Set six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where the Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures thank to their dealing with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics.
Half of the party - Brie, Onyx, and Spark - are on a train to far off Bales to try to cross the border into the Changeling Lands. the other half remains in Baltimare, where Silver is searching catacombs seeking books filled with long buried dark secrets, Dark Star is having luck with his marefriend, and Iron aiding in trafficking exotic animals
1922 replies and 109 files omitted.
>>93909I mean... That's why I used a bat pony image
>>93910She nods
"But the history they give if of
your people" she says
>>93905No U!
>>93904dark Star amused by this response Does his best not to chuckle,but instead doubles down on his Tongue dominance.
>>93911I wasn't aware that was a literal presentation,.... I would not boop the bug in public, I remember what happened last time
>>93912Her eyes widen in evident surprise by this, but she tries to hold her ground
>>93913And thus the integrity of the snootendoodle is protected
[1d20+11 = 17]>>93911He shrugs.
"I suppose I was not the sharpest pony around. I will admit that. I am still not, as far as I know."
He grins devilishly.
"Speaking of~"
He dashes forwards and attempts to boop Cauldron's nose with his foreleg, feeling the childish vibes fire off in his mind.
>>93914Brie leans down to Kerr. "Was haben Sie auf dem Herzen?"
>>93914She Can see in Dark Star's eyes he's enjoying this very much
[1d20+7 = 14]>>93915>>93915Aww hell no
>>93916He asks Brie
"Du sagst, du willst König der Unterwelt sein?"
>>93917She pulls away from the kiss
[1d20 = 11]>>93918Don't mind me, just seeing if it's time to leave Low Roll Central Station.
>>93920Her black little snoot is booped. Her eyes go wide, and she lets out a high pitched "yip yip!" bark as she pulls backward
>>93919"Und du willst, dass dir die Changeelings helfen?"
>>93922Well... that's better
>>93923"It Definitely is. what did i do?"
>>93923With that boop set in, he poses proudly. A smug smile is present on his face, threatening to break into a fit of giggles again.
"Ah ha! I have booped your snout, Black Cauldron! What shall you do now? Boop me? Muahahaha!"
[1d20+6 = 25]>>93925"Oh, you are fine Dark Star, carry on"
>>93924"Und das ist der Preis für unser Lösegeld?"
>>93926He is
so fucking booped
>>93927"if you Don't tell me what i did i can never learn from my mistakes."
>>93928She smiles
"Oh Dark Star, you did nothing wrong, just we can't kiss
forever, can we?"
[1d20 = 10]>>93929Might as well make one last attempt.
[1d20+11 = 14]>>93927Face scruching at the almost critical boop, he recoils back.
"Gah! You got lucky! You shall pay for your insolence! Have at you!"
Another boop aimed at Cauldron's snootle is sent.
What should I roll if I were to use reflex? [1d20+7 = 10]>>93930Aww
>>93931Iron's reflex is probably low
>>93932Iron keeps laughing like a pretend bad pony that should appear on colt comics.
"I have gotten your snootle booped twice! I have bested you yet again! Muahahaha!"
[1d20+1 = 17]>>93936Iron attempts to get out of the way this time, trying to make her work for her boop.
[1d20+6 = 26]>>93937BOOPS AGAIN MOTHERBUCKER!
>>93936Yipee.Silver has decided that this makes for an extraordinarily good workout, if the large amount of sweat covering his body and staining the collar and pits of his uniform, and the intensity with which he's panting is anything to go by. At least the Grand Baltimare Hotel is finally within view.
>>93936"well lets make our way to the Fair,my sweet."
Dark Star looks at her his eyes almost shimmering
>>93927Brie resists the urge to EEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Pardon the delay, jewgle is being insufferably resistant to say what I want to say
>>93938>>93939Iron's srunchiness has reached its peak as Cauldron's perfect boop basically stunned him. He drops down to the floor, pretending to have fallen to the mighty Cauldron, zebra extraordinaire. He sticks his tongue out at the end to symbolize his metaphorical defeat.
>>93940And the large cart trails behind him
>>93941Her eyes seem to shimmer as well, like green gems
"Then let's go, shall we"
>>93942I tried to translate words into Igbo earlier, and holy shit was it not working right>>93943"Huzzah! Hehe"
She triumphantly places a hoof on Iron's barrel and stands over him, almost like a hunter who has killed a lion
>>93944Dark Star opens the Door for her
"yes,we should. lets not delay."
>>93944Thank goodness for that. He parks the book-laden cart right outside the front doors to the Grand Baltimare Hotel. "Phew! Made it!" He sits down on the cold hard ground to catch his breath, and detach himself from the heavy cart.
>>93944Iron giggles under Cauldron.
"That was fun. That last boop was dead on."
>>93945She nods, and goes out. They should leave the building, and encounter
>>93946>>93946Not long after arriving, Silver should come upon Dark Star and Blue Skies trotting outside
>>93947She smiles, and gets off of Iron
"Let that be a lesson to you"
>>93949Iron chuckles.
"Oh I do not know. I might need you to teach it again next time."
>>93946>>93948Dark Star Seems surprised to see him
"oh,helllo silver."
>>93939"Es ist kein Lösegeld! Sie und Wesley können frei entscheiden, was Sie tun möchten und wo Sie leben möchten. Ich
möchte, dass Sie selbst entscheiden. Ich brauche aber auch Ihre Hilfe, um mit ihnen zu kommunizieren.
Wenn ich alleine zur Hegemonie gehen wollte, würde das für mich nicht gut enden. Ich würde ausgelacht, angezogen und für alles, was ich wert bin, ausgelaugt. Ich brauche die beiden von Ihnen, um ihnen Ihre Geschichte zu erzählen. Ich möchte, dass sie von diesen schrecklichen Ponys erfahren. Und sie müssen es von wechselbalg hören."
He continues.
"Ich möchte kein Lösegeld oder eine Belohnung für Sie zwei. Ich möchte das du glücklich bist. Sie verdienen es nach allem, was Sie durchgemacht haben."
>>93948"Hey...hey Blue Skies!" *pant* *pant* " Black Hooves have...library, per chance?" Silver motions to the large number of books in the back of his cart.
>>93951Silver waves to Dark Star as he exits. It looks like Silver just tried to run a marathon while pulling his cart. The bandages around his neck almost can't handle the amount of swear they're absorbing. "Just...doing work for Black Hooves...phew!"
>>93952He nods
"Sie möchten, dass wir Ihnen helfen, die Unterwelt zu übernehmen?"
>>93953>>93955Blue Skies stops for a moment, then quickly prances over to the cart, where she immediately starts looking through the books
is a whole library!"
>>93950She shakes her head and roll her eyes up in a fairly playful "oh you" manner
>>93957Iron chuckles. He finally gets up from the floor.
"Well, I am glad you are having a good time."
>>93955"Yeah, yeah, just...gimme minute, t-to catch my breath..." *pant* *cough* *cough* *pant* *pant* "It is good workout...I recommend..."
>>93956"Ugh..." Silver wipes some of the sweat that's getting in his eyes away. "It is not even beginning. I severely underestimated amount of books there is in library. I do not have much money left, but I will use it to buy couple more potions, and make more trips. After I put books in your office or wherever, and cool down little bit first."
>>93958She nods
"A better time than you probably had with that tiger"