Set six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where the Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures thank to their dealing with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics.
Half of the party - Brie, Onyx, and Spark - are on a train to far off Bales to try to cross the border into the Changeling Lands. the other half remains in Baltimare, where Silver is searching catacombs seeking books filled with long buried dark secrets, Dark Star is having luck with his marefriend, and Iron aiding in trafficking exotic animals
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>>93756Mostly uneventful, but he has to essentially walk right past a ghoul
>>93754"A Stalliongradder pony came in earlier, carrying dog tags, and made some remarks about hating communists"
>>93757She ponders this for a moment
"Well... that's
definitely the sort of thing that would provoke a government response. I just hope it's not aimed at us"
>>93759"A stalliongrader? was he a silver color?"
>>93759Iron shakes his head.
"I do not think it was aimed at the gang. Maybe it was assumed that it would cause collateral damage towards the gang. Do you know what is the current relationship between the Waterfront Gang and the government?"
>>93759We will put you to rest soon enough, my friend. You can count on it.And thus, Silver begins grabbing everything he can from the library, first stuffing books in his bags, then anywhere on his body they will fit, then finally carrying as many as he can with his magic. He feels very encumbered by the weight of all of these old and dusty tomes, and he'd sneeze if it wasn't for the mask he's wearing. He takes a look as he works to see how many more times he will have to do this if he wants to clear out this library.
>>93762Roll strength
>>93760“Yes. Yes he was.”
>>93761“The new government and the gang have never really gotten along. Certainly less well than the city government. But they can’t really do much either without a considerable expenditure of resources”
>>93764Iron nods.
"I see. Well, they probably were not aiming directly to cause some damage. It was more of a bonus since someone in the gang took part on it. We shall see if they try to rise up more support against us later on."
>>93767“Why yes. Do you know this fellow?”
>>93765Suffice it to say, he’s not carrying many books this rounds. In fact, he may even have broken his carrying case
>>93768“I don’t know... there has been unease in the city government as well. They don’t like arms trafficking any more than the foreigners. I just hope nothing really bad happens”
>>93769Celestia damn it all! Well, he might as well bring back what he can. If this keeps up, he's going to have to use the last of his Bits to get more potions and a new saddlebag.
>>93769"i Believe so, His name is most likely Silver Sword. I've worked with him on a couple missions. He's Sort of like a mentor to me. i trust him with my life.he's a good pony."
>>93769Iron smiles.
"If it gives you any sort of reassurance, I can watch your back. The ultimate muscle and mind combo that no one can stop."
>>93772She nods, though she does not quite smile
>>93770Well, he can carry at least two books
>>93771“D’aww, that’s sweet”
>>93773And thus, the very disappointed unicorn brings back two books to the cart.
>>93773"yea he's a good addition to the Black hoofs, he would never betray the cause."
Dark Star smiles
>>93773His smile fades as she does not follow.
"You are worrying about your family, are you not?"
>>93775“You really think so?” He adds “if that is so, maybe we should try to add him”
>>93774Poor Silver. Now the question: how will he get all of the books up?
>>93776“Well, my family family isn’t connected, but yes, I am. We never thought what happened in Manehattan would happen, but it did, and that itself was modeled on the crackdown in Los Pegasus
>>93777That is...certainly an interesting question.
Are the books on a free-standing bookcase he could push to the cellar entrance? >>93777"I'll Talk to Sea Breeze about it. Hey is Blue Skies around?"
>>93777Iron winces at hearing the loss of her home.
"I understand your fears, but I would believe the crackdown on crime will be on hold for a long while, especially since they know those cowards were trying to cause trouble. That should leave you with a long time to plan for a new home to go for."
>>93778They are not. It’s a furniture-like fixture into the wall
>>93780Her ear twitches
“A new home?”
>>93779“Why yes, she’s in the back in the second room on the left”
>>93781Iron nods.
"It should leave you with some sort of relief, knowing that you and your family's future are safe again the moment it all blows up."
He looks to the side, a bit uneasy.
"Unless you were planning on staying here."
>>93781Dark Star Smiles at him
"thanks my friend, i'll talk to you later."
