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>>33829>Torc now has two weddings to planThe joys of being the single one
I have a feeling Thez/Infernius's will be smaller, and more secluded
Tracy/Trump's will be a larger "invite the whole port" type
>>33832Sounds about right to me.
>>33829>>33833"and you didn't push me into it baby."
>>33833>Not 120%Give it your all, Infernius.
>>33832Trumpaladin thinks the only way to get married is to have the whole city come to a ceremony at the stadium, married at the 50 yard line with FAE as priest
Except for a marriage with Tracy. If literally no one saw that, that would be fine
>>33834Works for me
>prepares Gandalf fireworks>>33836>not 1488%Do you even white pride??
>>33837>accept for a marriage with TracyYOU ACCEPT?
That makes everything easier
>>33831*Hugs back affectionately*
"~Flaaashy..! I want to get married right away.."
*Pouty-happy face*
>>33838>>33841NO. NO. NO. Except! Not Accept! Fuck you IPhone!
A deafening <CRACK> is heard and felt throughout all players and characters, disorienting everyone involved, and causing sight to dim and fade.
As each slowly regain their senses, they find themselves standing solidly, on a backdrop of a cosmic star-field. There are no physical objects or architecture, nothing at all really, except the vast expanse of space surrounding,... except for a smug-faced coyote in a sharp suit, sipping from a porcelain mug.
"Are you here at last? Tired of making me wait?" he says.
>>33843Is that Johny Cash from that Simpson's episode?
>>33844My parents by the phones. Fuck off
>>33843Is the mug giant with 'reese' on it?
"May I ask who you are sir?"
>>33846RIP in peace
>>33847"TRACY! Be nice to Johnny Cash!"
>>33850"Who the fuck is Johnny Cash? And what is this place?"
>>33843"I never thought I'd see you again"
>>33852"You're going to have to listen to my play list on the way back. Now hush. Thez knows where are"
>>33853*Protectively glues self to leg*
He lounges on a chair, and with a wave of his hand, a table coalesces with cups for everyone. "Do sit, or stand as you prefer. There's sugar and cream if thats how you take it."
>>33845Not to my knowledge, but there's been so many indeliberate parallel references that it wouldn't surprise me at this point.
>>33847"Who indeed? Would you believe me if I told you? Who likewise are you, and who stands behind you?"
>>33848"Sir? Are you sure? Is that an attempt to quantify and define what you see?"
(no, its not a giant reese mug)
>>33849"How to answer? Can such a question be answered? While it seems specific, isn't it as vague and open-ended as any question? Don't questions leave themselves open to the interpretation of the person being asked, without really specifying anything?
>>33853"Again? Have we met before?"
>>33854"I... I don't. This is,... I mean I've seen illusions like this before, but I'm unfamiliar with,..."
"Are you?" the coyote asks with a smirk.
>>33858"And what
is a god? Is it a being? An awareness? An entity that is finite or determinate? Is it a will? A presence? A specific thing?"
>>33857Torc takes a seat.
"Fine, the politness didn't work. What in the everliving fuck are ye m8?"
>>33857*Growls at hearing question answered with more questions*
".... The name's Tracy."
>>33859"Just play it again. One more time. 'The Man Comes Around.' You will know."
>>33857"Maybe not met"
I'm at a damn movie, I'm limited
>>33860"Again, would you believe me if I answered you truly? Would you comprehend if I laid plain?
>>33862don't worry, its mostly word-games and riddles, but there is a purpose to it, this was an encounter I'd planned for long ago, but it didn't fit with the situation so I put it on the back-burner. With all the recent to-do, it seemed an apt time"OH ho, then experienced perhaps?"
>>33861"You think I don't know who you are? But who is it who controls Tracy, who depicts and determines
her actions?"
>>33863"I,... this,... I don't,... except maybe in a dream,"
"Is not all of existence a dream?"
He(?) seems on the verge of laughter at this point.
>>33868She said it in hoers language.
>>33870Don't care. He understood it through empathic whatever/sense motive
"Fuck off"
>>33865>>33867What did I miss?
>>33869"Alright you cheeky cunt, what is your purpose with us?"
>>33869>Pissed off expression"Why don't you just tell us whatever it is you have to say already, and then we can decide if we want to believe you?"
>>33869"Can you play from your guitar?"
>>33874>>33872She wouldn't be able to do it even if she wanted to.
He(?) sips his coffee and waits patiently.
>>33871What manner of charge, like tackle-charge, or rushing to punch/beat charge, what?
>>33875"Perhaps it is because I can't tell you anything. You have to decide to learn it on your
>>33877i was saying he most likely understood, not for you to fuck off just to clarify.
>>33878>[Desire to eat Johnny Cash intensifies][Impatient pony noises]
"Are we supposed to learn something here? Or did you just bring us here to be sarcastic?"