Set six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where the Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures thank to their dealing with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics.
Half of the party - Brie, Onyx, and Spark - are on a train to far off Bales to try to cross the border into the Changeling Lands. the other half remains in Baltimare, where Silver is searching catacombs seeking books filled with long buried dark secrets, Dark Star is having luck with his marefriend, and Iron aiding in trafficking exotic animals
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>>93355With still flat expression
"Let us hope she is not a disappointment"
Dark Star Helps Blue Into the taxi then gets in himself.
"to the fairgrounds on Benjamare Franklin boulevard, my good colt."
>>93357Smiling, and happily enough, Blue Skies says
"Oh but Dark Star, I [i]do[/i have to work"]
>>93358Dark Star Smiles Back happily at her
"that's fine we can pick up tickets for later."
>>93359She nods
>>93360She smiles, pets his ears, leans in, and whispers into his ears
"Pegasi are the superior race" >>93361Iron simply looks over his body once more.
Are we making time to see if Ash comes back or is there other history that I missed still?Also, Skies no bully Earth horse. >>93362Well, he's still pretty damned injured, although the bleeding has definitely stopped
Ash isn't coming back>>93363*Pegasus noises*
>>93364Dark Star plays with her ears
"A cute."
>>93365Fluffy little cups that twitch when touched
The driver asks, "where to then?"
>>93364Just making sure.Iron, seeing how the mare has finished her treatment that sealed his wounds with the magic burning fluid, lowers his forelegs and raises her flanks up, making a whole body stretch after so much time being still.
"Ah~ Well, that was some good potion you have used on me."
His forelegs moves ever so slightly forwards, his chest slidint across the floor to ensure that no muscle is left unstrectched while her rearleg hooves maintained his rear up.
After such a display, he returns to the normal position, a dopey smile on his face.
"Do you think you can help put my armor on?"
>>93367"Well, I guess if you're not able to put it on yourself... And it's not a potion, it's a disinfectant."
>>93369Iron shakes his head.
"I can, but it is usually too time consuming to put it on by myself."
He starts picking up the chest plate, aligning it with the respective body part.
"'Dees-een-fectant', a curious name."
>>93370She rolls her eyes, but sort of smiles
"I guess you
did almost get yourself killed with that tiger..."
She helps place it on
>>93371Iron smiles.
He does the tedious armor placing along with the unicorn mare.
"I do not think I caught your name. What was it?"
>>93369"Thank you."
Dark Star turns back to blue and says "i hear the Ferris wheel is pretty romantic."
>>93372“Was that not known to you already? I am Saint Gallop”
>>93373“Now how is that?” She asks
>>93374Iron shakes his head.
"No. At least not that I remember. It is a nice name."
(Wait, I think Cauldron told me. Or was it that one nun back at the abbey...)
>>93374"I'm Not Sure I've never rode one."
>>93375"Why thank you"
It was the gangsters at the cannery, although Cauldron ought to have repeated it>>93376"What made you want to go to a fair?"
>>93377Imminent public sex at the Ferris Whell. I'm calling it.A little smile.
"No need to thank me."
Iron looks around the room for any windows to see what time is it if possible.
>>93377"I Think You will enjoy it."Dark Star Smiles At Blue "Also i haven't been to one in a long time."
>>93379And soon enough, they near the fairgrounds
>>93378Late afternoon
>>93380Iron nods to himself.
"I think it is getting late. I should escort my client back to the abbey. Thank you for your assistance."
A little bow is made at Saint Gallop.
"Be safe."
With that little scene, he fetchs Ash and Caleb who he assumes they're standing at the shop counter and promptly escort both of them back to the abbey.
Pls no roll for encounter, plantation colt is 2wounded4battle. >>93380Dark Star Gets out of the Taxi and then helps blue out then he looks at the area.
>>93382It seems to be a semi-permanent park in seasonal operation, with a ferris wheel, a carousel, a teacup ride, a fun house, a house of oddities, dart games, confectionaries, and yes, even an iron roller-coaster set up
>>93381She closes her eyes, and nods in kind
"Very well"
It's neat that they made another one of these.
Saw the River Republic go communist in another one of my games recently, despite historical focuses being on. Haven't seen that happen before.
>>93383A little nod.
Then follow the previous post for movements.
>>93383Do i see a ticket booth anywhere?
>>93384There you are
I finally did a playthrough as Nimbusia. I am pleased to see that Purist Nimbusia, after being expelled from the Coalition, is a light blue color. I also really like the "colony" decisions, and wish they were more widely implemented in the game
>>93385Back to the abbey it is
>>93386Yes, in the front of course
>>93387That's genuinely great to hear. You know how disappointed I was when I found out that Independent New Mareland's color on the map was forest-green no matter what path they took?
>>93387When he reaches the abbey, he makes sure to knock on the door.
(Leave the two. The job is complete as far as you are concerned.)
Shaking his head, he rejects his thought for now.
(First ensure safety, then go for the Watering Hole for a job from Cauldron.)
Unless you were invested in the whole easter foal hunt. >>93388I don't think that's quite correct... I think the harmonic path has a much lighter green than the fascist path. And the Communist paths give you different colors. In particular, MARESOC is a dark almost burgundy red
>>93389"Hello there"
>>93390A young, Earth Pony attendent
He gently pushes Ash and Caleb inside.
"Well, the foals are safe for the time being. They seem fine and may come visit here from time to time."
>>93393Iron nods.
"Yes. They seem to have found a new place to stay. Hopefully they grow as ponies and power through."
(Keep it short and simple. They probably will not like that the gang took over some foals for their profit.)
>>93391"Hello, How long do tickets last for?"
>>93391Might be something's wrong with my game then. I haven't seen a difference between the map colors between different paths, not including the standard "Stick With Equestria" path. Or I just need to explore the paths I haven't taken, yet. Still got both Non-Aligned paths and two of the three Communist paths to go down.
Anyways, got dinner that needs to be eaten, then I'll be back for certain.
>>93396"Admissions tickets must be used the day of purchase."
>>93394"Oh... Okay. I have been worried about them. We were hoping many of them would end up well, but we've also been worried about bad influences upon the children. I am very glad to hear that they are okay"
>>93398Iron nods again.
"It is fine. I will take my leave now. Take care of Ash for me, will you?"
With that, he wanders back to the Watering Hole.
(Hm. I guess the gang will be my main source of money and renown. At least they do not seem like wusses. Apart from that capo pony that pissed his pants.)
He snickers as he walks.
>>93398"Okay,i would like 2 tickets please."
>>93400"Alright, that'll be 10 bits"
>>93399sigh"We will. We will."
>>93401I'll suppose that sigh was from the nun and not you for my decision....right?Iron calmly walks towards the Watering Hole.
(I think I will ask Cauldron for a bed for the day. Maybe we can share it or something along those lines. But first, I should check on her well being.)
>>93397I will also say I almost threw up when I realized Lufty Star was just Lefty Pone, but renamed.
>>93402It's fairly bustling at this time, rowdy and rambunctious, with a number of ponies and the like populating it.
>>93403Señor Stalin. The ultimate disguise.>>93404Iron enters the building, looking for Cauldron inside.
>>93404So it is
>>93405"What brings you back?"
Comes the voice from behind