Set six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where the Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures thank to their dealing with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics.
Half of the party - Brie, Onyx, and Spark - are on a train to far off Bales to try to cross the border into the Changeling Lands. the other half remains in Baltimare, where Silver is searching catacombs seeking books filled with long buried dark secrets, Dark Star is having luck with his marefriend, and Iron aiding in trafficking exotic animals
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>>93657It feels nice to do something nice. "It is least I could do. He served his country well. He deserved peace, and his family deserves to know that he is resting peacefully now, watching over them."
>>93658He nods, then looks to Silver.
"Thank you, again. You say he was killed by a
zombie? That's a terrible way to go. And at the very end of the war as well. Definitely in the last week"
>>93660"Zombie or something like it. I have heard them called 'ghasts' before. It looked like he was chasing EDF soldiers into catacombs underneath Curwhinny Farm when he got caught. They met similar fates, either dying to some unknown causes or getting turned into ghasts, themselves. I would, uh..." He looks uncomfortable, mentioning this next part, and remembering the state Green Basin's body was in. "...well, his body
is recoverable, is not pretty sight. Not at all. I would certainly not want to remember him like that at funeral, if I were of his family. Zombification does number on equine body. Doubly so when body was underwater since War's end."
>>93661He nods
“War dead are collected and buried at the cemetery off Coffin Bay road on the promontory. Don’t be too worried about the conditions of the bodies. Corpses in worse states are sometimes interred.”
The pony stands back to show his rear legs. Or rather, his lack of rear legs, as they have been replaced by prosthetics.
>>93662Silver gives them a respectful acknowledgment. He doesn't want to be rude, after all. As a bonus, he can gain an appreciation for how even the field of prosthetics has advanced since he was young. "How did that happen, if I might ask?"
>>93663“Artillery round exploded nearby, Jungle campaign”
Yes, his accent is foreign
>>93664He figured as much, though that hasn't had much of an impact on his perception of this pony. Silver himself sounds foreign, after all. "Artillery. Probably most devastating weapon of war we have ever developed. I am glad it did not fully take your life. There are lack of good ponies in this world." Silver suddenly feels very lucky that his own scars are individually minor compared to this stallion's. "If you do send team to collect Green Basin's body, I would advise caution. I do not know how many more ghasts are waiting beneath surface of water within quarry, and they are deadly to face against in combat. If team hears voices, or even faintest sound of something near water, then they need to leave as soon as they are able."
>>93665He looks at Silver
“Artillery is not a pleasant weapon, no. Far more unpleasant to have explode behind you. I’m glad we had more of it, and more planes as well.
I’ve never seen the undead. I’ve never heard of the ‘Curwhinny Farm’ either. I guess there are a multitude of horrors out there to be stumbled upon. I stumbled upon a few myself in the jungle. I do know that the War left its scars - and its casualties all over”
>>93666"Right. I hope we can avoid creating any more casualties, from now on." He holds a hoof out for the pony to shake. "I do not believe I have caught your name yet. I am Silver Sword."
>>93667“Well, that’s what I am here for now.” He extends out his hoof
“I am Dusty Outback. Nice to meet you, Silver”
>>93668*hoof is shaken*
"Pleasure is all mine, Dusty. It was nice meeting you, but I have task I need to fulfill for Blue Skies. Perhaps I will see you after I return?"
>>93669“Perhaps so. Who are you precisely? I don’t believe you’re a formal employee, at least that I know of”
>>93670"I am not, no. Mercenary, I suppose is term for it, or at least that is term I have used in past. Thinking about formally joining with Black Hooves, though. I may not agree with
everything that comes from those higher up in organization, but it seems as though joining would offer best opportunity to help my fellow countryponies.
>>93671He nods
“Indeed it could. Changelings, Communists, bandits... they are no joke”
>>93672"I have had bad experiences with all three. Helped in fight against Changelings during War, had to watch as my Motherland was destroyed by Reds when Steel Stallion came to power, and bandits are something I once dealt with on semi-regular basis, back in my hay day. I know what dangers they all carry, and why it is imperative we are all united when they come for us."
>>93673“I see. You must be one of them Stallion-gradder’s. Well, I appreciate what you’ve done so far”
>>93674He frowns slightly at the term, and his voice takes on an spiteful tone. "
Stalliongrader is insult to what it used to mean to be Severyanan, back when we were proud people, and had honor and purpose, culture and history." Realizing that this could be misunderstood as him being upset at Dusty, he smiles at him. "Sorry, it is nothing you said. I not have good memories of what Communists did to my beloved Severyana, land of my ancestors, nor do I have good opinion on that bunch of traitors that make up that 'Supreme Soviet', hiding up in that ridiculous Palace they built."
