Welcome back to thread number like 5 or 6 of Occupied Equestria, a My Little Pony RP based heavily upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and using the mechanics of D&D 3.5, and set in South-East Equestria after it has been conquered and split between the Changelings and a foreign fascist power
Onyx is cleaning glasses, Spark has secured a contract to clear a quarry of Zombies for a real estate developer, Silver is eating meat, Ash and Iron are trying to raid what they believe to be a gangster's den, and Dark Star is holding hooves.
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>>76223"Could you show me where?"
>>76224"Over here"
He shows a selection
"Any particular requirements or desired features?"
>>76225He looks at what they have available. "Anything big, heavy, bludgeoning, and sturdy."
>>76226"If you just want something big, take a Railroadnmare's Hammer"
>>76223they cost as much as one yet they arent? are you sure about that?
>>76227He grabs one, getting a feel for its weight. "How much?"
>>76228Think about it. A +1 enchantment gives +1 on attack and +1 on damage. Shock, which costs the same, gives +1d6 damage, or an average of 3.5 damage. Even with no bonus on attack, Shock seems superior to a straight up enchantment bonus. So it would be
much less balanced if shock gave +1 attack in addition to its +3.5 damage
>>76229"Only 20 bits"
Yes, it is heavy
>>76230I guess there may also be a mastercraftsmare bonus, but that would add another 300 bits to the price
>>76230He levitates 20 Bits out of his saddlebags and puts them on the counter. "I'll take it."
I take it it's the equivalent of a gnome hooked hammer? >>76234"Have good day." With that, he makes his way back to the tailor to check if his compatriots are ready to go.
I think he paid triple what it's actually worth, then. >>76230Shock is subdual. It's not multiplied by crits.
>>76230Yea that would make sense i suppose. What about seeking then?
>>76238I'm getting the impression that seeking eliminates the AC bonus that enemies can get under certain circumstances, like concealment and maybe also cover.
I think one could call this the longest setup to a mission of this size ever.
>tfw I'm not even sure if the people involved are still online
>>76240Ain't that the truth... Iron and Ash's mission, even though it's not even finished, last about 3 sessions total.
>>76242That's good to hear.
>>76241>>76242So, when are we actually getting around to this thing? Silver and Onyx are at the tailor, and I have no idea where Spark and Star are currently.
>>76244W0t? Silver is with Star and Spark. Remember that the two other ponies were at the same shop the tailor owner pointed to.
>>76245He bought a hammer and went on back to the tailor.
>>76244We are at a hardware store that sells guns and knives. We will be done once the GM decides what the guns can and can’t do. I already asked for a dagger and that’s all I’m getting until I get a little more money saved up.
>>76240>>76240>>76243Most groups only play on weekends
We could get to the quarry
So are we doing anything or?
>>76252That's what I'm waiting on. I was afraid everyone had fallen asleep.
>>76251>>76252Come on. 2 are ready. That's half of the party. I say you're good.
>>76250>>76252I go pay for a simple dagger and head back to the tailor to join the others.
>>76254>>76255That's three. Now, where did Dark Star run off to?
>>76254>>76255>>76256I really hope he's not jacking off to Blue Skies again. At least he could wash his dick before that.
>>76252>>76253>>76255>>76258That's four! As long as the GM is still here, we're all good to go.
>>76250>>76261GM, I swear. If you're leaving the moment the party is ready, I will send a bully hunter death squad to your house.
Might as well do something to allievate the boredom in the meantime.>>76255>>76258When Spark and Dark Star get back to the tailor, they see Silver leaning against a nearby wall, just getting started on a cigarette. A large, heavy hammer sits nearby. "Ah, you are both back. I trust you are ready for this mission, now?"
>>76265He motions towards the front of the tailor. "Onyx woke up if you did not already know. At least we will not have to carry him to this...what did you say this place we are going to was? Quarry?"
>>76266“Somepony wants to build something in its place, but it was a quarry and now it’s filled with monsters. Dead things that aren’t dead anymore is how they described it.”
>>76264"yea, i got some new guns. im broke now though."
pulls out the revolvers
>pics related >>76267He nods. "Yes, I heard you say undead. It is why I bought hammer." He levitates it up and onto his back. "Must be very old quarry. There are not many necromancers outside Dread League. Too dangerous for them."
>>76269He whistles at the sight of them. "They look nice. I am not very good with firearms myself." He thinks for a second on it. "Wait, how will you use two at same time as earth pony?"
Alright, here is the set up for the next part
The taxi ride to the quarry rides through dense commercial streets and single home neighbor hoods, until you reach an area in the northern part of town that is, shall we say, wealthier. Higher class, and more like west town than east town. The area known as the Silver Springs Development Project is surrounded on three sides by commercial, high class residential, and nice apartments. Most of the development has already had topsoil removed. A poster on the fence that surrounds the property shows a set of nice town homes, department stores, and apartments. The mare from the real estate office is available on call to let you into the property. The area that concerns the party is towards the south and the center of the property
The mare says: “This area to the north of Baltimare was once home to the native Chincoteague tribe of ponies prior to the colonization from more northernly Equestrian tribes. Around the year 730, the wealthy Baltimare Merchant Joseph Curwhinny purchased this land, and made a farm on the property. He was very important in the triangular trade with Zebrica and Griffonia at the time, and was said to sometimes import Zebra slaves. He was a bit reclusive, and interested in Thaumaturgy among other things. He is believed to have been killed in a minor revolt of citizens against an oppressive tax collector back in 770, a revolt that also destroyed his farm house and other buildings on the property. In 860, the silver springs granite company purchased this property, and started excavating a quarry here. This flourished until it was shut down abruptly in 891. A small river was diverted and directed into the quarry, and it became an artificial lake. Another farm house was built by the Mason family, but that too closed down years ago. This area also seems to have been one of many scenes of skirmishes during Pinkamena’s Last Stand in the Great War. It was approved for the Silver Springs Development Project a month ago.
Now, when we started digging we found…. Well, on other parts of the property we found what seems to have been a sort of religious site for the Chincoteague tribe, as well as… burial sites. Moving graves isn’t legal under normal equestrian law, but the burial sites of ancient natives do not receive the same protection as more modern graveyards. We were able to proceed anyways. It was what we found when we redirected the river and started to drain the quarry that was more… disturbing. In one of the lower levels of the quarry on the southeast side, we found an unexploded 250 LB bomb. Unexploded ordinance is not uncommon, and that alone would not have stopped us. It was what else was in the quarry. We’ve found skeletons, and, well, some of them are a bit livelier than the dead out to be. They are in the flooded areas, as well as the non-flooded. The quarry seems to connect with some sort of underground cavern on the Northwest side. We would like everything in the cavern to be either cleared, or made immobile enough so that it could be disabled later by basic workers.”
The quarry itself has layered levels, some of which towards the south and east are more flooded, and some which are completely dry. There seems to be a sort of entrance on the North east side to the aforementioned cavern. The bomb is in less than 1 foot of water on the southern side. The quarry itself is to the south of the foundations of what was once the Curwhinny farm, now only foundations and a basement with open doors. There is a well between the farm and the quarry. There is also another building – a dilapidated farm house on the east side that was once the Mason residence
[Read more] >>76271"This should be good...."