April is coming edition
>what goes hereThis thread is for all Chan related current events, happenings, and news.
>whybecause there is a widespread of imageboards, and untouched communities. There is also a wide amount of users, that are clueless of what is going on when it comes to alt chans, however this is no spoonfeeding thread, this is a move to create a loop of information, that any anon can contribute to.
>I dont know what to postthis is an open bulletin, post what you feel is relevant to be discussed that is happening, as long as it is not old news.
>I dont know any alt chansNgr you are in one, if you found this place you must be somewhat in the loop, or came from 4chan, which news from there is still relevant.
http://www.2chan.net/https://www.4chan.org https://www.8ch.nethttps://endchan.xyz/
https://allchans.org/Huh, mlpol isn't listed
>>1726>>1724will include these to resources on next update.
>>1726Someone should inform them about that...
8/pol/ is being raided. Rumor has it there is only one mod left on the board.
>>1761Can confirm, are mods asleep or ded?
>>1762This has been going on for a couple of days now, so I am assuming mods are ded.
>>1764It's back up. Timing was suspicious though. Keep an eye on other /pol/ boards.
>>1761to think one of infinity's main arteries would suddenly go down, Only strikes curiosity of what could have happend to the mods. Best to keep an eye out.
8chan just deleted all their pedo boards.
Krautchan is officially kill, after soo long. No word on where the community will migrate to next, honestly sad to see one of the root communities come to an end, word is that the owner just got fed up with maintaining it, and instead of transferring ownership, just let it go all together.
>>1844That's unfortunate it was a good imageboard.
I guess this is sort of imageboard related. reddit shut down /r/4chan. 4chan is going to see even more reddit refugees.
>>1856jesus fuck, that can't be good, any sauce on the reason?
>inb4 april fools joke
>>1856We reddit now senpais.
>>1866this is why we have altchans with reliable mods, for reasons like these.
>>1856What was the point? Why not just go to 4chan? I don't understand.
>>1870its pretty simple, redditors are not there for the culture, or to assimilate with it. They show only for the maymays, lurking is too hard for them to do. so they find it easier to go where they wont be told to fuck off for being cancer, and they still get the artificial flavor of being a "4channer"
>>1859It was an april fools joke. r/ 4chan is back up.
Shit is going down on 4chan's r9k
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=asybQ4vO46o Some people started trying to get /r9k/ users to take HTR so they could become traps for their harem.
>>1931I feel bad for /r9k/
>>1932we all feel bad for /r9k/
>>1931I realized some big trap derailing days ago, didn't thought it was this big of a problem.
Maybe we should help someway?
They are full on destroying the future of already damaged robots.
>>1934Sadly it has been going on for years, but apparently way worse now. I am all for helping out the robots, they deserve better.
>>1935Well, gathering redpills might be a good start, they will need ammo for this.
Maybe i should make a thread on /mlpol/..
>>1936From what I've seen /r9k/ is pretty redpilled, they shun leftist like the plague. So giving them stuff to counter with could be a good thing. I just fear that the leftists wont back off and /r9k/ won't be a comfy board ever again. /r9k/ was hit long before /pol/, it was hard to watch it decline (Jesus looking at the catalog now its utter shit).
>>1937If r9k gives up, they will just die indeed and the left will win, destroying the life of god knows how many boys who fall there.
I'm giving what i have, but in the end robots will have to defend themselves (or ask for help)
>>1938I know there have been a few that said bye to the space robots when the initial decline had gone on too long (2016). So I fear they don't have the stamina to fight, they have struggled enough in their lives, and just want to be left alone. But true they have to reach out for help or take the fight.
>I think /r9k/ would be the ideal SS soldiers. Wanting to make the world better. Holding conservative and family values hight. And willing to die for that world to become true. All they need is to be allowed to go out and make it reality.
>>1938Read some threads, and looks like there is some fighting back going on, so that is good.
>>1940Yeah, i'm triyng to help over there, i will have to sleep soon tho.
I worry about these guys, i will try to help all i can.
>>1941Me too, need to acclimate myself to the board again, so a day of lurking and I'll start posting. Sleep well.
>>1932>>1933Yeah, but what can we do?
>>1934>>1935How can we help the robots?
>>1943Hard to tell, looks like the mods at /r9k/ is like the mods at /pol/. Actively trying to kill the boards.
>>1943I was just about to create a thread on mlpol, but it seems like the mods started deleting both the war threads, the trap threads and the anti trap threads.
This will work for some time, but this is not the first time the traps strike.
>>1942Tbanks anon, i hope you have a nice day or night
>>1944Not sure we should bring them here.
>>1946If they got their own board and was left alone it could work. If it became like in the old days with comfy thread and greentext and just robots having a nice time without being bothered it could be nice. But it would take some effort getting them here and purging undesirables that follows them just in spite.
>>1947I don't know mate. This is /r9k/ we are talking about here. Do we really want to bring them to this site? Look I feel for them I really do, but if we bring them here we might really hurt the site.
>>1948That is true. /r9k/ as it is today is not something to long for. But /r9k/ back before they were known was a comfy and fun place (with some shit threads too, but that is unavoidable). If people just had been content with lurking and reading fun stories... So I might have a bit rosy view of what /r9k/ could be, but probably never will be again in a long time.
>>1949make a thread on /mlpol/ see what the rest of the site thinks.
>>1950I'll hold of and see how the war heads. Also need to go to head towards bed soon. So I guess I can make a thread on /qa/ tomorrow seeing what the rest of the users think. But you might be right that bringing lots of robots might not torn out too well
Anyone know if the rumors about the mods being involved in the r9k shit are true?
various boards on 4chan are currently down, no word on why, but will check IRC and update.
>>1960 its best not to delve into it, just know there is some odd shit brewing over there.
>>1962inb4 this /r9k/ drama ends up being some mk ultra type shit.
>>1962Ngr if you know something say something.
/leftypol/ is planning to go after meguca /pol/
>>1967According to meguca /pol/ the site was raided earlier today/
>>1983I'm hearing it is the result of a DDoS. Some people on 8chan are saying it is because of pizzagate.
anyone know why 4chan keeps going down?
>>2005hiroshimoot sleeping on the job.
8/pol/ filtered the word nigger.
