BAM!

/1ntr/ is now .swf supported.

R: 482 / F: 357 / P: 1
Post in this thread every time you visit /1ntr/ and surely we will have more activity.
R: 361 / F: 230 / P: 1
/cf/ - Chan Feed
April is coming edition

>what goes here
This thread is for all Chan related current events, happenings, and news.
because there is a widespread of imageboards, and untouched communities. There is also a wide amount of users, that are clueless of what is going on when it comes to alt chans, however this is no spoonfeeding thread, this is a move to create a loop of information, that any anon can contribute to.
>I dont know what to post
this is an open bulletin, post what you feel is relevant to be discussed that is happening, as long as it is not old news.
>I dont know any alt chans
Ngr you are in one, if you found this place you must be somewhat in the loop, or came from 4chan, which news from there is still relevant.


R: 15 / F: 9 / P: 1
So, I WANTED to leave it to the /1ntr/ faggots cuz caturday.

Very catlike.

Still, cats and saturday go together like cats and saturday. Cry about refinement in OP, but this is 'nao' the (as yet) uncontested caturday thread

R: 190 / F: 125 / P: 1
Fumo Thread
Please read this before posting: http://www.buyfags.moe/Full_guide

Places to buy fumos and other plushes:

For General Fumo information, custom fumo lists, official fumo lists, AND fumo price guides- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qNz36ZJm_P83ke4pzbi4MiinhmGDuES-PEgLEjyIsy8/edit?usp=sharing

Picture guide for acquiring fumos-

Touhou: https://www.gift-gift.jp/nui/toho.html
Gift Closet: https://www.gift-gift.jp/nuigurumi_costume/
Online Shop: http://giftshop.jz.shopserve.jp/

Fumo: https://buyee.jp/item/search?query=ふもふも
Deka: https://buyee.jp/item/search?query=でかふも

Fumo: https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/listPage/list?soldOut=1&keyword=フモフモ ふもふも&lang=en
Deka: https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/listPage/list?soldOut=1&keyword=デカフモ でかふも&lang=en

Tokyo Otaku Mode-

Solaris Japan-

Fumo: https://www.suruga-ya.jp/search?category=5&search_word=ふもふも+東方ぬいぐるみ
Deka: https://www.suruga-ya.jp/search?category=5&search_word=でかふも+東方ぬいぐるみ

Amazon JP-
Fumo: https://www.amazon.co.jp/s?k=東方Project+ふもふも&language=en_US
Suku: https://www.amazon.co.jp/s?k=東方Project+すくすく&language=en_US

Amiami- *Note, they rarely keep Fumos in stock at this point, but they do have other touhou plushies on occasion

Proxy and Forwarding services-

Do not buy from JP Figures. They are a scam.

>But anon I'm a poorfag and can't afford a fumo.
Then just buy a knock off on aliexpress or ebay for like $15-35.
R: 6 / F: 5 / P: 1
Dear oldfags
Your memes were not funny. Grow up nigger
R: 33 / F: 33 / P: 1
Music Thread/Album Thread
What are /1ntr/'s favorite albums? Mine are pic related.
R: 8 / F: 4 / P: 1
I hate usernames so much. They are my least favorite part of any site that allows them.
R: 143 / F: 82 / P: 1
/1ntr/ cytube
leaving this here, in case anyone from the site would like to join us for anything from anime, to movies.

we will eventually host event streams and such when they come. And thread will be bumped when we watch something.
pw: N1gg3r
all are welcomed.
R: 608 / F: 666 / P: 2
Its Caturday
you know what to do.
R: 6 / F: 1 / P: 2
lol limewire
R: 71 / F: 17 / P: 2
Newfags cant Triforce

 ▲ ▲
R: 3 / F: 2 / P: 2
Welcome home, lost souls.
R: 3 / F: 3 / P: 2
Happy 12th Anniversary
12 years strong and still more to come!
Sasuga /1ntr/
R: 0 / F: 1 / P: 2
Css looking good pup.
R: 23 / F: 10 / P: 2
Bar of /1ntr/
it's a lovely place let me tell ya, You name it; they got it. However it's only open on Fridays.

What's your poison, what are ya having?

What ills ya or should i be congratulating?
R: 5 / F: 4 / P: 2
For intr to colonize /a/
R: 2 / F: 3 / P: 2
It's time to come home.
Canadesu, I hope you see this post and are fine.
R: 5 / F: 2 / P: 3
new telegram channel i made, it's not centered around mlp or anything, i just posted it here cus i like you guys. You can send whatever you want, from porn to gore, but cp is a no-no, i don't want to get arrested and shit. enjoy (only if you really want to).

