Welcome back to thread number like 5 or 6 of Occupied Equestria, a My Little Pony RP based heavily upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and using the mechanics of D&D 3.5, and set in South-East Equestria after it has been conquered and split between the Changelings and a foreign fascist power
Onyx is cleaning glasses, Spark has secured a contract to clear a quarry of Zombies for a real estate developer, Silver is eating meat, Ash and Iron are trying to raid what they believe to be a gangster's den, and Dark Star is holding hooves.
2077 replies and 46 files omitted.
>>75156"About this job? Spark has already told me some about it."
>>75157>>75158Goodnight! >>75160"no you seemed curious about why i was hiring ponies for the job i did."
>>75161"Oh, that job. Yes, I am curious about it, but I felt it would be rude to ask of you so early."
>>75162"all im allowed to mention is it was at the docks. and stuff kind of got out of hoof if we do a few missions together, i might tell you a some more."
>>75163A number of pieces of the puzzle he's been trying to put together snap in place with the addition of this new information. "...So, your group was at pier when incident last night happened?"
>>75164>>75165"Howd you hear about that?"
>>75166"There was protest about it in front of city hall. Went from there to pier to see what had happened, but police had area guarded."
>>75167"Protests? who was protesting?"
>>75168"Mostly griffons, diamond dogs, and other non-ponies. Some had strange red and black bandanas on. Had signs saying Larry Berry is 'not true socialist', whatever that means."
>>75169"Red and Black? and them saying that the Socialist mayor isnt enough of a socialist,Sounds like Anarcho-communists to me."
>>75157"So What did you do last night?"
>>75171“To be honest, I don’t know. I just remember going to sleep. I guess that wound took it out of me.”
>>75172"yea Speaking of that i need some more armor. mine got turned to cheese."
>>75173“Hmm... well, since the bartender is asleep, we can run by an shop to get some I suppose.”
>>75174"Do you and silver need some? i could get some for you two."
>>75175“I’m sure Silver would appreciate it, but I don’t like armor.”
>>75176"are you sure? you look kinda banged up."
>>75177“That’s because the bartender threw a bag full of bits at me. That pony can’t control his strength. But if you can find something something light and not too expensive, maybe I will take it. Just hate stuff that weighs me down.”
>>75178"I think my tailor could help us with that problem."
>>75179“That’s really nice of you. Thanks.”
I reach behind the bar and pour you a drink.
“Go ahead and have this. It’s on me.”
>>75180"Ah how Gracious, thank you."
>>75180>>75181Dark stat takes the drink and sips it
>>75184Roger that. Iron is on standby escorting children out of the building from where he entered.
>>75188Ah, I'm unfamiliar with the name.
>>75175>>75176Silver looks down at the armor he's already wearing. "...Is there problem with my current armor?"
>>75191“Nothing wrong with it. Doesn’t mean you can’t get more if you want. What do you think?”
>>75183I'm here for now, but I might be busy soon.
>>75191"I hadent noticed it, but if you want some more i know a pony."
>>75192>>75195He inspects his armor some more, at the damage it's taken over the course of its lifetime. "...That is...nice of you to offer, thanks. But, why? I feel as though I have not earned this offer."
>>75196"I try to help out the ponies around here."
>>75196“If you are going to help us fight monsters, then you are going to earn it. Don’t worry.”
>>75184Did the pavement equines have anything to say about Sister Sage?
>>75197>>75198After a couple seconds, he nods at Star and Spark. "If you are offering, and if it is not too much trouble, then I suppose I should at least look. I appreciate it."
>>75087"Oh yes,
her. She left of her own accord"
>>75088He cannot see any traps. A stallion says to him "Are you really intend to take them through the closed off portion? That area has traps."
>>75107>>75119The colt wants more attention
>>75178All physical armor gives a chance that arcane spells cast by the wearer will fail
>>75127>VerminThese magical parasites are more like Vampires than rats, but I'll buy it. There are at least 100 queens of the Western Hives under Chrysalis and 10 under the Eastern Hives. The number has gone down in the past 20 years as queens have been killed in the wars of consolidation, and in the Thoraxian rebellion
[Read more] >>75201Iron is a bit dissapointed that he went the wrong way. He turns to the door that he previously stormed through and returns the way he came, obviously stopping at the crates to pick up some ammo if he can.
>>75202"Do you wish to buy that ammunition? The door is to your left"
>>75204"I will do so. Have a good afternoon"
>>75201Sister Ash seems confused
"When? And to where?"
>>75200>>75198"Follow me, somepony grab oynx."
>>75205Iron shakes his head. He decides not to pick up the ammo then.