>>2052Codemonkey just kicked out imkampfy. Everyone's sucking his cock, but he's only doing it "because it was an 'emergency'". He still needs to get the old archive working, fix other boards/stop the "hands-off" approach that doesn't work **likewise with actual societies; to say that imageboards, and perhaps Internet subculture as a whole, is nothing like an IRL society is just silly**, and he ought to have done this much, much sooner, ever since GEX was removed. I guarantee you that no one knows who is on that site.
Also, I will say it again. At the beginning of Trump's announcement that he was running for president back in the summer of 2015, on 8chan /pol/, someone posted a timestamp image showing that they were a worker in Trump Tower. I hope, I sincerely hope I saved it, because I cannot find it, and NO ONE seems to know what I'm speaking of, or acknowledge that.
>tfw can't remember shiteLearningcode, rachposter....
>>2055*know one knows who
he is
>>2055>someone posted a timestamp image showing that they were a worker in Trump Tower. I hope, I sincerely hope I saved itthat is why when important shite like that comes along you siphon the whole thread Ngr, its easy for things like that to disappear with time.
>neglect /qa/ for 10 days
>join meetup
>hear about pic related
what the actual fuck is going on, am I the only slowfuck that found out about this late?
final post, the entire concept is cancer. If this pulls through there is going to be a new wave of problems. I know full well this is some sort of little advertising ploy for the site -nothing new- but this is a whole other level of cancer, I see posts mentioning this as some sort of way to communicate without hiro's language barrier, but that is just fucking retarded. Where were you when 4chan became an orbited cute anime girl?
on a side note, this art is cute as fuck, hard not to like it.
>Creating a Vtuber
This guy really knows how to milk a cow
>>2214more like a final nail in the coffin for users that actually care about the site if it gets poplar, not implying hiro dont, but I just worry this will get too big, I am sure there would be some decent content made out of it. I just see aids in the future.
>>2219Season 1 Tomoko represents average chan-posters pretty well.
>>2219oh yeah, some submissions were pretty bad, did you catch on to this when it was happening? or are late as well?
>>2221Late as well.
And check this GET out.
Anyone else sick of the state of 4chan/8chan?
>>2228yeah, all the time. Have you taken a look at 8/b/ its fucking garbage, where are the mods. most boards are either dying or have gone to complete shit. Lately just been hiding out in alt chans other than 4/8/end lately because its the only decent place to find decent communities. Sadly most are slow as ever.
>>2228Imageboards are in a pretty sad state right now. Hell the internet in general is in a pretty sad state. I wonder if it might be time to start migrating to Usenet, HAMnet, or the dank web to avoid all the normies.
>>2227So that's what they picked, or...?
Also, interesting that most of them probably have never heard of pic related.
>>2337 I can assure you she more parts now days
>>1967>"let's just call the capitalists in to shut them down instead of dealing with them ourselves!"Christ. These people are animals with a nonsensical alien moral code.
>>2342>she more parts now days ?
>>2343There was a thread asking for rape/guro of awoo~ just because she'd been coopted for alt-kike Trumpstein cancer. But, "morality's a sp00k :^)"
>>2345*Once there was a thread
>>2344forgive drunken postings, i was saying she would have more parts now days.
apparently we got another move being made by hiroshimoot, and there apparently is going to be a split between blue and red boards, what is the current take on the situation?
current discussion:
>>2350its gonna cause a massive shit storm.
/Bant/ looks like its gonna get deleted along with /tg/
>>2351Damn. And we were just starting to become friends with /bant/ too.
>>2354we wont know until the split actually occurs so we'll have to wait and see.
>>2362Seeing that new domain name is just so wrong. And moving a previously hidden board there too is hard unloving rape and spitting in the eyes of all /qa/ posters.
>>2363>Seeing that new domain name is just so wrongits an ugly feeling knowing nothing can be done to stop it, however do you believe supposed ex mods post?
>And moving a previously hidden board there too is hard unloving rape and spitting in the eyes of all /qa/ posters.one of many of the slashed in a death of a thousand cuts for /qa
>>2364Hard to say. It is strangely few who actually claim they used to be mods so it lends some credibility (strange as it might sound). But would like to know more about timeline of when gookmoot laid out the roadmap to be able to make an little more informed assessment and compare time to other events.
But the whole 4channel move is so strange and to me makes no long term sense unless you are willing to ostracize the entire original userbase just to be able to show ads. If gookmoot makes 4chan a sfw "clean site" it will no longer have any value. All the shenanigans and greenpostings that led to people hearing about 4chan would be so diluted that even homeopaths would be impressed.
So if I was a mod and was not able to stop the move I would also loose the will to keep on helping gookmoot knowing what you became a mod for was on its last breath.
Then again if gookmoots plan is to kill 4chan and we assume not all mods have already been replaced and infiltrated by leftist one would expect more mods to resign over something like that.
>>2365Pretty sure 4channel is SFW.
>>2371No chan should be SFW.
Is Hotwheels still alive?
Repostin from /1ntr chaturbate.
tl;dr rapeape got owned apparently there is a good margin from infinity and some other, more to come at 6.
>>2414It honestly baffles me how 7chan is just able 2 stay frozen in time like this. When u go there, it literally feels like walking in2 a time machine and going back 2 2005.
8ch is down, and 64ch is kill.
>>2424Jesus. I wonder what news is being hidden this time around.
>>1722how can i improve this?
>>24343/10. Donaldniggers are annoying but at least they vote Nationalist instead of Globalist.
>>2435>implying Trump el Bibi 2: Elected Bubbe-boo is the only thing wrong with nu/pol/>being this blind
えと...Are you guys still alive? Did you guys hear what hiromoot has been doing recently to 4chan?
>>2502I am, but forget about cuckchan, it is a lost cause.
>>2502always around, just awaiting guests. Hiro has his own odd agenda going on, with the lawsuit against jim, possibly leading to the death of infinity within a year. Along with the failed Vtuber, and this other cash grab project that will likely fail, however i have not done much research on that, i am sure there is discussion about it on /qa.
Shooting in NZ, pre posted on infinity, news is everywhere now, and spreading.
really not funny, but ASDFGHJK;L;SDF'KSALDKFL;JF
>>2534Apparently other law enforcement agies are requesting the footage for training purposes, despite NZ's efforts of destroying it. Would be nice if they put up a bounty for it....
>>2534>"police acts of bravery">apprehended the suspects that more than likely did not put up a fight
4chan and 8chan are now blocked in Australia “temporarily”. Internet 3.0 here we come
>>2556i dont like this image.