>>93675“Good Stallion. Never trust the communists and their talk of ‘international revolution’ or ‘worker solidarity.’ And don’t let them repeat the same here.”
>>93676"I already lost one home to them. I will
not let them take another." He sighs. "Anyways, I really need to be going on this errand, now. It was wonderful meeting you, Dusty, and I hope we get to talk some more in future."
>>93677“Nice meeting you, and may you come around again”
He nods to Silver
>>93678Silver nods back to Dusty. "I certainly hope to."
Not only did Silver take care of Green Basin's tags, but he also made a fine new acquaintance. Bonus. With all of that taken care of, Silver heads into the alley where he stashed his Bits Gun, grabs it, and makes his way home to put away his newly acquired instruments, and grab his cart for the job of hauling books out of the catacombs.
>>93679Ha.Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay. Hmmm....
Who else is here?
>>93682No idea. Shit's pretty dead today. Or more like undead, am I right gentlemen?Anyways, once Silver's got his cart, he returns to the oh-so-lovely Curwhinny Farm entrance to the catacombs. Silver is starting to feel rather familiar with this area, which is a...startling prospect, to be sure.
>>93681Well, it shoots bullets, and you use Bits to buy bullets, so I suppose you could say it fires Bits. >>93683It fires magical metal things that somehow pass through flesh.
>>93685>>93684>>93682>>93683Ah well. I'll go to bed now. Be safe you two. Here's hoping no more character hiccups.
At least not devastating ones. >>93593"Friendship."
>>93612>>93611He's not wrong she did let him eat her out. they are both to blame.>>93615>But, I can not claim that which belongs to anotherdidnt stop you before did it?
>>93622she fucking wanted it,like i said.
>I had one condition with you. Exactly one condition. And that was that you would not inseminate me, or at least not my vagina. Yes Silver, I was going to let you fuck me after I rolled over. I was going to see if you wanted to, and then either pull out a condom from the nightstand, or just let you make love anally.>I did not say anything because I liked the attention you have given me these past> I liked the affection. And I did not want to hurt your feelings.>pic related>>93622>But at the same time I knew damned well that I had promised Dark Star that I would not be inseminated by any pony other than himyea no Dark star said i don't want you to fuck other stallions while in a relationship with him.
>>93625i saw it coming too.>>93631you're not wrong.
I'm here
I hate foreign films,
pretentious boring foreign films,
I hate foreign films,
a bullet sil voux plait
>>93690Too late? I mean I know Onyx is out, and Spark probably is too.
>>93691Maybe a brief scene? The scene with Silver has passed, so I guess Dark Star can begin the Fair Date
>>93692yea give me a little bit.
>>93692Well, I don't want to distress the Lings, I want them to enjoy the trip. So I suppose I could take them out to the dome,....
>>93694Nightfall is coming in, but at least Wesley is exited to watch the passing scenery of the magic kingdom of ponies outside. The first stop of the trip - Moonlight Bay - is coming up soon enough
>>93695"So genießen Sie Jugendliche die Reise bisher? Möchten Sie zurück in die Kuppel gehen und die Landschaft genießen?"
>>93696Wesley: "Ja!" *wags tail a couple times*
Kerr: "Es ist nicht schlecht. Ich denke wir könnten zurückgehen"
>>93697Brie takes the Lings to the rear dome
>>93698As noted before, there are more ponies around than there were on the first walk through. This is true of the rear area as well
>>93700Well, it would follow that as night sets, the areas that are purely based on observation, like the domes and the bullet lounge, would start to thin out. Especially around traditional dinner time
>>93701Glad we ate something earlier. Still, even if there's ponies around the Lings should be able to enjoy the sights.
>>93702Kerr more so is afraid of ponies. Wesley has more faith in his innate ability to deceive, and is more curious overall
>>93703Brie sticks close to them, hoping his presence will allow them to relax a bit.
>>93704Kerr curls up on a couch by the glass dome, trying to keep his distance from the other ponies in the room, while Wesley stares out the window. After some minutes he whispers
"Wo ist das graue Pony?"
>>93692Alright, i forget was Dark Star still Dreaming?
>>93707I had had him dreaming, then had a plan for it but abandoned it because I didn't want the implications, the thought of something else, and then Silver completed his thing already so Dark Star can wake up