Dark Star Trots back to the room he was directed to
>>93784“What do you mean?” She looks up at him. Yes, she is worried
Well, rolling it down the stairs would be a little awkward, the hall way there is narrow, and bringing in through the doorways into the catacombs would require a mover’s skill, but it looks possible
>>93785He can see her in there, with numerous papers scattered about her. Some look like paperwork, and some belong to faxed, yellowed, and ripped notebooks
>>93787Dark Star Takes a Drink from his flask and then Walks in with a warm smile
"Hey there Blue."
>>93787One of the rare times Silver rolls a 19.Fuck it.Silver does
not want to do this too many more times, with only a limited time frame and a damaged saddlebag. Summoning form the master finagler inside of him, he attempts to bring the cart back with him inside the catacombs.
>>93787Iron looks down, seeing Cauldron so worried.
"While I am also hoping that nothing will happen, we should always prepare for the worst. I am not being too pessimistic, am I?"
>>93789She looks up,
>>93790It makes a concerning sound as it goes down the stairs, it touches the walls more than a couple times as it scrapes the wall, and needs to be wiggled through the door from the side hallway into the main catacomb hallway. At least it can manuever - sort of - inside the catacomb main hallway
Also, roll die
>>93791“But still, what are you suggesting?”
>>93792Iron pokes his chin.
"You will probably have to move to another city when the crackdown happens, right? I was thinking of looking for another place to stay before that time comes."
He scratches the back of his head, visibly nervous.
"Failing that, I
do have a last resort that could solve your problems with the law, but it is going to be a tough change of lifestyle to adapt to."
>>93792"you look pretty busy."
Dark Star says looking around
>>93793A ghoul in the hallway moves off just before blocking Silver’s path
She looks at him
“Despite my ‘exotic’ appearance”
She looks at herself for that
“I’ve lived all of my life in Baltimare. I grew with the members of these gangs. And I still see my father and brother and sister everyday. Or almost every day. I don’t want to leave it”
>>93795She looks up at him, then smiles
“You can Thank that Silver for that. Or I can anyways. Looks like that Celestia worshiper actually did something good near the end of his life”
>>93796Iron nods understandingly, a huge relieved sigh escapes his lips.
"I see. Well, the one other thing I can think of is maybe bribery to let you and your family off the hook."
>>93797"Need some help going through it all? He's still got plenty of time ahead of him. you know,i actually kind of bonded with him During the mission to save the foals. He reminds me of my Dad."
Dark Star smiles at this
>>93798“That depends on how they handle it. The local police and politicians have historically been fairly willing to take bribes, at least where the crimes involved didn’t really seem
too bad. With the Black Briar Massacre, they are under more pressure. The Black Hooves tend to rotate out foreign soldiers, and send them in larger groups where an individual could not be bribed. That makes it more difficult. And of course if they take a page from the Manehattan crackdown, police and politicians who accept bribes will be treated worse than the syndicates”
>>93799“Oh, I’m mostly cataloguing it now. I don’t have the knowledge to actually see what we have here.”
Through her teeth, she says
“Not like my dad”
>>93800He is free to advance
>>93802And thus, Silver makes it to the library, cart in tow.
Okay, now then... Silver begins to moves books off the shelves and into the cart.
>>93802"I'll help you catalouge."
Dark Star picks up one of the books
"Yea,i fully trust silver he's a great pony."
>>93802Iron is not liking the odds if his grimace is any indication.
"I find it hard to give out solutions without compromising the gang in some way if the previous answers are not possible."
He rests his head onto the sofa, somewhat frustrated at his lack of options to help Cauldron.
"Sorry if my mind cannot come up with solutions right now. You can always count on me if you need some protection or distraction from the cops, though."
He weakly smiles at her, albeit a little forced due to how little he helped in quelling her fears.
>>93805She nods, still a little uneasy
“Thank you”
>>93803It’s quite a large number of books. It may not be as big as a public library, but it has at least a wing’s worth of books on it
>>93804She grimaces
“Didn’t you have tickets to the fair?”
>>93806Silver still attempts to get as many as he can on the cart without, you know, breaking it.
>>93806Feeling the need to liven up the sour mood in the room, Iron tries to change subject.
"So how are your relatives doing?"
>>93806"Whats wrong? yea but i assumed you couldn't go untill you finish with this."