>>2562I simply just don't understand the gist of this and the kids now days, is this some sort of embodiment of all things gone wrong in imageboards and embreaced, the embodiment of cancer, to put it simply. Fuck Teenagers.
What are some sites we could get new anons from?
>>2579quality over quantity.
>>2580I agree, surely we can find some quality anons somewhere on the web.
>>2584perhaps so, however there is nothing for interest for a nomad board such as this one, patience. More will find us in time.
https://twitter.com/unclemugen/status/11212561799910727694/jp legend (Uncle Mugen) fallen to a stroke, officially stated, there is no hope for his motor functions, a sad fate, however a fate for many we are only human and the internet is infinite, however what we do with our time here is of major value, he may not be able to touch a keyboard again, however his legacy will continue strong.
I would avoid 8ch for a while.
>>2587something wrong Ngr? please explain.
>>2587>no sources I would avoid the internet for a while.
>>25878ch has always been a honeypot
>>2587>>2590>>2669>8chanFrom /leftpol/
https://hastebin.com/raw/ijuzolazebFound this list of imageboards while wandering the internet. Even if it's a few years old it mentions a lot of smaller ones I had never heard of.
>>2680does not come off as much of a surprise in all honesty.
>>2680Darn, new I should have stopped posting years ago.
>>2669No it hasn't, but for a really long while now, yes.
4/b/ is in the middle of a civil war. They want the porn posters to go to their appropriate boards.
>>2697>the porn posters to go to their appropriate boards.chasing a dream that has been chased many times before, /b/ is dead.
>>2780what were the circumstances of it coming back online? is it a glow in the dark honeypot now?
>>2781Pretty sure it was a Honeypot even before it was shoahed.
>>2781>>2782Well servers are now in Moldovia os that's that. Not EU country, so that's that.
Supposedly it was possible to the donations.
Might be that people got scammed and there was no need to move server anyways.
>>2784So Cloudflare is no longer impartial, and censoring based on 'hate'. Good to know for if I ever make a website.
>>2784Many expected it to happen soon but this is super sudden. Between this, the sadpanda scare, ytmnd, the death of flash next year, it's shown how fragile the old internet really is. If there's any old site or archive you love that's still up, now's the time to make backups. It won't be around forever.
Meguca's /pol/ has been turned into a joke board. The /pol/sphere is getting hit hard.
It seems fireden has quietly deleted its archives for 4's /a/, /v/, and /vg/. /a/ has other archives, but to my knowledge /v/'s and /vg/'s threads are now lost.
encyclopedia dramatica has been de-platformed.
>>2836any print behind that?
>>2784Good. I hope 4chan goes down next; they were dead anyway. Ideally, eventually, reddit, twitter, and the others will go down or at least become state-operated in a few decades. Hail Caesar.
>>2836Place was being overrun with literal redditfags and other such people. Unfortunate, but all things die with age anyway.
>>2817Something something server costs, wasn't it?
>>2857>Hail CaesarAre you meaning to say that the fall of Rome is coming, or do you mean something else?
/1ntr/, please, why do you have to be so slow? You are the best board. Bring more frens please
>>2879things have gone a bit stagnant the last couple weeks, i think its mostly impending the atrocity that will be 8kun, along with a lot of the nonsense going on around the internet lately. i feel eventually as a board some steps may need to be made to get more attention here, especially with all the refugees floating around different sites, since 8ch got the guillotine, no telling as to what is to come in the future in regards to outer sites, as for here time stands still. seems boards/sits such as this one always tend to reach a state where its staying put and awaiting visitors and potential new inhabitants, but i do agree we could use more activity.
>>2884Thanks for the post friend, glad it wasn't 20 days from now
>>2884>i feel eventually as a board some steps may need to be made to get more attention hereTo begin with, mlpol.net homepage would need to point at the existence of different boards and their purpose.
>>2886You think people on /mlpol/ don't know of /1ntr/?
Meguca is dead. They are coming for alternative image boards.
>>2888I wouldn't mind that so much if they just took down 4chan, and the Japanese sites on US soil.
Just selection for societal sanity, that's all.
>>2887I was thinking about lurkers and newfags.
>>2891Its like you don't know the rules
>>2892I believe rules are aimed at shills, but /1ntr/ as well as /sp/ and /cyb/ need fresh blood almost without discrimination.
mean the rules as pertaining to the one about undesirables
>>2894>undesirablesWe get them anyway and they are dealt accordingly.
But, going back to the subject, it is necessary that newcomers instantly understand the boards available when they arrive at mlpol.net. Some might return and stick along.
>>2895Well, there are the latest posts as well as the board at the top, so unless you're super newfag you should be able to find them.
>>2896>so unless you're super newfag you should be able to find themThat and do nothing is the same.
Well, I least I tried.
>>2898>>2895You mean a list of them and general descriptors of them?
>>2899What about something like pic related?
I think it would look more welcoming for newcomers and a necessary guide for those not particularly inclined into ponies and politics.
If to populate low used boards is the intention, then this modification might be needed.
>>2900A more developed pic.
>>2898>That and do nothing is the same.well it seems the recent visits is a start, there is a need for some new threads, I mostly like keeping tabs on news and updates around the web, we need more funposting.
>>2904Is my post fun? I drew a moot
>>2905>posting the uncropped one
8kun made it back up:
>>2908personally i dont trust 8kun, at least for discussing news and such, at the moment its p slow, but may pick up over time.
>>2900>>2902This might be useful. Case in point, although pony is allowed anywhere, I don't know if politics are enforced anywhere, as this thread illustrates:
>>>/a/1064 →
Has anyone visited the Web Ring? Generally speaking, it reminded me of why I hated 8gag towards the waning years of its short, botched life.
>>2923i actually havent personally, quick rundown?
>>2924There's nothing to really rundown. I've said it before and I'll say it again, while the staff is important, nothing compares to measure board quality better than the userbase itself. Since 8chan was in steady decline for years before its fall, many anons who I would describe as foreigners believe themselves to be naturals. You can see it on smuglo.li. Many anons were totally unaware of why Hotwheels hated 8chan, and instead blamed a whole myriad of reasons. They blindly defend 8gag despite many in the past being able to criticize its faults where necessary, such as the site's propensity towards hugboxes. Pointing these out get you shat on and potentially banned from the staff, because clearly if you're in the minority, you must not belong. Clearly.
In short, the userbase is just as bad as it was before. No idea if the new BOs and vols are any good, but probably not.
