Set six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where the Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures thank to their dealing with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics.
Half of the party - Brie, Onyx, and Spark - are on a train to far off Bales to try to cross the border into the Changeling Lands. the other half remains in Baltimare, where Silver is searching catacombs seeking books filled with long buried dark secrets, Dark Star is having luck with his marefriend, and Iron aiding in trafficking exotic animals
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>>94211As he moves forward, he slips, and he falls to the ground, hooves going forward, and his muzzle just hitting a railing post
>>94210If Iron's mind were a stream, then some beavers went and fucked with the flow. He is stunned by being unavailable to be sure if there is a hidden meaning behind those words that allows him to rut her.
"I am indeed
hungry for more," he stammers out. "Surprise me, Cauldron."
The pose is not helping with the erection issue, increasing its progress into half-mast. Another shuffling is done to accomodate his growing length.
>>94214A grin comes upon her face that's almost more appropriate on Skies
She returns to her kitchen
He should probably just lay down on his stomach
>>94213Dark Star's Face is Red from Embarrassment as he stands up
"HaHa the floor must have been wet."
Dark star rubs the back of his head
>>94216She looks down at him, and tries to hide a giggle with his hoof
>>94215Dangit, she probably saw the growing D.Iron looks down at himself while Cauldron is away.
(What to do with you?)
He attempts to take the now available part of the sofa to fully lie down on his stomach.
(If Cauldron sees me getting an erection, she will probably kick me out if she does not want rutting.)
>>94217Dark Star Laughs with her
"Call me butter hooves."
>>94219"Alright, Butter hooves"
She smiles, then looks back, then
She jumps back half a pace
>>94220"what is it?"
dark Star looks where she looked
>>94221Just was waiting on Dark Star to respond, then forgot to respondNo, she doesn't seem to have seen it. iron can hear vegetable cutting sounds in the kitchen
>>94222She holds onto Dark Star's leg, then points a leg towards the terrarium
"The rock... it moved!"
>>94225Dark Star's face has an unsure expression on his face
He looks over at the rock to confirm
>>94224 >>94225Iron makes some calming breathes to rein himself in. A part of him feels relieved that he restrained himself from jumping at the slightest chance of consent as he hears the cutting. The second part of him is slightly bummed out that she actually did not mean what he interpreted and the third one does not know what to do with his now fully erected dick.
(I guess there is no real issue if she sees it. Just act cool and if she asks, tell her that you just are a horny stallion sometimes.)
With his plan set, he sits up. He is far calmer now.
(I wonder what kind of food is she doing now?)
>>94226Stahp. I dun wanna accidentally rape Cauldron. >>94226It looks like it is on the opposite side of the terrarium from where it was last seen
>>94227She's still cutting things in the kitchen
>>94233Iron decides to move closer to see what Cauldron's cutting.
>>94234Some sort of potato like... thing
>>94235Iron, deciding to be a bit playful, positions himself behind the counter and lowers himself so that his eyes are only visible if seen through the other side of the counter.
[1d20+5 = 17]>>94233Dark Star looks a little shocked
"it did."
Rolling spot
lets not get a 1 >>94237It's sitting there, in a different position from as it was last observed, on the part of the terrarium closer to Skies
>>94238Does the tank look like its been tampered with?
>>94239Not... really? It's a little dusty
>>94236She's cutting it into tiny slices
>>94238Iron, deciding it's not worth scaring Cauldron and accidentally damaging her, simply stands up and goes back to the sofa.
(I should not be sneaking up on people with an erection.)
"Are you the only cook at the restaurant your father owns?"
>>94240Dark Star walks closer to the terrarium and taps on it
>>94242*tap tap*
>>94241"No, he has two others hired, though not on the same shifts"
>>94244Iron nods.
"I assume you are the most experienced cook of the three if my tongue has a say about it."
He chuckles.
>>94245The rock wobbles a little bit
>>94246"I don't spend the most hours on it but... I
have been doing it for longer"
>>94247"It sure shows. You got me hooked. You might need to call some friends to pry me off the kitchen."
Another set of chuckles from his mouth.
>>94247"it moved a little again."
>>94250Iron puts a foreleg in dramatic dismay.
"Oh, how you tease me so."
He chuckles.
"I can always pay it with some muscle work, be it actual gang work or just accompanying you for things like the trip to the jungle."
>>94250Dark Star looks over at her
>>94251She shrugs
>>94252"I thought that was a joke"
>>94253Thinking it's the best time to ask, he decides to ask about Blanche's job.
"If I remember right, you said your sister was doing a work as a sort of clothes designer or something? I cannot quite recall."
>>94253"ah, nah it moved."
Dark Star walks over to Blue
"Let's look at the next thing."
Dark Star Leads Blue to the changeling embryo
At this rate, Silver's going to become a bookhorse himself.
>>94260You'll get a big unicorn brain, like you were supposed to.