361 replies and 290 files omitted.
>>3773Please! i want to go back!
>>3775>>3776So you have wished it, and so it shall be!
..We might have hit a bump somewhere...
>>3777>CheckedI Would take this over the current year
>>3778i want to go back
hopfully you friends are feeling well and having a pleasnt 2022
>>3798soo far soo good, can't complain.
>>3805>>3798Not Too Bad, better than '21
>>3808>>3814You're getting your hopes up, the kikes can't rule over dead bodies and ash.
I simply wonder how far will things go. Would not want things to go too far south, a little break from these wonderful anime arch's can be nice.
<"did enjoy the pandemic arch? get ready for.."
<Big war arch?
<nothingburger 2022?
Things are already getting pretty wacky out there. been doing some reading on eastern sites, translations are cruddy, but definitely worth keeping tabs.
>>3816The Pandemic arch is getting boring.
>>3832>>3833Happy Birthday my NGRs. Happy Birthday /mlpol/
>>3898I know your secret, very lonely.
Jo'on is the most cash money of the 2hus.
>>4164That's her power in touhou. She can also make other people spend their money so she can gain power.
>>4186The Orange Star robot CO can do that, making enemy units slightly more expensive to purchase while also having fog of war and defense related powers. Jo'on should have that price hike for the foe too, it could make her top tier. Or at least a higher tier than she is. Folter the nazi meme guy could use a buff too.
Mangsvance Wars doesn't seem balanced well. So far Pyre seems like the objectively best character in the game. Her or Tabby the literal cat.
>>4186Oh wait you said spending to make her stronger. No, the robot guy just makes his foe's units more expensive.
It would probably fit Jo'on if one of her CO Powers halved the foe's funds and gave her a bonus that turn for the money consumed or added it to her total count of money consumed, the variable used for calculating her other power. This would naturally encourage foes to avoid saving up too much when Jo'on's meter is full enough to use that power.
Perhaps "gain a bonus depending on money spent" could be part of her day to day abilities. It can't make her any more broken than some OCs like Coldsteel and Spec and the rabbit fursona.
>>4189I was talking about her powers in touhou.
>>4191Yeah, and her fanmade advance wars adaption feels incomplete because she's missing any way to fuck with her opponent's money or spending habits or gain from their spending. My proposed rework would fit better.
I'm going to add "make a better Jo'on in Commander Wars" to my list of shit to do eventually.
>>4410heart throbbing koishi is best koishi
>>1728I want to snort lines off of Mokou's ass.
I know jack shit about touhou but I want to cum inside the purple library nerd and the yellow fox girl
>>4442Which yellow fox girl? The one with one tail or the one with nine tails?
>>4443The nine tailed fox girl.
>>4455Will you make sure to return it?
>>4456you can have mine, now hand over yours.
You need to be getting stronger, /intr/
Wait there's a netorare board here?
>>4663Have you considered never typing anything again?
Everyone get down, or she gets it!
There is a rumor that on January 1st, 2024, jewtube will delete all channels showing no activity for 2 years. It may by wise to download all the content you care about just in case.
>>4826Where did you hear this rumor?
>>4826, but my understanding was it was only accounts that had no videos posted. still warrants archival anyways but should be safe.
>>4826>>4835honestly it's a good practice to archive videos you care about anyway. you shouldn't count on everything being online forever, especially now with everything considered "misinformation" being constantly retconned and memory-holed.
We're back again baby!
Oh yea! Oh yea!
Do u guys like the new 2hu waifu