There are no breaks on this train!
>pickle rick
Even I don't shitpost this bad
>>33362Somewhat relevant gif
*passes out from exhaustion*
>maybe not kill, but long sexin
*teleports in*
*distributes unmarked cans*
*teleports out*
>do you dare open the cans?
>>33368*Puts pony in lap*
>>33371*Takes a can, but is not daring enough to open it*
>>33371"What's this?" Thez taps one of the cans. "Where did these come from?" she positions can 4 smash.
>>33372I thought you were dea-
>>33371Opens can immediately.
>>33374>Knife functions as can-opener
>>33374I have my defenses
>>33376There is no power greater than the Natural 20.
>>33374Bantz kills are more figurative. Surely you've seen animes or w/e where characters murder eachother just for keks
>>33377Did we get back to the tower though?
>>33377I banned him before GM noticed, that means I win the saving throw
>>33381>bannedBanned whom pray tell?
>>33383He also deleted those few posts.
>>33383I think he means Torc, who hasn't posted since his posts were deleted.
>>33369This was also edited.
>>33384Srsly? This again? Really? Trump, what's your game? Are you deliberately trying to discourage anons from participating, cuz it sure looks that way.
>>33387Oh hush. If people can attack and kill my character while I'm waiting out walking around and thinking of how to respond to Tracy's faggots post about optimum mount size, then I can use 5 minute bans for fun as well. And fuck anyone who is going to attack me without provication like that
>>33389>5 minThat second one was 10
And it was hell
>>33389Stop deleting posts ITT!
>>33390True. The second one was 15 minutes
>>33391It was as a ban and delete, rather than a normal delete. And if people think they can attack my character without reason like that without getting a joke ban in response, they are mistaken
>>33392A B U S E
>>33392Don't just delet the posts though.
>>33372*Grows to full size and sits on Trump*
>>33394Oh so he can ban me? Just cant delete posts?
>>33393>Always Neutral Evil>>33394reeeeee
>>33394>>33395But attacking people like that is a really shitty move. If anything should be deleted it's that
>>33397You can't nom me pony!
>>33398Learn to handle the bantz!
*Forces tongue down throat*
Okkay, I just gotta say. The bans are kinda fucked up desu. Deleting posts is one thing, but restricting anons is cruel desu.
I'll give Trump a choice; stop with the bans/deletions, OR go Blackguard. I mean, thats SO not Paladin decorum,....
>>33407Okay which? Blackguard tyrant, or Paladin not-quite-tyrant?
[affectionate monster noises]
*Tongue goes a bit deeper, before retreating*
>>33408Paladin not-fully-a-tyrant
>>33409*Hugs horsey*
*Takes breath*
This whole "shamed pony" act is getting as stale as the last thread. XPPPP
And thus, I walked out to look upon the field where my shitposts grew. But when I arrived I found them barren. The plague of bans had reached me. All the signs where there, the warnings should have let me know. But alas, I did not listen, and now as a punishment, my shitpost field is barren. Eaten away by the endless stomachs of the bans.
I look at the sunset, tears welling in my eyes as I realize my crop has failed. And I whisper a single word....
>>33410*hugs crushingly*
Stop cute-posting and actually try to improve.
>>33415>PoufTrump is now a 3' tall chibi-Trump
>>33416*Hugs chibi-paladin like a baby doll*
[1d20 = 2]>>33416*Is too small for Tracy to hold*
>>33419>Implying you can escape
[1d20 = 19]>>33419Torc trips tiny Trump
>>33421*Snatches him up and holds him to her cheek, affectionately*
>Mommy mode*Rocks him like like baby, holding him to to her chest fluff*
>>33425"Awwww, he's so little!"
>>33424Nigger, the demon horse isn't on anyone's team but her's
>>33425*pouty face*
>>33426*death glare*
>>33426"He's adorable!"
*Pat's paladin on the back until he burps*
>tfw libshits' memes actually come in handy
>>33428I'm'a vomit on you if you keep that up
>>33429>Implying that'd do anything but fire-up her maternal instincts
>mfw a quick-nerf turned into a story development
>>33431This is the best thing since pic related
>>33432*Beams happily*
"You're so cute at this size, ~Flashy!"
*Holds to chest*
>>33433That was hilarious.
>hacking up blood>got banned from /mlpol/>cockroach in room>my poor kitty had giant ass tickCan tonight get any worse for me?
This isn't a challenge GM>>33435Also, it remind me of an idea I had.
GM, besides fucking Death, what else would Torc have to do for a favor from her?
>>33436>tick@_@ poor kitten
>herWhich 'her' do you mean?
>>33434reeee>>33431Gib size back so I am bigger than Tracy again!
>>33438I think he meant Death, since it was said that she'd be a recurring character.
>>33440>>33441Ah, well,... did Torc get her number?
>>33439*Puts on back*
*Struts about in a regal fashion*
"I can't say I don't appreciate you differently at this size Flashy. I think I could get used to it until you're cured."
[Happy pony noises]
>>33442Does she accept sacrifice of a leg for valid calling methods?
>>33442>>33444>NumberThose trips have to mean something.
>>33444If you sacrificed your leg to Death, you probably wouldn't get it back..
>>33446Maybe after it was humped
>>33446Bruh what the fuck did you think I meant by sacrifice?
>>33447>>33449I'm not sharing my pony
>>33448Maybe you have a child you can sacrifice?
>>33448>Wizard with a wooden legThat'd work.
>>33450>Sacrificing others for deific favorsKike-tier.
Self-mutilation ftw.
>>33450I am not sacrificing Norfilly
Now, you on the other hand...
>>33451I was thinking more steampunkish but that works
>>33453You're seriously gonna go all Saw on your shit, just to get a 'girl's' attention? Thats pretty beta desu
>>33452Oh hush. Surely you don't think the powers that beat back Hilary's black magic in the 2016 elections were purchased cheaply?
>>33453I was not talking about my stepdaughter!
>Sacrifice meNigger, I'll go blackguard and sacrifice
(you) before that will happen
>>33454He has no idea how to work with girls
>>33454Torc IS beta, but I agree.
He should at least wait until he actually needs it.
>>33454Its not "to get a girl"
Its for the favor of torturing the information we need out of darkie
>>33455>purchased cheaply?Of course not. We fed Kek gorillions of memes to overpower Moloch.
>>33457If Darkie still isn't bored enough to talk, we'll just kill him and let Infernius talk to his corpse.
>>33457He's been starving for days, stuck in a body-cast. Have you tried talking to him? I mean I know I was unresponsive when he was first revived, but he would've been all cheek then. Now he's had time to 'stew in his juices' (did I mention body-casts don't permit bathroom breaks?)
>>33457Nigger, this guy ain't afraid of death. If you want to go that route, let Tracy do it, since she does it for free
>>33458Only half the story...
>>33460I almost feel sorry for him...
*Continues to procrastinate*
>>33458I may or may not have given part of my soul
My fucking first time dealing with tumblr ass SJWs was campaigning. And they stopped traffic on a busy ass street to yell "fuck you" at me (holding a Trump sign) about a guy holding a "Fuck Trump" sign like it was my fault.>>33460LET HIM WAIT
>>33462>Having pity for one's enemiesAnon...
>>33463This, although I don't know how much I want to risk the information going stale
>>33464The Drow have probably already spent all of our money..
>>33467We can just repossess all of their assets though.
Okay, let me make sure I have this right. I need to:
- Orange-text the escape from Court City
- Prepare/determine what's going to happen with Darkie (but not yet, let him stew)
- Get ahold of death for Torcuil cuz,....
Am I missing anything?
>>33469How long does Tracy get to play with Tiny Trump?
>>33469Well fuck, if you guys don't like the idea of Death I'll not it.
Is there a theme that gives me orange text or do I need to do that code thing?
>>33470IDK, that was just a warning that if he keeps banning I'll have to get creative. Not that my creativity is
that much of a hurdle/threat, given that he's a mod and all, but I
am creative enough to make it embarrassing
>inb4 ban
>>33471I want pinktext, like on /pone/.
User CSS
Copy-paste this:
span.quote {
color: #DB7A18;
p.intro {
color: #DB7A18;
a:link, a:visited, p.intro {
color: #DB7A18;
} div.body a {
color: #DB7A18;
div.boardlist a {
color: #DB7A18;
p.intro span.subject {
color: #DB7A18;
>>33471Death isn't a bad idea, I was just surprised that you'd be willing to cut your leg off for Death's help in an interrogation that doesn't require either death or leg-cutting-off. You're welcome to proceed.
I love it
>orange has always been my favorite color
>>33471Orange colored text is now an option in the options menu on the top right. It replaces greentext
>>33473We can do that. As a replacement for greentext or as
text in posts?
>>33474Or you can do it the hard way...
>>33476Praise Pupper and Anon in Orange-text thread, I just camped on their posts
>>33477Wait, can we chnage the colors of text using the [] format?
We orange text now!>>33480If it's colored like that sure
>>33479I asked pupper...
>>33481Wait, how do we change text color?
>>33477I meant the text that starts with a "<3".
>>33482I mean, without using ">"
Source posts:>>33477Cuz copy-paste is the "hard way"?
>reeeeeWhat do you want from me? IMO
not 'desu' so yo know I'm serious banning anons is the one thing I
won't abide. Deleted posts can be re-posted, screen-capped, or w/e but bans only cause entropy and salt.