At least on 4chan there is enough people posting where you won't get just AIDS and there's a better degree of differentiation, even if you get floods of "cringe" and "yikes", which, by the way, some 8fag boards were suffering from, especially /christian/, since some wackjob idiots decided it would be a good idea to advertise the board on r/christian, despite us warning them to not do so. They effectively killed the board with their stupidity.
>>2924*Oh, and is that a doujin or official, or is it a silly edit?
>>2925>Many anons were totally unaware of why Hotwheels hated 8chanBecause it's the only site that hosts evidence about how about the Cripplecuck literally allowed a
legitimate pedo ring to operate on the clearnet? A pedo ring the wasn't purged from the site until Kikewheels gave up all administrative duties?
>At least on 4chan there is enough people posting where you won't get just AIDS and there's a better degree of differentiation<Pic related
>>2927>Because it's the only site that hosts evidence about how about the Cripplecuck literally allowed a legitimate pedo ring to operate on the clearnet? A pedo ring the wasn't purged from the site until Kikewheels gave up all administrative duties?That "pedoring" was anything but. It was no different than the cunny posters on /tv/, or stuff like pic related.
>picAh, should have specified. SOME boards on 4gag are at least tolerable. I mostly just use /mlp/. Other than that, the site's about as bad as 8chan.
Hopefully you won't rage at me for saying that like the other newfags have. :^)
>>2928*To elaborate, all actually illegal content posted on 8chan was removed. Eventually, both due to advertisement reasons and due to constantly having to remove illegal/borderline illegal images (or at least that was the claim, if I recall correctly), the boards in question had image posting disabled and all future 3D loli content was banned.
Normally I wouldn't give a shit, but I do believe that had the pedophiles been allowed to stay, normalfags would have been less inclined to use the site, thus keeping not only the cancer away, but also, potentially the inevitable shootings that occurred from happening (which fucked the site over), since normalscum are stupid and easily swayed, and some of these shooters, like the one that failed, sound a lot like normalfags who blew in from wrongthink subreddits or twitter/4chan.
>>2927So anyway, what's your rebuttal, if you have one?
>>2928Whatever, faggot. You do whatever you want. At least I know that I don't have to censor myself in order to say
nigger. Or worry about some BO being on their period and deciding to mass ban caption threads on /d/.
>>2929> Normally I wouldn't give a shit, but I do believe that had the pedophiles been allowed to stay, normalfags would have been less inclined to use the site, thus keeping not only the cancer away, but also, potentially the inevitable shootings that occurred from happening (which fucked the site over)<Actually advocating for cheeze pizzaYou're a fed, aren't you?
>>2931>>2932Yeah, real fucking typical. God forbid someone criticize your precious fucking website. God forbid someone makes a legitimate point about something. Just point your fucking scrawny fingers and call them names. After all, plugging your fucking ears and shouting defeats logical reason and objective facts, right?
I went to 8chan in late 2014, and stopped going to 4chan at all by 2015. For a few years (depending on the board) it was absolutely great. I learned so much and had tons of fun. But fun never lasts. By 2018, I fucking hated the place. The userbase were shitposting morons who obviously had blown in from reddit/4fag and then 8/pol/ thinking the entire site was, as they would put it, """"right-wing"""". They had no idea how to behave and telling them to knock it off would just get a reaction much like I still recieve when I mention how fucking awful 8faggot was. Worse part is that they infiltrated the board staffs, so now not only was the userbase cancer, but the staffs were ban-happy little shits as well. 9-fucking-weeks for shit I'd get banned for a couple days on 4faggot. The rules were bent, the rules were sometimes non-existent! Naturally, I had already by then using other sites, namely endchan, but for the first time I was actually considering using 4chan again. After all, from what I knew about 4chan by then, it couldn't have been much worse than 8chan was. Once the /lit/ board had become known by the cancer some months ago, in a fit of rage, I went straight to fucking 4gag. Oh sure, it was pretty awful. But you know what? For the first time in YEARS, I was having fun again, even if it was spaced out between the most cancerous shitposts imaginable. But I was having fun. I could post freely again without fear, for once.
Knowing all that, you bet your fucking ass I'm going to tolerate some pedofags posting their model photography in their den to gleefully whack off to. Again, cheese was always deleted. The shit they posted had to past the Dost test (
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dost_test), and was either a legal gray era or would be considered benign by people who aren't pedophiles. But go right on the fuck ahead and twist my words to suit your crackpot idea about random faggots on the Internet, you stupid cunt.
It seems to me that most of the newscum who suck 8fag off are straight from 4chan, who enjoyed the fact that for once they didn't have to deal with redditniggers telling them to fuck off back to /pol/. So compared to that, they fucking adore the shithole.
And by the way, the pedo board in question was known as "/hebe/". If you try to look archive.org, you'll find that the specific board has been blocked. This was done likely due to the fact that the board in question held questionable content, and I wouldn't be surprised if archive.is had more. If anything, that is all the evidence against Hotwheels you would need, so him bitching about 8chan going down is very unlikely to be because of the pedoshit.
Lastly, if what I've been told is correct, than your filenames are really quite typical for your responses. I hope you enjoy having jewgle and the feds tracking you wherever you go.
May everything you enjoy be turned to dust, just as you have ruined mine. Fuck you.
>>2933>8/pol/ thinking the entire site was, as they would put it, """"right-wing"""". They had no idea how to behave and telling them to knock it off would just get a reaction much like I still recieve when I mention how fucking awful 8faggot was. Worse part is that they infiltrated the board staffs, so now not only was the userbase cancer, but the staffs were ban-happy little shits as well.Let me get this straight, you're damning an entire website for one board that was ruined thanks to the roach that owned, and was even made fun of on every other board on site (See pics)? And, you're so much of a cuck that, rather than go to alternate boards that were much more civilized (
Because FUCK THAT in actually being proactive, on top of the fact that you can't seem handle comfy-speed posting, you fled to a website that's
>I could post freely again without fear, for once.<Press X to doubt
>>2926>while the staff is important, nothing compares to measure board quality better than the userbase itself.it was the community based boards that gave the site any sort of foundation/culture not the /pol/ gg hook line and sinker that brought most of its inhabitants.
