>>93610He still maintains his tone, not backing down. Though, it's joined by something else she can't quite place. "You want truth, straight from heart? I do not
know what to feel with you. You always seem to have this mask on, built up from your days in Nimbusia and your time in Black Hooves, and while you have it on it seems as though you do not care for anything but how to best help your country achieve its goals. But when it slips off, or cracks, and I get to see behind it all at little bit of who I feel
true Blue Skies is? I see perhaps most beautiful, kind pony in Equestria, perhaps all of existence. Beautiful not just on outside, but on inside, too. It is kind of pony I would want to get to know better, to befriend, and, if situation was different, perhaps even explore my feelings towards them with. I want to peel off more of that mask, to get to know you and show you just how beautiful world is with you in it. You make me feel things I have not felt in long time. You make me feel as if I was young again. You make me happy. And believe me, if you were not with Dark Star, I would want nothing more than to see just how beautiful you are under than mask, and see how much I truly loved you.
"But, I can not claim that which belongs to another. Besides betraying your trust, what I did betrayed Star's as well, and it makes me regret my decision even more. I do not want to get between you two any more than I already have, and my brief attempt to explore my feelings about you has already proven to have been disastrous. So, I say I do not love you, not because it is true, or even that I particularly want to say as such, but because I know that while you are with Dark Star it is best that I do not. But I can not deny my heart and my feelings. I am here because I care about you and I value your relationship to me, no matter how messed up I may have made it with my mistake. I still want to get to know you and see underneath that mask. I still want to be your friend, and someday if situation changes to explore going further than that. You are Blue Skies in my life, and I do not want clouds to come in just yet and snuff it all out."
He continues to speak, with more insistence place on his words. "So, Blue Skies, I want to know: I want to see you remove that mask you have had built up over your lifetime, and expose who you truly are, what you truly feel, and I want you to tell me from your heart what it is you want. How do you feel about me? Do you even still want to be my friend despite everything? If you still wish to remain friends with me, then I will remain as stalwart friend to you as I can be. If you say you have feelings for me, I will ask you to give me chance to make it up, so that even though I can not have you I will not lose you forever. But, if you truly see no value in maintaining relation with me, friend or otherwise, then I will do this job for you, and you will never have to deal with me again afterwards. I promise you, with whatever honor you believe honorless cur to have."