>>33431Pic related
>>33483Uh... I don't know how that text feature works...
>>33485>entropy and saltSo does shooting a player character who has done absolutely nothing against the person in question while faggot is waiting for a new thread and walking
>>33487It was a bantz shot. Meme-tier.
>>33486>mfw ctrl-o is another macroTesting>>33487I agree it was bantz, but you make a compelling argument
[o ] [/o ] Orange confirmed
>>33488Then so is a five minute ban for "oh well fuck you too." If it were a real ban, it would be three days like the one I gave that barneyfag hours ago
>>33488I honestly wasn't expecting a 20
>>33489Hey, he kinda deserved it for >raping Tracy infront of Torc>>33491Yeah but 15 minutes was hell
Does ctrl+g mean green color?
>>33491So wait, Nigel-ban confirmed?
>>33492You niggers don't understand how the dice
really work
I'm gonna love this
>>33492NO! Attack Tracy if you're angry at her stealing your chopsticks or being loud in sex. I did nothing wrong
>>33495No, it was a random brit picked up from /mlp/ or /qa/ or /trash/ or somewhere who was trolling the people in the anon filly thread
>>33496>I did nothing wrongYou initiated secks, in the middle of a dungeon.
Not that Tracy was bothered by it.
>>33497Do you have a preferred shade of pink for text color?
>>33499How the fuck is that punishable by being shot????
[20d1 = 20]>>33497But do you have an orange tree? Cause I do.>ITT faggots are amazed by site features while fighting about a fictional shooting>>33496Well GM said we could kill eachother....
>>33495Is this how dice
really work?
>>33500It's not. But again, it was meme-tier.
He could've been revived 5 minutes later, because reasons.
>>33501I do have an orange tree>20 1's*Earth explodes*
did say we could kill each other.
[50d1 = 50]>>33503??????
Torc never died...
>>33504I fucking love orange text. Maybe too much>earth explodesFuck
>>33501>tfw was gonna get spoopy>got shit-posted at instead>>33506Yeah, orange is the new bold/italics
OOOh! Can't wait for the first (legit)
[69d420 = 13067]>>33508>>33507Rolling 69d420 because memez
RIP black hole at the center of the Milky Way
>>33509We'd have to change the ban message color, or add a new feature for orange ban text
>>33510Did I kill everyone?
>>33511No worries, I called it first; that's all I was after. ^_^
Alright you loveable faggots, I have to crash so I can get up early to call in sick to work. Try not to drive each-other off in the meantime? You already scared off Ebin,.... Xp
I got shit to do tomorrow so I think I'm leaving to
P.S. No Trumps were harmed during the shooting in the head.
He's still chibi though
>>33518>No shoot in headYay
>>33519I didn't say Trump wasn't shot in the head, I said he wasn't
harmed by it. It still hurt like a bitch.
>>33525No. Fuck that and fuck torcuil
>>33529>'[Fuzzy static sounds]'[hormonal giggling]
>>33530>"Then Put me down so I may do it myself"
>>33531Lol no
*Holds on the air and giggles hysterically*
>>33532Fuck It
Contacting better mount
>"Fae, Charge and pounce this NAP Violating son of a bitch"
[3d20 = 28]>>33533Charge, and Pounce faggot
Bite, Claw, and Claw
>>33533Nice Pali
*Brutal nuzzling intensifies*
>>33534>regrets not buffing kitty with bull's strengthShe's got a +18 on that first attack, and I think +13 on all of the remainder. He has almost no armor, so an AC of like 15. I think that means every strike hits
[2d6+5 = 11][2d6+5 = 12][2d6+10 = 14]>>33534>>33536Damage should be 2d6 +4 plus strength for bite and 2d6 +2 plus half strength for each claw
>>33536Stats don't matter. We all know Torc is squishy.
*Curls into fluffball around Tiny Trump*
>>33537>Does 37 damage in a single round>Torcuil has what - 48 HP?That's a very good kitty
>>33538Stats make it a hell of a lot more fun though. Also, Fae has been underated
>>33540You're a pony now. You're bigger, but not by a giant margin
>>33541*Turns into full-sized hoers*
>>33542Should Torcuil be finished off or left bleeding? No way in hell he'd succeed in a concentration check for spell casting that round
>>33543GM isn't here, so best to assume it's left at "Torc got bitten and clawed really badly", for now.
[1d20 = 9]>>33543You better hope bitch
Rolling for concentration
>>33545Snek can still attack.
[1d20 = 12]>>33546Thx m8
Snek grapple check (idk how to calculate bonuses)
>Mr. Snek has 19 strength, whats the bonus>>33549Ayyy lmao
[3d20 = 49]>>33550Great. Dumb Ass
Fae full round attack
[2d8+4 = 16][1d20+6 = 21]>>33551Rolling for Mr. Snek's constrict
[2d6+5 = 15][2d6+5 = 12][2d6+10 = 14]>>33551>Rolled a 20That last hit should be rolled again for the possibility of double damage, but you've got like only 21 HP before you are dead and 11 before you are unconcious, so I'll wait
[2d8+4 = 8][1d20+6 = 11]>>33552Weird, rearanged them
First is 2d8+4 second is 1d20+6
>>33555Ignore those rolls, that was an accedent
>>33554Yiure the one attacking me after a joke
>>33556The "joke" was an attack. Fuck you
Guess who's going to become Laocoön today?
>>33558I don't know what Laocoon is, but you're dead with a single round past the first
>tfw trump banned me for 24 hours
serously fuck you trump i hope you get raped by a pack of communist niggers catch aids and die, also im quitting this fucking site because the ucking mods are no better than 4cuck.
>>33560Who is u?
>>33559Greek mythology, look it up
>>33562>saluteYou will be missed friend
All I have ever wanted out of you people while trying to play a damn game is to be left alone. Instead, you fuckers all shoot me, steal from me, attack me, and attack my cat. Fuck you all
>>33565cry me a river faggot. you are the biggest douchebag her,
>>33565If you can't handle the heat, get out of the kitchen
>>33567Well then bans are part of the heat
>>33566Fuck off and fuck you
>>33568why are you such a cocksucker?
>>33569Because I want to be left alone by you fucks, and you all won't leave me alone
>>33570you attack torc almost daily, and you expect me to not do anything? i stop evil i dont go along with it.
>>33571No I don't you imbecilic fuck. This is literally the first time ever that I attacked Torcuil, and this
after he fucking shot me.
FOR NO FUCKING REASON AT ALL. If you try to stop me after that, then (you) are evil
>>33572Lets see, stole shit and then attacked me when I asked for it back
>>33572oh trump please give me back that potion you STOLE from mefuck you stop attacking me.poceds to attack torc for no reasonoy vey goyim You are the evil one.
>>33570Everyone else is able to resolve their issues through gameplay and bantz. Why do you have to delet/ban things to handle your shit?
>>33576I'm trying to resolve it through gameplay and bantz. Don't get in my way of doing that
>>33575Torcuil was never attacked in that encounter. Nothing happened
>>33576>>33574im done, it was fun playing with torc tracy and thez.
>>33574What attacks did I make? Tell me. None.
>>33578Fucking leave
>>33577>TryingNo you aren't. You delet/ban shit that doesn't go your way almost every session.
>>33580I was trying to in this encounter. Then you fuckers ganged up on me
>>33581>Ganged upI didn't do shit, and maybe people wouldn't be so eager to do so if you didn't ban them all the time.
>>33577Iirc you drew your sword and slashed
>>33578I'm gonna miss you
Didn't know I could get banned for shitposting
>>33582You were offering advice
>>33583No, I never drew sword and slashed Torcuil
You can get banned on any site for shitposting. 4chan or here. Do a control f of our ban list, you'll see it is true
Bye faggots
I may be back later.
>>33585>Offering advice to a player is bannable
>>33587Oh it was for like 15 minutes. Cry me a fucking river
>>33588That's beside the point.
You take this game so fucking personally that you can't bear to "lose" at anything so much that you resort to banning/deleting things just because it makes you feel superior, and it spoils the fun for everyone else.
>>33586I would like to clairfy I am not quiting /mlpol/, but I may be quiting mixxed nuts>>33589This
>>33589Why do you take the deletions so personally? It doesn't stop you.
I want to not be shot for no reason at all, and I want to be left alone to duel players when that needs to happen. And it's no fucking fun for me when that isn't allowed
They're annoying, disruptive, and downright insulting. Stop trying to erase everything you don't like.
>>33593Sure, just don't attack me when I am not asking for it and let me duel when that needs to happen
>>33593>Implying all this other bullshit isn't annoying disruptive, and insulting
>>33594No Anon. That's not how fantasy games work. ANYONE can do ANYTHING they want.
>>33595>Implying implications
>>33596If you are going to use the "anything I want to" logic, why shouldn't I do the same right back at you? That's how image boards work, isn't it?
>>33597Yeah, within the fucking game.
If you just ban Anons for no other reason than that you want to, everyone will just get pissed off and leave, just like what happened to /mlp/.
>>33598People can get pissed off and leave for shit that happens in the game as well
I don't have time to deal with this horseshit. See y'all later, maybe
I'm a maybe as well. I wish I had more self control than I do.
