Welcome back to thread number like 5 or 6 of Occupied Equestria, a My Little Pony RP based heavily upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and using the mechanics of D&D 3.5, and set in South-East Equestria after it has been conquered and split between the Changelings and a foreign fascist power
Onyx is cleaning glasses, Spark has secured a contract to clear a quarry of Zombies for a real estate developer, Silver is eating meat, Ash and Iron are trying to raid what they believe to be a gangster's den, and Dark Star is holding hooves.
2077 replies and 47 files omitted.
>>74846Wood and steel. And by "steel" I do not mean one of those big freezer doors, just a relatively ordinary door
>>74849Iron is a bit annoyed. "While I can break it down, at least the lock, I may be shot by that kind of trap again. Maybe I can hit it with my back hooves while you hold your shield with telekinesis. You can do that, right?"
[1d20+5 = 25]>>74851"... It doesn't look that tough.."
>>74852"Let me try something." Ash replies
She stands back, using her shield as cover once again, levitating her greatclub, before hammering it into the door.
Roing to sunder
>>74850Dark Stars smile melts off his face
"The Changling that was impersonating marecuse gunned them down before she...it could be stopped."
>>74853>>74855>>74856Iron clearly can see that the door is being damaged by Ash. He prepares his shield, pointing it towards the door, awaiting the incoming trap.
>>74853The door splits right down the middle. No shotgun blast goes off, and there is light on the other side
>>74854Blue Skies interrupts
"'Worker' is the term for a female Changeling"
Sea Breeze continues after that. "It looks like in terms of the objectives, the mission was a complete success. Both advisers have been killed, and 1500 rifles were intercepted and destroyed. We know Prywhen sent the Griffin, and obviously the Changeling adviser is suspected as being fro the Changeling Empire. We are still awaiting data on who sent the guns. We know now that they intend to strike in the south, although it appears that this opperation has delayed that plan significantly. We have not located all of their safehouses in the city.
The decision to send in the troops made by Blue Skies here has had, shall we say, mixed results. It allowed us to not only capture the live prisoners in time, but several that had been shot and... bandaged up? Anyways, they will be interrogated soon enough. Unfortunately the troop presence has caused suspicion among the Leftwing activists of the city, who think that we did it. But we made sure to send in reserves with, shall we say, 'unloyal' griffins, who will report back that the seen they saw included deaths caused in ways the Blackhooves don't do. I mean, two eyes stabbed out? Impalement? We are doing are best to try to avoid tipping off the Communists that we knew about their operation. Right now, we want all eyes on the Waterfront gang and on griffin shipping"
[Read more] [1d20 = 4]>>74858Iron does a spot check for any traps from the door onwards.
[1d20+5 = 20]>>74858Sister Ash dons a slightly smug expression as she watched Hal the door disintegrate from her strike.
She finishes jabbing away what's left of it until the hole is big enough to trot through.
Then doggo peers his head in.
Spot check
>>74860Iron is surprised by these events, but still thinks that he could do it better. "That is some luck there."
>>74860>>74859They are in a new room now. this room has some conveyor belts in it, and seems to have once been a location where cans were packed. The room is large, at least 50ft by 80ft. No pony is immediately visible in the room. The room is illuminated by natural light coming in from over head panels
>>74859The room has a number of objects in it none of which he can identify as traps or not
>>74862Iron awaits for Ash's recon to come back. "I think we may need that trick of light again just in case."
>>74862Ash and her dog slowly enter the room, Ash holding her shild up defensively as soon as she passes the threshold.
>>74861"I don't know what's going on here now, but somepony definitely hide.." she mutters, her tone low
>>74864*Definitely had something to hide
>>74864Iron steps up to be next to Ash, following her sideways. "I have no idea what this is."
>>74866"Neither do I.." she replies
"But I intend to find out."
>>74858"Yea the ponies that accepted the job, were strange to say the least but they all did very well. and sir may i suggest a bonus for Miss Skies here. i would not have been able to complete the mission without her. How would i fit into the current situation,sir? Want do you need me to do?"
>>74864The conveyor belt has an L shape and sort of cuts the room in two, being 25 ft away from the wall closest to Ash, and the right wall. When Ash enters the room, she can see that there is a railing of a second floor above them over the wall where they came from. Against the far wall are a few crates, a few jugs, and cages. This room does not have obvious pony presence, and most of the floor is open, although there are some boxes closer to the center
[1d20+14 = 16]>>74869Ash looks around for any sign of recent activity, her dog sniffing to detect any scents.
