April is coming edition
>what goes hereThis thread is for all Chan related current events, happenings, and news.
>whybecause there is a widespread of imageboards, and untouched communities. There is also a wide amount of users, that are clueless of what is going on when it comes to alt chans, however this is no spoonfeeding thread, this is a move to create a loop of information, that any anon can contribute to.
>I dont know what to postthis is an open bulletin, post what you feel is relevant to be discussed that is happening, as long as it is not old news.
>I dont know any alt chansNgr you are in one, if you found this place you must be somewhat in the loop, or came from 4chan, which news from there is still relevant.
http://www.2chan.net/https://www.4chan.org https://www.8ch.nethttps://endchan.xyz/261 replies and 186 files omitted.
>Agents with the FBI were involved in a raid at a home in Fort Lauderdale Tuesday morning that left a suspect in custody whose social media activity shows him possibly connected with and sympathetic to the right wing group the Proud Boys.https://www.nbcmiami.com/news/local/fbi-agents-raid-home-in-fort-lauderdale/2395649/this guy is toast, pour one out.
>>3573His power levels were so off the charts that he sought to deposit them into unsuspecting internet strangers. The ride was doomed to end in a crash.
desuchan has been down for some time now, No telling what the future holds for the site. But if the worse is to come, its been real and the memories will never be forgotten. The power of Rozen Maiden will continue to live on in other parts of the internet.
Lets hope for the best.
So Lchan closed down, those kind of altchans never work
also I finally got a GPU, whats the currently most active /v/ site?
>>3652according to the webring, sportchan seems to have a pretty active /v/ board, as one that does not lurk /v/ermin boards I personally could not give you a good recommendation, but can throw you around a few places.
<https://sportschan.org/v/<https://smuglo.li/vg/<https://9chan.tw/videogames/<https://zzzchan.xyz/v/index.html<https://8kun.top/v/index.html<https://22chan.org/vg/there you go, hopefully you could find something outside of 4spam interesting, dont be shy to search around overchan fomr something else as well.
>>3652/vx/ could always use some more traffic.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2UkcZ4LtSE8lowtax, the founder of SA, died today. he was an ass but his site led to internet culture as we know it, so RIP
>>3720>>3721No way he's actually fucking dead. this is just some fucked up trolling attempt by the Fags at SA right?
The real Doom House might have been the frens we made along the way.
is it just me or are we reaching the death of altchans? since 8ch got snipped there has been a massive decline in news, no new major alts coming up and most new kid on the block chans are stagnate with little to no activity. Kinda makes me sad, maybe not not just looking hard enough, has the whole scene gone soo underground that all that really meets the eye are sites for foreign countries? I dont know but what the fuck is happening to the internet. Things are nothing like they were 5 or so years ago where there were sites left and right, most communities seemed to just migrate to discord and went completely quiet, I dont know i will just stop ranting here..
>>3779some of them moved to telegram, atleast that's what they say, everything has indeed changed fam, the fact of the matter is, that i only started to spend the whole day in this place aswell as certain slow 4chin generals because i have the feeliing this isn't going to last very long, and want to make the most of it while it's still here, i hope am wrong, but we've been going backwards in every aspect since 2019, only thing that's been improving is /mlpol/'s general standing in /mlp/
>>3780Oh, and you can thank the show's finale for that
>>3779>is it just me or are we reaching the death of altchans?No, places are still active. However, there is a massive psyop effort to constantly trash a lot of those sites. You can tell who they are quite easily because they
ALWAYS do one of the following:
<Post wojaks<Post niggerpill teir posts<Use politically correct terms (E.g. "normie", "incel", "NPC", etc.)<Post about how glorious of a country China is<Spam porn and nothing else<Throw a fit whenever asked to provide a source for anything they saw (Including news articles)<Derail threads to constantly bitch about the site's admins<Derail threads by blogposting<(1) and done posts<Qultist "Trust the plan" postsYou get the idea.
