Set six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where the Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures thank to their dealing with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics.
Half of the party - Brie, Onyx, and Spark - are on a train to far off Bales to try to cross the border into the Changeling Lands. the other half remains in Baltimare, where Silver is searching catacombs seeking books filled with long buried dark secrets, Dark Star is having luck with his marefriend, and Iron aiding in trafficking exotic animals
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>>93708I dunno i kinda wanted to see what you had planned.
>>93705"Er ist zurück in Baltimare. Wir werden ihn mehrere Tage nicht sehen, aber rechtzeitig werden Sie ihn wiedersehen." Brie whispers back
>>93709Nah, the purpose of dreams is to give characters something to do when time cannot skip. I am sure I will reuse it
>>93710He nods
"Er war ein guter Gastgeber"
Dark Star awakens in a cold sweat
Dark Star looks at his now thoroughly drenched blankets he Sighs at his Nightmare
"I really shouldn't drink Before Going to Sleep,I always have Nightmares after that."
Dark Star Takes the Sweat Covered blankets off the bed,then he puts them in the corner,And heads down stairs.
>>93712Oh, it could be so much worse
As he heads down, he sees that it is nightfall
>>93713>Oh, it could be so much worseHMMMMMMMMMMMMM
Dark Star Walks over to the bartender and say "What time Is It?"
>>93714"Round about 6 PM" says the bartender
>>93715"sounds like it's about time then."
"Hey, is there an Automobile salesman in town?"
>>93717"hey would you fill up my flask?"
>>93718"Uh, sure"
He does so with Dark Star's preferred alcohol
Dark Star Pays him and says "if anyone comes looking for me i'll be at the Fair Grounds on Franklin Benjamare avenue."
And with that Dark Star makes his way there.
>>93721No to the HQ to pick up blue
>>93722And so it is.
I have to go to sleep now though
>>93726Afternoon, edge poner. Cyka blyat poner here.
Alright, I may as well begin
something>>93600She looks back at Iron with an expression of concern
"They said
what? They were planning to attack ponies?"
>>93722It's nightfall, and there are lights on in the headquarters
>>93683He's arrived at nighttime. there are lights across the street, including from two lampposts that are turned on, presumably the first of many to come. There are a few cricket sounds, but otherwise, the farm is silent
>>93734Iron nods.
"Yes. They were trying to pretend to be natives to stop some sort of business agreement or something like that."
A tribal-like version of a bulb turns on in his head, remembering something. He stands up and walks towards the pile of armor plates.
"I think I snagged a paper related to it in that pier where the meeting took place."
He rummages through his inventory to show her.
Up to you if he finds it or not, but I remember he took it. Mostly a business plan of building a sort of natural resource extraction. >>93734Dark Star Takes a sip of his flask looking a little nervous,he does his best to act casual then he walks in.
>>93733F >>93733>>93735You mean a torch?He should have it. The Badlands Pipeline project, detailing a plan to build a pipeline through the forests to Baltimare
"They are planning open revolt..."
>>93736>>93737One guard, one pony at a desk, and of course the three doors
>>93738Yes.Iron nods.
Were planning open revolt. They were stopped for now. A good thing too, as it let me bring those gold bars back."
He apporaches back to the couch and gently sits on it, releasing the paper from his mouth inbetween the two of them.
"Here. You should know better than me what this means."
>>93739Dark Star stops to talk to the guard.
"Hey Colt, Hows it going tonight?"
>>93734There is something almost magical about this nighttime quiet. I can see why bat ponies like it so much. Oh well, time to dive back in. It takes him a minute to prepare the gas mask for the adventure: reattaching the air cannister to the gas mask, working the valves so he can actually breath while wearing the damn thing, checking the filter, and prepping another cannister in case he needs to swap them out. He doesn't yet trust the quality of air inside the catacombs. Give it a day to air out, perhaps, and he might be more willing to do so.
Parking his cart right outside the cellar entrance, Silver, deciding he's ready, puts on his gas mask and dives right back on in to the dank, dark catacombs.
Hello again, my friend. >>93740"... What exactly did you do?"
She looks at the papers
"This is a business proposal. Or looks like one, anyways"
>>93742We need to begin a timer for this
>>93743Probably. Good thing Silver has a pocket watch to check.
>>93743Iron shrugs.
"I just went in, beat up some of the weak ponies there towards the ship and grabbed a chest containing some gold bars. Nothing else apart from that. No idea why the explosion happened but it was sure nice since I get a good amount of money for it."
He nods when Cauldron confirms the nature of the document.
"I see. Nothing particular about it? Anything like who is proposing what to whom?"
>>93744Actually, I don't believe Silver has consumed the "hide from undead"
>>93745"You did what now?"
>>93746Almost forgot about that. He is most definitely going to take it now.
>>93746Iron cocks his head.
"I just said what I did. Punch ponies and got gold bars. Nothing too dramatic, apart from severe machete wounds from a griffon leader."
He frowns, remembering such disgraceful death he suffered.
(I was too much of a coward to ask him for a fight. Never again shall I cower from battle.)
>>93749"Well, we might have a new helper"
>>93748"I see... Well, this looks like an internal business report. It looks like several companies and the New Mareland government are all taking a part"
>>93747Probably a good thing, because he can hear sounds deeper inside
>>93753"oh really? Who Are they?"
>>93753As to be expected when you have catacombs filled with the undead.
Silver heads for the unburnt library first to his right, figuring it's more important to get done first since it has more books he can recover.
>>93753Iron nods.
"Well, aside from that plan, they were also taking guns from overseas to arm themselves and all. From the objective of eliminating business oportunities to hinder economical activity, maybe we could say that the government caught on to this and planned an attack. This is why I assume that they attacked and not any sort of crime bosses, although maybe one underboss from the gang may have traded money for guns. I suggest to keep an eye out for any sort of marine-based underbosses, see if they spout their dumb rhetoric."
>>93757*also brining in guns from overseas