Set six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where the Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures thank to their dealing with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics.
Half of the party - Brie, Onyx, and Spark - are on a train to far off Bales to try to cross the border into the Changeling Lands. the other half remains in Baltimare, where Silver is searching catacombs seeking books filled with long buried dark secrets, Dark Star is having luck with his marefriend, and Iron aiding in trafficking exotic animals
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>>93401"10 bits? the price has gone up quite a bit since i was a colt."
Dark star Hoofs over 10 bits, thanks the attendant then Trots back over to blue.
>>93406Iron jumps a little, turning around.
"You are one sneaky zebra."
He chuckles.
"Well, my job with that client before is done, so I thought to pay you a visit. Maybe set up another job."
>>93407"This comes with at least some attraction tickets"
Says the colt
>>93408She nods, eyes half closed
"What was the nature of your job with that client anyways?"
>>93409Iron shrugs.
"Simple foal hunt of sorts. Either ensure their safety or bring them back to the abbey they were taken from. Now it is done. Nothing else to say, really, apart from meeting some members of the gang."
>>93410"So it is. Did it pay well?"
>>93412Iron shakes his head.
"No. It was a severe dissapointment in many levels. There was not even a fight. Just talking. Although meeting more gang members sure is nice. I found many who know your name, actually."
>>93414She laughs slightly
"Nice to see I am so well known"
Then she says
"Is that what you wanted? A fight?"
>>93415Iron looks down, scratching his hoof.
"Well, no. I was looking for something that would at least bring some sort of renown. Something that expands my reputation. I do not think simply talking to ponies does that."
He looks up.
"Well, I
did go and handled a tiger, which was not as fun as it sounds."
He extends his unarmored hoof, covered in now sealed scratches.
>>93416"I think talking is how most politicians get their jobs"
She looks down and inspects Iron's very scratched up body, and starts to laugh, but covers her mouth with her hoof
"Looks like you got your fight..."
>>93413"Which Attractions take tickets?"
>>93417Iron chuckles.
"I suppose. Although it was very one-sided. Lucky animal tore right through my armor and scratched me all over. I can show you all the marks still."
>>93419Well, you said he was a commie horse. >>93419>>93405Señor Hilter>Señor Stalin
>>93418"Ferris Wheel, the roller coaster, the funhouse, the carousel, the house of oddities..."
>>93420Her expression now turning almost to a sort of concern, she says
"I can see them from here"
>>93422"Give me 8 more tickets."
>>93421You're not wrong.>>93422Iron waves his hoof.
"Relax. Saint Gallop treated me before leaving, but I will not object if you want to use any spare potions you have, or a bed actually."
>>93423That's the point, dummy :3 >>93424"Sure thing. 4 bits"
>>93425She backs away
"Alright then, if you say so"
>>93426Iron cocks his head.
"If you want, you can ensure that her work is okay. I do not mind. I think I need a place to rest. You are the better healer of the two, I would imagine."
>>93426Dark star Gives the Stallion the bits needed, thanks the attendant then trots back over to blue.
>>93428Well, she looks at him, and awaits his next move
>>93427"Well, I would think that I am" she says
>>93429Iron smiles.
"I know. Where to do you want me to strip off my armor to do your magic?"
>>93430She smiles again
"Oh, my magic doesn't require you stripping down. But there is a place"
>>93429Dark Star Grins at her
"Well i got the tickets. you said you need to get back to work right? i think i'll head back to the Tavern and Take a Power Nap until you get off work tonight."
>>93431"And where that might be?"
>>93432"Yes, I need a couple hours"
>>93433"There's an apartment on sixth I use. I can help you there"
>>93434"Sure thing, you can lead the way."
Iron smiles.
>>93434"Alright,ill let you get back to looking at those pictures. ill pay for your trip back to the HQ, we can share a ride."
Is the taxi still there?
>>93435She takes him down a few streets, past shops and apartment blocks, to a brick apartment building. Then inside, up one flight of stairs. It sort of looks like one of the buildings that Iron visited that first that first night
"Well, here we are. My personal apartment. "
She starts to unlock it
>>93436If you tell them to stay, then sure
"Alright" she says
>>93437"Ah, reminds me of that job where I tried to throw a mattress out of the window."
Iron chuckles.
>>93438She giggles
"That was a..." as if in genuine loss for words "an interesting choice of yours"
>>93437Sure he would have told him to wait
Dark Star helps her into the taxi then gets in
>>93439"It was going to be amazing. Jumped out of a window to land on the mattress. A quick, flashy getaway. Thinking back, the adernaline may have influenced my decision."
Iron laughs.
>>93441"Yes, it must have been the same as influenced your decision to wrestle a tiger"
She opens the door, showing a simple enough apartment, with a kitchen to the left - some counters, a sink, cabinets - and a living room over to the far end, with couches, a chair, and a radio. To the right are doors
>>93440And thus, they both get back into the Taxi
>>93442Which is closer the tavern or the Headquarters?
>>93443Hmmm... probably the Tavern
>>93442Another set of chuckles.
"I was actually thinking it was just a big kitty that needed some petting."
As he enters the room and closes the door, he nods.
"Your place is quite well stocked, Cauldron."
>>93445She laughs at the cat remark
"Don't you have those in the jungle where you come from?"
"Oh, it's not that fancy. But it is what I need to live alone."
>>93446Iron chuckles.
"Yes. There is a story where a tiger was raised in my tribe. I never had the chance to see it, but they said it acted just like any cat here would. Just a little on the bigger side. It is rumored that it still prowls around the tribe to this day."
He still nods.
"Well, I only need some grass to sleep, so my mind is blown by how much you have here."
>>93447She now advances into the room, and lays down on the couch with her feet under her
"That's neat to have domesticated Tigers. I'm not sure I've ever seen one. I'm surprised that You find all of this to be high class. But I guess it would be, coming from an agrarian tribal background"
>>93444Ok when They Get to the tavern dark Star asks "How much to take my Marefriend Back to The Baltimare Grand Hotel?"
i think thats it i cant quite remember the name. >>93449"5 bits for the whole trip
he says
>>93450Dark Star kisses Blue then pays the cab driver.
>>93448Iron looks warily at the couch, then at the floor..
"I might still want to remove my armor just in case my weight makes me fall through the floor."
He shakes his head.
"It is not that we have many domesticated tigers around. It was just chance and a native mare who has special connections with animals gave the little tiger some comfort."
Finally he shrugs.
"You are right. Many of our huts are made of clay and stone. Not much else apart from that."
With that, he starts the long process of taking his armor.
>>93451She smiles in her way after the kiss
"I'll see you soon enough"
>>93452She giggles
"Suit youself. Or rather,
unsuit yourself.
I've heard stories from my father of what it was like in Zebrica. He described many of the buildings and homes in villages being made out of simple wood, or even cob. I guess it's not so different"
>>93454As he takes off the chest plate, he nods, absorbing the information.
"Huh. I suppose you are right."
After a little while of unstrapping and unequipping, curiousity over this Zebrica arises.
"What was it like there, according to your father?"
He looks around, trying to find a place to place his armor pieces and shield.
>>93454Dark Star smiles Back at her
"i'll see you later,Blue."
He Waves at her as She is Drove Back to the HQ and after They're out of sight He heads inside the Tavern.