R: 6 / F: 1 / P: 3
looking for wacky and weird political literature
Anyone of you know any weird political essays / books?
I like reading politics especially the weird and wacky stuff, any kind of politics welcome i dont care if its marxist fascist or anarchist.
I just want to read some weird political shit
R: 54 / F: 14 / P: 3
anybody know a good tool to download youtube video thumbnail in batch (example: playlist/ whole channel)? and also a good replacement for byclickdownloader that can batch download too ? (and maybe also download subtittle and thumbnail if can ?)
R: 44 / F: 26 / P: 3
ITT: Fuck you Internet moments
we can all agree that we love the internet and all that it has brought us, but lets be honest there are times where we are introduced to things that can be odd, unfair or just plain wrong.

Example: Rule 34

pros: if it exists, there is porn of it. if not, make it.

cons: ive seen Mythbusters hentai, seriously what the fuck.

share your "fuck you internet moments"
R: 7 / F: 6 / P: 3
R: 25 / F: 17 / P: 3
Terry A Davis (December 1969 - August 2018)
Terry A Davis sadly passed away last week
May he rest in peace

Donations may be made in-memoriam via

R: 5 / F: 2 / P: 3
Where is the /1ntr/ black background
i want it back
R: 65 / F: 59 / P: 3
Desu thread.
Desu Desu Desu Desu Desu Desu Desu Desu Desu Desu Desu Desu Desu Desu Desu Desu Desu Desu Desu Desu Desu Desu Desu Desu

R: 4 / F: 2 / P: 3
Alright /intz/ Project server is now ready for play.

Port: 27600
pw: Sauce2!

PvE, highly co-op 24/7.
- Russia instead of Knox County
- britas weapons and equipment
- gun spawns and ammo is set to soviet, nato stuff is rare
- vehicles are a mix of slav and american vehicles plus motorbikes
- new traits smoker and schizophernia and IBS and cannibalism
- new food like vodka and MREs
- alcohol brewing and weed farming
- new events replace the old helicopter
time is 1 hour real time = 1 day in game
- water and power shut off month 2-6
- horde nights start at day 90 but they're mild
- all clothing unlocked from character creation if you want to larp
- skill journals
- period appropriate music
- some QoL mods
- PVP = off
- Fire Spread = off
- some areas unfinished, map unreliable
- 1/20 zombies sprinters

Rules are common sense.
R: 3 / F: 4 / P: 3
R: 8 / F: 5 / P: 4
get used to it
R: 8 / F: 8 / P: 4
Its Suiseiseki day
today is the day of the 3rd maiden known as Suiseiseki.
you WILL say something nice about her.
you WILL post desu.
you WILL be happy.
R: 1 / F: 2 / P: 4
R: 5 / F: 4 / P: 4
R: 6 / F: 3 / P: 4
Imagine being so desperate, you end up being of these three.
Like what is even more sad; being so poor you gotta hock up with an ugly guy from the other side of the planet, or being so fuckin' ugly you have to farm the womanly rice fields of east-Asia.

Maybe they are all happy in a sense I can't understand.
R: 1 / F: 2 / P: 4
i killed a thread
R: 1 / F: 1 / P: 4
Happy 11th year anniversary
what did you get us?
R: 4 / F: 4 / P: 4
Baka! is online again!

Come have fun and act retarded.
R: 21 / F: 16 / P: 4
Fat Albert General /fag/ - Greatest Animo of all time Edition
Hey Hey Hey!
This thread will be dedicated to the discussion of the greatest anime to ever grace our eyeballs with its presence, Fat Albert and the Cosby Kids.

If you find an episode anywhere on the internet the please post a link in this thread

Some Episodes to start new kids off


>Halloween Special

>Retarded kid episode

>Faking the Grade

>Wheelchair kid episode

>Easter Special

R: 15 / F: 17 / P: 4
delet this
ITT: we delet shit.
R: 3 / F: 1 / P: 5
R: 8 / F: 4 / P: 5
need back in /1ntr/ dickscord
got disabled and apparently i’m not getting it back but kerning or someone (if this place is alive) should link me
R: 0 / F: 1 / P: 5
Happy Turkey Day
make sure to eat and drink lots, and become a massive fat.
R: 18 / F: 10 / P: 5
Why are so many alt chans dead
I miss 2009 bros
R: 4 / F: 4 / P: 5
Why has this little guy had his little hat on all year round
or am I dumb
R: 17 / F: 7 / P: 5
Is there any relevance to this?
Like for real, what is your guys opinion about this site:
Some like quite nice, but for what do they exist? Some sick A.I. purgatory of ideas, infiltrating our minds with this soulless creations.
R: 3 / F: 1 / P: 5
Did I just ruin Stargate?
I think I might have just fucked up the entire Stargate franchise for myself.

