Set six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where the Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures thank to their dealing with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics.
Half of the party - Brie, Onyx, and Spark - are on a train to far off Bales to try to cross the border into the Changeling Lands. the other half remains in Baltimare, where Silver is searching catacombs seeking books filled with long buried dark secrets, Dark Star is having luck with his marefriend, and Iron aiding in trafficking exotic animals
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>>93098"When he says Equality amongst the races, he means "EveryCreature" right? well Earth Ponies are Very Valuable to any State in which we are in. but there is no Superior Pony. we Ponies Complement Each others Strengths and Cover Each others weaknesses. When We Are united on a single goal we are unstoppable, Chrysalis herself Could Not Break the united Tribes of pony-kind."
>>93102Brie's pupils dilate a bit, the only outward indication that he's pleased by this info.
"Sie könnten ihr Aussehen einer erwachsenen Drohne vorführen?"
Yeah, I noticed that too >>93102Here's hoping. With that taken care of, Silver returns to his original goal, and searches the vaults at the far end of the hallway.
>>93103She is silent for a moment
you sound like Silver. Well, we pegasi will go defeat the Griffins and Chrysalis, while Earth ponies can harvest the crops and the unicorns can shine or armor"
>>93102He chuckles.
"You are right. I should not worry."
And thus, Iron walks to the room she pointed.
So the unicorn mare is Saint Germane? There was another pony apart from Rays, right? >>93104"Wir könnten ja"
>>93105The first one has a few barrels in it, though badly decayed.
Also, It appears that a number of the ghouls are congregating in this area
>>93107Only those two. I don't believe this unicorn has ever actually stated that she is, that's just the logical conclusion. Also, the name is Saint Gallop. I though I was getting that wrongThis room seems to be a location where wears would be tested or repaired, or otherwise altered. There is a drill and a sowing machine, among other things
>>93106"Oh Please, We Fight Just as well."
>>93108Silver uses his pocket watch to see how long it's been since his last potion use, before continuing on. He most certainly does not want to fight all of these at once, especially in his current state, should the effect wear off.
>>93109Iron awaits the pony for some
hot armor unequipping.
>>93111She raises an eyebrow
"You know both changelings and griffins can fly, right?"
>>93110"Six" comes to mind, for some reason, but I don't know if that number is too high>>93112The
last potion? Less than 10 minutes. Maybe 7?
>>93113She starts removing the armor, then places a bandage in some areas
"Damn, she good you
good" she says with a mild laugh
>>93115"I can shoot em out of the sky,like shooting fish in a barrel."
>>93115Iron chuckles.
"Yeah. I thought it was a nice kitty. A round of scratching and biting cleared up the misunderstanding."
>>93115Silver's a little relieved, knowing he has enough time to search around a little before using another.
Silver pries open the decaying barrels using his sword to have a look inside.
>>93118Oh shit! He gets
her to laugh
"This will hurt"
Without much warning, she places rubbing alcohol on an open wound
It burns>>93120The first one has organic matter. Must have been fish. The second one has some sort of chemical in it (saltpeter? Arsenic?). It's a bit eroded by water
>>93115You can refine that number if you like, we can leave it at "They tell Brie how many"
Brie smiles unreservedly. "Danke, genau das musste ich wissen. Ich habe später vielleicht noch mehr Fragen, aber ich muss erst einmal darüber nachdenken."
Crashing out, 'night all. >>93121Nothing worth taking, unfortunately, even if he could. He leaves them alone, heading back into the hallway to see what else is left to explore.
>>93122Sleep well. >>93121Iron inhales sharply at the mysterious substance's burning effect.
"Ooh. Yeah. Gave her some meat and she suddenly was totally fine with me dragging it along."
Iron chuckles.
"Speaking of, what is your business with that tiger?"
>>93123Seems to be the hallway to his left now, and the hallway to his left he passed by earlier
>>93124She gives a small frown at the sexual innuendo then says
"She was captured in the jungle, stored here, then sent off to a buyer in Skyfall"
>>93125"Tree cover, mountains, clouds, travel. Speed is the biggest part actually. And many other details that are difficult to appreciate until you are actually out on the battlefield"
>>93127Iron nods, chuckling at her slight irritation of his joke.
"I see. I suppose it is a sort of exotic pet or are you going to use its hide?"
>>93127To make sure he has nothing left to explore, he tries the hallway he passed earlier.
>>93127"the Same Could Be Accomplished with some earth ponies and some jets."
>>93128"If they wanted its hide they would have taken it dead. It must be some kind of pet, or something. We don't ask"
>>93129Back upstairs?
>>93130"The hell is a 'jet'?"
>>93131Oh, that hallway. Thought you were talking about one down on that floor.Silver turns to his left, and continues down this hallway.
>>93130Jet technology doesn't come around until around 1019. >>93131Iron nods.
"I see."
A little pause.
"So, how is Rays doing? I feel like being taken from her comfort zone back at the abbey, aside from possible mistreatment during her captivity, can do some damage to her mind."
>>93132There is one room that appears new on the bottom level
>>93133She laughs
"Planes can't replace pegasi, or even grounded troops for that matter"
>>93135"As much as losing her parents? She was going to get damaged one way or another. What matters more is how she is built up after that"
>>93136The dutiful explorer that he is, Silver enters this mysterious new room.
>>93136"the plane is an amazing Creation. And its not supposed to replace Grounded troops."
>>93136"I get it. I was wondering what you were planning with her. I think you are going for a heir to your business if my previous contact with the other mademare is any indication."
>>93139"That is a possibility. She has a while until then. In the meantime, she shall be an assistant"
>>93138"And thus the pegasi retains its place in the tip of the spear. Also in the cockpits of new aircraft as well, of course"
>>93137Would you believe it? A storage room
>>93140Iron cocks his head.
"You mean you just took her for any other reason?"
[1d20-1 = -3]>>93140This whole area must have been used for storage, both for test subjects and materials.Search: Silver gives a look-through in this room for anything of note.
Alright, I am going to sleep
>>93148I need to train harder on my herding skills.
Hopefully the pussy doesn't bite so hard like last time.