Set six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where the Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures thank to their dealing with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics.
Half of the party - Brie, Onyx, and Spark - are on a train to far off Bales to try to cross the border into the Changeling Lands. the other half remains in Baltimare, where Silver is searching catacombs seeking books filled with long buried dark secrets, Dark Star is having luck with his marefriend, and Iron aiding in trafficking exotic animals
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>>94310"Intensive mane and coat care and the like"
>>94311The rock is on the side of the terrarium closest to Star
>>94312Iron raises his eyebrows.
"How can they do that? Some sort of potion?"
>>94313Maybe it was a little further to the left when it was last seen. Or maybe not, who knows.
>>94314She giggles
"Something like that. Shampoos and eye make up and so forth"
>>94315Iron hums.
"How does that feel on the coat? This 'shan-pooh'."
>>94315Dark Star narrows his eyes at the rock
>>94317It's a grey color, perhaps as large as Dark Star's hoof, or a bit smaller
>>94316"I don't know. I haven't really tried it"
[1d20 = 2]>>94318Oh boy, I am feeling funny again."No?"
He inspects Cauldron's coat just to see how clean and tidy it is.
Rolling spot.
>>94319Is she even in the Kitchen? It's like she's camouflaged
[1d20 = 10]>>94320Iron huffs to himself.
(Did she leave while I was not looking?)
He stands up, trying to get a better look.
Another spot roll.
>>94318Can i intimidate the rock?
>>94322You can try
>>94321No wait, she's there. Damned stripes disrupting vision
>>94323Iron blinks twice.
(How come I did not see her with all those stripes?)
He shakes his head.
"Blanche never gave you any sort of this potion thing to try yourself as a gift?"
>>94324"I think once, yes. Last Hearths Warming. It makes my coat shinier, but I don't really need a shinier coat"
>>94325Iron chuckles.
"I suppose it would start giving you away when you try to sneak up on ponies."
[1d20+8 = 19]>>94323Oh Boy the first time i can use my cutie mark skill
i probably should have used it more, but i was going a more diplomatic style.
Roll Intimidate
>>94327Well, Skies seems just a little startled by Dark Star's intimidation. This rock however, must be immune to fear or something, or is cocky behind his terrarium glass, because he looks unaffected
>>94326She smiles "Among other things"
>>94328"this rock is a stone cold bastard. i respect him."
>>94328Iron smiles back, a tingle of curiosity in his eyes.
"What other things you do apart from cooking, brewing and kicking pony butt?"
>>94329"If you say so" she says
>>94330"Well, that frankly takes up most of my time. But I like radio dramas and reading about botany in my spare time. I told you about that before."
>>94331Iron chuckles.
"I know. We just agreed on going to the jungle for a couple of days for botany reasons. I am not
that inattentive."
This is followed by a cock of his head.
"But what are these 'ray-dee-o' dramas?"
>>94332"You know, it's like a story in a book. But it's shorter, or broadcast in episodes, and someone else reads it to you"
>>94331"Sorry about startling you. i was trying to see if i could get the rock to move"
Dark Star says with an apologetic tone
"lets check out that orange."
>>94333Iron blinks once in confusion.
"You mean a pony visits you to read a story in front of you every week or so?"
>>94335"That's the magic of it. There is no pony in your room, just a little box from which you can hear the pony"
>>94334She smiles at him. The next item is an orange in a terrarium with frog legs
>>94337"Huh? You mean there is a box that recites some sort of story to you just like that? I suppose the box is giant to fit the pony, right?"
>>94337Dark star looks shocked by what he sees, even more so than the rock.
"An Orange with frogs legs? fascinating."
>>94338She laughs
"There is no pony inside the box, but it reads to you nevertheless"
The damned thing just croaked like a frog, with orange seen on the inside
>>94340Iron feels like this makes no sense.
"Where is that magical box you speak of? I want to see for myself."
>>94341It's over here." She points to a box of tax, black, and yellow stripes, with nobs on it
It did it again!
[1d20+5 = 22]>>94344Listen Check to see if its coming from the orange-frog-thing.
>>94344Iron has a look of determination set to find out where is the hidden pony.
He starts fiddling the radio's nobs to see if the pony voice appears.
>>94345Oh yes, it's definitely coming from the frog-orange thing
>>94343They never turn it back. presumably, that orange-frog is still there>>94346It sings!
Mother bucker, they got a whole band in there! >>94347"i-i cant believe it."
Dark Star gently gives the glass a tap
>>94347Iron jumps in slight surprise.
"Woah! I thought there were a single pony in there, not a bunch of melodic noises and a mare singing in there!"
>>94350Iron simply stares at the radio, a dumbfounded expression.
(Hm, those nobs did something to it. What would happen if I move it again?)
He does exactly that.
>>94350Dark star has an extremely puzzeled look on his face.
>>94351Now it's a stallion talking something about balls and fields>>94352It's odd alright
>>94353Iron's eyes widen
"Now it is a stallion talking about some sort of game! How many ponies are in there, Cauldron? Why do they sound funny, like they are eating grass in my ear?"
>>94354She smiles, but shrugs
"Weird accents"
>>94355She nods, a bit disturbed
>>94356Dark Star mimics the frog noises to the orange
>>94356Iron huffs in slight frustration.
Another nob turning session for Iron.
>>94358An upbeat song plays with drums and an unidentifiable instrument>>94357It just sits there, silent
>>94359Iron's shock increase, but the beat...
(This is... quite catchy.)
His hoof starts lightly stomping the ground to the drums, no longer interested in turning the knobs.
>>94359Dark Star looks over at blue
"you try."