I just want to say Fuck you GM. None of this would have happened had you not actively, explicitly, and deliberately abetted it. No one wanted the players to attack each other except you. None of us had any reason to be strongly mad at each other. YOU caused this
>>33601What is your problem?! Nobody else had a problem with the characters attacking each other. It was stated that the purpose of the Entertron so that all the characters could explode and dismember each other like Looney Toons, and still go back to adventuring like nothing ever fucking happened. Infernius ate my character's eyeball; I lit his on fire: Nobody but you ever took it so personally, because IT'S ALL IMAGINARY! You get so butthurt about imaginary stuff that happens in game that you resort to retaliating outside of the game through abuse of moderation, and you do it at the risk of the future of not only The Game but the site as well, all because you can't handle the bantz!
Fuck you!
>>33602Is there a future anymore?
>>33603I don't know. You may have ruined it.
You were certainly eager for Infernius to leave.
>>33604Well, I guess it's my time to ride off into the sunset
Perhaps in a future version of the game, a party going east may come across the MAGA hat wearing black guard. The one with no formal name, but who rides (and sleeps with) a fiendish black horse. Whp has an undead vice-president as a servant. He carries a magic and cursed Warhammer, one like those of the ancient devils who destroyed your old world, and whom you thought you'd escaped. And he's rumored to have not one, but two suits of armor
Maybe this will help me
>>33602How do you orange text?
>>33610Put a "[o ]" in front of the text you want.
>>33610Testing can be done on >>>/test/
I has sad nao...
Oh well.. The Game was supposed to be on recess this week, with just bantz and shitposting in between.. Idk how long the "recess" will last now though..
I got mad because reasons.. but I still want to play again.. Even if some players want to take a long break..
Thez walks up to Trump and looks him up and down, the expression on her face is a completely blank and emotionless stare. She hits him with a Stunning Fist and removes the Girdle of Giant's strength. She hits him again, and then takes Sugoito. "You can have them back later if you want them."
She then walks up to Infernius, and takes the modified Glaive. After a moment of fiddling with the fittings and rivets, she removes the bladed head, leaving her bare staff once again. She throws the blades aside, which sink into a nearby wall. Unbuckling a few straps from the Glider-harness, the wings fall to the floor.
She then walks to the sout-west door, kicks it open, and <whoooof>.
>>33578>mfw Infernius is gone
>>33616Same, I'm gonna miss the bastard
>>33609Awww fuck.
Well, he's gone for the fucking month.
Whoopty-fucking-doo, that doesn't do anything but make me even more pissed.
I hope the joy comes back to the game, and that this storm can pass.
I don't want to be alone.. not again..
Can another Mod undo the foolish ban of Trump's faggot?
>>33623I ant to see if Infernius is ever coming back first...
>>33624Fair point, I can accept thatBut him banning himself was a retarded pity move to get him out of discussing the topic
>>33625Either way, he's got his finals this week to focus on. He could use a time out...
>>33601You can criticize me all you want. I'm not faultless in all this, and I admit to having goaded several parties throughout the process of this downward spiral. As far as not attacking eachother "except me", I find that to be an unsupportable claim. As far as not having had any reason to be strongly mad at eachother, I likewise find that to be unsupportable. As to "me" causing this, again I have some admitted culpability but to claim that I caused this is at least a stretch and at most an exercise in blame shifting.
Let us first indicate that aside from some shit-posting and haxx usage (the stones) no one has ever died in this game. No one. In fact, the most grievous injuries sustained were by Thez and Lenos, who tore at eachother over a bet that Lenos rigged. You can say "both were controlled by you at the time and throughout" and that
is correct, but my portrayal of Lenos is/was both accurate and consistent and was later confirmed/validated by Lenos' player. By goading players to attack one another, I was hoping that players might realize "hey, its not the end of the world if we get beaten about a bit, even if its us beating eachother about". As Tracy's player pointed out, there's the Entertron, as well as the spell-casting ability of Trump, Infernius, and Torcuil, which can undo pretty much anyone so maligned.
Tl;dr Its a fucking game. I have a hard time believing that anyone ITT has never died in a game and kept on playing in spite of it, multi-player or no.
As for players who are contemplating quitting and/or not participating - either entirely or in a gameplay sense - take your time and don't feel compelled. This has been the longest running, as well as the most constant and continuous (as in, both overall duration, and density of play during that duration) RP game of any sort I have ever seen, excluding shit like WOW, Everquest, etc. That its been almost entirely text/post-based is to everyone's credit, and no matter how things progress (if) I can state unequivocally that everyone has been phenomenal.
*contemplates the fragility of existence*
I still want to play...
>>33578Nobully, but I hope that you're like me and that after making a declaration of departure from wherever, you can't resist the temptation to peek back and see what the outcome was.
If you wish to quit the game/site as you've indicated, let me just state that your participation has been irreplaceable. All the Thez/Infernius stuff (which I'll get to) aside, your character portrayal made Infernius 'real' and 'tangible', to the point where years from now I will make numerous references to "A minotaur character who...." in whatever game I find myself running or playing in. Top marks.
>>33609On the subject of "my fault", you're right for a big reason, but not the reason you may be thinking. Trump's portrayal has been very non-paladin for the majority of the time, and I've turned a blind eye to it because I'm a bit of a softy towards players. For one it amused me (though not always) and for two it fit with the "Random FFA" atmosphere that the game is supposed to have. When watching those "How to B betterer GM/Player", I kept noticing how the absolute devotion to the established rules was purported to be paramount, suggesting that doing so would avoid friction and strife. I felt/feel that being more permissive to players - especially players less familiar with the rules and game 'engine' - makes for a more inclusive, less serious, and overall more enjoyable experience, especially given the image-board nature of this interaction. So yes, among the faults I have displayed, allowing players to run more free than the rules allow is one of them.
>>33621You,... you're good you. We haven't had the chance to develop your character mostly cuz timezones and shit. The first week of January I'll be working on an alternate shift schedule, and will be available during hours that more fit your situation. I hope that this will be,... maybe not resolved, but perhaps somewhat repaired by then.
>>33622This gives me mixed feelings. On the one hand I feel the same way (in several contexts), on the other hand I am actually quite pleased to see Tracy Cage - as a player controlled character
and as an OC idea - showing attachment and fondness for others. I mean, from what I've gathered about the OC, Tracy isn't exactly fond of anyone, and is entirely a loner. TO see her saddened by the thought of being alone is bittersweet desu.
>>33623>>33626I think that would be an exercise in futility. If he chooses to return, or keep his distance entirely, that's his choice and I respect it. I truly wish him the best. I hope that the past few months have amped up his creative juices, such that he may reign terror down on illegals and criminals with newfound enthusiasm and innovative ability, and if we never hear from Trump again, please know and understand; he will be missed, and like with Infernius, I'll be sharing anecdotes in the future about "Paladin Trump" and his exploits.
>>33628Thank you. I'll be wracking my brain for several hours, days, and perhaps weeks to try and figure out how to make that happen, consistent (or not-so) with the story.
>>33629Time heals all wounds.
>>33630Cute poners help too.
>>33629Well I'll be out for a while.. I have a whole bunch of things in meatspace to handle...
I'll still check in on whatever you post here, probably..
>>33634I'm still not done text-walling, and I'll be looking forward to your return.
>>33635Still here. Post away.
>>33636The next bit will take me some time, as I'm not finished processing and analyzing, let alone trying to spit it out coherently.
>>33636One of the things I noticed early on when playing on-board is that the separation of players allowed me to identify with characters
more than live/in-person gaming. With the ability to visualize the characters being limited only to input and not interactive human elements, the characters in a way became
more authentic even if that authenticity was largely biased by my own understanding of the archetypes and symbols. Basically, I could identify with the characters more
because I was interpreting them based on my ability to understand the motivations and actions intuitively and not exhaustively declared or discussed. This led me to develop an attachment to each character individually, as well as the group, as each character represents fundamental dispositions in humans generally and individuals specifically. This led me to develop the interest in seeing characters able to express themselves less restrictively and more freely. I haven't checked the logs, but the only times I recall taking offense at player actions is when they infringed on others, in a meta sense. Specific to Tracy, I particularly identify with her character, in that she has alot in common with Thez. I hope your reasons for playing a dark/edgy character are not comparable to my reasons for playing mine, but seeing Tracy open up did give me a sense of satisfaction I hadn't anticipated.
Which of course brings me to the elephant in the room. Thez. This campaign was created and developed for countless reasons, but Thez is a big one. I've previously blog-posted details about her origins (both in-game and not) and I won't belabor the point with more. That she is an individuated aspect of my own psychological expression is unusual in the least; that purposes and benefits of the game have grown and increased is obvious, but so to is the fact that I just wanted a place to let her play, and that she made allies and
friends brought out elements of me which had either atrophied, or had all-but died off entirely. At the beginning, Thez was and had always been aloof, detached, a bit playful but in a dismissive sense, and a shameless rapist. Through interactions with Tracy and Infernius in particular - not dismissing or disregarding Trump or Torcuil - and the story that developed, I found her motivations and interests changing. Tracy was kind of like a sister to her, and Infernius,... well I'm
still getting to that. Beyond my own attachment/appreciation of the characters, Thez did too and moreso, which was
completely unexpected and threw me for a loop on more than one occasion. As a character
and as a dissociated identity she literally shifted alignment, because players and characters became important to her. In many ways, Thez was the embodiment of black-pills, but in all the to-do that has gone on she expressed happiness and joy and excitement for the first time
Yes, there's still more.