If they've got these Stargates on all these occupied planets, then why the hell wouldn't they built their cities AROUND the Stargates? They're essentially free travel to any other city out there. The Stargates should exist only in the most controlled, secured, and every-gun-in-the-world-pointed-at locations on these planets. Just like on Earth. The script requires them to treat Stargates as "drop me off near the city of the week, but far enough away to not be noticed and to let me sneak in if I want to" location. That's almost certainly not how that would work.

Not even the early "only our asshole oppressor alien overlords come through the Stargates, so we want to live far enough away from them that we can forget about them most of the time" line of reasoning seems to cover up all the gaps.
R: 14 / F: 3 / P: 5
You wake up in 2009
What is the first thing you do?
R: 1 / F: 1 / P: 5
The alien, satanic/black magick radio control prison. It started the story to create the judeo-jesuit-masonic elites. The radio control prison keeps you people away from thinking its non-humans at the top, with techniques and technology millions of years in advance, that are capturing souls via the moon spaceship, harvesting the "honey," and re-enslaving you to re-incarnate to soul-condition human DNA.

Theres a radio ceiling. Theres a link between the moon and saturn. The saturn rings are amplifiers to a wave, the moon not only beams something at us, it captures those who leave.

Theres masses below. They all disguise somehow. They all seek domination, they all plot against us long-term, its diabolical.

Remote view or psychic contact at the moon, gets shut down. Theres something on it, like an obelisk, and theres entities in it. I sense a great, all-encompassing evil
R: 1 / F: 1 / P: 5
R: 31 / F: 149 / P: 6
The /1ntr/ Archive
A couple old flashes I thought would be nice to share, along with some old chan propaganda that I plan to dump
R: 24 / F: 11 / P: 6
Happy negro
R: 1 / F: 1 / P: 6
R: 8 / F: 3 / P: 6
my discord account got banned. feels bad man.
how do i get back into the 1ntr discord? yeah i'm retarded feel free to delete
R: 3 / F: 3 / P: 6
Harem thread
Who's in your harem /1ntr/?
R: 6 / F: 4 / P: 6
Share your anthro waifu /1ntr/
My belleza absoluta waifu is Sunset Shimmer!
R: 7 / F: 7 / P: 6
I trying to install NPFchan, but I getting this error
How to overcome this?
R: 104 / F: 75 / P: 6
ITT: memes newfags cant identify
post your oldest memes, and guess the roots of others
R: 6 / F: 6 / P: 6
In defiance of all ridicule, the man made it.
R: 2 / F: 1 / P: 6
Pi network is a cryptocurrency that you can earn with your phone, just install the "Pi network" app on your phone, enter the code "Berssange" and enter the app once a day to prove that you are not a bot and that's it, you’ll earn an amount of currency per hour, the app is lightweight and doesn’t waste resources, the currency is new and priceless, it’s a good time to enter, then just sell the currency when it enters the market.
Good opportunity to get Pi for free and profit much later.
R: 10 / F: 6 / P: 7
echo echo echo
Is it just me or has there been a major decline in altchan activity this last year and a half, stagnation is boring. When is there going to be fun?
R: 20 / F: 16 / P: 7
R: 2 / F: 4 / P: 7
Where should I go on the internet thats as as good as /x/ used to be on four chins? Place is a shithole now that's been overrun with shitposters and christfags. Please point me in some good directions anons. Thank you <3
R: 12 / F: 6 / P: 7
Linux > Windows
Linux > Windows
R: 9 / F: 6 / P: 7
/mlpol/ Christmas Truce video
Does anyone know where I can find the old /mlpol/ Christmas Truce video? I found it a month or so after that April Fool's day, but when I went on an archival binge a few months ago, I wasn't able to find it.

You know the one. It's based on that Christimas Truce video that shows England and the Russians playing soccer in the winter. They edited new subtitles into the video, and might have made some minor edits to the actual video itself.

It was a nice video, and I'd like to see it again.
R: 8 / F: 25 / P: 7
Old .swf stuff
Ive got a small collection of swf stuff I downloaded 6+ years ago. Figured I might as well see how /1ntr/ deals with some flash.
R: 4 / F: 5 / P: 7
Longcat memorial
>From his owner, Ms. Miniko, Nobiko has just crossed the rainbow bridge. Pray for her soul.
>He was nicknamed Nobiru-tan and he was the most popular cat in the world since around 2005.
>Thank you for being born on earth and living so long, Nobiruthan!