>the site's propensity towards hugboxes. there is no denying that, there was a major issue with community based boards and hugboxy enviroments in most of its boards, echochambers if you will. this board and its inhabitants included. which also resulted in such acts that would trigger the wheels, as what he called "netwarz" during his massive blogposts on /operate/. there is still much i dont understand in his motives, but they have only intensified due to recent events, and now he is doing everything in his power to put an end to 8ch/8kun to finally wash his hands of anything to do with his creation, all the while taking Jim down with it. have you seen the recent lawsuits going on in phillipines between the two, seems jim is trying to get the wheels thrown in prison, which wont happen, will post the dockets in my next response.
>>2926>Oh, and is that a doujin or official, or is it a silly edit?just an edit from my understanding, i sure hope there is not an existing doujin.
also lets get along children, dont make me give ya a good belting.
>>2934>Let me get this straight, you're damning an entire website for one board that was ruined thanks to the roach that owned, and was even made fun of on every other boNo, I even said before that /christian/ became flooded with subhumans from reddit's r/christian due to a few anons' own actions. I just can't explain exactly what happened (because it's an anonymous imageboard), but that the most likely case is simply that anons came in from other places like reddit or twitter because the site really began to decline in 2016, during the Trump campaign. It's painfully obvious when anons start spouting points from people like MisterMetokur. Faggots who unironically think fascism is "right-wing" can still call a board with a policy of "no books" as absolute cancer. It doesn't take a genius to tell apples from oranges, but it does require some knowledge to be able to differentiate one kind of apple or orange from another.
For some reason, these faggots stayed in their little circlejerks, until the Attention-Hungry Gaymes started dragging nice boards from the woodworks into the spotlight. Now, any anon could click the board link on any page of their shitty little board. This has single-highhandedly killed countless boards, including, but not limited to, /sw/.
NOT ONLY THAT, but the site was criticized from DAY FUCKING ONE for being likely to cause hugboxes, which it did. Because that's what happens when random fucking anons can make and run a board about communism or libertarian ideals when the /pol/itically incorrect board becomes majority fascist or national socialist, which then hurts everyone because now they're no longer at their A-game in discussions. They no longer have to defend themselves against "the other" when discussions prop up. So people stop thinking too much, their brains start going "fat" as it were; like a jogger who stops running. If everyone agrees with you, what the fuck is the point of discussing anything? It becomes a circlejerk, which is EXACTLY what ended up happening. Things were better off when the site moderators were handpicked by one or two people for the desire for original, high-quality content and high-quality discussion. This also helped unify the site. Only problem was that said person actively began to work against those ideals for a myriad of speculatory reasons. The system itself was miles better than the system that was actually modeled off of reddit.
But anons on 8chan still made it work because they weren't fucking cancer. Until the cancer rolled in.
>doubtYES YOU LITTLE SHIT, WHY THE FUCK ELSE WOULD I CLAIM IF IT WASN'T FUCKING TRUE? Compared to the latter days, it's like running in the fucking meadows. Obviously, I'm still not free as I once was in 8faggot's early days, but it sure as hell is an improvement from being banned for voicing an opinion outside of the group's.
>>2935>it was the community based boards that gave the site any sort of foundation/culture not the /pol/ gg hook line and sinker that brought most of its inhabitants.That's what I said, right in that bit you quoted.
>trying to get each other thrown in prisonHadn't heard of this, it sounds pretty lulzy.
>also lets get along children, dont make me give ya a good belting.ごめんなさい。
>>2935>That's what I said, right in that bit you quoted.hehe forgive, a tad fatigued.
>Hadn't heard of this, it sounds pretty lulzy.in a way yes, at the moment they are at each others throats, dont quote me on it, but i would not doubt there is an effort on wheels side when it comes to 8kun staying down, not that there is much to even be salvaged or gained there.
>ごめんなさい。no worries, just banter.
>>2936>No, I even said before that /christian/ became flooded with subhumans from reddit's r/christian due to a few anons' own actions.That I heard as well from other Anons. From what I remember seeing, the /christian/ subversion was due to some Catholic fag taking over the board.
>I just can't explain exactly what happened (because it's an anonymous imageboard), but that the most likely case is simply that anons came in from other places like reddit or twitter because the site really began to decline in 2016, during the Trump campaign.That part is undeniable as well. The 2016 election did pretty much painted a huge target on imageboards, which resulted in an absolute torrent of newfags to join.
Also, I have to admit, I'm one of the guys who joined up because of it as well. Started on Cuckchan, and then went to 8chan a few months after realizing that Cuckchan was basically uncensored GameFaqs, and being told that I was "too extreme" for the site.>It's painfully obvious when anons start spouting points from people like MisterMetokur.That's mostly /cow/, with every single board telling them to fuck off.
>Faggots who unironically think fascism is "right-wing" can still call a board with a policy of "no books" as absolute cancer.Most of /pol/ under the roach was either spooks, kikes, or trolls. And
EVERYONE hated the roach for stupid bullshit such as the "No books" rule and banning anyone who even hinted at questioning Trump.
>For some reason, these faggots stayed in their little circlejerks, until the Attention-Hungry Gaymes started dragging nice boards from the woodworks into the spotlight. Now, any anon could click the board link on any page of their shitty little board. This has single-highhandedly killed countless boards, including, but not limited to, /sw/.The AHG only gave attention to the boards that the BOs submitted for the weakly game. Also, it did cause some insane screeching when /delicious/ and /loli/ won.
Also, why is it I keep seeing people complain about how their board was "destroyed" when /animu/, /vg/, /cutebois/, /pone/, and several other boards successfully "broke off" and survived, making their own culture?
>Because that's what happens when random fucking anons can make and run a board about communism or libertarian ideals when the /pol/itically incorrect board becomes majority fascist or national socialist, which then hurts everyone because now they're no longer at their A-game in discussions.That was happening
back on Cuckchan,
BEFORE 8chan even went live.
Also, I would agree with you
IF /leftypol/ actually
DID stay on their board, and their goal actually was to have
any intellectual discussion instead of trying to constantly push baizuo propaganda.
>>2939>Also, why is it I keep seeing people complain about how their board was "destroyed" when /animu/, /vg/, /cutebois/, /pone/, and several other boards successfully "broke off" and survived, making their own culture?I don't know about /cutebois/, but all of those became/were dogshit, and hardly had any "culture". /pone/ broke off from 4chan /mlp/ and was the original pony board.
>>2939I was going to reply, but then I remembered that, ultimately, it doesn't matter what your idiot face thinks. I might just dump whatever I had written, but that won't be for another week, most likely.
new sticky on 4/b/, looks like the yellowposters won
>>2965Wait, Cuckchan is now banning porn altogether?