Torcuil's presence/participation was very mentoring for her, as he's a character who had experienced significant and damaging trauma, but had led him to a completely contrary disposition. Thez knows that Torcuil's attitude is more conducive for social acceptability and that's part of the reason she was not want to be less contrarian in general form, which was always a self-defense mechanism to avoid being attached and/or involved with others, in game or out.
Trump was very much - not universally but as far as the party dynamic - the villain to her, in that he always seemed to be making demands or generally dictate either to the party or to the NPC society. He was not always this way, but that was the overall impression he made, which touched several nerves for me on several occasions as his behavior and demeanor triggered memories of experiences which led me to develop Thez to the degree that she was Thez. Before many long changes and developments, Thez was Gilana "my Dwelf bitch", and the refinements and gameplay that made her into Thez were a parallel of my personal shifting of subconscious/unconscious motivations and responses (whether recent or distant) into conscious ones (read: long-overdue sorting). As a result of all that, Trump often infuriated her and me, resulting in behaviors which I recognize in hindsight were in error, not that that excuses anything.
At the same time, I identify with Trump in his insistence, resolve, and lack of restraint when asserting himself as either the authority or as an authority participating amongst more-or-less authoritative individuals. He is very much like myself when operating in a professional capacity, and he is also very much like individuals I have both hated and also learned greatly from, even if I curse their names to this day (no, Barry is not one of them).
When I started this game, what I wanted perhaps the most was a second start on this side of the Internet. I wanted to escape my discord username. To me, it represented everything I was and accomplished since I started in late April. And I didn't like it. I didn't like me, who I was, or what I had done in the intervening months. So I was happy to come here starting on a clean slate - except of course that I wanted to draw from my infamy as waifu thief, where I had been happy to play the villain.
But unsurprisingly, a change of nane changed nothing. The person I hated over the summer was not changed with a name change. I fell into all of the same faults, all of the sane errors, and arguably worse habits. I had failed. I have failed.
I love you all though, and I wish it were not as it is. I am sorry, GM. I am sorry Tracy's faggot. I am sorry Infernius's faggot. And I'm sorry even to Torcuil's faggot. I would say more, but I don't think my words have meaning
My gaming experience has been that players can and will always act in an unpredictable manner, necessitating a fluidity and agility in the progression of the gameplay story. That experience did not sufficiently prepare me mentally for the degree that this party has defied expectation. I've spent more hours concocting effective explanations and etymological structures, possible encounters, dialogue, etc. - the bulk of which would never have seen the light of day anyhow - which ended up crumpled up in a metaphorically piling-over trash can than I could ever have imagined. Thats not a criticism, or a lecturing statement, its a credit to the ingenuity, creativity, and authenticity of the players and characters here. I revel (mostly, there have been a few oversized-anime, behind-the-head teardrops) in working to develop the structure so that it makes some sense, while engaging in mental gymnastics to respond to character actions in the moment. To say that this game has helped me to evolve as an individual creatively and meditatively (and psychologically Xp) is the understatement of the year, and that's after/alongside the countless developments I've made in and around Mlpol in general, from Apr 1st onwards. This game has resulted in an observable/tangible shift in disposition and overall demeanor which has been observed and commented on by my friends, associates, and colleagues, and I'll be forever grateful for that even if the game grinds to a halt (which, I hope it doesn't). This game literally makes less desirable aspects of living in this world - with all the red and blackpills I've swallowed over the years - worth it to a degree that leaving it (especially in the midst of an unresolved conflict) often results in a feeling of extreme depression, which I am also able to observe and address all thanks to everyone participating as they have.
Yep, still more to come.
Kidding, I love you to no homo
>>33641And without knowing it, you've hit on another element which I might not have thought to address. I know these text-walls are awfully blog-posty, but I'm not going to assume to speak for anyone else so that's that.
With the advent and development of Mlpol, I've been saying "I love you" to anons who I'll never meet, in the sense of "You guys are great, I like being around and interacting with you in a digital sense". Its been years since the last time I even thought the words, let alone expressed them, outside my individual partnership and that with my cats. With those anons in this thread, I can unreservedly say "I love you", to a degree of sincerity that invokes a sadness that I may never meet you in person. While I know very little about your personal circumstances, I do care about your personal success and think about you - especially
you Trump, who I am overjoyed at the thought of you becoming a successful and effective prosecutor/deportation-advocate - often and fondly as I spend hours each day working my own profession and mentally neglecting it to contemplate the game.
Tl;dr Your words
do have meaning, and seeing you exclude yourself - though I hope doing so is precisely what you need and enables you to succeed better in relation to whatever obligations/aspirations you are tending to - makes me sad. I hope you will come back, but until then, gambatte.
>>33646Don't remind me, I'll get to that bit in a minute after I finish some meat-space stuff and do an in-game explain of how Thez is gonna get the party out of this,... nobully but that's a a particularly lethal set of circumstances that have been engendered.
you want me here?
>>33648I want everyone here...
Alright. To start this off, I'll say I am not sure that Fae would respond to Trump's directives in the manner that she did, but there are several reasons why she would. Beyond that, Fae's onslaught would have been sufficient to take him down, though had I been present Thez would have jumped in on Torcuil's behalf. Its a sticky situation that can't be undone by GM edit so I'll just let it have played out as it did and, though NOT without misgivings, I'll say that Thez was distracted examining the room and looking/thinking of a way out of the situation and couldn't respond quickly enough (both from shock and disbelief). In response to the situation (more to the meta than the actual gameplay desu, she's detachedly watched characters kill eachother before since she knows party-infighting death is far from final in this world) she grabbed what she felt she needed and went about it the only way she knew how: tactically, surgically, head on, and on her own. She knows that undead have particular abilities and skills which can have a lasting effect on a character's death, so to avoid the possibility of any of happening - as this was most assuredly a trap - she also knew it was formulated without appreciating her skills and abilities, especially when she's serious,... which she is deadly so at the moment.
And so, she kicked in the south-west door and wasted no time taking full advantage of some of her abilities/tools which the party has seen and knows, as well as a few others she's been saving "for a rainy day". As the door swung shut behind her, the GM smiles wryly, as she completely failed to notice that the modified Glaive stuck in the rock, and the party could have dug their way out with it.
A while passes, almost entirely soundlessly, except for an occasional and highly muffled 'thud' being detectable from another area.
Snatches up glaive like a greedy Jew.
>>33651Its just the head, Thez took the staff so she could Gandalf-murder
>>33652The edges are the only part she cares about. I was going to have her do it anyway; themood just wasn't right...
>>33653Can has, those blades have been with Thez for fucking ever - including some bad memories - which is part of the reason she tried to give them to Tracy previously
And since I'm being all transparency, those blades were originally one blade, which was broken early on when Thez went to bad places.
>>33641Ah fucking hell, I forgive you.
I love you to, and I guess fighting will be a part of this game. As long as we come come teoa resolution I guess we'll be fine.
No homo but seriously>>33630Plz gib more adorable ass shit
>>33640>people actually like my characterHORRAY I HAVEN'T FAILED
>>33644>and on that day, manly tears where shedY'all are fucking fun ass group. I don't wanna see us get torn apart over some shitty ideas...
MY shitty ideas
>>33654>she wanted to give them away
Oh, I always thought she actually wanted them back..
>>33656>playtime senses tingling
>>33659>Torc's father sense tingles"THEZ, GET ME OO THE FUCKING TOWER!"
>>33646>>33616"the swastika is actually on my chest."
>Chains faggot's soul to /mlpol/ servers
>>33663what can i say these threads in particular are like crack cocaine to me.
>>33662You, I've been hoping you might show, if just for a bit. Don't go anywhere if you don't mind me saying.
>>33661I haven't explained why yet, but yes, the next part involves everyone getting out of Court City and making their way back to the Tower. Thez will have revived Torcuil with the stick, and though there might be a bit of awkward in the air, everyone is free to operate as desired, while Thez pops herself in the microwave.
>>33656Stahp, I am deliberately avoiding favorites by having everyone be a favorite, for different reasons and in different senses, but Torcuil is equally there.
>>33665I mean't I actually didn't fail at character devolpment and I'm not completely failing at the game aspect
>>33664Corection, a crack cocaine addiction is easier to explain to people
>>33666>easier to explainFUKKING KEK THIS
>>33666trips confirm.
>>33667>>33668>Yo bro, why can't you hang put anymoreCause I'm now in the middle of a 3 month long rpg campaign on a website for nazi horsefuckers...
>everyone backs away slowly
>>33669 told an irl friend about the campaign and link him[/p
>>33670You are a braver faggot than me
>>33671>tfw we're still friends and he might even want to join>downside hes kinda a normal fag.
>>33674*tassels mane*
You adorable bastard..!
>>33673>normal fagOh, I'm sure that'll clear up right quick
>>33674For obvious reasons, the whole spiel about Infernius and Thez is one I'm approaching with kid gloves emblazoned with "no homo" all across the surface,... but its there and remains un-explained.
>>33673>tfw my friend is on the "anyone who like mlp is a gay pedophile" bandwagon
>when I told him about the 4cuck april's first joke he thought it was terrible and stupidI need new friends
>>33676hes a huge weeaboo
>>33678Spongebpb is best anime
It touches the most deep and intresting political and social issues
>>33676go full homo.