R: 2 / F: 5 / P: 7
What does this mean
I have seen, this in a few different series, but never found out the meaning of the gesture. Obviously something vulgar, just cant find a way to find a reference.
R: 1 / F: 1 / P: 7
Big list of imageboards easily sortable


R: 9 / F: 2 / P: 8
Why the fuck is this board named after such an unholy n-word?
R: 3 / F: 4 / P: 8
i love you guys :)
R: 19 / F: 12 / P: 8
Internet Nostalgia Thread
Post some of your favorite sites from the earlier days of the internet. Anyone remember albino blacksheep? Used to love that shit when I was younger.
R: 0 / F: 1 / P: 8
You can't hide from the Wolf
R: 5 / F: 4 / P: 8
Friday Nights
What does /1ntr/ do on Friday nights?

R: 3 / F: 2 / P: 8
When was the last time you have done this?
Let's be honest now.
R: 2 / F: 3 / P: 8
I found /s4s/!
I foudn it!
R: 15 / F: 5 / P: 8
Did I ever tell you the tragedy of moot the wise?
R: 17 / F: 21 / P: 8
New shitposting youtube stream "Window Of Life"
So apparently there is this livestream going on, by a person who goes by the alias "Keegle Weegle" https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCN_zywWbyWFOtnj-mGssHOw where there is a surveillance camera placed somewhere outside his apartment. where the scenery is mostly inhabited by few average passerbys and mostly junkies.

the shtick in all this is if you donate you can either spout out TTS messages throught the speakers of the camera, or play media for a short period of time. This is not a shill post. Just more of an interest in who has seen it, what has happend, and possibly where this location could be.

any clips of any happening of the stream are welcomed, soo far there has been sounds of gunshits and drug deals done on camera, so anything lulzy is pretty welcomed in this thread. Support the moron holding this up discretely however this is not intended to be an advertisement for his stream more a collections and overall discussion of this fun event, perhaps some good material can come of this.
R: 61 / F: 20 / P: 8
Secret Thread
this is a secret thread, only secret stuff is posted here.
R: 3 / F: 2 / P: 9
What goes here?
R: 6 / F: 3 / P: 9
Hello Friends! I come bearing gifts!
I created a bootable USB flash-drive image for viewing Adobe Flash (.SWF) files offline.


As you may or may not be aware, official support for
Adobe Flash will be ending in 2020, and already,
Compatibility with modern web browsers is scarce,
unstable, and not secure, to say the least.

Because of this, I have decided to hunt down an older
distribution of Linux, along with the Latest version of
the official Adobe Flash Stand-alone player (Mar 2019),
and sorted through my collection of .SWF files that I
have been saving from all of the internet for the last
10-15 years, to make this bootable, self-contained
USB-Disk image for use offline.

I know, that I could have organized things better, and I'm sure you guys know of better Linux distributions I could have used, or better ways to configure everything. I'd like some feedback.
Also, this is a wholesome and clean archive. If you're looking for my porn, it's over here:

I hope you like it!
R: 2 / F: 3 / P: 9
Emprah Burgers
R: 5 / F: 7 / P: 9
Modernist Architecture

What do you know about the Jewish influence in Modernist architecture? When did it start? What keeps it going?

We can post these red-pills on Jon's tweet. Like he said, "strike while the irons hot".
R: 6 / F: 13 / P: 9
Ancient NSFW Flashes
Welcome Internet Archaeologists! I decided to make a secondary thread for my collection of old NSFW flashes. Starting off with a 10 part Tifa animation/game that has served me well.
R: 26 / F: 19 / P: 9
Reactions how do they work?
Post a reaction, along with what its intended for, and spoiler what it really means. Example:
Smug anime face
because I have nothing for this argument
lets see what you got.