>>3779>most communities seemed to just migrate to discord and went completely quietDiscord is where chan communities go to die.
>>3782>>3783>chanForgot, that's another politically correct term to look out for.
>>3784Okay, imageboards. Call it what you like.
>>3782I notice this too, but I can neversay for certain how much of that is actually coordinated.
>>3785>Call it what you like.THAT'S WHAT THESE KINDS OF SITES ARE ALWAYS CALLED, JACKASS!!!>>3786>I can neversay for certain how much of that is actually coordinated.It doesn't
need to be coordinated. All that's required is just for your to have two computers and a smart phone, have the computers connected to a wifi source, one of the computers running tor, your phone using it's own internet, and you can single-handedly raid a board and shut down all discussion on it. And, if you're banned in the process, use a new Tor identity, reset your wifi router, and switch your phone in and out of airplane mode.
>>3787No, I meant, I'm unsure what's an intentional psyop and what's just normal shitposting.
>>3790I thought it was all about bhurmese animal-husbandry
>>3784well excuuuuuuuse me on my terminology.
>>3787>All that's required is just for your to have two computers and a smart phone, have the computers connected to a wifi source yada yadaThis, i've done it to get anons to talk about something i want discussed, i've never needed Tor, but that's only because what i do is simple, but for a darker, wider effect you'll probably need it
>>3790>Mongolian horsewhispering forums<Saw it as "Mongolian horsewhipping forums"Dear Lord, I need to sleep.
16 chan is dead and the admin deleted his blog.
9chan is kill.
Starting to really feel like this may just be the end for the existence of altchans, More are dying than spawning.
Truly sad times.
>>3920>9chan is killR.I.P.
>Starting to really feel like this may just be the end for the existence of altchans, More are dying than spawning. There is still a few, although it doesn't feel the same now with both 8 and 9 gone.
>Truly sad timesIndeed.
>>3920Tell them they're welcome on /mlpol/.
>>3929I agree, there is room in /mlpol/.
>>3930/mlpol/ really should start making fishing trips again.
>>4237I'm currently reaching out to a couple of places but fishing threads were always more effective when other anons joined in.
Just found out about frenschan. I'm a bit late to the party but they have a /pol/ board.
>>4296It's a honeypot of the worst kind. The furry shooter allegedly posted there. Feds were shilling the site the entire time he was newsworthy.
>>4297That dude posted on a couple of different imageboads didn't he?
Why trust other imageboards? They probably steal IPs or rickroll people.
>They don't know about the RCMP honeypot.
Oh, you poor fools.
>>4299It doesn't matter tho. Frenschan was the big one, and the one shills were constantly promoting, It's fair to single it out.
Poners already went over this.
https://mlpol.net/mlpol/archive/323596#344966https://mlpol.net/mlpol/archive/345024Do as you wish tho. Just making sure the other anons don't forget about this.
I mean, it's been a while since the fake and gay happening. The timing is right. >>4300It's a necessary evil, but it's always best to go with a little bit of insight, at least, recently had to move a board to another site after 9chump called it curtains. Personally grew complacent and did not do any digging, luckily there were anons throwing us suggestions, migrated to one while other boards were migrating out. It's not fun having to migrate to multiple sites, and having to learn what you are getting yourself into, why I like this thread, as well as happy this board only had to be migrated once over the years.
>>4302>Frenschan was the big one, and the one shills were constantly promoting, It's fair toI don't think it is fair to single frenschan out just because they are bigger. If the dude posted on multiple imageboads he might have just been a fed trying to take down altchans. If frenschan was new at the time of the attack then the shilling could have been coincidence. Remember how much mlpol shilled itself during the beginning?
>>4304What I meant by "big one". Is that Frenschan was the only one being consistently mentioned and shilled for.
Like I said tho. Have it your way.
>>4306>64chanMaki still running the joint?
I miss 420chan. The jenkem board was a national treasure.