>>33679i prefer the new season of the duck tales anime.
>>33681accepts hug on one condition:Chill out.
>>33683Nigger I didn't offer to hug you
>>33678No fault there, I was a weeb up until Apr 1st.
>>33679This, Spongebob made me more receptive to MLP (implicitly)
>>33680I'm sorry Dave, I can't do that
old-school referenceThat's something that I'll have to do very carefully to avoid offending my own sensibilities. In time tho. "You big oaf."
>>33685>I'm sorry daveI liked the book, Just couldn't really get into the movie.
Can we get out of this cave?
>I'll say I am not sure that Fae would respond to Trump's directives in the manner that she did, but there are several reasons why she would. Beyond that, Fae's onslaught would have been sufficient to take him down
I want more on this. Like if you could give a psychology of Fae, I'd love that. Also, what exactly are you saying did[ happen? That Fae got off one round or two on Torcuil. Mostly because I want to know if 37 damage is enough.
Tracy has to feed her birds.
I wouldn't mind a Level-up though..
>>33688>what exactly are you saying did[ happenShitposting.
>>33685hurr i geb da reference.
>>33686>jerks off to fat ork sjws
>>33691I deleted it when I realized it wasn't actually funny.
>>33690Mixed nuts:
shitposting is
literally magic
>>33687>>33689Ur out of the cave, back at the tower. I just haven't explained how yet.
>>33688WIll do gimme a sec
>>33693Spoopy magic
>>33689Don't worry, Trollestia has you covered
We'll take a level up once we've actually killed H
>>33694Can you cast Earthquake yet?
I'm eager to just destroy the entire fucking dungeon, and fly out.
>>33697why yes, yes i can.
>>33697Will it bypass the magical barriers?
>>33697I mean, Torc could make a shield, and wouldn't every worker crushed under the rubble count as a party kill? We could such it with Recreational Nukes.
Then, we could just rebuild the Court City from scratch.
>>33699We could still use magic inside of the dungeon. Why not just destroy it all?
>>33701I mean to get out of it
>>33697Then, we could lead and army to finish off the court, and excavate the rubble for loot. We could collect body parts of executives, and torture them for information.
>>33701this is a good idea.
>>33702The barrier shouldn't work if the entire city is kill.
There also has to be a spell Torc can cast to make the Earthquake stronger.
Those are all wonderful ideas, but just like you guys like to murder eachother while I'm away, Thez mobbed through the whole place (getting brutalized in the process, but no worse for wear) and pulled everyone out,... though there were much easier ways of doing so than even she was aware. As she leads the party through a mess of gore and bodies - mostly undead but with several abominations and otherworldly previously-living things - the party is guided to an outside entrance which is likewise lined and covered with bodies.
"Most of the heavy hitters were Vampires (who turn to gas when they're killed to avoid dying) and Liches (who you have to find their phylactery to truly kill). They'll be back, but alot of their proficient and useful troops are kill,... but they'll be back."
It is at this point that the party makes their (assumed desired) way back to Tower.
Tracy, I know what you're thinking, no; everything thats strewn about is mundane. You can assume to acquire as many bits and giblets as you like, but nothing fancy is available.
And since you can't teleport out of the dungeon, H could plausibly be crushed to death.
Magnitude 10 Earthquake when?
>>33707is her womb okay?
*heals just in case.*
>>33707>Torc still has bits of dinosaurI WILL SPARE NO FUCKING EXPENCE
>>33708It's specifically stated H did teleport out through unknown means. And Earthquake spell could cause damage, but it not a real earthquake with the power of a thousand atomic bombs, it's a localized damage structure spell
>>33703No spoilers, but an army may indeed be necessary.
>>33708Yeah about that, teleporting in was impossible because the material the compound is composed of prevents scrying and ethereal (through wall) shenanigens. There was nothing preventing teleporting
out (as H did so right in front of the party) but Thez is dense in several ways and never put 2 and 2 together. Teleporting out was always an option, but no one tried it.
Scrape literally every bit of creature off the ground.
If we can't take/sell them, we'll just kill them again for XP.
Hey, if you take a liche's finger and ressurect it, is the lich destroyed?
>>33715If I had that helm I sure as shit would have
>>33714It should at least be strong enough to take down a building.
Torc looks for Norfilly. (You still here?)
>the you were going to suggest Earthquake last week but you wanted to wait for the right moment
I wanted to destroy everything..
Oh well, did the party drag back anything interesting on this adventure? Aside from the weird red cow?
>>33716Liches evaporate when destroyed
did have that helm. Don't make me look up the helm of flash-step, I am certain it was listed.
>>33723A better understanding of an opponent faction, which consists primarily of elite level undead which maintain their own means of self-preservation, and are organized and otherwise difficult to kill.
Shush about swag, you just got an almost complete wish-list handed to you. I don't wanna get too domineering considering the recent, but as the game is concerned, don't get TOO greedy
>>33727What I meant was, if a piece of the Lich is put in the Entertron, does it resurrect the Spellcaster and effectively destroy the lich?
>>33728The spells Ressurection and True Ressurection turn undead back into their oringinal creatures.
How powerful is the Entertron?
>>33711"The baby is fine. I've been reeling since the news, re-analyzing my strategies and methods. I'll not allow blows, strikes, or spells to my mid-section, and I have enough abilities to guarantee that. I almost lost an arm though, and aside from the Entertron, that
doesn't regrow," she says with a handful of salt and a sprinkle of directed sad, cuz she can 'listen in' on meta.
*collects lick knucklebones as she escapes* (if it doesn't kill liche's, they'll make for great fortune-telling hocus-pocus)
>>33730*casts cure serious wounds*
>>33728Its never been tried, so I really don't know. Initial reaction is no, it would destroy the form of the lich but leave the phylactery intact.
>>33729Resurrection made easy
>>33731I told you, liches evaporate when killed, there are no lich remains. What you're collecting is dead zombies and death knights
"Don't forget, there were Devourers, Allyps, Wights, and Wraiths in there too."
What she said.
>>33733Knucklebones of Death Knights it is then. They'll make for nice trinkets.
*stubbornly loots all of their worthless swag too*
I wanted to fight those.
GM I have to be serious for second. For what purpose did you introduce Trollestia? Cause I remember she was introduce after I asked for a unicorn mount for Torc.
>>33737To stop Tracy from murdering horses.
Like legit GM, I am now curious as to what you meant by the comments about what FAE would and would not be motivated to do
>>33737Yes that. Originally she was introduced to troll you with. Since you requested a unicorn but assumed that it would be both conventional and iconic (alluding to the stereotypical fantasy unicorn) I decided at the time (which was a while ago and I may have jumped the gun on) to make the unicorn in question a shit-posty troll. She does favor Torcuil, but she has a trollish nature that I have a hard time wanting to diminish because
I have a trollish nature.
>>33738Also this, she had just been on a murderous rampage and I didn't want to have to keep introducing hoers to make things work.
I won't claim most of it has been for the best, but much of it has been improv and stimulus response.
>>33739>Being this metaAsk her yourself. Start a dialogue.
>>33741Nigger he suggested it. Also can't dialogue where I am now
>>33740I think that character is under utilized because both Torcuil and I are afraid of her
>>33740"The weeb colt pulled his knife first, and that fat Clydesdale had it coming!"
>>33740>favorWhat does this mean?
I love the shitposting, I just didn't know.
autism.bagpipes>>33743I wouldn't say Torc is "afraid" in a normal sense...
He just doesn't feel confortable around her
>>33744I hate to agree with the Tracy character on anything, but this.
>>33743I had originally planned to kill her, but it's been so long that Tracy no-longer hates her.
>>33747Well, she still hates her, but not in an imminently-murderous way anymore.
>>33739Dragonne are listed as "usually neutral", but I introduce Fae as a sort of 'guardian' type entity, operating amongst a group of varying-species cats who oversee the various planes. As such I have her as Lawful Neutral, which is kind of borderline with regard to inter-party conflict. SInce Torcuil shot Trump, she would probably have obliged to attack him, but I've neglected fleshing out her personality since she isn't often in play. It could go both ways to be honest (and I did go with the "she obeyed and Torcuil got shredded" timeline).
>>33744Says the mare threatening another mare cuz she was rode home, without any choice or volition in the matter. Tracy wasn't being friendly, and Ponimaru is a bit of a white-knight.
>>33745This is one of the elements that were not planned out, but which seemed like a good idea in the moment. I don't claim they were/are a good idea, she's just one of the elements that hasn't been killed yet.
>>33745"me have healing grass that make you more talkative and calms down, me usually only hand out for medical purposes but that sounds like a serous problem. a man(otuar) should be comfortable around his waifu."
*feeds birdies*
"Did you miss me, my angels?"
I had two ebin names for the birds, but I lost the sheet I wrote them on...
>>33749>>33750*pinches thez's ass*
>>33749>Quest unlocked: date the unicorn<>>33750"Infernius my bro, I don't know what I'd do without you. Thanks."
>>33753"just be sure to give some to her too. ;)"
>>33750That should be like real life and cause an int penalty
>>33755The Entertron heals all status conditions to my knowledge, including ability drain.
>>33756So? Should still cause a drain
>>33754"Why are you winking? What arent you telling me?"