Looks like Arisuchan is ded after getting spammed into oblivion. A lesson in always keeping good backups in case you get carpetbombed.
>>2977oh damn, stuff like this always feels bothersome, the last time this site got wiped was a few years back, luckily nothing of the sort in recent years, this site could use an archive. None the less..
RIP Arisuchan.
ED is down thanks to yet another admin getting V&. From what I've heard, the staff does have backups of the site, but no one wants to deal with running it.
>>2993>sealed indictmentAnother one for Qanon claiming the swamp is being drained. /s
>>2993apparently Null -kiwifarms- had interest in taking over. but was shut down. apparently current staff dont trust him a bit. and since the current holder of the keys is behind bars he is the only one that has the admin credentials the site is pretty much on freeze.
I have a feeling Null will do something to try to get them to keep the site afloat, regardless of what current staff thinks.
seems, like Null is picking back up on a project he left behind a while back, saying he feels the farms may not last very long. -which i doubt-. Currently one board /test/ which will be wiped come the official launch of 16ch.nl
And, with that, there goes 8kun:
>>3084Clueless boomers strike again.
Archives if you want to read all of it (It starts of May 10, 3 days ago):
http://archive.vn/fYZNpThe short version:
>TLOU2 is leaked across the internet>Julay/v/ BO is removing any mention of it from the board>A couple shitposters get to his head and the guy quits>GVol (Hanging_Flesh) hands the BO position over to Julay/2hu/, PLW/japan/ BO (Kimeemaru)>Kimeemaru declares that loli is no longer banned on /v/>Hanging_Flesh loses his fucking mind because he thinks that loli is going to get the site taken down>The night of long bans ensues, with Anons retaliating and spamming loli on the rest of the site>Robi gets everyone to calm the fuck down, and informs Hanging_Flesh that loli is allowed>Hanging_Flesh then proceeds to convince the rest of the site admins to NOT delete any legitimate cheeze that's posted on /v/>Cheeze pizza spammers start showing up>Kimeemaru working tirelessly to clean all of it up (With help of a new vol he hired on), meanwhile Hanging_Flesh is deleting all traces of his actions when posted outside of /v/>Robi gets involved again, declares that toddlercon is banned because...reasons and starts blaming Kimeemaru for causing all of this>/v/ is now home to talking about the lolcow that has been identified as "Hanging_Flesh">People shitposting at 90 MPH while watching fags and /cow/ards losing their collective mind>Julay suddenly dies>Everyone wondering WTF just happened>Logs emerge detailing that Julay was taken down because of the cheeze that the admins refused to delete>Logs show that accusations, attempting to place the blame on PLW's administration, are coming from trianglefags>GG thread immediately notices this>Details the entire saga of the Luminati and Triangle cabalSo, it looks like Julay and /cow/'s administration has been led around by known pedophiles and literal cabals, all of which was exposed because a bird wanted to shitpost.
You cannot make this shit up.
>>3107Quick update:
>Julay just went back online>First thing Kimeemaru does, explains that the doesn't know why the site went down and then nukes /v/ like he was threatening to do: http://archive.is/AhXgU
>>3108Do you know anything more about the bird? Like other communities or imageboards he might be involved with?
>>3107The archive link is giving me a 403 error.
>>3108How does this play into the story?
Julay's bunker is down again. Supposedly just for maintenance. They are saying they are going to bring /v/ back.
>>3111Hanging_Flesh had his Gvol position returned to him, which is why Kimeemaru deleted the board.
>>3107well good god damn, there is a bit of something familiar going on with 9chan.tw, I wonder if its tied to any of this mess.
>>3114That's a good, solid response. If the spamming gets too severe a short-term solution might be to disable images and files for a time. Yes, I know, it's an
imageboard and enemies could post links regardless, but it's a thought. What does bug me is how small sites get domain seizures for CP attacks when
it's clearly against the letter and spirit of the board, while bigger sites like FB or Instagram have the same problem yet are trusted to remove it. It's the equivalent of someone throwing cocaine into your yard and you call the police about it, but you get arrested because the drugs are on your property.
>>3115>while bigger sites like FB or Instagram have the same problem yet are trusted to remove it.Simple, they have an army of lawyers and a lot of money to buy influences. After all, the real owner of mainstream social media is ZOG, then they're untouchable.
>>3114It is almost certainly related. Lots of alternative imageboards are going down right now. Fatchan for example was recently taken down because of a CP flood.
>>3118Kime/tengu/bird crashed /v/ with no survivors, then Robi appointed a new BO who decided to give BO status to kime just so he could crash /v/ again.
/v/ got a new home in the form of zchan.cc if haven't caught wind of it.
ah yes, 9chan is definitely a good alternative. Was helping with infinity next tests when it was 16ch, turned out to become a very comfy site. personally created a board there, -however not /1ntr/ since we are already here-. Its honestly one of the more promising new chans on the block.
>but on /b/ there is a bitch which constantly hijack thread to make it about himself and pedophilia aka :agent Johnson
yeah Jersh was not really feeling that as he mentioned on /9/ with the whole pedo enabling issue, which he was not going to play games, even if it meant removing tor posting and images temporarily.
Come July Null will be passing the site over to some mystery anon who apparently has experience and currently managing other chans.-not sure what chans though- I guess we will find out come july. however it was assured the site is not going anyone, one more place away from 8kun's trash.
Josh has been wanting to take some time to figure things out with his life, going through a bit of an existential crisis, hopefully he will be fine. He plans to remain watching over the farms and handing the keys to a new owner, so keep your eyes peeled come july.
how long has 8kun been down? front page works, but board access is fucked.
>>3173Some boards do work but others like /fast/ don't
>>3174things seem back to normal now, wonder what was the cause of that.
apparently CodeMonkey is dropping out of the scene. Not sure what that says about the future of 8kun, but this may just be the final nail.
>>3442The Feds' money is not good enough?
>>3442If bad orange man loses lots of imageboards are going to go down. Tech companies will be able to do anything they like.
>>3447They can take always refuge in the TOR network.
>>3448only issues with running an imageboard via onion, is the little strength in connection do to the strain of socks 5 chains, if 8kun were to be migrated again but this time to the tor network. threads without image and bump limit, threads would be taxing to load. even on the clear web there are threads with hundreds of images within them and they do not run very well.
>>3450Yup, you gotta point.
4/jp/ is having a civil war with 2hufags vs holoniggers.
Gurochan just got bought out by someone who goes by "Yuri Kuznetsov".
