Welcome back to thread number like 5 or 6 of Occupied Equestria, a My Little Pony RP based heavily upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and using the mechanics of D&D 3.5, and set in South-East Equestria after it has been conquered and split between the Changelings and a foreign fascist power
Onyx is cleaning glasses, Spark has secured a contract to clear a quarry of Zombies for a real estate developer, Silver is eating meat, Ash and Iron are trying to raid what they believe to be a gangster's den, and Dark Star is holding hooves.
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>>75201>at least 100 queensFug. That's a lot more than I thought.
Didn't think parasites could be so numerous.
>Colt*Cuddles colt*
>>75207Silver does so, putting Onyx on his back. He grunts as slowly trots to Star.. "He is...heavy pony..."
>>75210"Yea hes a pretty big horse."
>>75205Dark Star heads for the bar door
>>75211Silver follows close behind, struggling a little with the heavy weight on his back. "I hope taxi is...close by."
>>75211The sorcerer follows as well.
>>75212"they're usually all over the place."
Dark Star holds the door open for silver an Spark
>>75214Silver nods his head in thanks as he passes.
>>75214>>75212In the distance, someone screams internally as the meat eater takes captive a pony to eat later.
>>75208It is so
>>75206"She was not at all happy with Sister Marery's dealing with us nor selling foals. When she was causing too much of a fuss we took her from the Orphanage with the children. The police were bribed off and she was never going to go to the Blackhooves, so we did not need to kill her. She stayed here for at least a week or so tending after the foals. She left here last week, disgusted. She said something about joining ponies who were 'going to do something' down south."
>>75209A bare minimum of one-half million hissing drones, and likely far more
If you haven't gathered by now, the colt wants more cuddles
>>75211It is so
[Read more] >>75218Of course, Iron waits outside for Ash to come out with all 5 children.
>>75217I head out the door and hold it with magic for Dark Star
>>75220*all 5 children around Iron
>>75218>>75221Dark Star leaves the bar and looks for a taxi
>>75223One is hailed quickly
>>75220The foals are anxious and looking around
>>75219The Stallion gives the foal a strange look and the foal gives a "hiss!" right back. The foal doesn't seem to want to move from Ash's embrace
>>75225Iron is a bit uncomfortable, but feels the need to guarantee their security. "Do not worry, nopony will hurt you when I am around. It is just waiting until the mare comes out to escort you back."
>>75215>>75221>>75225"Here we are colts, get in."
Dark star opens the Taxi Door for them
>>75226One speaks up
"Where are you taking us?"
>>75227And it is so
>>75227Silver sets Onyx in the farthest seat before he gets in himself. "Ugh. I really hope he gets up before we reach destination."
>>75228Iron shrugs. "I only know that the mare in charge will not take you back into those kinds of ponies that captured you. I think she will take you to a religious building, maybe."
>>75230A fillie screams
She runs
Another one runs
Another one looks like he might, and another two just sit
>>75231Iron huffs in annoyance. Iron follows suit as fast as his armor lets him, motioning the children to do so as well, as to not spearate the group too much. "You think that such a mare will hurt you for a god? She is too good to do that! She sacrificed two gold bars for your lives, so be grateful for her!"
>>75220Sorry, I had to step out.
Sister Ash picks up the foal by the scruff and leaves with him without a word.
"Let's take these foals back where they came from..." She says somberly
>>75233"Oh hey, some children ran off after telling them you were taking them to a religious building. Think you can calm them down?"
>>75232"Two gold bars isn't the only thing she would sacrifice!" says the fillie, having run to a wall, and looking for a way out of the room.
Iron's speed is reduced by the weight of the armor
>>75233Two foals have run
>>75234>>75235Sister Ash lets out a tired sigh and walks after the children.
>>75235Iron is a bit irritated. "Why would she do that? She would not hurt a fly even if her life was at stake!"
>>75229>>75221Dark Star help Spark into the taxi then gets in himself
>>75237I mean, she did set a dock worker on fire...>>75239Silver looks around the inside of the taxi. "Hmmm...is nice."
>>75236The fillie seems to have found the busted down door, and is now running for that after having run towards a wall, then around conveyor belt in the room. The colt that ran seems to have cowered up near a wall on the left side
>>75237>Would not hurt a flyI think Marecuse would beg to differ
"Mar will only be satisfied by the blood of innocents!"
>>75241Iron is getting a bit tired of this nonsense. "You need to calm down, we are not going to sacrifice any one of you. It is stupid to kill children anyways!"
>>75240"yea they usually are, unless you get one thats been partyed in."
>>75241"Hey cabby, take us to the quarry that is at [Insert address here]"
>>75241Oi, I only sicked the wolf on her because the bullets wouldn't stop flying otherwise.
Besides, it wasn't the bite alone that killed her.
Also, I can't do sacrificial rituals because of alignment restrictions.I wanted to be exalted anyway. If anything would have a cost, I'd rather pay for it in XP.Sister Ash walks after the foals slowly, the colt wrapped around her leg taking a chunk out of her carrying capacity (I do have a doubled carrying capacity because I'm quadripedal, right?)
"Don't go hurt yourselves now. It's quite a long walk back." She chides patiently
>>75243He tilt his head his head in confusion. "Ponies have parties in here? But it is so small..."
>>75242>>75244The fillie is not persuaded, and has found the abandoned hallway. She is running down it now. The colt that ran is now cowing by a wall. The other three are sitting down
>>75243"Yes, I can take you there"
The cab advances towards a location in North Town
I am kind of wondering how you are fitting 4 ponies in one taxi though
>>75245"Well they dont necessarily party in here but after the party is over they can take one of these and when they're drunk they continue to try and party in these and generally get kicked out."
Dark Star sounds like he is speaking from experience
>>75247We sucked in our guts to make room.>>75248This explanation doesn't serve to do anything but make him more confused.
>>75247onyx can go in the trunk if necessary
>>75247Sister Ash sends her doggo to move after the filly slowly, just to ensure she doesn't get herself hurt or run into danger.
Ash steps towards the cowing colt slowly.
".. Are you hurt?"
[1d20+7 = 17]>>75247Iron has had enough. "If you keep running away, I will show you some discipline when I catch you! Do not force me to do that! I dislike spanking bad fillies!"
If this doesn't work, I'll just jump into some more shotgun traps without any armor >>75252If she beats this, I swear...
>>75249"When ponies get drunk in small areas they tend to break things."
Dark Star sips his whiskey
>>75254This much Silver understands. "Oh."
>>75251>slowlyWhile the fillie may not be nearly as fast as an adult, and she can't fly yet, she clearly has no intention of being a sacrifice to the blood god Mar
Cowing colt: "No..."
>>75250It is so
>>75252This would have worked if she were in the same room as Iron. It scares the piss out of the other foals though. Literally in at least one instance
[1d20 = 20]>>75256Iron huffs in annoyance. "Great, that did not work anyways." He looks at the cowering children. "Take my word for it. Do not run away or will do the same to you." He runs off after her last known position.
>>75257Take that as a luck roll to find and catch that filly for once