Set six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where the Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures thank to their dealing with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics.
Half of the party - Brie, Onyx, and Spark - are on a train to far off Bales to try to cross the border into the Changeling Lands. the other half remains in Baltimare, where Silver is searching catacombs seeking books filled with long buried dark secrets, Dark Star is having luck with his marefriend, and Iron aiding in trafficking exotic animals
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Want to know a secret?
I really do love the Blue Skies character
Okay, that wasn't a secret, but still
>>94476I suppose I haven't made it a secret. Still, it's not like I'd kill her if I could. I passed away the first chance you gave me. That should count for something.>>94477But Silver, that's how you're supposed to use it.
>>94475But she's so perfect
Except for the whole being a slut, a racist, a supporter of despotism and basically slavery, is cynical, sarcastic, a bit of a bitch, and a few other things...
So, this seems like the perfect time to ask a couple of meta questions since nothing else is going on:
First, how exactly do SMGs and other fully automatic weapon work in combat in this game? I've seen them used only once before, and it just absolutely confused the hell out of me.
Second, when New Mareland invaded, did they invade near Manehattan at all? Was there any fighting up in that part of Equestria?
I also have a question. Am I gonna have to role-play the whole train ride, or can we just skip that?
>>94484If I can skip dancing salsa with Cauldron in order not to dance for all the thing trying to think how to dance swing while not knowing how that works, then you can skip a train ride too.
Just ask the other two if they want to do that before you try, or else you'll get stuck in limbo again.
>>94480>a racist, a supporter of despotism and basically slavery, is cynical, sarcastic, a bit of a bitch, and a few other things…thats why shes so cool though.
>>94484Well, I was going to have events take place during the train ride, but I guess we
could just skip to the next morning. The only issue is that time has not yet skipped to the next morning for the others, so at some point the times will have sinc up. Maybe Brie just has a very long next day or the others skip the morning, I don’t know.
>>94483I am not answering the SMG thing, but I’ll answer the Manehattan question. When trying to do this in Hoi4, Manehattan is sometimes so poorly defended that you could attempt to invade it directly, but it’s not worth the risk, as the Equestrian navy will definitely be stronger than yours, so your only real way of conducting a naval invasion is by going around it, up north around Albion and Prance, since those are much less likely to provoke a naval response. Then, you fight your way south. Manehattan will always need to be taken, sometimes more than once if you sprint for it, then Equestria does an effective counter attack. The biggest part of fighting on the Eastern Front will always be in the North, north of Manehattan and south of Stalliongrad, as that is where you will have to break the back of the Equestrian army. You can also have a second front down south using Saltmane, although that front is likely to be stale and an attrition that’s. Now that Stalkiongrad ALWAYS joins the fight on the side of Equestria no matter what, I think anything other than putting all divisions into the north is no longer possible
>>94488I don't mind events, I just don't want to be sitting around waiting to see if the Lings are done looking at things. I mean we can have conversations as necessary and at leisure, but we've explored the train and outside venturing out to get a bite (and perhaps a victim) I don't want to be waiting for someone to say something because the Lings have already answered all my important questions. If they have questions or input I'm all ears, but for now I'm waiting for things to happen rather than being proactive in making things happen.
>>94491No. Bad player! Bad!>>94488Thanks for answering the Manehattan question. Can I ask why you aren't going to answer the other question?
>>94492I suppose because no PC can use an SMG yet.
Or maybe he still needs to think about it.You can't stop me!Unless you can somehow spray me with water,
then I might. >>94491Maybe you should sit down anon
>>94494W0t? You were the one to entice us into changeling loving. Don't you pull the Hansen card on me.
In any case, I remembered that there was that one mare that may have known what you're escorting around. I was thinking that one, not the dang foals. >>94490Alright, right now I have semi-fleshed out in my mind two scenarios involving the drones, one involving a passenger on the train, two involving external threats on the train, and one should characters get off the train too early, which don’t require the player to be proactive. So I’ll do one of those when I become I lazy enough to start the game again.
>>94495She got away before he could talk to her. I might have pursued more but at the time I thought that the train departure was more imminent
>>94498Second called it of the day.>>94496If you want strong connections to the bugs, you have to fug.
You can't just give out love so sex is the alternative.You chose this.>>94500It's fine really.
>>94501Whaddya mean I chose this? What are you planning?! No fugs!
>>94501For a Changeling, sex with a pony is just what is known in biology as “aggressive mimicry.” It’s a predatory behavior that has no other purpose than to elicit tasty romantic love from the host. They are just fine being loved with no sex
>>94505I would agree with you, except Brie explicitly stated that, due to his character's mental issues, he can't give out love.
Maybe it's joek, but I'll take it seriously for now.You know what this call for, then?
>>94505Has Brie noticed any cameras on the train?
>>94508You mean like security cameras? No, those wouldn’t exist on a train of the time
I'll go to bed now.
Remember that Iron already visited some buildings that she goes, like the restaurant, that bar with the fight club in it and The Watering Hole, aside from the Jungle Express.
>>94510Everyone else is asleep, and I should probably get there, myself, but since I was gone playing Dragon's Dogma for all this time I might as well answer before I, too, hit the hay.
If Blue wasn't already in a relationship with Star? Definitely.