He apparently owns multiple other altchans and this isn't the first time he's bought one.
https://blog.kuz.lol/posts/012921.phpHis blogpost about acquiring Gurochan^
>>3538Doesn't Guro mean Gore in Japanese?
>>3539No, the term "guro" refers to fetishes that are bizarre, degenerate, and/or perverted in a macabre nature. Gore just happens to he the posterboy of the "guro" fetish because it's the easiest to make and the most prolific.
>>3540Huh. So bondage, spanking, eyefucking, piss, shit, drinking an entire liter of cum, all that shit?
>>3541No, that's regular degeneracy. As I said, guro begins when the
macabre starts getting involved.
>>3542As in buggering dead people?
>>3543And/or straight-up nightmares, eldritch creatures, bastardized combinations of technology/machinery and biology, etc.
>>3543>>3544<IOW, you want to fuck shit like this.
>>3544>>3545Jesus Christ! Who'd want that?
Imagine if the shitlords are paid for shitposting like the commies.
What unfair world!!!
>>3566>Over 90% of the posts and threads on Cuckchan /pol/ are botsAnd allowed by the mods.
>Agents with the FBI were involved in a raid at a home in Fort Lauderdale Tuesday morning that left a suspect in custody whose social media activity shows him possibly connected with and sympathetic to the right wing group the Proud Boys.https://www.nbcmiami.com/news/local/fbi-agents-raid-home-in-fort-lauderdale/2395649/this guy is toast, pour one out.
>>3573His power levels were so off the charts that he sought to deposit them into unsuspecting internet strangers. The ride was doomed to end in a crash.
desuchan has been down for some time now, No telling what the future holds for the site. But if the worse is to come, its been real and the memories will never be forgotten. The power of Rozen Maiden will continue to live on in other parts of the internet.
Lets hope for the best.
So Lchan closed down, those kind of altchans never work
also I finally got a GPU, whats the currently most active /v/ site?
>>3652according to the webring, sportchan seems to have a pretty active /v/ board, as one that does not lurk /v/ermin boards I personally could not give you a good recommendation, but can throw you around a few places.
<https://sportschan.org/v/<https://smuglo.li/vg/<https://9chan.tw/videogames/<https://zzzchan.xyz/v/index.html<https://8kun.top/v/index.html<https://22chan.org/vg/there you go, hopefully you could find something outside of 4spam interesting, dont be shy to search around overchan fomr something else as well.
>>3652/vx/ could always use some more traffic.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2UkcZ4LtSE8lowtax, the founder of SA, died today. he was an ass but his site led to internet culture as we know it, so RIP
>>3720>>3721No way he's actually fucking dead. this is just some fucked up trolling attempt by the Fags at SA right?
The real Doom House might have been the frens we made along the way.
is it just me or are we reaching the death of altchans? since 8ch got snipped there has been a massive decline in news, no new major alts coming up and most new kid on the block chans are stagnate with little to no activity. Kinda makes me sad, maybe not not just looking hard enough, has the whole scene gone soo underground that all that really meets the eye are sites for foreign countries? I dont know but what the fuck is happening to the internet. Things are nothing like they were 5 or so years ago where there were sites left and right, most communities seemed to just migrate to discord and went completely quiet, I dont know i will just stop ranting here..
>>3779some of them moved to telegram, atleast that's what they say, everything has indeed changed fam, the fact of the matter is, that i only started to spend the whole day in this place aswell as certain slow 4chin generals because i have the feeliing this isn't going to last very long, and want to make the most of it while it's still here, i hope am wrong, but we've been going backwards in every aspect since 2019, only thing that's been improving is /mlpol/'s general standing in /mlp/
>>3780Oh, and you can thank the show's finale for that
>>3779>is it just me or are we reaching the death of altchans?No, places are still active. However, there is a massive psyop effort to constantly trash a lot of those sites. You can tell who they are quite easily because they
ALWAYS do one of the following:
<Post wojaks<Post niggerpill teir posts<Use politically correct terms (E.g. "normie", "incel", "NPC", etc.)<Post about how glorious of a country China is<Spam porn and nothing else<Throw a fit whenever asked to provide a source for anything they saw (Including news articles)<Derail threads to constantly bitch about the site's admins<Derail threads by blogposting<(1) and done posts<Qultist "Trust the plan" postsYou get the idea.
>>3779>most communities seemed to just migrate to discord and went completely quietDiscord is where chan communities go to die.
>>3782>>3783>chanForgot, that's another politically correct term to look out for.
>>3784Okay, imageboards. Call it what you like.
>>3782I notice this too, but I can neversay for certain how much of that is actually coordinated.
>>3785>Call it what you like.THAT'S WHAT THESE KINDS OF SITES ARE ALWAYS CALLED, JACKASS!!!>>3786>I can neversay for certain how much of that is actually coordinated.It doesn't
need to be coordinated. All that's required is just for your to have two computers and a smart phone, have the computers connected to a wifi source, one of the computers running tor, your phone using it's own internet, and you can single-handedly raid a board and shut down all discussion on it. And, if you're banned in the process, use a new Tor identity, reset your wifi router, and switch your phone in and out of airplane mode.
>>3787No, I meant, I'm unsure what's an intentional psyop and what's just normal shitposting.
>>3787>he doesn't refer to these kinds of sites as Mongolian horsewhispering forums
>>3790I thought it was all about bhurmese animal-husbandry
>>3784well excuuuuuuuse me on my terminology.
>>3787>All that's required is just for your to have two computers and a smart phone, have the computers connected to a wifi source yada yadaThis, i've done it to get anons to talk about something i want discussed, i've never needed Tor, but that's only because what i do is simple, but for a darker, wider effect you'll probably need it
>>3790>Mongolian horsewhispering forums<Saw it as "Mongolian horsewhipping forums"Dear Lord, I need to sleep.
16 chan is dead and the admin deleted his blog.
9chan is kill.
Starting to really feel like this may just be the end for the existence of altchans, More are dying than spawning.
Truly sad times.
>>3920>9chan is killR.I.P.
>Starting to really feel like this may just be the end for the existence of altchans, More are dying than spawning. There is still a few, although it doesn't feel the same now with both 8 and 9 gone.
>Truly sad timesIndeed.
>>3920Tell them they're welcome on /mlpol/.
>>3929I agree, there is room in /mlpol/.
>>3930/mlpol/ really should start making fishing trips again.
