Welcome back to thread number like 5 or 6 of Occupied Equestria, a My Little Pony RP based heavily upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and using the mechanics of D&D 3.5, and set in South-East Equestria after it has been conquered and split between the Changelings and a foreign fascist power
Onyx is cleaning glasses, Spark has secured a contract to clear a quarry of Zombies for a real estate developer, Silver is eating meat, Ash and Iron are trying to raid what they believe to be a gangster's den, and Dark Star is holding hooves.
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>>76576>>76579Her will fails her, and her bright eyes shrink to tiny pupils as her ears droop all the way to her neck. Her wings fall limp, and her knife drops from her hoof. Another colt pees himself right where he sits, and still another fillie falls into compliance. A unicorn colt, who before had watched the whole scene beside the fire, takes the knife with his telekinesis and bolts with all of the speed his young body can muster into the foliage
>>76580Do you want Iron to wake up with a rogue sitting over his paralyzed body about to plunge a knife into him? Because it can still happen
>>76581Sheesh, dropping a sexual encounter on me for that comment? I want to save Iron's member for Ash, not use whenever.
>>76582As if through a haze, Iron can hear a voice whisper in his ear. It's very deep, which is unusual, because he can be sure it comes from a Diamond Dog. For a creature as high pitched as a Diamond Dog to have a voice that deep, it must be particularly burly
"Don't worry little Colt. I won't go
too hard on you" He says
>>76584Iron opens his eyes and surveys his current position.
>>76581Picking up an object off of the ground and moving out of a square both provoke AoOs. Can Caleb pursue the colt on either of those accounts?
I'm still busy, will be available soon though
>>76586A dog doesn’t get a free attack of opportunity just because the dog is on the same continent as some one who does something. He can always run though
>>76585Looks like the room he fell asleep in
>>76587Gee thanks GMIron speaks up as he slowly gets off the bed. "Will you at least fight face to face?"
>>76588>slowly gets off the bedThat’s a no can do. He’s paralyzed at minimum from the neck down
Hey, sorry guys. I got HoI4 last week, and I've been trying to learn how to play. It's pretty fun. Anyways, I won't be able to join in for just a little bit longer, I need to help grab dinner.
>>76566im getting a skyrim flash back for some reason.
[1d20 = 9]>>76589That's why I wanted to survey the position.Iron attempts to spot what could possibly make him paralyzed at the moment.
>>76590That's okay, I'm busy trying to figure out if Iron is being enough of a faggot that the character needs to be raped and or castrated
>>76592>>76592It's easy to think of who is doing what to Iron and why, It's just a question of whether I want the story and character implications from it that would follow
>>76594Oh my. You are evil, man.Iron does not even remember this dog "Uh, what is going on?" He does not like this feeling of powerlessness. "Why are you here, anyways?"
[1d20+7 = 17]>>76587He has a 5 foot reach and Combat Reflexes.
He pursues the colt, charging with a (gentle) grapple.
I'm going to be out for quite a while
[1d20-1 = -6]>>76597The Colt makes a swipe at the dog with his knife
>>76596Hmmm... I'm not sure if Iron would possess the ability to speak under this circumstance.
He feels like someone large is sitting ontop of him, crushing him, and he sees a shadow looming over him
>>76598>>76596How Did he get paralyzed i missed that.
[1d20+8 = 12]>>76598>Stabbing a dogWtf,vthis little edgelord.
Dog proceeds with his grapple check, grabbing the naughty colt by the tail.
Okay, two of the boomers are taking their afternoon naps, so I managed to escape.
[1d20-1 = -5]>>76596In the darkened room Iron can see a shadowy figure over the left corner, and intruder into the room. But this hardly dominates his field of view. Above him is a big, looming entity. It looks to be the shape of big red-eyed black diamond dog and it crushes Iron's lower body with its burly weight. Whether through the haze of sleep, a poison, the dark of the room or a lack of detail on the entity itself, not much can be seen of the dog but a black coat. The dog lets off a sort of malign laugh, and seems to pull Iron upwards so that he now feels to be floating.
