Set six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where the Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures thank to their dealing with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics.
Half of the party - Brie, Onyx, and Spark - are on a train to far off Bales to try to cross the border into the Changeling Lands. the other half remains in Baltimare, where Silver is searching catacombs seeking books filled with long buried dark secrets, Dark Star is having luck with his marefriend, and Iron aiding in trafficking exotic animals
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>>93857Unlucky, sure, but fucking comedy gold.>>93859Well, I suppose he would hurry, even if it's just to get this batch of books back to Blue that much faster. Highly doubt he would have any time left on his potion.
>>93860Equestria is rightful pony clay REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! >>93859Iron shakes his head.
"The jungle is my home. I did not pay that much attention to the outside world until recently, even though there was basic history lessons when I was younger. I mainly just threw pebbles and stomped on leaves as the elders droned on about it."
He chuckles a little.
>>93860Well, if they can't do the succ without making us completely apathetic, then it's gonna be very hard to do that.>>93861No, it was kinda disturbing. Reminds me when a cockroach entered my sleeves that one time. Disgusting. I even crushed it accidentally. >>93861Well, he's able to get out before the potion wears off. Where he can get back in time to catch Blue is another matter
>>93862She looks at him, almost strangely, then after a moment, begins to nod while maintaining the expression
"I guess that would make sense, not living in a big city and all
Wait, what? What does a cockroach have to do with anything? >>93860the day of the bug spray is coming. repent.>>93859Dark Star Laughs and says with a joking tone
"Love in Return? You Aren't a changeling are you?"
Dark Star Smiles
>>93865She laughs
"It's a Joke. I'm just trying to get you in the mood for our date tonight"
>>93863Iron chuckles a little more.
"I know. It is kind of strange to see such a native that does not know pony history. Trust me, the leaf stomping routine paid off."
He jokingly pulls up one of his forelegs and flexes them for Cauldron to see peak body performance, stifling a giggle as he does it.
Silver got a spider on his eye. I had a roach go under my sleeves. Perfect logic.>>93864To be fair, I didn't feel that liquid roaches excrete when crushed. I mainly got a feel for it,
maybe did a little pressure that might've stained my long-sleeve shirt. Still disgusting. >>93866"i'm always n the mood."
Dark Star says in a deeper tone.
>>93862>>93867Roaches are almost worse than jews.
>>93868She hits him on the shoulder lightly
"I mean for
romance, sweetie"
>>93867She laughs at this
Yeah, that sounds super unpleasant>>93864Better hurry faster
>>93872*hurrying faster horse noises*
Maybe I should roll for this... >>93870>pic relatedi Didnt know they could Shapeshift
>>93872dark star laughs
"that's what i meant, is your mind in the gutter miss skies?"
>>93872After a second or two, he simply can't keep the charade and laughs out loud.
Yep. Washed my whole arm after that.>>93874Didn't you see Borat? He witnessed first hand joo shapeshifting. >>93874>He's never seen Borat>>93873Maybe
>>93874She laughs
"But seriously, you'd
better love me"
She struts around past Star as she says that
Reeeee, roaches aren't jews!
>>93876dark Stars eyes Burn with passion as he says the following in a Sincere tone.
"i Do Blue, More than anything else in the world. You're Perfect for me in Every way. and that smile is perfect, it make my heart skip a beat everytime you do."
>>93876>>93875it's been a few years since i've seen it.
>>93877>imblying >>93877Of course it's Brie's player who defends the honor of cockroaches
>>93880She looks right into his eyes with her own gem-like eyes. Then, she gives him that smile, and shows her teeth a little. And then.... she pulls in for a kiss
>>93881It's gonna be a while, gentleponies. Silver seems to have found the scenic route.
>>93881Look at this face!Besides, I thought it was generally established that griffons were the jews
>>93883That pic is actually disturbing. Delet this.>>93881As he calms down from his laughter, he maintains a smile.
"That reminds me. I did not hear how physically fit your brothers are. How are they? Can they lift?"
>>93881Dark Stars eyes Betray his surprise, He Accepts the kiss and Establishes Dominance with his tounge
>>93883Delet insect
really. This world doesn't have a direct parallel to Ashkenazim Jews, as there are is no international "nation within nations." I definitely did style a corrupt Griffin jeweler as Yiddish, but that was to fuck with Onyx and then you. While Griffins are known for being greedier and more despotic than ponies, in the mod they seem to more or less represent Western Europeans, whereas Ponies represent the Anglophone world and Eastern and South Eastern Europeans. If you are looking for a race that is parasitic and deceptive, and generally working to the subjugation of other races, that'd be the changelings, although they have nation states and generally prefer to operate from those is fairly conventional fashion.
>>93884She giggles
"I mean, maybe? He's used to lifting brush and canvas, or maybe a spoon. Not weights"
>>93885She pushes right back at him in the kiss, and places a hoof on his shoulder. It's a strong sensation, almost enough to send a chill down his back.
>>93889Iron shakes his head dramatically.
"No. That cannot be. Tell me that he can at least pick you off the floor."
Dark Star Grabs the Back of her head and Dips her backwards like >pic related
>>93891Nien! Nien! Nien!
>>93890She laughs again
"I don't think he's tried since I was a fillie"
>>93893She makes an 'ooh' sound as she is lifted off her hooves
>>93895Iron shakes his head even more dramatically, exaggerating his movements quite a bit.
"Unacceptable. I can
still lift my sister and dump her into the pond."
Another set of chuckles come out.
"Those were the days."
>>93894still them
>>93895Dark Star continues the Twirling of his tongue more forcefully
>>93896She smiles, and tilts her head slightly
"Do you have a big family?"
>>93897Dark Star, the original tongue twister. She resists
>>93882Keep going. You might make it there
>>93895If you're preoccupied with other areas, I can wait, but if you want to throw some stuff at me on the train, that's fine too.
>>93897That's not what the evidence shows
>>93899Oh I definitely had ideas, they would just either happen later in the night, or need to be more proactively found
[1d20 = 4]>>93898Probably not. I seem to be at Low Roll Central Station right now.
>>93898Iron nods.
"I have a younger brother and a sister. He would always criticize me for dunking my sister on the water and not paying attention in class. A disciplined pony. My sister is still too young to know what she will become yet, but she loves to interact with the different animals if she gets the chance to."
>>93898Should i roll?
Dark Star Smacks her flank with a free hoof
>>93899Evidence is racist. you don't want to be a racist do you?
>>93903Opinion discarded for inanity
>>93900Or right, like I'm gonna let these 2 out of my sight to go digging for trouble
>>93904Iron tilts his head a little bit, squinting his eyes.
"Well, if you think having an old pony talk nonstop about history and other stuff, then sure. I cannot say I was hooked."
He raises a hoof.
"No disrespect to them. They
are wise. It was just so boring to sit down and listen to them go on and on about their topic. I just wanted to run and play, maybe wrestle with other colts if I could."