>>4119whos stopping you anon
>>4237I'm currently reaching out to a couple of places but fishing threads were always more effective when other anons joined in.
Just found out about frenschan. I'm a bit late to the party but they have a /pol/ board.
>>4296It's a honeypot of the worst kind. The furry shooter allegedly posted there. Feds were shilling the site the entire time he was newsworthy.
>>4297That dude posted on a couple of different imageboads didn't he?
Why trust other imageboards? They probably steal IPs or rickroll people.
>They don't know about the RCMP honeypot.
Oh, you poor fools.
>>4299It doesn't matter tho. Frenschan was the big one, and the one shills were constantly promoting, It's fair to single it out.
Poners already went over this.
https://mlpol.net/mlpol/archive/323596#344966https://mlpol.net/mlpol/archive/345024Do as you wish tho. Just making sure the other anons don't forget about this.
I mean, it's been a while since the fake and gay happening. The timing is right.
>>4300It's a necessary evil, but it's always best to go with a little bit of insight, at least, recently had to move a board to another site after 9chump called it curtains. Personally grew complacent and did not do any digging, luckily there were anons throwing us suggestions, migrated to one while other boards were migrating out. It's not fun having to migrate to multiple sites, and having to learn what you are getting yourself into, why I like this thread, as well as happy this board only had to be migrated once over the years.
>>4302>Frenschan was the big one, and the one shills were constantly promoting, It's fair toI don't think it is fair to single frenschan out just because they are bigger. If the dude posted on multiple imageboads he might have just been a fed trying to take down altchans. If frenschan was new at the time of the attack then the shilling could have been coincidence. Remember how much mlpol shilled itself during the beginning?
>>4304What I meant by "big one". Is that Frenschan was the only one being consistently mentioned and shilled for.
Like I said tho. Have it your way.
>>4306>64chanMaki still running the joint?
I miss 420chan. The jenkem board was a national treasure.
Apparently 7chan is still alive and kicking.
hello. new person here. just want to archive thread that can be a knowledge bank/ crossroads to other obscure internet places. for example like this thread. also im retarted. pls give link to other thread. pls help generally
>>4382Hi anon.
What species are you?
>>4383idk, im new too mlp
>>4384Enjoy your stay newfag.
>>4385Where do you find the time to fluidly animate on 1s like that?
Leftypol just banned pepe, wojaks, soyjaks, and Chad face inorder to "prevent /pol/ from living rent free in their heads." Can't make this shit up.
>>4413>LeftypolAre they still online?
>>4415Yup both of them are still alive. I bet you anything this results in yet another split.
They are brainstorming new memes. BEHOLD THE LATES5 IN LEFTWING MEME TECHNOLOGY... poope.
>>4419>excrementsEvery time the feces subject comes up, a hebrew is behind. They can't help themselves.
>>4420>It’s true. Jews love not only talking about their fecal habits, but also stressing about them. Are we pooping often enough? Too much? There’s even a prayer, the Asher Yatzar, thanking God for the orifices of our body, and expressing gratitude that they open when they should and perhaps more importantly, that they remain closed when they should.https://www.kveller.com/article/a-jewish-take-on-toilet-training/https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/community/articles/the-butt-of-the-joke
>>4420This could be an opportunity. We could make leftists memes for them. Control the memes control the planet.
>>4422Memes rely on memorable instantly understandable characters and short snappy jokes.
You see sad pepe on the floor with his food spilled and a smug bully looming over him? You understand it. You notice the frog is labelled as "me" and the bully is labeled "hyperinflation". The meme gets the point across.
This is incompatible with leftist lies. Each one relies on a carefully constructed web of lies often incompatible with other lies. It relies on willing denial of reality. A leftist meme cannot simply present reality without comment. Walls of text are needed to get every leftist on the same page so they can view the meme as they are supposed to. Lefties cannot meme. Even when they steal memes, they don't understand them.
>>4423Then we could just force memes we don't understand. They don't even have to be good, just better than what leftists would come up with. My idea is to try to make lysenko a meme because most leftists won't be able to figure out it's a troll.
>>4426If you think it'll work, go ahead.
>>4423>This is incompatible with leftist lies.Absolutely this.
>>4424>Then we could just force memes we don't understand.>WEAre you an /leftypol/ infiltrator?
>They don't even have to be good, just better than what leftists would come up with.That means to help them with ideas, and that is a no-no.
>>4429I'm infiltrating leftypol to force Lesynko as a meme. Does that count?
>>4429The point wouldn't be to give them good ideas. The point would be to force memes on them that will make them look retarded.
>>4434That could work. A lot of them unironically praise Lysenko. If they could be convinced to do that more, it would be hilarious.
there is this chanboard that i knew but forgot the name and i didn't save the link, it have a black background (and the over all aesthetic if im not wrong) with generic moe anime pics. the chan says the it doesn't know what the website is for. it's really small. and it's also linked with a text only chanboard. if anyone know what it is pls give help
>>4424>we could just force memes we don't understand. >They don't even have to be good, just better than what leftists would come up with. <let's go to leftypol and make good shit memes that we know are shit but aren't shit but are shit.<Le poope face.pngThis entire bit here twists my brain, they already make make shit, why would they need our or anyones help?
>My idea is to try to make lysenko a meme because most leftists won't be able to figure out it's a troll.I don't even know who or what that is.
>>4706Lysenko was a soviet scientist that believed plants could be educated to express different traits. This lead to the soviet union declaring genetics a pseudoscience and trying to plant wheat in siberia. Needless to say a lot of people starved because of him. Leftypol unironically believes that he is a genius.
>>4726Just when I thought Tankies couldn't be more fucking retarded.
>>4726True. Communists have this asinine rejection of inherent genetic traits, and staunchly believe that people (or in this case, plants) are improbable creatures that can be molded into whatever you want them to be if you change their material conditions and "reeducate" (torture) them enough.
>>4742Anon, Communists are cultist who unironically believe that they literally have the knowledge of God. That's it.
>>4738>Still sistering with Uboachan even after Seisatsu went full troon and explicitly banned only right-wing beliefs
>>4743>>4742Remember those wiggers acid burning seeds to "improve" them?
Today is zzzchan's birthday.
Soyjak.party is down jakkers now use jakparty.soy
>>4777Soyjak.party is back
although this is kind of old news 22chan died around 2021 i think and got revived in 2022, i don't know the exact date but anyhow it's still around and kicking.
>>4990Haven't heard that one in quite some time.