Set six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where the Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures thank to their dealing with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics.
Half of the party - Brie, Onyx, and Spark - are on a train to far off Bales to try to cross the border into the Changeling Lands. the other half remains in Baltimare, where Silver is searching catacombs seeking books filled with long buried dark secrets, Dark Star is having luck with his marefriend, and Iron aiding in trafficking exotic animals
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>>93052This room has several rectangles of rooted wood alongside the walls, with small amounts of rusted iron, as well as a rusted pail
>>93053That is odd. Silver investigates the wooden rectangles. He wonders if they're meant to be doors of a sort.
>>93054Lying on the floor, multiple pieces of wood connected to each other to form a rectangle
>>93052They look closest to being bed frames
>>93051Brie gently leads the Lings back to the room, alert (mostly cuz feels) for potential trouble
>>93057...Oh. I am not sure there this was happy place of dreams. Although he suspects any evidence of what the rusted pail had been used for in the past has long since decayed or been washed away, he still checks to see if his suspicion of this being a shit bucket is correct.
>>93058Not willing to surrender the bread, Kerr quickly grabs the uneaten bread and butter before Brie leads them away. They proceed down the long, narrow pathway to the room. In this time, the number of ponies in the lounge car areas, as well as the dining car has vastly increased, with most (but not all) seats being taken now. Brie is able to get back to their room, where they have relative privacy, their own seats, and a large window. Wesley immediately dives for and wraps himself up in a blanket
>>93059Though the pail does seem to have the decayed stained remnants of
some sort of organic matter, it appears this pail will keep its secrets
>>93060Yup. This was shit bucket. Silver, his quota of investigating mystery buckets fulfilled, returns to exploring the hallway.
>>93061More vaults on the far side, two doors on his right
>>93062Silver tries the first of the two doors he approaches.
>>93063A storage room... though perhaps a bit abnormal
[1d20-1 = -1]>>93064Search: Silver investigates what exactly seems abnormal about this room.
>>93065It's another damned storage room, like the ones he's seen before
>>93067Hmm. Must just be my mind playing tricks on me. With nothing else to look for in this room, he tries the next door.
>>93068This door is large, opening in two parts. On one side, a set of wood and iron in a rectangle, with chains hangs on the wall, and a large iron rail behind it. To the right, a set of - of all things - stairs
>>93069Thinking that this room in particular looks important, Silver cautiously makes his way either down or up the stairs, depending on their current orientation.
>>93060Entering the room and shutting the door and locking it behind them, Brie wonders for a moment how he was supposed to pay for the food, but quickly dismisses the idea. Sitting down facing the Lings, he breathes a deep and contemplative sigh.
"Colts," he pauses for a moment to think. "Ich nenne dich immer wieder so. Was ist das Wechselbalg-Wort für "junger Mann"?"
>>93070Up, which probably should have been specified. It leads to a hatch that, at the moment, seems to be closed
>>93071I'll definitely get to the food paying thingKerr answers first
"Wir verpuppen nur für kurze Zeit. Die Adoleszenz zwischen Larve und Imago wird nur als "Jungtier" bezeichnet, wenn sie jünger ist und "Drohne", wenn sie älter und männlich ist."
"Hatchling" translated as "youngster" >>93072Might as well try it. Silver tries the hatch to see if it's locked.
>>93072Must you?"Wie wäre es dann mit jungen Drohnen?"
>>93073Whether it is locked or not is hard to say, but it is very reluctant to move
>>93074i mean, a real train of the era would have charged"Hatchling wird funktionieren, obwohl es nicht geschlechtsspezifisch ist"
[1d20+2 = 13]>>93075Strength: Silver puts his forehooves against the hatch and tries to force his way past whatever could be holding it closed. "Hnnnng!"
>>93076It budges, and starts to be pushed upwards. It's not quite off yet, but loose.
>>93075"Jungtieren wird es gut gehen. Okay, ich möchte dich nicht betonen. Wenn Sie nicht gerne darüber reden, ist das in Ordnung. Aber ich möchte Sie mehr fragen. Wie bist du dazu gekommen, von Comte festgehalten zu werden?"
>>93078:3 >>93045"Earth Ponies Are the best ponies. we are no mere Serfs. we were kings."
>>93078Despite being weaker than his previous attempt, this additional effort, combined with teh progress already made, pushes aside the hatch to open to broad daylight. He is on the property of the farm, probably not even a hundred feet from the quarry. This would have been an alternative point of entry. Given the amount of soil that moved above it, some of which falls through and in, as well as the fact that this entry was not visible before, it must have been buried more than a century ago
>>93080She flaps an ear down, and looks at him with crooked smile
"Did you mean 'was kings'?"