>>33755Talking to anyone irl gives me a int penalty, I don't need that in game too
>>33757Idk. Don't most potions with that kind of drastic effect also have a saving throw though?
Anyway, if it does, they can always get healed.
>>33758"usually it increases sex drive. :)"
>>33760Barly audible "oh"
>>33762Actually, that's not accurate. Torc is a chad.
>>33761"then don't give her any if you don't want to get dick sucked."
>>33763>went too play 37 year old cave NEET virgin>end up playing a chadFuck, if only that could happen irl
>>33765Learn magick. Bitches love magick.
[1d20 = 11]>>33752"What,... don't,... oooooh." gives dead-arm punch.
>>33762>mfw there's an aspergers mod for DND
>>33765I don't think this Game went as anyone planned it to.
>>33764Torc gains a expresion of happy remembernce, then shakes his head.
"No not again...
At least not yet..."
>>33767Is this your card?
>pulls out v-card
>>33770She warned him alcohol was degenerate...
>>33768Ikr. You'd think it'd go without saying...
>>33771Hey, Troll drank it not him
>>33770"me know a field where this stuff grows like "weeds"
>>33768"dont act like you don't love it. haha"
>>33769Yep. Like how the fuck am I Tracy's baby daddy? I still need to get out of that engagement as well
>>33774"I'm not gonna fucking smoke the devil's lettuce ye cunt."
>>33775Just marry the hoers
>>33775>Implying you can escape
>>33777Trips confirm
Torc will start decorating the venue
>>33776">implying our lord Hitler didn't make this."
>>33778How long does it normally take to plan a wedding?
>>33779Don't put words on Hitler's mouth, Anon...
>>33780Considering I've never had to?
Give me and Torc a week
>>33769Like anyone planned all this. I had my hand all up in it, but no, this is beyond planning.
>>33775That will take some very careful maneuvering at this point, but who knows what will happen next? I have found that the game goes smoother when I prepare for all the potential (to my ability) options and respond to the players.
>>33774>blushing glare
>>33775>>33777"me now pronounce you man and horsefu."
>>33779"I bet you fucking vape"
>>33784>amazing grace plays on bagpipes
>>33784NO! NO! I do not take her to be my horsefu
>>33785>amazing grace"Oooh! I know this one!" Thez joins in with throat-singing
not lewd
>>33786You've already knocked her up, and she's past her first trimester.
You're a man: make it work. It won't be that bad.
>>33786"you need take responsibly and marry horse she pregnant with Aryan baby."
>>33787>bagpipes intensify
>>33790>AryanYeah, sure..
>Wonders what inter-species demigod child will even look like
>>33790She's evil and crazy!
>>33793"Crazy about [i]~you."
Thez, uncharacteristically stops.
>>33793"Wait a second guys. We've just stopped beating one another, maybe pushing a marriage is,... premature? I mean,... it doesn't have to be so rushed,.....
>>33794I have something in mind
>>33797[Sad pony noises]
*Rubs tummy*
>>33797I prefer human that can wild shape into an Equestrian pony
>>33797Minotaur horse?
"Fine, but I'm fucking planning it...
Tracy, what colors do you want? I need to know for the fireworks"
>>33798>>33795Damn it, don't make her act cute like that! You wear down my resistance! Reeeeee!
>>33800I meant wrt Tracy/Trump, but I dont wanna say yet cuz lulz and potential spite-bans.
>>33797>>33799I want it to be a Demigod/Abomination Rank-0+ deity, with the power to warp reality, because reasons.
>>33803I know who you meant
>inb4 someon tries to push a marriage on Torc
>>33801[Evil laughing nerd nouses]
>>33804That reason is you are evil
>>33805i will when you get the message you've knocked up one of the entities you fucked.
I'm terrible...
>>33804i would also like a +0 rank in demigod.
>>33808>Inb4, he knocks them all up, causing drama so potent it threatens to destroy the multiverse
>>33804Technically, what I have in mind fits the bill,....
>>33805If you do, I give you props
>>33802"I love the idea of a marriage, but maybe let them do so in their own time and by their own will. It shouldn't be forced, it should be organic and deliberate. Besides,... no one was there for,... our,... agreement."
>>33808Fucking hell, if Torc has to marry Death becaus he knocked her up I'm going to die
We Wild Hunt nao.
>>33813>I'm going to dieA lot more than that, m8. He'll go where no wizard has ever gone before.
>>33812*gets down on one knee*
"thez will you make me the happiest manotuar in world by marrying me?"
>>33812Y-you said Tracy and Trump...
Torc sheepishly raises his hand
"I w-was at the agreement"
>>33815Well I mean, he already did that when he fucked death...
Torcuil is the ultimate case of "I should have stopped long ago. But too late for that lets see where the fuck I end up!"
>>33816"You already married her"
>>33816I thought they were already married? What about that ritualistic blood-orgy in Durpistan?
>>33816>Bull is so stupid he tried to marry his Waifu twice
>>33819That's actually adorable
Also, the first marriage doesn't count because there was no legal contract or church ceremony
>>33820Thez said in Hell the massacre counts as the ceremony.
Thez is a dyed-in-the-wool Hellion.
So does the party now consist at core of two never married individuals, a married couple, and a widower? Or do we need something more formal for Thez and Infernius?
>>33821This ain't Hell. This is Port Barry
>>33822>formalThe continent is vaguely ancap. Tradition is the stand-in for lawfulness, from what I've gathered.
>>33825Well wrong Tradition!
>>33823Well, it happened in Durpistan.
And The takes He'll with her wherever she goes..
>You can take the fiend out of Hell, but you can't take Hell out of the fiend
>>33815Didn't he already?
>>33816Pouty-sad-hppy face "You mean, for real? I mean, the last was for real, but like, with more than one witness, and in an actual ceremony that isn't a blood-bath? Where you know going into it what is in store,... I did kinda push you into it after all,,,."
>>33817That was an agreement, a verbal contract if you will, but that wasn't a wedding.
>>33826Wood-elf, Duergar and Minotaur weddings aren't nearly as interesting; they're just more complicated.
>>33829>Torc now has two weddings to planThe joys of being the single one
I have a feeling Thez/Infernius's will be smaller, and more secluded
Tracy/Trump's will be a larger "invite the whole port" type
>>33832Sounds about right to me.
>>33829>>33833"and you didn't push me into it baby."
>>33833>Not 120%Give it your all, Infernius.
>>33832Trumpaladin thinks the only way to get married is to have the whole city come to a ceremony at the stadium, married at the 50 yard line with FAE as priest
Except for a marriage with Tracy. If literally no one saw that, that would be fine
>>33834Works for me
>prepares Gandalf fireworks>>33836>not 1488%Do you even white pride??
>>33837>accept for a marriage with TracyYOU ACCEPT?
That makes everything easier
>>33831*Hugs back affectionately*
"~Flaaashy..! I want to get married right away.."
*Pouty-happy face*
>>33837oh fae huh?
*sad minotuar noises*
>>33837>Accept[Blissful pony noises]
>>33838>>33841NO. NO. NO. Except! Not Accept! Fuck you IPhone!
A deafening <CRACK> is heard and felt throughout all players and characters, disorienting everyone involved, and causing sight to dim and fade.
As each slowly regain their senses, they find themselves standing solidly, on a backdrop of a cosmic star-field. There are no physical objects or architecture, nothing at all really, except the vast expanse of space surrounding,... except for a smug-faced coyote in a sharp suit, sipping from a porcelain mug.
"Are you here at last? Tired of making me wait?" he says.
>>33842>Even Apple is trying to get Trumpaladin to marry Tracy>Using (((Apple)))
>>33843Is that Johny Cash from that Simpson's episode?
>>33844My parents by the phones. Fuck off
>>33843"Who the fuck are you?!"
>>33843Is the mug giant with 'reese' on it?
"May I ask who you are sir?"
>>33846RIP in peace
>>33843"what the fuck are you?"
>>33847"TRACY! Be nice to Johnny Cash!"
>>33848>Reese mugKurrent event kek
>>33850"Who the fuck is Johnny Cash? And what is this place?"
>>33843"I never thought I'd see you again"
>>33852"You're going to have to listen to my play list on the way back. Now hush. Thez knows where are"
>>33850>>33853"who is jonny cash?"
>>33853*Protectively glues self to leg*
He lounges on a chair, and with a wave of his hand, a table coalesces with cups for everyone. "Do sit, or stand as you prefer. There's sugar and cream if thats how you take it."
>>33845Not to my knowledge, but there's been so many indeliberate parallel references that it wouldn't surprise me at this point.
>>33847"Who indeed? Would you believe me if I told you? Who likewise are you, and who stands behind you?"
>>33848"Sir? Are you sure? Is that an attempt to quantify and define what you see?"
(no, its not a giant reese mug)
>>33849"How to answer? Can such a question be answered? While it seems specific, isn't it as vague and open-ended as any question? Don't questions leave themselves open to the interpretation of the person being asked, without really specifying anything?
>>33853"Again? Have we met before?"
>>33854"I... I don't. This is,... I mean I've seen illusions like this before, but I'm unfamiliar with,..."
"Are you?" the coyote asks with a smirk.
>>33858"And what
is a god? Is it a being? An awareness? An entity that is finite or determinate? Is it a will? A presence? A specific thing?"
