Welcome back to thread number like 5 or 6 of Occupied Equestria, a My Little Pony RP based heavily upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and using the mechanics of D&D 3.5, and set in South-East Equestria after it has been conquered and split between the Changelings and a foreign fascist power
Onyx is cleaning glasses, Spark has secured a contract to clear a quarry of Zombies for a real estate developer, Silver is eating meat, Ash and Iron are trying to raid what they believe to be a gangster's den, and Dark Star is holding hooves.
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>>76413The ex-Witch is not amused.
"Protect yourselves? With a Conjuration?"
She jestures to the rabbit
"You're not even doing it right. That rabbit is injured. And look, you didn't take the time to draw a proper magick circle. Did you only read this in a book on e and think you could try it out yourselves without any risk?"
>>76426"Huh...that was...odd." He readies his hammer. "Okay, I will take point. Everypony, follow me." With that, he makes his way down the tunnel at a cautious pace.
>>76431"It was nothing. Nothing to worry about." He sounds annoyed with himself.
>>76429The fillie laughs
“Hahaha, it is
you who could use an education it seems.”
She holds up the rabbit
“Nyeh! Ryehth ngwl rthel ngow!”
With this last empasioned shout, she spits the rabbit’s throat, and pokes it upon a carefully positioned rock
>>76427Lingering remnants of ancient magic... but no spells on anything within a 60 foot radius
>>76425What if she doesn’t want to be claimed?>>76430A dark tunnel, and it goes on an unknown distance
[Read more] [1d20+6 = 13]>>76433Rolling knowledge (religion) to see if this silly filly is in fact following the proper steps for ritualistic sacrifice.
>>76426>>76426>>76433Dark Star pulls out Ride the lightnimg
>>76433>Rape? >>76433"This is definitely the right place. I am getting signs of ancient magic."
>>76433Sister Ash let's out a disgruntled snort.
"8th graders..."
>>76433"It is times like these where I am thankful for my unicorn magic." He follows the tunnel, still using the light from his horn as a guide.
>>76435She seems to be praying to a different god than any known in Zebrica. She does indeed seem to be following.... something. But it isn’t Zebrican and it isn’t Equestrian
[1d20+9 = 12]>>76439Also, Spellcraft check to see what she's trying to do.
>>76440Dark Star follows with his flash light
>>76438A new wind starts blowing. Cold and from
The east. The chanting grows louder as the other three join in
>>76440Now here’s a question. How far and how bright?
>>76446That sounds like it requires concentration.
Can I attempt to interrupt?
>>76450Dark Star can see forward at least 20 feet, Silver’s horn lights in all directions, but not as far forward
There’s that smell again
[1d20+6 = 11][1d20+6 = 20]>>76449"... Why you little..! Cease this at once!"
Sister Ash attempts a telekinetic Bull Rush on the silly filly who stabbed the rabbit to push her away from the ring (gently), her dog meanwhile attempts to trip up another.
>>76454Those were touch attack, with flanking (no Dex).
>>76452>>76453Silver nods, and keeps his voice low. "We must be coming up on the...'subjects'...the necromancer used. If you do not have strong stomachs, avert your eyes now. This will not be pretty."
>>76397>>76456>>76421Dark Star pulls out his other pistol
"Im Ready. What about you 2?"
[1d20+3 = 8]>>76454”RAAAAAAAAAH!”
The Pegasus is fucking determined. She uses her wings in her struggle
>>76459Good noodlearms she has. Keep at it, Ash!
[1d20+10 = 29]>>76459Sister Ash pushes back, her horn blazing
>Tfw size advantage still applies to telekinesis >>76454>>76459She fails, and writhes in the telekinetic grasp.
A pair of red eyes glows in the forest
>>76458First object in the tunnel. 60 feet in. Looks like a corpse
>>76464>A pair of red eyesFucking 8th graders! Now I gotta defend them from whatever the fuck they just conjured.
>Using an injured sacrifice>Not drawing a magick circle >>76464Silver pushes on slowly, keeping an eye on the corpse to make sure it
stays dead.
[1d20+5 = 13]>>76464Spot check to see what the fuck just came out
[1d20+5 = 17]>>76468Also rolling for the dog, because why not?
>>76469>>76468Also, more importantly, how far away is it in feet?
The suspense is killing me.
>>76468A red-eyed dog of purest black breathes fire and stares down Ash. 50 ft away
The cream fillie cries. And with this command, the dog gives an infernal bay
>>76467It seems to stay dead, laying on the ground
>>76473As he gets close, Silver takes a quick look at the body to see who it was.
>>76473Fug. I was about to fall Asleep.
"A hellhound? What'd you call a hellhound for?"
Sister Ash begins fighting defensively, her dog beside her