411 replies and 316 files omitted.
>>4410heart throbbing koishi is best koishi
>>1728I want to snort lines off of Mokou's ass.
I know jack shit about touhou but I want to cum inside the purple library nerd and the yellow fox girl
>>4442Which yellow fox girl? The one with one tail or the one with nine tails?
>>4443The nine tailed fox girl.
>>4455Will you make sure to return it?
>>4456you can have mine, now hand over yours.
You need to be getting stronger, /intr/
Wait there's a netorare board here?
>>4663Have you considered never typing anything again?
Everyone get down, or she gets it!
There is a rumor that on January 1st, 2024, jewtube will delete all channels showing no activity for 2 years. It may by wise to download all the content you care about just in case.
>>4826Where did you hear this rumor?
>>4826, but my understanding was it was only accounts that had no videos posted. still warrants archival anyways but should be safe.
>>4826>>4835honestly it's a good practice to archive videos you care about anyway. you shouldn't count on everything being online forever, especially now with everything considered "misinformation" being constantly retconned and memory-holed.
We're back again baby!
Oh yea! Oh yea!
Do u guys like the new 2hu waifu