All his body feels to be paralyzed
>>76602Rolling opposed
>>76603>GrappledCaleb drags the naughty colt back towards the group by his tail (gently).
Meanwhile, Sister Ash looks at the other two foals
"You three are coming with me. Cooperate now and I might change my mind about telling the Sisters about this." She hisses, her fur turning back to its normal color as she regains her composure.
And with that, she drags the two of them back towards the orphanage.
>>76604One complies, one simply cowers in place
>>76605She picks him up and drags him along with the rest.
"Trust me, you're lucky it was me who found you three out here tonight and not one of the other sisters." She says
>Been there; done that [1d20+2 = 21]>>76606The unicorn colt tries to escape Ash
[1d20+5 = 15]>>76607Is that an escape artist check?
Opposed grapple
>>76608"Ack, just where do you think you're going to go?! There are wolves out here this time of night?" She call after him
>>76608The colt wiggles out of Ash's hooves, and tries to run
[1d20+6 = 8]>>76610I attempt a Telekinetic trip as he leave my square
Touch attack
>>76603>>76598Can Iron even do anything? If he can't move or speak, it's going to be real difficult to act on this description. I guess I can roll a fortification save to obtain the ability to move, it that's ok with you.
>>76611[Internal REEEEEEing!]
"Oh, come on now...!"
Sister Ash decides it'd be better to leave with the two compliant foals and come back for the third one later
She proceeds to bring them back to the Abby, and raps on the door
>>76613Iron feels himself dragged, and then.... well, shall we say, "violated," all in a semi-conscious haze
>Fort saveYes
>>76614No one answers the door, but neither is it locked
>>76615DC 15
>>76616She opens the doors and drags the two naughty foals in quite forcefully (but gently).
Where are the dorms located? Whichever way, she calls out for the other sisters.
Also, we're these three foals all ones that Sister Ash brought back today? I know the pegasus is.
"Naughty, naughty foals..." Sister Ash continues angrily, before muttering some unintelligible in Ignan
>>76617>>76618The shadows talk to each other in a speech that is is unintelligible to Iron, as the Black Dog above him presses down on his chest, while doing something very unpleasant feeling to him. Iron manages to move his eyes about and manage... something through his muzzle
>>76620It appears that you have rolled 2 d20s, each of which fails to meet the DC. So you already rolled again
>>76619Ash is able to reenter through the garden door. The dorms of the Foals are infront of her, and other dorms to the left
>>76621The colt who first brought the knife was from the warehouse, and so was the fillie who cowered. The colt that ran off and Ash left to the wolves is not among those from the warehouse
[Read more] [1d20+5 = 18]>>76623I guess I can keep trying until this shit either ends or I die. Rerolling.
I am not liking my chances. >>76623>Left to the wolvesWhen you put it like that...
Sister Ash directs Caleb to chase down (and potentially defend) the foal.
Caleb moves at twice his speed, so he won't get far.
Sister Ash takes the two foals to the Sisters' dorm (or wherever she thinks there will be adults).
>>76625And she knocks on the door.
>>76624The Black Dog does something of a sexual nature to Iron. He can hear a hissing sound. After many minutes of this, the shadows leave
>>76625>Chase downNot so easy when he's left to go through foliage a minute before
>>76626Sister Rosemary answers
"What do you need at this time of night?"
[1d20 = 5]>>76627Iron feels violated but cannot seem to pinpoint the damage done. I guess I roll spot to inspect how Iron's body is feeling and what recent changes it happened on him.
>>76628Feels terrified and sexually stimulated
[1d20+14 = 21]>>76627Sister Ash looks visibly furious, panting, and bleeding.
"These two naughty ones have been up to no good in the forest at this hour. I'll fill you in on the details later, but there's still one who ran away out there. Please watch them until I get back." She says, leaving in a hurry
>Not so easySurvival Check, tracking by scent
Also, Caleb has low-light vision, do he should be able to see him even in the subtle moonlight. Sister Ash's Woodland Stride ability lets her trot through the thick brush like a fish in water.