Rolling survival
because that's my highest mod
>>74870>>74869Iron inspects the crates, see what's inside and other small details of importance.
>>74871Sister Ash, likewise, appears interested in the cages
>>74868Skies takes the complement, with a "D'aww"
"Well, it looks like you can be promoted to a full officer, if you so desire. We know the location of one safe house, and of some of the communists involved. We will be releasing some of the prisoners soon enough in a controlled manner, hoping they will feed back false information about how much we know, as well as following them. Unfortunately, these have seen you and your team. We will be gathering more information about the whereabouts of the communists, but we don't want to attack again in a similar manner so soon, less we tip off what we know
What sort of deployment would you like?"
>>74871This varies. Some are empty. Some have jugs of who knows what. And some have Ammunition.
>>74870Doggo quickly wiffs up a smell of something dreadful, which hurts his sense of smell
>>74872These vary in size. A large one on the far side of the room could fit a Manticore. Most are smaller. Pony sized, or bunny sized. Black painted metal.
[Read more] [1d20+5 = 12]>>74872>>74871"They wouldn't have booby-trappee this place if there were nothing to hide.. They must have been covering their tracks.."
Rolling Listen to detect any creatures
>>74873Iron shrugs and picks the ammunition up. It may sell for that vendor at Jungle Rush.
>>74874Sounds coming from a different room to the far left
>>74876Anything from oil on the floor to particularly rotten fish
[Omnivorous Horse Noises]
>>74873"They were holding a lot of different kinds of creatures here.. more than just ponies."
>>74877*Ears twitch*
"Something's there." Sister Ash whispers, making her way towards that side of the room, with her shield up.
>>74873"The Nun i Brought on mentioned that the water front gang foal-naps foals,i think i would like to be put on their case."
>>74879Iron stops what he's doing and regroups with Ash. He stores all ammo picked up and stores it in his bit pouch.
>>74882Ash puts her glowstone in her sack to delay it's effect, taking advantage of her dog's ability to maneuver in the natural light with it's vision and smell.
>>74884"Where is the noise coming from?" Iron whispers to Ash.
>>74885"It sounds like it's coming from that room over there. Let's check it out."
>>74886"I do not think we can be stealthy, I say we rush the position." Iron whispers as he slowly moves towards the room Ash pointed. "When you're ready, we run for the noise."
>>74878As Silver continues to violate the natural law with his beef roast, he can hear a couple conversations
"Did you hear about the Skyfall grand fleet?"
"Yes, It's going to affect the shipping routes for sure"
"Bullshit this herring is as good as they serve in in Nouvelle Aquellia"
"It isn't too salty though"
"That son of a mare killed my brother, and the police couldn't even arrest him"
"Well, do you expect them to? They can barely control crime as it is"
>>74881"Foal-napping, at the end of the day, is a criminal matter left to local authorities. That is not within our juridiction. One of those foals, I was told, is being held by a group of communists. We could take that child away. And if messing with the gang is you aim, there may be ways to get involved"
>>74879She can go to her left and eventually get to a door
>>74882If only you were a paladin
[Read more] >>74889She makes her way over to the door quickly, holding her shield up in front of her, knowing that she's won't be able to operate stealthily anyway.
>>74887"Let's go then." She says, rushing for he door
>>74889Well, IDK how to paladin and fighter is a newbie class so I picked that. Next time, maybe.
>>74890Iron rushes along with her.
>>74893>>74890What do you mean by "rushing" for the door?
>>74891"Well, we believe they are facilitating arms trafficking. We may be able to cause a war within their ranks if they believe the robbery was perpetrated by one of their own, or make the Police crack down on them. And of course, you can always try to infiltrate again"
>>74892I linked the wrong post there, that was a mistake
>>74894Running straight towards the door, maybe even crashing through it if you want. Rush=Go quickly and without stealh
>>74895Alright. Iron goes to the door at the end of the room, and does so quickly
>>74896Don't forget Ash does this as well.
>>74895I say just going for it quickly.
I don't intend to crash into anything, yet.
>>74898>>74897They are at the door, and got there quickly
>>74896Ash stands back 10 feet and attempts to open the door with telekinesis.
>>74900The door opens regularly, as it was unlocked