Set six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where the Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures thank to their dealing with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics.
Half of the party - Brie, Onyx, and Spark - are on a train to far off Bales to try to cross the border into the Changeling Lands. the other half remains in Baltimare, where Silver is searching catacombs seeking books filled with long buried dark secrets, Dark Star is having luck with his marefriend, and Iron aiding in trafficking exotic animals
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>>94159"Well then, let's go, shall we?"
>>94158Oh, wait. He's just teary-eyed.
Sniff.Silver wipes the tears from his face. He could
really use somepony to talk to right now, but alas...
Come still have work to now, hurt later...He puts the pictures back, and returns to his work. His steps are much slower, with little drive or effort behind them. The occasional teardrop finds its way down his cheek to wet the floor below him.
Hurt later... >>94158>>94160Watch it. It's only a ploy to unleash his cuckoldry powers when you least expect it! Do not fall for it!For real. It's kinda sad but expected for colts to move out of home. Aside from Silver's travelling job business.>>94158Iron nods in approval.
"He is very resourceful. A good trait for any stallion to have. Self-sacrificing too, it seems. He sounds like a cool father to be raised by."
(Hm. Maybe he could help me deal with this new world if Cauldron thinks he had it rough.)
>>94162I know your tricks! I shall NOT let a tear drop in front of you or make a cleric mare come pet your mane out of volition to make you happy. >>94161Dark Star Makes his way there with Blue
>>94162Well... Maybe he feels better to have made these two new friends
>>94163"Yes, he was."
She gets up, and goes to get glasses of water
"You want something to drink?"
>>94164On the outside, it's a tent. Over the entrance, in a hard to place but strange font, is "Hall of Oddities"
>>94165Iron nods at her water offer as he takes another bite.
After some chewing and gulping, he wonders a bit.
"Has any of your relatives had the chance to fulfill the promise of zebra grandchildren or is Baltimare just too pony-filled?"
>>94167"There's a decent Zebra population, it's just small. My Brother is engaged, in fact"
>>94166"be prepared they usually have very weird things in these."
Dark Star opens the tent flap
>>94168Iron raises his eyebrows, surprised.
"Oh, I think I heard about that during my first week here. Is that the step before marriage? If so, good for him."
He nods yet again.
is a zebra, right?"
>>94169Yep. Strange things. A dead tree with almost hands on its branches and what seems to be a face on it. A mermaid-like skeleton - a Siren? A changeling larva in a jar of industrial ethanol. A two headed Griffin? A moving rock inside of a jar. An orange in a jar that croaks like a frog
>>94170"Yes. She is"
>>94171Iron nods again.
"Is there not the same kind of luck in terms of zebra stallions?"
>>94171Dark Star is amazed by everything in the room,But what he seems to be focused on Right now is the two headed
Jew Griffon.
>>94165It's a small comfort, at least. Thinking about them is enough to keep him going. He has one last sniff before he returns to moving books, now at his normal pace. But he still does not seem in as high-spirits as he was when Star and Skies were with him, not at all. He still hurts inside, but...he'll have to hurt later, when there isn't anything else to do.
>>94172"Well..." She starts looking ahead "I haven't had any yet"
>>94173Evidently keeping the remains of a corpse on display is acceptable. Or maybe it's just a very good model. Anyways, it's a black eagle griffin, with a smaller griffin head on it's left side. It's not as well formed as a full head, but it still looks much more developed than a parasitic twin would normally be expected to be
>>94176And maybe he shouldn't be so reluctant to talk to Blue about his feelings >>94177Iron cocks his head.
"Is there a sort of drought of stallions or is it just impossible to find a zebra that is available?"
After a bite and gulp of the magestic food, he shrugs.
"They do not know what they are missing."
>>94177"wow its so creepy."
Dark Star looks over at Blue
>>94178"Well... I haven't been looking
that hard"
>>94179Unless he doesn't actually care that much>>94180She's giving it a strange, untrusting stare. Yes, she's creeped out by it
>>94181If I can butt in, I can safely say that Skies needs more venting than Silver.Iron nods.