>>33857Torc takes a seat.
"Fine, the politness didn't work. What in the everliving fuck are ye m8?"
>>33857*Growls at hearing question answered with more questions*
".... The name's Tracy."
>>33859"Just play it again. One more time. 'The Man Comes Around.' You will know."
>>33857"Maybe not met"
I'm at a damn movie, I'm limited
>>33857"umm thez where are we?"
>>33862remember wat happend last time you were movie posting?
>>33859>Under breath"Sounds tasty.."
>>33860"Again, would you believe me if I answered you truly? Would you comprehend if I laid plain?
>>33862don't worry, its mostly word-games and riddles, but there is a purpose to it, this was an encounter I'd planned for long ago, but it didn't fit with the situation so I put it on the back-burner. With all the recent to-do, it seemed an apt time"OH ho, then experienced perhaps?"
>>33861"You think I don't know who you are? But who is it who controls Tracy, who depicts and determines
her actions?"
>>33863"I,... this,... I don't,... except maybe in a dream,"
"Is not all of existence a dream?"
He(?) seems on the verge of laughter at this point.
>>33868She said it in hoers language.
>>33869*charges this faggot*
>>33870Don't care. He understood it through empathic whatever/sense motive
"Fuck off"
>>33865>>33867What did I miss?
>>33869"Alright you cheeky cunt, what is your purpose with us?"
>>33869>Pissed off expression"Why don't you just tell us whatever it is you have to say already, and then we can decide if we want to believe you?"
>>33869"Can you play from your guitar?"
>>33874>>33872She wouldn't be able to do it even if she wanted to.
He(?) sips his coffee and waits patiently.
>>33871What manner of charge, like tackle-charge, or rushing to punch/beat charge, what?
>>33875"Perhaps it is because I can't tell you anything. You have to decide to learn it on your
>>33877i was saying he most likely understood, not for you to fuck off just to clarify.
>>33878>[Desire to eat Johnny Cash intensifies][Impatient pony noises]
"Are we supposed to learn something here? Or did you just bring us here to be sarcastic?"
>>33880You have Powerful Charge as a racial ability. Use that.
>>33873Still waiting for both responces
>>33881"Be fucking patient. We literally do have all night. Now clan the fuck down, let him tell us why we are here, and no, you are not eating Johnny Cash. I swear to God Tracy"
>>33876"What makes you ask that?"
>>33873"What makes you think I want anything to do with you? Did I ask you to come here?"
>>33880As Infernius closes and makes contact, the Coyote-fellow dissipates at his touch, as though vaporous and non-solid, only to reform as Infernius passes through.
>>33881"Have you not learned already?"
>>33886"Ring of Fire... Is it asking too much?"
"Are you waiting for trips?"
>>33886"no but we here now. why?"
>>33886Torc begins to visably look pissed
"You may not have asked, but I'm pretty sur you are the one who brought us here"
>*tips imaginary fedora
"I have birds to feed."
>>33887"Can you wait then?" ^_~
>>33889"Are you sure that's the right question?"
>>33890"Are you sure about that?"
>>33892"Sure. Finish off your business with Thez or whoever...
You want a small blue horse?"
>>33892Torc decides to bluff
"Yes, I am quite fucking sure."
>>33895*points at screaming bull*
He(?) dismissively kicks off of his chair and begins pacing about the room, sipping coffee as he does so, all the while affecting a nonchalant expression.
"What is the question of 'why'? Is it a means to understanding, or is it a demand for understanding? Does answering a question of 'why' result in comprehension, if the individual receiving is not in a position to comprehend? Can you not see where you are, if you don't grasp the specifics? Do you need to be told what is occurring before realizing it?"
He(?) grows more serious for a moment.
"Does anyone recall the riddle of the faggot behind the faggot?"
>>33898"I recall hearing about it some few months ago..."
"Coffee, and there's plenty of it! Please help yourselves."
>>33898"no you the faggot"
>>33897"Listen Mr. ManIsAFeatherlessBird, me and my frieds just want a simple explanation for what the hell is going on"
>>33898Torc strokes his beard
"It sounds fairly framilier. Would you mind jogging my memory?"
>>33901"No thank you, I prefer tea."
*sips coffee*
"The question of Why is irrelevant, people!"
i abstain from cofee and i tell thez too as well.
If you think the coffee can harm you, you do not understand the riddle of the Faggot
*sips coffee*
>>33909Its quite a robust blend.
>>33908Thez nods in agreement.
>>33905With a wave of his hand, there's a pot that says "Tea" that materializes on the table.
>>33903"Have you ever wondered who stands behind your consciousness? Who directs your moves? If this were a game, and you were a piece - a part of it - have you ever pondered who stands behind
>>33912that made me kekThere is no-one behind Infernius
>>33913"No? Would you mind being quiet then?"
>>33911"Who directs motives? A few days ago I was looking into mind controlling parasites. I found a species of Protozoa that infects mice, makes them more likely to be eaten by cats, who are the real target host. Thing is, it commonly infects human males, and causes behavioral changes. "Increased Jealousy and suspicion." Fuck me. I have no idea why I do what I do. I don't think there is a larger purpose to it"
>>33911"Thats meta as hell. And thanks for the tea."
Torc drinks some tea noting that it is something almost, but not quite entirely unlike tea.
"Hmmmmmm, intresting question. I can't say I have thought of it before.
I have had someone appear from the clouds and tell me what to do though"
>>33914*Grumbles a bit before curling up on the ground like a dog*
>>33917"She'll listen when he says it but not me. Well fancy that"
[1d20 = 6]>>33914"dumbass fox there no onme behind me."
*attempts to tackle again*
>>33917"Aren't you the one who always balks when directed?"
>>33916"Are characters unaware of meta? Hasn't GM overlapped the two on occasion?"
>>33918"Have you tried asking?"
Thez says generally "Its only answered a few questions that were not questions themselves," then directly, "Assuming we can comprehend what you are, what this is, and what is going on, please tell us who you are."
He smiles as Infernius tackles through him, barely maintaining his balance since there's no apparent floor.
[1d20 = 8]>>33923Bitch smack pony
>>33922GM a couple weeks ago: meta gaming is bad
GM now: why aren't you meta gaming?
[1d20 = 15]>>33924Bitch slap Trump for trying to bitch slap tracy
"He pisses me off!"
>>33925"Oh hush. The riddle of the faggot was introduced months ago. Like almost as soon as we got here"
>>33923"And if I said 'no'?"
>>33925"And didn't that player's directions almost lead the lot of you to ruin?"
>>33927"Why does he anger you, Tracy? We encounter dirties pretty regularly now. This is a friend of Thez, now hush, calm down, and drink some non-caffeinated coffee while we wait for him to tell us what he summoned us to tell us"
>>33929"PanzerKampfwagen! schadenfreude! (more unintelligible German)
>>33930He(?) sighs and drains his cup, before placing it upside down on the table and resuming his seat.
"I reiterate, if I told you who I was, what all of this is, what the point of it was,... would you believe me and comprehend? Would you take it in stride and maneuver on as you have had? Would that not defeat the point?" He pauses for a moment. "How DO I convey the point, if there isn't already a commonality which we all share, and can identify with?"
>>33929"Alright, this is too much even for me"
>>33933"Did you make the game?"
>>33931"Because he's smug, and sarcastic, and condescending and I wanna' go feed my birds!" She says, with a childish impatience
>>33931Thez looks astonished, "Don't look at me, this is beyond my experience!"
>>33934"What... then... do... you...
[4d20 = 39]>>33931>>33936BELLY RUBS ON PONY! FULL ROUND OF BELLY RUBS!
>>33938*tackles again*
>>33939critical belly rubs!
>>33939Kek, 20, critical hit belly-rubs
>>33939*Rolls over and twitches erratically, completely defeated (for the moment)*
>>33940Infernius passes harmlessly through again, though succeeds in upsetting the Coyote's chair. He rematerializes as though still sitting on a chair. "Intent on ruining my composure are you?"
[4d20 = 52]>>33933"wanna help us kill off all the vampires on our local continent?"
>>33937Torc's faggot wants some sleep
I guess to be accepted if we're being honest here"
>>33943*Attempts to pick up chair and hit him with it*
>>33937"I want to get married and raise a happy family with my husband."
*Giggles at belly-rubs*
Thez, silent throughout (mostly) whispers, "I just want to be happy. I just want to keep going, with all of them. I know it can't, that eventually it will end, that nothing is permanent or completely sustainable. But,... I don't,... these are,... my,..."
>>33945>>33946Continues to pass harmlessly through, he(?) pays no mind.
"And the others?" he(?) asks
>>33947He(?) also notes. He(?) waits on Trump and Infernius.
>>33948Torc begins to reflect on himslef, and what he does want as his faggot goes to sleep cause its 1am.
>>33948"To have a family that wants me around,why do you care?'
>>33950Goodnight, and sleep well. We can't shake hands, or high-five, or any other such, but as much as I am able, I accept you, appreciate you, and look forward to hearing from you again, no matter what you have to say.
>>33952"Even if that means enduring a ban over a disagreement?"
>>33953>tears wellAww fuck, I'm honestly unironically touched.
