Welcome back to thread number like 5 or 6 of Occupied Equestria, a My Little Pony RP based heavily upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and using the mechanics of D&D 3.5, and set in South-East Equestria after it has been conquered and split between the Changelings and a foreign fascist power
Onyx is cleaning glasses, Spark has secured a contract to clear a quarry of Zombies for a real estate developer, Silver is eating meat, Ash and Iron are trying to raid what they believe to be a gangster's den, and Dark Star is holding hooves.
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>>76730"It works"
Onyx mounts it on his saddlebags somehow
"What's that smell though?"
>>76731"That, my friend, is smell of death and decay. Lots of it." Silver uses his magic to pinch his nose off, to cut some of the smell off.
>>76730>>76732"ugh i hate this Bucking smell."
>>76734"It is common with necromancers and Liches. You either get used to it, or you lose it."
>>76732"Can you do that to my nose too?"
>>76736He does so, cutting off Onyx's sense of smell. "Just let me know when to let go, okay?"
>>76734Dark Star puts his cowpony hat over his face
>>76740He nods. "Let us push onwards. With smell getting worse, I would bet we are coming up on heart of this necromancer's den."
I would like to remind those in the cavern that they are in a pitch black environment with neither natural nor artificial light
>>76733The colt follows, and only makes remarks that Abby Willows knows what she is doing
The fillie slowly starts to comply
>>76742Dark Star turns on his flashlight
>>76743They do, but specifying what they are looking at or making door checks is pretty much the only way you will know what you are facing before an initiative roll
>>76744On the ground near spent cartidge cases is -of all things - a flashlight. Across from Dark Star 15 feet is a set of rectanglar slabs on the wall, many broken.
To his left is the end of the hall. It looks like he is at the entrance of a hall with other rooms
>>76745>>76740Dark Star picks it up and hoofs it to iron
"Here. you dont have a light source do you?"
>>76745"Hmm...that is odd..." Silver goes to the slabs, using his horn's light to inspect them.
Onyx sees if I can replace his halberd with the flashlight on his saddlebags.
>>76747They look like burial crypts
>>76750The flashlight has no batteries
>>76751Onyx stares at the flashlight
>>76742>Abby WillowsWas that the name of one of the foals?
"Well, as an experienced summoner, I can assure you that conjuring an evil creature always quantifies as committing an evil act. I don't know what you're intentions were, but by the looks of it you all seem wholly misguided in your efforts." Sister Ash chides
Caleb gradually leads the filly back to the orphanage
>>76753"I think I could make that flashlight glow for you, or something else as well with one of my spells."
>>76751He carefully checks to see if they're empty.
>>76752"Looks like ancient earth pony burial site. These must have housed old earth pony warriors, before Baltimare was founded."
>>76753He can see that whoever used it last left it in the “on” position, causing the battery to run dead
>>76754“The princess can’t protect us, so we shall find some pony who will”
>>76756They are
not >>76755Onyx sticks out his halberd towards the unicorn
"Thank you"
[1d20+3 = 5]>>76758I cast Light on the halberd
>>76757This surprises Silver. "They are not empty...?" He takes a peak to see who is inside.
>>76762Sometimes I really don't get how this game works.
>>76757Sister Ash is visibly annoyed by the child's arrogance
"And yet here you were sommoning fiends in the middle of the night. Just what were you thinking to do?" She says, as she picks up the colt and places him on her back, having lost patience and simply plunging through the thicket with her ability
She makes a bee line towards the orphanage.
[1d20 = 7][1d20 = 7][1d20-1 = -13]Roll for initiative
>>76760It appears they come to Silver. A set of bones comes out in a magical haze of blue light, reassembling itself as a horse skelecton with a tribal necklace on it
From the darkness, this skeleton is joined by two more from the right. One is a normal looking pony skelecton, while the other has the remains of a zebra styled mane
The order is:
Dark Star
Shimmer Spark
Native Zombie
Zebra Zombie
Pony Zombie
[1d20+5 = 9]>>76775Dark Star shoots at the closest one to Silver.