"I understand."
He pokes his chin for a bit.
"Have you ever thought of just hooking up with a pony if you could never find a zebra here? It sounds really frustrating not to find your desired partner due to being stuck in this city."
>>94181Dark Star moves on to the tree when Blue is done looking at the griffin.
>>94182"Well, I've
thought about it"
>>94183Allegedly, this is a dead fledgling "Leche" tree of the Mkodo region of Zebrica, which eats animals, even ponies
>>94184Iron nods.
(Well, at least I know there is a chance of hooking up with her.)
"Are your female relatives having the same issues?"
>>94184Dark Stars Eyes grow a little larger at the last bit
"A Pony eating tree? no way."
His voice has a little doubt in it.
>>94185"Blanche is seeing a stallion, but she's not engaged"
>>94186Skies reaches out a hoof to try to touch it, but it's too far past the rails. There's a face in that wood, and it wears a uniquely horrifying - and horrified - expression
>>94187Iron is slightly concerned, but feels lucky she has not seen any stallions so far.
(I wonder if she is a virgin too.)
"I see. To be fair, I was the eldest of my three, and I left the moment we all started thinking about what stallions and mares we like, so I cannot give you some info about their relationship status, sadly."
He scratches his head, smiling sheepishly.
>>94187"The "Face" is Ghastly."
Dark Star Checks out the Siren skeleton
>>94188She shrugs, then eats the yam on her plate
>>94189Is it a siren? It's definitely weird alright. A dragon-like head, a dolphin like body with fins, but with rays along it's back... It's around the size of a pony, so that's smaller than a siren, right?
>>94191Taking this quiet time from the conversation, he starts to
really dig in to every single food item on the plate. It could be seen as slightly barbaric or primitive, but Iron does not care, as long as he doesn't mess up the room.
>>94191Is there any plaque on it?
>>94195Yes, it alleges it is a "proto-sea pony" found somewhere off the coast of Haystin, not all that far away from Mount Aris
>>94194Iron pulls up from the plate to nod at her, a goofy smile on his face. His mouth is currently filled by the glorious food Cauldron has cooked. He never really had this sort of luxury before.
(Gods. How is this food
so good?)
>>94196Dark Star Skeptically looks at the Body
"this isn't a siren. what is this?"
>>94198Blue Skies looks at it
"Either a pony missing link, a primitive sea pony species, a deformed sea pony, a mislabeled siren, or a wolf's skull attached to a large fish skeleton"
>>94197She smiles, proud of this accomplishment
"There's more if you want some"
>>94199Iron widens his eyes as he gulps the last food on his plate.
"There is
Cauldron could swear his eyes were sparkling with joy.
>>94199"My Bits are on the last one."
Dark Star Goes over to the the moving rock
>>94200She laughs again
"There is more rice. And if you want...."
She looks away, then down, then scrunches her face, then looks at Iron
"I can make something else"
>>94201Well it doesn't really appear to be moving. It's a rock
>>94202"this rock is very fast."
[1d20 = 1]>>94202Iron finds that set of movements slightly off from her.
I'll roll sense motive to get a feel of her thoughts before I respond.
>>94207The rock falls onto its side
>>94206You are e-bil.Iron coughs when the sudden meaning of her words were revealed to him. His eyes widen a bit and his member slowly erects itself to a half-chub from under him, causing some mild discomfort, which forces him to shuffle a bit in the couch.
"What 'something else' are we talking about?"
>>94209A broad, confident smile takes over her face, and she stands up at once straight, yet loose, in an almost seductive pose
"Oh you know, Abacha, Peanut Soups, White Pepper soup, rice boiled in coconut milk. Do you have the taste for the exotic? How
hungry are you?"
[1d20+5 = 6]>>94208spot check on the rock to look for any ways it could be manipulated into moving
i just remembered spot is a skill