R: 8 / F: 4 / P: 9
Oldfag remembers rules 1 & 2 after spending 6 years in jail.
Josh Pillaut was sentenced to 6 years after he made a terrorist threat on Runescape where he bullied a kid and threatened to blow up his school. In this YouTube interview he STILL remembers rules 1 and 2.
The sad thing is he probably just found out just how much 4chan has gone to shit.
R: 7 / F: 8 / P: 9
Never been there. People rip on them for spouting old memes. Went over there and saw a bunch new memes. I know there's a difference between us doing it and them, but can anyone figure out what that difference is?
R: 14 / F: 23 / P: 9
R: 9 / F: 6 / P: 9
Man sets Kyoto anime studio on fire while screaming ‘you die,’ killing dozens
>At 10:30 am on the 18th, a man sprays a liquid like gasoline in the building of the studio of the animation production company "Kyoto Animation" in Fushimi-ku, Kyoto City, causing an explosive fire.
>The police said that a studio of an animation production company in Fushimi-ku, Kyoto City had been confirmed by a man that 33 deaths were confirmed. Another 35 people were injured and transported to the hospital. A 41-year-old man is believed to have ignited, and the police are investigating it on suspicion of an arson.
>Apparently, it's a train otaku mad about the KyoAni building attracting a pilgrimage of anime otaku and ruining the scenery near a train spotting location.
Plus, Hibike had a baritone sax solo that people abbreviated as "barisaku". Coincidentally, "barisaku" was the abbreviation he personally used for another train spotting related term, バリバリ観光してサクッと撮りましょう.
So basically, he felt his hobby was personally attacked.
>[An eyewitness] lady said between sobs, "Someone left in the building was begging for help from a window. I couldn't tell if they were a man or a woman. Their mouth was bright red against their blackened body covered completely in soot, even their face. All I could tell was that they were crying out "HELP! HELP" again and again. Soon they stopped moving against the window and burned into it like a shadow. Then I heard the din of ambulance sirens and helicopters flying by."
full story: https://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/20190718/k10011996791000.html?utm_int=word_contents_list-items_002&word_result=%E3%82%A2%E3%83%8B%E3%83%A1%E4%BC%9A%E7%A4%BE%E6%94%BE%E7%81%AB
R: 7 / F: 6 / P: 10
Party Hard!
R: 14 / F: 30 / P: 10
Ghibli General Thread
Ghibli General Thread
>Talk about Ghibli Films
>Shitpost about Ghibli Films
>Post cute Ghibli girls
You get the idea.
R: 2 / F: 3 / P: 10
A good website in a weary world welcomes people like yourself <a href="https://youtu.be/EN0hEeKLMdQ" rel="nofollow noreferrer" target="_blank">https://wow.wow/</a> or @Tor <a href="http://www.heavensgate.com/" rel="nofollow noreferrer" target="_blank">http://2ftgu27lxmjmjhaszmugn17eydas9hsokylhbsn6g4ggum2e2jgcpoqd.onion/</a> Share the word, this is not spam but a special invitation to you. This invitation is unique and not many will get it, so rejoice. Our website is especially designed to help you tune into yourself, into your cow. Into the possibilities of milky delight that you will discover within you. Each time you visit our website you will understand more, and more will rise up within you in response. Visit our website, again and again. Visit alone, or with your cow. Try whatever appeals to you in the course of your visit and click something new! something different… each time. Then when you are comfortable with everything on our website use is as a wallpaper for your computer, let it become a part of your imagination, a part of you. The possibilities that this website will open are truly limitless.
<tinyboard raw html>1</tinyboard>
R: 5 / F: 2 / P: 10
YTMND is kill
I just heard that ye-olde meme site, YTMND (You're the man now dog) is dead.

I figured that some of you oldfags would remember the place and its memes.

I'd request you to press F to pay respects, but I think "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" is more appropriate.

Here's one of its old cat memes.
R: 6 / F: 2 / P: 10
Rest in Peace Kairo Seijuro
a legend of viral video, known as the subway swordsman died.
News Report on Death
R: 4 / F: 3 / P: 10
Heyo, i saw your thread on 22chan and decided to visit, you guys seem much more chill than those faggot spacc-chan niggers.
Also, here's a cake since it's your birthday!
R: 1 / F: 2 / P: 10
Hiii /1ntr/ hope ya'll have been well!
R: 1 / F: 2 / P: 10
I need help finding something
Hello my friends, denizens of /1ntr/! A video I watched long ago has just recently re-entered my consciousness, and all I really recall about it is that it had animated scenes from the original Terminator done on paper. To help clue you in, one of the scenes was the iconic part where Arnold cuts his goddamn eye out. Any help would be appreciated!
R: 0 / F: 1 / P: 10
R: 4 / F: 3 / P: 10
Celebrating mlpol /1ntr second anniversary
another year has passed and we are still going strong, never forget the imagboard nomads that spent years putting all this together, years of shaking hands and patting backs and many more to come, we may have lost a few Ngrs on the way, but we are still here and not going anywhere. Brace for another year of faggotry.

RIP Pika, you will never be forgotten. FITE THA POWA