Where should I go on the internet thats as as good as /x/ used to be on four chins? Place is a shithole now that's been overrun with shitposters and christfags. Please point me in some good directions anons. Thank you <3
>>3590Well at least they've solved 'how to summon a succubus' problem. To find the esoteric one must use the esoteric, our /vx/ is nice.
And having more sources never hurts.
>>3590Got a few suggestions for you, the trick is trying to find niche boards with a particular interest. I will throw a few that I know of your way, you may start bumping into new stuff as you go.
https://8kun.top/fringe/index.htmlhttps://8kun.top/x/index.html (ofc lol)
did some digging around other places like 9ch and such but found nothing unfortunately. As well as 22chan.
there may be something of your interest in the webring perhaps?