>>93079it is Wesley who speaks now, and he volunteers the following
"Nachdem wir gebracht worden waren, wurden wir in ein großes Schiff gebracht, das mehrere Tage auf See war. Wir wurden dann in einen dunklen Raum gebracht und in einen Käfig gestellt. Es war so etwas wie ein Abstellraum. Dann kaufte uns das große Pony, ließ uns verkleiden und brachte uns in das Zimmer unter seinem Haus"
>>93081"Unlike the Ziggers we actually was kings."
>>93082And now she looks at him confused, then she looks more closely
"Are you joking with me?"
>>93081"War das, nachdem du den HIVE verlassen hast?"
Ignore the all caps, jewgle wants to translate it as "Stick" if I use proper casing for some reason. >>93081The sudden appearance of daylight forces him to shield his eyes with a foreleg while they adjust to the sudden change in brightness. Once they do, he briefly bathes in the warm embrace of Celestia's light. It's a welcome change from the dark, dank, gloomy atmosphere of the catacombs, and the brief respite lets him gather his strength once again. Still, he has a job to do, so he quickly returns to it, making a quick note of where this alternate entrance is for next time. He leaves the hatch open to allow more fresh air to flood in.
With this room discovered, he moves back into the hallway, searching the vaults on its far side.
>>93085You're back!
Saint Germane
>>93084"Ich vermute, ich habe es dem grauen Pony erzählt, aber nicht dir. Wir waren Kolonisten in Tall Tales. Ich ging eines Tages zum Ufer der Stadt hinunter und sah ein Pony - ich dachte, es sei eine verkleidete Drohne - mit einem Motorboot. Er bot mir an, es mir zeigen zu lassen, wenn ich einige Papiere unterschrieb. Ich sah es weiter an - dort waren mehr Ponys -, aber ich wurde in einen Sack gesteckt"
>>93086She laughs
"I couldn't tell, since the native and Silver will say similar things in earnest"
>>93087That's a stairwell leading from ghoul infested catacombs into the city >>93088Yeah, sorry. Passed out. At least I'll now be able to go to the end!Iron nods to Saint Germane.
"I do not suppose you know where the unicorn mare is, do you? I have finished the job she asked me to do, albeit with some lucky scratches."
>>93090She places a hoof over her mouth, and laughs
"Looks like you had quite the time with the cat. Well, I can't say you didn't do it. Golden Rays is upstairs in her room"
>>93089Maybe there is a way to block off the stairs or let in air other ways >>93088Signed papers? What's that about? Brie Eeeee's to himself.
"Und du bist also in Gefangenschaft gekommen? Dasselbe für dich, Wesley?"
>>93088Dark Star Laughs
"Yea, i know it's great.i love when they say stuff like that."
>>93091Actually, you are right about that.Hmm. It is probably not good idea to leave that so open. Returning to the previous room, Silver uses his magic to grab onto the wood and metal rectangles (which more than likely used to be a bed) and push them to block the stairs leading out.
>>93091Iron chuckles lightly.
"Well, thank you. The cat was really nice after the scratching though. Would you mind helping me out of this armor? It is rather tedious to take off by myself and I am probably going to need a medicine pony later if all the scratches and bites are any indication."
>>93093"Diese Ponys, die bei Comte waren, erinnerst du dich, wie sie aussahen? Könntest du nachmachen?"
>>93094"Silver especially will go on long spiels about equality and the relative strengths of races and so forth. That Iron guy wanted me to say that 'earth ponies were better' or something"
She almost hacks in disgust
>>93095Not quite a bed, but it can be placed across the the stairway if propped up
>>93096"Uh.. Sure. Come to the back" she points him to a room towards the back. One he passed earlier, with a sewing machine in it and some other equipment
>>93097"Meinen Sie die Ponys, die in den Keller kamen?"
>>93098Iron nods, but is expression shows signs of worry.
"You do not have to. I can go ask someone else I know if you feel uncomfortable about stripping me off."
>>93098And thus, Silver does so.
>>93099She laughs
"It looks like the tiger already stripped much of the flesh off your body. Let's get you bandaged up before you bleed to death. I don't want an investigation."
>>93100"Ja. Ich habe sie gut genug gesehen, um sie zu verdoppeln, obwohl ich kleiner als sie bin"
Google translate wants to render "them" as "her">>93101It is so. Let's hope they don't try to knock it down