Same to you too, and everyone else in this crzay ass game
[4d20 = 48]>>33949"To build something grand and beautiful, to watch over it and claim it as my own. And to not be hated in the process"
>>33956"And if I told you that I wanted the same thing for you? For you all? If I told you that I am the faggot behind the GM, would you understand what that means? If I told you that this game is more than a game between faggots over the internet, that it spans multiple dimensions and metaphysical constants, merging ancient technology with modern, to enable faggots just like your players and yourselves, would that make any sense? If I told you that the dice programs that you utilize were based on the aggregate will of infinite entities beyond human awareness and comprehension of the players and characters, that the results are determined by 'vote' per say, of what the audience at large wants to see, would
that make sense?"
"If I outright said "This simple game is a means to everything you wish to achieve, if you just set your mind to it", and through sorting yourself in the game you can sort, not only your individual existences to a degree that is beyond prediction, but likewise that of those you encounter, interact with, and affect on a basic and,... dare I say,... spiritual level, would you think my words silly or misinformed?"
He(?) refills his cup, and lifts it again to his lips, taking a deep inhale of the aroma wafting off of it.
"If I suggested that my player, whom you all have come to regard as the GM, has been operating per my dictates ever since this all came to be, utilizing magic and science in a capacity that is only vaguely becoming appreciated, to the direct intent and purpose of metaphysically sending shockwaves throughout the known world of humans, to change the dynamic and scope from one that acts as a prison of the mind and body to one where all individuals are free to responsibly and consciously pursue their goals and aspirations without harming one another,... would that make any sense?"
>>33960>>33959"what me don't understand."
>>33961"You are not the resident meme-magician, but tell me - use your faggot's knowledge if you like - what
is meme magic?"
>>33962"the foucus of many anons channeling there pshyches together to obtain a specific outcome."
>>33963"Precisely this. This outcome is dependent on context and circumstance, relating to a vast framework of otherwise mundane details in an otherwise apparently mundane world, coalescing in an overlapping dynamic of individual experience to achieve that outcome. It is an infinite game directed toward a particular purpose, do we agree on that?"
>>33966"Just remember I got a 20 on pinning Tracy, and a 20 on a >rape roll"
>>33966*sleeps irl and in game*
*infernuis falls to the floor(?) asleep*
>>33964"it would seem that way."
*sleep talks*
>>33967He places his cup back on the table, vapor wafting lazily from it as he does so.
"Consider this. If I were to suggest that each of you represents a framework of allies, largely unknown and unseen, who despite not knowing one another were seeking the same ends - if the details might diverge from one another, as you as characters have slightly different aims - but were all working together toward a unifying purpose that had ramifications that extend well beyond your scope but achieve the same ends for all more or less involved; if I told you that working together toward the betterment of the game, that resolving what differences you may have personally and coming together as a group might be the catalyst that imperceivably and metaphysically caused the coming together, the responsible and appropriate merging of intent and design throughout and beond your individual scope, what might you say?"
>>33964"I don't know if I believe in purpose. An individual may have purpose. But beyond that, I am not so sure"
>>33972"Did you not just say you wanted to build something grand and beautiful? I'll tell you now that it is perfectly within your capabilities to do so, and that doing so has more beneficial consequences than you could realize, except that you might have to compromise in order to see it through, would your answer be the same?"
>>33971"I'd say that I've see this before. You dream big, and you get really lucky and make a hell of a lot of progress, and then it all falls through, and you don't really know why it died but just feels all disproportionate. I've seen it, lived it, from presidential elections and "populist waves," to internships and job interviews, to alt-chan imageboards.
I'll go ahead and tell you where the weak link is. It's that "working together" part. Good luck."
>>33973"What's the compromise? The answer to that question changes everything"
Thez speaks up, "This isn't real. None of this is real, is it?"
He(?) replies "Is it or isn't it? What is real? Is this experience any less real than the one of the faggot who sits at their computer, at their mobile device, or indeed the player who sleeps and dreams, yet maintains a memory of this dream and that?"
>>33974>>33975"Indeed, compromise is a bitch. In some cases compromise means aspiring to less or different than you initially intended, in other cases it means accepting what is rather than what was aimed at. Is it not still worth achieving, if it perhaps is 'less' than one sought?"
He stands abruptly. "I can see I have outstayed my welcome, please accept my apologies with my assurances that there are profoundly scient entities who have taken an interest in what transpires, both in favor and against. I hope you'll see fit to resolve your differences in the most, and allow leeway for one another in the least."
>>33976"'Is it still worth achieving' is a question that necessarily depends upon the facts of the case. You're asking me to do a cost benefit analysis on a hypothetical that has no facts to it. Well I'll give you an answer that's as abstract as your question. If what stands to be gained out weights the costs, including opportunity costs, then it is worth it. If it does not, then no compromise is better"
>>33977"What? No need to go so soon"
>>33978"Well stated, but know that for all one's intents and purposes, in chess the opponent always gets a counter-move, hence the compromise of outcome."
>>33977"Before you go, may I ask who you are?"
>>33981"But I told you, I am the faggot who stands behind the GM."
>>33980"Don't you worry. I've played chess before. I am well aware of countermoves. The fact remains that there are some things to be given up lightly, some to hold off on trading until a better offer is made, and some to cling to come what may. Always be mindful of the power play. And increase your leverage where you can"
>>33982>is a coyote"I should have known you were a coyote!"
>>33984"I'm not always a coyote, but amongst earth-based archetypes and cosmologies, that of the native american is one of my favorites," he says with a wink. "Any other questions?"
>>33985"Yes. Can you sing 'I Walk the Line'?"
>>33986"Please forgive me if I mistake a few of the words," he says with a smile.
He begins to sing, as he wanders off, in a direction that seems to defy spacial physics, his voice echoing as he goes.
The party however, is still seated in some strange space-universe-domain that doesn't have any apparent limit or room, or architecture.
Good night!
I'm kidding, with a similar <CRACK> everyone arrives back in the Tower, in the stable of all places
Troll> "Banana?"
See the Simpsons clip where basically the same thing happens
>>33988"You know Trollestia, I actually have a 'banana' I've been meaning to give you"
>>33989Classic episode, but totally different messages. I get the Johnny Cash reference now tho.
Is trollestia willing to receive as well as give?
>>33992T> "That depends, are you willing to love on them giant baby chicks over there, even if you don't get the point of them, just cuz Tracy likes them?"
>>33993"Um... Okay... I still want one to become basically Sam Eagle though"
>>33994"Its not an unreasonable request," she smiles, flipping her tail.
>>33995Huzzah! She let me smash?
[1d20 = 18]>>33996>as if a mare flipping her tail up were somehow ambiguousGrab her by the pussy
>>33996Thez yawns and starts draggin Infernius from the room. "What did I say about asking permission?" As she fully exits the room she calls from beyond, "You can have the girdle back in the morning,... I'll wash it before giving it back, don't worry."
>>33997"That's the spirit!"
>>33999>>34000Kek! Hell yes. Who ended up on top?
>cums inside horse\r
Trumpaladin rides out from the stables and away from the tower. He goes on the back of the beautiful, if never tamed Celestial Charger, if she'll take him. He goes on Fae if not, whom he meets regardless at the city gate
>>34001>who's on topUhm, not sure it works that way with a hooman
>>34002Troll prefers the stables, Fae would be best
>>34003He stayed behind her then.
*Happy Paladin Noises*
After finishing in Trollestia, he is filled with a new happiness, smiles and says to her
"I appreciate your friendliness. I am expecting to be married soon, and so I don't expect to be able to waifu thieve for much longer. If Torcuil claims what happened was against an agreement, tell him he shot me, and that stunt he pulled let H get away, so he can consider us even. And Tracy... You should talk to her. I never understood why she's so cold to you. But if she saw how much you help with the birds, and how you really care for them, she really ought to be nicer. You really do have a way with animals. I wonder if she was jealous of you at first. Poor girl. Maybe all she wanted was to be ridden"
Smiles again at Trollestia and leaves after she has a chance to make a response
Calls Fae. To Fae:
"Well, you saw what I did in the court city. The architecture is unimpressive, we'll have to rebuild from the ground up. Now we need to prepare our army. Let's go"
Rides Fae to the monestary
>>34001>Log on>first thing I see>>34005Killed a part of Torcuil's soul
>>34004*considers brutally raping Slovenia*
>>34005I mean, wtf? She's going to return to the stables to feed her birds momentarily and wonder 'why do you smell like my husbands semen?'
>>33993>>33995Goddammit, Troll..!
>>34013"me just trying to help you feel better something similar happend between him and thez so me know what you going through."
>>34014"Wait.. WHAT HAPPENED?!"
>>34015"stuff that made me want to kill myself from the pain of it."
>>34016"....................................... Oh.........!"
>>34017*tears up*
"y-yea but m-me have gotten over i-it."
>>34018"......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... hmmm..........."
>>34019"the emotions you feel now will lessen over time little pony, but not even i can fix a broken heart."
>>34020"................................................... I'm fine....!"
It's a good thing I don't want Torc to have a waifu....
>>34019"You like revenge?"
>>34021"me know that a lie tracy, let out your feelings it not good to keep them inside. me wont judge you."
>>34023"............ No, really, I'm fine......"
>>34024"Knew that would get you intrested. Well we have multiple options,
Including polymorph so do you have anything that intrests you?"
>>34026"You might try something less direct-affect, Paladins have magic resistance," Thez says, sitting upside-down on the ceiling.