Welcome back to thread number like 5 or 6 of Occupied Equestria, a My Little Pony RP based heavily upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and using the mechanics of D&D 3.5, and set in South-East Equestria after it has been conquered and split between the Changelings and a foreign fascist power
Onyx is cleaning glasses, Spark has secured a contract to clear a quarry of Zombies for a real estate developer, Silver is eating meat, Ash and Iron are trying to raid what they believe to be a gangster's den, and Dark Star is holding hooves.
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[1d20 = 3]>>76629Iron has absolutely no idea, but tries to find these shadow creatures still. He needs to know what has been done to him. Rolling some luck.
>>76630A path leads through foliage eventually towards outlying parts of the property
Sister Rosemary is horrified
>>76631Damn, what shit luck I have at the moment.
>>76593It's certainly the most interesting compared to the two other Paradox games I've played (Victoria 2 and Stellaris). A lot more focused on combat, with hardly any diplomacy at all.
>>76594>I'm busy trying to figure out if Iron is being enough of a faggot that the character needs to be raped and or castratedOkay, what did he do this time?
>>76634Looks like he has already been raped.
>>76631Iron falls back to sleep
>>76634More stuff out of character, since the character was asleep
>>76634Only commented on the filly's bad will save rolls. Then I kinda taunted him for the warning after that. Now this happened.
>>76635By a hellhound, by the sounds of it, yeah. Just read back through it.
>>76636Remind me not to get on your bad side.
Note that although I have appeared dead, I am not.
Though Onyx might be idk.
>>76638Lolno, seems I have been Hissed.
Like Blacked >>76639Honestly, with the way my rolls have been going, it's more likely Silver's the one who will die, first.
>>76639If you are dead, then we all are as equally dead. The main problem now that I think of it is that none of us can heal. Hope we don't get hit.
>>76630"Sorry, no time to chat. There are dangerous hounds out there." Sister Ash says, giving one last meaningful glare at the cream colored filly, before she disappears into the brush.
Sister Ash takes every shortcut as she tracks down the colt, walking right through the thicket as if it weren't there, the plants seemingly bowing out of her way as she trots after the colt.
"Come on, [insert colt's name here]; don't make this difficult..." Sister Ash calls after the naughty foal
>>76642It's not much, but Silver has a few potions of Cure Light Wounds he can give if someone gets injured. And he has a high-quality first-aid kit that will help if he needs to stabilize someone. Just remember to loot his bags if he dies.
>>76641>>76642Good to know no one has died
So, what's happening?
>>76645Last I remember is Silver knocking on the wall and it collapsed, at least part of it.
>>76639Onyx is not dead. Silver, Dark Star and Spark have proceeded down a tunnel that led from under the Curwhinny farm. They ran into a dead body, then a downed door, and then a fork in the tunnel. Silver caused a partial cave-in
>>76643The dog has tracked him down to the fruit orchard
>>76645We found another corpse of an EDF soldier from when New Mareland invaded. Right now we're at a split in the tunnel, and Silver accidentally collapsed part of the left tunnel. It's still navigable, and the rubble can always be moved, but...
[1d20+4 = 20]>>76648Moving rubble you say?
Onyx attempts to move the rubble to make the tunnel easier to navigate.
>>76649Well, THERE'S the good rolls...
[1d20+5 = 20][1d20+5 = 18]>>76645Three edgelord foals were summoning fiends in the forest at night. I managed to drag back two, but one ran off; now I'm looking for that one.
>>76647Sister Ash proceeds into the fruit orchard, muttering more unitelligible stuff in Ignan as she pursues the naughty foal.
Spot check for the two if them, because why not
>>76645Oh yeah, and Iron got raped in his sleep.
>"Blasted fiends.."
Sister Ash curses under her breath in Ignan as she feels the gash where the hell hound bit her
>>76652The unicorn colt hides under an orange tree with the knife
>>76652Jesus fucking christ, for the fortieth time,
THERE WERE FOUR OF THEM. Not "three." Four. Four Foals. A number that is one higher than Four.
Fucking hell
>>76649Onyx pushes aside the rubble in the left side passage with ease
>>76652>Edgelord foalsAh, so they've reached their tweens?
>>76653Dropping an F in chat for our boy
>>76655"Who wants to go left?"
>>76655>>76649"Thank you, Onyx. So, now that is out of way, which way is way to go?"
>>76656>tfw you post at the same time as the person you are replying toAlso F."If we go that way, make sure you try not to touch walls. We have no way of knowing how much of these tunnels is stable."
>>76655Also, how many minutes has it been since she brought the other two back?
Wait, four? How many did she catch then, three?"
Sister Ash walks up to the colt, doing her best to hide her fuming frustration
"Give me the knife." She says sternly
>>76656Not even. They're 4th graders ffs
>>76659"Understandable, I'll just follow you guys"
>>76660Ah, so edgier than tweens?
>>76657>>76659"Ok. This may have been tougher than we thought. Let's hope the monsters aren't going to bring the place down on top of us."
The sorcerer follows.
>>76661>>76662Silver chuckles, lighting the way with his horn. "At least we will not need to worry about receiving proper burial."
>>76664"True, but let's hope it's the skeletons that get a free burial"
>>76665"Hmm...that is not bad idea, actually."
>>76666Checked in the name of football
>>76660Ash recalls that she left the cowering fillie in the forest
2 minutes
The Colt just looks at her. "I am not afraid of you, witch"
>>76664>>76661>>76664I'm assuming you all went left
You don't travel very far before coming upon yet another corpse
This one, however, is older. Much older. A mere skeleton. It wears a deteriorated wool jacket, and has a musket beside it
There are cracked and broken bones of unknown other corpses before it
[Read more] >>76670"Ah, yes, this is definitely reminiscent of necromancers." He checks the wool jacket for any sort of identification.
>>76671"You sure you want to get that close to it? What if they wake up or something?"
>>76671No dog tag of any kind
There is a folded paper in a jacket pocket, more than a little faded from exposure to moisture
>>76673"Skeletons are not like zombies. Skeletons are always awake, if they are undead."
>>76674He pulls it out to see if there's anything left on it he can decipher.
>>76670>Left in the forestOh, ffs
Sister Ash directs Caleb to go find/defend her while she deals with this one. Caleb retraces his steps and searches for the filly's scent.
Sister Ash steps forward.
>Not afraid"That's good to hear then; it makes things much less difficult. Also, I'd prefer the term 'Druid', if you'd be so polite." She says stepping forward
"Now, are you going to be a good colt and come home quietly? I don't have all night."
>>76678I guess it's character development. What can I say?
>>76679F, you should tell Dark Star.ill help you get revenge.