Apparently 7chan is still alive and kicking.
hello. new person here. just want to archive thread that can be a knowledge bank/ crossroads to other obscure internet places. for example like this thread. also im retarted. pls give link to other thread. pls help generally
>>4385Where do you find the time to fluidly animate on 1s like that?
Leftypol just banned pepe, wojaks, soyjaks, and Chad face inorder to "prevent /pol/ from living rent free in their heads." Can't make this shit up.
>>4415Yup both of them are still alive. I bet you anything this results in yet another split.
They are brainstorming new memes. BEHOLD THE LATES5 IN LEFTWING MEME TECHNOLOGY... poope.
https://leftypol.org/siberia/res/358447.html>>4419>excrementsEvery time the feces subject comes up, a hebrew is behind. They can't help themselves.
>>4420This could be an opportunity. We could make leftists memes for them. Control the memes control the planet.
>>4422Memes rely on memorable instantly understandable characters and short snappy jokes.
You see sad pepe on the floor with his food spilled and a smug bully looming over him? You understand it. You notice the frog is labelled as "me" and the bully is labeled "hyperinflation". The meme gets the point across.
This is incompatible with leftist lies. Each one relies on a carefully constructed web of lies often incompatible with other lies. It relies on willing denial of reality. A leftist meme cannot simply present reality without comment. Walls of text are needed to get every leftist on the same page so they can view the meme as they are supposed to. Lefties cannot meme. Even when they steal memes, they don't understand them.
>>4423Then we could just force memes we don't understand. They don't even have to be good, just better than what leftists would come up with. My idea is to try to make lysenko a meme because most leftists won't be able to figure out it's a troll.
>>4426If you think it'll work, go ahead.
>>4424>Then we could just force memes we don't understand.>WEAre you an /leftypol/ infiltrator?
>They don't even have to be good, just better than what leftists would come up with.That means to help them with ideas, and that is a no-no.
>>4429I'm infiltrating leftypol to force Lesynko as a meme. Does that count?
>>4429The point wouldn't be to give them good ideas. The point would be to force memes on them that will make them look retarded.
>>4434That could work. A lot of them unironically praise Lysenko. If they could be convinced to do that more, it would be hilarious.
there is this chanboard that i knew but forgot the name and i didn't save the link, it have a black background (and the over all aesthetic if im not wrong) with generic moe anime pics. the chan says the it doesn't know what the website is for. it's really small. and it's also linked with a text only chanboard. if anyone know what it is pls give help
>>4424>we could just force memes we don't understand. >They don't even have to be good, just better than what leftists would come up with. <let's go to leftypol and make good shit memes that we know are shit but aren't shit but are shit.<Le poope face.pngThis entire bit here twists my brain, they already make make shit, why would they need our or anyones help?
>My idea is to try to make lysenko a meme because most leftists won't be able to figure out it's a troll.I don't even know who or what that is.
>>4706Lysenko was a soviet scientist that believed plants could be educated to express different traits. This lead to the soviet union declaring genetics a pseudoscience and trying to plant wheat in siberia. Needless to say a lot of people starved because of him. Leftypol unironically believes that he is a genius.
>>4726Just when I thought Tankies couldn't be more fucking retarded.
>>4726True. Communists have this asinine rejection of inherent genetic traits, and staunchly believe that people (or in this case, plants) are improbable creatures that can be molded into whatever you want them to be if you change their material conditions and "reeducate" (torture) them enough.
>>4742Anon, Communists are cultist who unironically believe that they literally have the knowledge of God. That's it.
>>4743>>4742Remember those wiggers acid burning seeds to "improve" them?
Today is zzzchan's birthday.
Soyjak.party is down jakkers now use jakparty.soy
although this is kind of old news 22chan died around 2021 i think and got revived in 2022, i don't know the exact date but anyhow it's still around and kicking.
>>4990Haven't heard that one in quite some time.
New uncensored /pol/ board on ourchan.org