Set six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where the Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures thank to their dealing with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics.
Half of the party - Brie, Onyx, and Spark - are on a train to far off Bales to try to cross the border into the Changeling Lands. the other half remains in Baltimare, where Silver is searching catacombs seeking books filled with long buried dark secrets, Dark Star is having luck with his marefriend, and Iron aiding in trafficking exotic animals
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>>93154Here I am, but I'm not going to be very active for today. Maybe I'll squeeze out 1 to 3 responses for today. Busy day ahead and all.
>>93154So, I suppose cyka blyat hoers is reporting for duty. At least, after I have a bite to eat. I'm fuckin' starving right now.
>>93142>>93142Some barrels, rusted things, rocks. Kind of boring actually
>>93141“What do you mean?” She asks
>>93159Iron simply shrugs.
"It feels like you just took her in without any sort of purpose. Am I wrong with that statement?"
>>93159Seems like most everything of note down here has been destroyed by time and elements. Feeling enough time has passed, Silver downs another potion of Hide From Undead, and continues travelling down the hallway to see if it connects to the other side they had already explored.
>>93160She has a look of offense, perhaps feigned
“She is my
>>93161It appears that it does. There is some movement of air through, and a single small hole allowing light in through where the hole was previously located
>>93163Good. By time we are ready to head back here, air should be breathable once again. With the lower section explored, Silver heads back upstairs, now on the left side of the catacombs. Before traveling down the unexplored hallway up here, he looks inside of the library that got set ablaze to see if anything is recoverable at all.
[1d20 = 15]>>93162>>93162"Sure. I get that, but I feel like that was not the plan to begin with. Did you take her in for that explicit purpose or was it something else?"
Iron attempts to get a feel on her current emotions and thoughts.
Previous post is deleted. >>93164That’s definitely a search roll
>>93166Slight annoyance, like she feels like Iron is not understanding her
>>93167A little pause.
"Ah, I guess I am overthinking stuff. Well, I am sure you will do great, with how tender and caring you are with my wounds."
A smile adorns Iron's face.
>>93168It appears as if most of the lower shelf has not been
completely destroyed. However, the items that have been destroyed outnumber those that have not, and many books seem to be basically “charred,” or damaged beyond any easy recovery
>>93169She nods, and does not smile back
“Yes... she’ll learn eventually” she says, with a bit of annoyance
>>93171He sighs, disappointed. Still, when he comes back, at least there will be something from here that can be recovered. There's some worth in that, even if most of this has been destroyed.
One last hallway. With everything else explored, he heads down the last unexplored hallway, directly across from the library he's in.
>>93171"I suppose."
Iron feels like he stepped a little too far with the foal discussion. He simply remains silent, eager to either end the conversation or redirect it somewhere else.
>>93172Only two doors. One to the left, one to the right
>>93173She looks at him with a sort of suspicious curiosity
“What is your role with this whole ‘foal’ thing?”
>>93174Silver tries the right door first.
>>93174"Like I said, I am simply looking out for her and be sure she is as safe as possible."
Iron shrugs.
"Aside from that, nothing too personal."
>>93177Iron hums for a bit.
"You never told me what your business sells and buys. I am pretty sure nopony here would take a tiger, seeing how simple fight clubs are illegal."
Okay. Last I checked, Brie was concocting a diabolical scheme based on what the Lings told him. That,... hasn't changed much.
>>93181Indeed he was. Kerr nods, and Wesley wraps himself in the blanket
>>93182Any decision about how many, or are we leaving that blank for the moment?
Spark continues his search for a new car of the train. He decides to go towards the front of the train, going back through the sleeper he came from.
Brie is content to stay by the Lings for the time being, thinking about what is to come.
>>93191I'm just announcing my presence for anyone here. Go ahead and do whatever when you're free, I'll be fine.
>>93172I forgot to describe this partThere is a musket and a breastplate on the ground in the hallway
>>93175This room seems to be rather different from those that preceded it. There is a dresser to the left, a desk, also to the left, and a jacket and sword upon the ground
>>93180She grins
"Of course no pony would take a tiger. That is why that specimen was destined to a buyer in Skyfall. As for my business... well, I buy and sell things. Consider me the middlemare, or a master of arbitrage."
>>93189Kerr starts to rip the bread into pieces, while Wesley stares outside the window
>>93146Blue Skies seems contented for having proven the superiority of the Pegasi race
"I think it's time we get our ticket" she says
Whether Dark Star is willing to just accept her attitude and words is another thing
>>93195Iron nods, somewhat understanding her job.
"I see. What does Skyfall have that would want a tiger? I never heard of the place."
>>93196"It has wealthy upper class Griffin merchants, who would see owning an exotic animal as a sign of status"
>>93197Iron's lips extend in a straight line, confused by their customs.
"That is a dumb way to measure eachother's members. I do not think tigers are money-makers unless they were skinned. I would not know myself."
>>93198“They show them off to guests, I guess. It’s a money maker for me, and that’s all I care about”
>>93199Iron chuckles.
"You are right. Hopefully the next time I try this, you do not have to spend on more of this thing you are using on me. I would think it would make a dent on your money making."
I'll be in in about 1/2 hour when the MLP stream starts
But, there's little for Brie to do if Onyx and Sparks aren't active.
>>93200“Assistants getting themselves hurt is not really desired” she says this almost emotionless, as she is focusing on patching up another area of wounds. “I’ve seen dumber injuries”
>>93201Hopefully one of the two will show up
>>93202Iron tilts his head.
"I know."
He looks to the ground for a bit.
"What is your role as a mademare? I never did get that about the profession."