Welcome back to thread number like 5 or 6 of Occupied Equestria, a My Little Pony RP based heavily upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and using the mechanics of D&D 3.5, and set in South-East Equestria after it has been conquered and split between the Changelings and a foreign fascist power
Onyx is cleaning glasses, Spark has secured a contract to clear a quarry of Zombies for a real estate developer, Silver is eating meat, Ash and Iron are trying to raid what they believe to be a gangster's den, and Dark Star is holding hooves.
2077 replies and 47 files omitted.
>>76376Dark Star looks into the from the outside.
>>76379>>76377Dark Star turns his flash light on
>>76377The basement is... almost entirely clear. There are stone walls, and a roof held up by the few remaining timbers. It is fairly large, many feet across and wide. Much dirt and dead plant matter populates the floor, while walls have cobwebs. At the far end is... what looks like the entrance to a deeper cellar.
>>76378She’s going faster than the running foal, but he had a head start. He goes to a clearing where there seems to be a fire set up
>>76383Dark Star heads over to the Bigger Cellars door
>>76383>>76384Silver follows close behind, getting his hammer ready in case they get attacked.
>>76383".. Wait, what..?"
She sheaves her light stone and moves closer slowly
>>76385"get ready im gonna open the door. Attack anything that comes out."
>>76388He nods, preparing to do exactly as he said.
>>76384This leads down into another cellar. The new cellar is made of rounder stones, largely red, white, and brown, and smaller than the last. It looks like it would have been a decent enough wine or root cellar at one time. The floor is white, there what seems to be a slab in the center.
>>76386There seems to be a set fire, sort of like a camp fire. Behind the fire are three foals. The one in the center has a black hood on and is holding a rabbit that seems to have a hurt left paw. The foal Ash has been chasing can be seen better by the fire light. He is Ann orange brown earth pony colt Ash has seen before. In his maw is a 9 inch knife. He brings it up to the foal in the hood
[1d20+3 = 4][1d20-1 = -7]>>76390Spot: Silver makes his way slowly into the second cellar, keeping his head on a swivel for anything that looks off.
Listen: Similarly, he keeps his ears out for any unusual sounds.
>>76390"hmmmmm this seems strange."
>>76381"Spark come take a look at this!"
>>76391Is that a phantom to his left?
>>76390Sister Ash decides she'll have none of this. It's one thing I'd they want to enjoy pagsnistic rituals, but it's another thing to be up past 8:00.
She boldly trots forward into the camp.
"Just what on Earth are you three doing?"
>>76394He turns quickly to the left, ready for an ambush.
Onyx continues following the gang, but gets his halberd ready to strike.
>>76403Stallion gang, Stallion Gang Stallion Gang, my mare do sugar cane.
>>76398Oh wait. That was just an optical illusion
There is nothing in this room, besides a slab in the center that seems to be cracked open over a hole
>>76400Stallion gang bang?
I would kind of like that image with blue skies on the couch and all of the party stallions behind her>>76396The center fillie holds the rabbit in one hood and the knife in the other hoof,
“Nyeh wha chato’ngwl! Ryeh’thultal gwer’ sulth!”
When Ash speaks, she pushes down her hood, and Ash can see her face. It’s a cream colored Pegasus fillie Ash has seen before. She’s looks at Ash with very serious eyes, and a malign smile
“Hello...Ash? Is that what they call you?”
[Read more] >>76397"go check out that slab."
>>76407".. Yes... I go by that name.."she replies, her narrowed eyes scanning all of the foals up and down.
"Now, what are you all doing up past your bedtimes? Don't you know missing sleep will stunt your growth?"
>>76407Uh, can I roll to wake up, see if I can intervene in this? I still have paranoia about the lack of security and stuff in character, and would want to ensure safety.
>>76410“We’re out here to protect overselves. Would you like to join us in our ritual?” She says with an enthusiasm in her voice and her eyes
The other three foals stand of to the sides
>>76412He can’t see anything
>>76407Silver mutters to himself. "Must be losing my damn mind..."
>>76413Using his magic, he levitates the slab out of the way of the hole.
[1d20-2 = 0]>>76413Onyx spot checks the slab
>>76415You used the blind eye my friend.
I just have the shittiest luck with dice rolls.
>>76422Silver discovers, somewhat to his surprise, that the slab is relatively light. Whenn he moves it, he sees steps leading into a tunnel passage. The steps are stone and normally spaced, and the passage is 4 feet wide and carved into rock with vaulted ceiling
[1d20+3 = 18]>>76424With this luck? Ok...
I cast Detect Magic again.
>>76413I guess you have something planned then? I will wait for the signal
If I can catch it...>>76425Don't worry, my guy, Skies is off the menu for me, since, you know, you 'claimed' herTotally bang her if I was any other character tho