Nobully, but I hope that you're like me and that after making a declaration of departure from wherever, you can't resist the temptation to peek back and see what the outcome was.
If you wish to quit the game/site as you've indicated, let me just state that your participation has been irreplaceable. All the Thez/Infernius stuff (which I'll get to) aside, your character portrayal made Infernius 'real' and 'tangible', to the point where years from now I will make numerous references to "A minotaur character who...." in whatever game I find myself running or playing in. Top marks.
On the subject of "my fault", you're right for a big reason, but not the reason you may be thinking. Trump's portrayal has been very non-paladin for the majority of the time, and I've turned a blind eye to it because I'm a bit of a softy towards players. For one it amused me (though not always) and for two it fit with the "Random FFA" atmosphere that the game is supposed to have. When watching those "How to B betterer GM/Player", I kept noticing how the absolute devotion to the established rules was purported to be paramount, suggesting that doing so would avoid friction and strife. I felt/feel that being more permissive to players - especially players less familiar with the rules and game 'engine' - makes for a more inclusive, less serious, and overall more enjoyable experience, especially given the image-board nature of this interaction. So yes, among the faults I have displayed, allowing players to run more free than the rules allow is one of them.
You,... you're good you. We haven't had the chance to develop your character mostly cuz timezones and shit. The first week of January I'll be working on an alternate shift schedule, and will be available during hours that more fit your situation. I hope that this will be,... maybe not resolved, but perhaps somewhat repaired by then.
This gives me mixed feelings. On the one hand I feel the same way (in several contexts), on the other hand I am actually quite pleased to see Tracy Cage - as a player controlled character and as an OC idea - showing attachment and fondness for others. I mean, from what I've gathered about the OC, Tracy isn't exactly fond of anyone, and is entirely a loner. TO see her saddened by the thought of being alone is bittersweet desu.
I think that would be an exercise in futility. If he chooses to return, or keep his distance entirely, that's his choice and I respect it. I truly wish him the best. I hope that the past few months have amped up his creative juices, such that he may reign terror down on illegals and criminals with newfound enthusiasm and innovative ability, and if we never hear from Trump again, please know and understand; he will be missed, and like with Infernius, I'll be sharing anecdotes in the future about "Paladin Trump" and his exploits.
Thank you. I'll be wracking my brain for several hours, days, and perhaps weeks to try and figure out how to make that happen, consistent (or not-so) with the story.